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- Identification and presentation

→ What does the map represent? Is the map political, economic, social or cultural?

- The map represents the Colonial Empires

- The map is a political map

→What year does it date from? Which period does it represent?

- 1864 is the year of the map

- It represents the 14th century

→What territorial area does the map represent?

- The map represents all the countryes in the world

→What symbols appear in the key? What do the colours tell us? What are marked by
the arrows?

- The symbols are United Kingdoms

- Analysis

→Which were the major colonial empires of Europe? What territories did each

- United States, Russia and Japan

→Which countries outside Europe took part in colonial expansion? Where did they
- Portugal, Spain and the Ottoman Empire

→Which colonial empire was the largest? Which continent was most affected by the
colonisation process?

- The largest colonial empire was the British Empire

- The continent most affected was Europe

- Historical context

→During which period of history did European colonial expansion take place?

- 17th throught 20th centuries

→What were the reasons for colonial expansion?

- God, gold and glory were the reasons of colonial expansion

→How did colonial expansion affect the indigenous peoples?

- It affect by dispossesion

- Conclusions

→Is there a link between the countries that were colonised in the 19th century and
less economically developed countries today?

- Yes

→Find some examples.

- One example of it is the Indian Subcontinent

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