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Exploring Sound worksheet (U5, LO1: AC 1.


*Remember to use CMD+K to add links to the definition text you put in the boxes below*

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly Research section calling it EXPLORING
SOUND. You will be required to answer a series of questions in order to pass. They are in RED on this document. You can answer
these questions using examples from TV, film, animation or gaming but will need to provide links so make sure you can do this
when choosing them!

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/6: Diegesis and Non-Diegesis

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
“Diegetic sound is any sound From what I can tell, diegetic The gunshots from Dirty Harry are an
that originates from the sound is any sound that is example of this because this is what is
world of film” via LINK happening in the world. They actually happening in the scene and
describe it perfectly as “if the what the characters would actually be
Diegesis characters can hear it, that’s able to hear.
diegetic sound” which I think
works perfectly. It’s just a
sound which is happening in the
“Non-diegetic sound is any It’s honestly just an opposite of In Skyfall, the music whilst he’s running
sound in a film that doesn’t diegetic sound. It’s sound that is added in post-production and is an
originate from the world of the characters wouldn’t be able example of non-diegesis.
the film” via LINK to hear and is often added in
post-production. This is
normally something like music
or a soundtrack in general.

Task 2/6: Background Music

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both soundtrack music and score music. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
“A film soundtrack is a It’s music that is purposely The soundtrack of Minecraft shows the
selection of recorded songs chosen for the entire movie consistent theme of calmness within the
Soundtrack that accompany a film” via which accompanies the movies game.
LINK “tone” or “feel”.

“A score is the specific It's music that is specific for a In Indiana Jones, the music here shows
musical piece or incidental scene for that specific “tone” or the tension in this scene.
music that accompanies a “feel”. It’s like soundtrack but
Score scene or a moment in the for a specific area.

Task 3/6: Ambience

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of ambient sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
“Ambient sound in relation Ambient sound is simply just 1. In The Last Samurai during the
to audio refers to the background noise that is fight scene there’s rain as an
background noise present at created by things happening in ambient sound.
a given scene or location. the scene. A great example is
Via LINK rain. 2. In Shrek during the humming
scene, you can hear birds in the
Ambient forest as an ambient sound
Sound over the music.

3. In planes, trains and

automobiles you can hear

Task 4/6: Foley

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of foley sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of each this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
“Foley is a unique sound Foley is when sound effects are 1. The best example I can think of
effect technique that recorded separately in order to is Mr Krabs walking. It’s a good
involves creating and add in post production. This is Foley because it’s all made in a
performing everyday sounds common in animation for sound studio.
for movies and television effects as it’s all made digitally
shows. Foley artists create with no sound actually being 2. In the sword in the stone, when
these sounds in a recording made by the characters. he’s swinging at him theres the
Foley studio during post- foley sound
Sound production, in synchrony
with the picture to enhance
3. In “the protector” you can hear
the quality of the audio.”
bones breaking. This is most
likely caused by crunching a
vegetable in order to make this
sound for the movie.

Task 5/6: Recording apparatus

You are required to list as many ways as possible that you could personally record sound for your work. Think about
hardware and software, so for example if you want to use your phone, talk about what type it is and as a result what
software or app you may choose. Talk about other methods you may be able to use, perhaps equipment which can be
booked from the college?

Name/type of hardware/software Advantage Disadvantage

It is portable and easy to take The quality wont be the best since its
H/ware sound easily from anywhere. from my phone and may effect the
I could use my phones microphone. sound.

It sounds better than the phone It’s quite large with the stand and
Microphone that I have at home. and can be plugged into any would be difficult to bring around the
USB port to be used. college and to record fast.
Once again the software is Alongside the quality not being
S/ware portable on my phone and can great, I can’t really edit the sound
Voice memos on my phone.
1: be used anywhere within my phone or adjust the levels
before editing in Premiere Pro.
It’s good for editing sound It can only be used properly on the
before putting it into Premiere macs at college and not my phone
Pro and can adjust the levels of (there is a phone app however it has
my microphone so it sounds the much less features than the desktop
S/ware best it can. version). It also may not be installed
Audacity software.
2: on the college macs so I wouldn’t be
able to use it unless I recorded at my
house which would mean it’d be
harder for people to get involved as I
live somewhat far away.

Task 6/6: Handling noise and other unwanted sounds (usually WIND)
You are required to give…

 Existing definitions of handling noise, distortion/clipping and gain as they relate to audio recording, microphone use,
etc. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite the definitions in your own words to show you understand what they mean.

Existing Definition with

Name Your understanding of cause Example with link
“Handling noise is the It's the noise that you hear It was hard to find examples of this
rumbling or static noise playing back when touching however I found someone explaining
generated when the the microphone which causes how to avoid Handling noise where
handle of a mic is unnecessary and unwanted he shows what it is.
Handling noise bumped, rubbed or noise.
passed from hand to
hand” via LINK

“Audio clipping is a form Clipping is a form of distortion You can hear clipping in this example
of waveform distortion.” where the speakers can’t that I found.
Distortion/clipping Via LINK keep up so produce this

“Gain in audio is a term Gain is effectively altering the There’s lots of gain in this clip.
for the amount of volume of a sound (amplifying
amplification applied to a it) through artificial terms.
signal by any process that
increases its strength”. Via

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