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Anyone who is able to achieve the objectives they set for

themselves in life is someone who may be considered

successful. A life that is genuinely successful must have

certain characteristics, the most important of which are

intelligence, confidence in a higher being, and peace of

mind. The capacity to use sound judgment and common sense

is what we mean when we talk about wisdom. A

fundamental tenet of faith is the conviction that each of us is

but a cog in the wheel of a process that, at its root, defies

rational explanation. If you don't have serenity in your life,

success will elude you.

It is a sign of wisdom to be able to get an understanding

of oneself and to conduct oneself in accordance with what is

in the individual's and the community's highest and best

interest. The majority of our nation's leaders are senior

citizens, and this is for good reason: with age comes wisdom

and the accumulation of experience. Because of the longer

lives they have led and the greater amount of experience they
have gained, they often have superior judgment. It is said

that the devil knows more for being old than for being the

devil in an ancient proverb that is passed down in the

Spanish language. If one is unable to listen to the counsel of

others and gain knowledge from their experiences, then they

will never achieve success. The capacity to make an

observation and determine, based on that observation,

whether the outcomes were favorable or unfavorable

exemplifies wisdom.

The capacity to get in touch with one's own spirituality

is another factor that is common to those who have achieved

genuine achievement. Being able to look at ourselves as

insignificant parts of a much larger creation and being aware

that the entity that we believe to be our creator is something

that is significantly more significant than we are compels us

to make choices that are beneficial not only to ourselves but

also to the people who are in our immediate environment.

The capacity to have faith in something that extends beyond

what one can see, touch, or smell is the sole thing that sets
humans apart from other animals. This faith is in a greater

entity that is both the ruler and the creator of everything in

the universe. We show reverence for one another and a

healthy dread of acting dishonorably because of our belief in

a greater power. Sharing, supporting one another, and

having the capacity to love the future of our descendants

more than we love our own life are all examples of the ways

in which our spirituality contributes to our prosperity.

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