History Workshop

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• Identification and presentation

o What does the map represent? Is the map political, economic, social or

The map represents the colonial empires, It is a political map

o What year does it date from? Which period does it represent?

Around 1915. It represents the contemporary era

o What territorial area does the map represent?

The world

o What symbols appear in the key? What do the colours tell us? What are
marked by the arrows?

The arrows of different colors that represent the directio of the colonial expansion
• Analysis
o Which were the major colonial empires of Europe? What territories did each


-German: middle east europe

-Russian : east europe

-Spanish: Spain and Rio de Oro

-French: France and North West africa

-British: Great Britain, Canada, New Zeland, South africa and some other parts of

o Which countries outside Europe took part in colonial expansion? Where did
they expand?

-US: The Philipines

-Japan: Korea, Japan and surroundings

o Which colonial empire was the largest? Which continent was most affected by
the colonisation process?

The russian empire, Africa

• Historical context
o During which period of history did European colonial expansion take place?

During the Modern colonialism also knowns as the age of discovery

o What were the reasons for colonial expansion?

The opportunity to make money was one of the primary motivators for the
colonization of the New World.

o How did colonial expansion affect the indigenous peoples?

They took complete control of new areas, they imposed European laws. They often
excluded indigenous inhabitants from their society or killed many of them in violent
wars. In the Americas, many Native Americans died from diseases that were brought
to their land by Europeans.
• Conclusions
o Is there a link between the countries that were colonised in the 19 th century
and less economically developed countries today?

Yes, probably

o In pairs, find some examples

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