Guidelines - Teaching Young Learners Online

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Guidelines _ Teaching Young Learners Online

The following general framework* can be used for live online lessons with young learners. In addition, Cambridge has produced sample lesson
plans using Super Minds for online teaching.

Lesson Stage Teacher’s Notes Applying to IH GYE Context Additional Resources

Greetings Start your lesson by greeting the

children individually as they arrive.

Give the students a moment to say hi

to the others before muting all the

Lesson Go through the main activities that This should be based on the activities
Schedule the that were done before the lesson
students will do in today’s lesson. through Google Classroom.
Word this so it describes what they
will learn and use images or icons to
represent each activity.

You could get them to repeat the

words after you to make this a little
interactive and help them become
with the names of the different lesson
stages that they will see every lesson.

Ready to Learn Do you have your….? Depending on the activities being done
this may vary.
Check to make sure the students have
all the materials they need with them For example, it is suggested to do some
for the lesson. “project” based work that could be done
with material found in the learners’
Go through some gestures that they house.
can use
if they:
• Can’t hear
• Can’t see
• Have a question

Engage the Introduce the key concepts and/or A general warmer activity that isn’t
learners in the language directly connected to the lesson’s topic
at this stage of the lesson. You could would be appropriate as well. This could
topic of the games
use... be a good stage to include and game.
day • a guessing game with images
that appear
• on the screen Warmers and Fillers
• a mystery box with realia
• a problem or puzzle Ideas for warmers can be found in the
• a beautiful or surprising image Cambridge lesson plans as well.
• a short clip or song

Today's Get children moving by playing a quick This should be a TPR activity. TPR online designs:
Challenge game. For example: • Non-verbal physical response to
Including TPR tasks throughout the demonstrate understanding (e.g.
• ask children to go around the lesson is recommended. nodding – standing up – wave arms)
house and look for objects • Scavenger hunts in house
connected to what they are • Gestures when giving instructions
learning. • Finger-highlighting and Ss repeat (e.g.
• A physical-response activity controlled practice)
“Stand up if you love X” • Thumbs up – virtual high five
• Walk like a (duck) • Moving in slow motion
Ideas for TPR activities.
Review Use a slide or image or video from the This will be the bulk of the lesson. Use The presentation tool includes:
previous the presentation tool for the review.
lesson and previous lesson that will trigger their Use the book material as the source to • Interactive activities – allow Ss to do
connect to memory of both the language and the review target language to ensure the the activities by giving them remote
concept you presentation is appropriate for YLs. control of Zoom.
new topic.
explored. • access to activity book, teachers’
The book PDF can easily be used to book, progress tests.
replicate most features in the • audio
presentation tool • videos according to unit.
• annotation ability
• whiteboard.

Input and Introduce the topic using a video or Supplement this stage with resources - is a great way to
animation. other than super minds when applicable. scaffold speaking practice.
Set up tasks to do before, during and Use an age appropriate YouTube video to
after provide input/ review of target language. Cambridge Fun Skills Level 4
watching that will support them • 20+ pages of fun reading, listening,
understanding, give them a reason to Include productive practice in this stage. writing and speaking activities
pay Freer practice should be given designed to be done at home
attention, and help them focus on the precedence of controlled. The use of • Includes puzzles, games, word
key finger puppets is a great way to scaffold activities, stories, and more
concepts and language in the video. a variety of tasks. • 20+ Fun boost mini-projects explore
Follow-up with a practice activity that creative ideas with the family
provides an opportunity for them to Consider using project work at this stage • 6 animated stories (with on-page QR
show (e.g. drawing a picture, making a model code activation) introduce character,
they have understood in a meaningful out of paper, etc.) . created by children
and • Each story centers on one of the
personalized way. For controlled practice, use the Super original characters designed by
Minds workbook. This will ensure the children
grade and presentation is YL appropriate.

Goodbye Round up the lesson with a review of

they have learned today.
You can invite volunteers to share,
them respond as a group with
gestures or
have them reflect and write their key
in the comments.
You can also invite them give feedback
naming or writing 2 things they
enjoyed most
and the one they enjoyed least from

* sourced from Active English

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