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Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255

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Assessment of energy generation potentials of MSW in Delhi

under different technological options
Monojit Chakraborty a,b, Chhemendra Sharma a,⇑, Jitendra Pandey b, Prabhat K. Gupta a
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 110012, India
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Municipal solid waste (MSW) is an important source of methane emission which is a greenhouse gas
Received 4 March 2013 (GHG) and has high potential for its use as energy source. A study has been carried out to find out the
Accepted 19 June 2013 energy generation potential of MSW being dumped in Delhi’s three landfills viz. Ghazipur (GL), Bhalswa
(BL) and Okhla (OL). Five technologies for waste to energy generation, namely biomethanation, inciner-
ation, gasification/pyrolysis, refused derived fuel (RDF) and plasma arc gasification have been evaluated
Keywords: for computation of possible energy (WTE) generation potential of MSW under ideal conditions using the
Municipal solid waste
MSW specific characteristic parameters. Bulk waste with and without pre-segregation of reusable high
Greenhouse gas
carbonaceous materials have been considered to develop range of energy generation potentials under
Energy generation potential two scenarios of with and without segregation of MSW. USEPA-LandGem model version 3.02 has been
Thermo-chemical process used to get LFG generation potential of Delhi’s landfills. The potential of biomethanation process for pro-
ducing energy has been found to be in the range of 3–10, 3–8 and 2–8 MW/day from the MSW deposited
in GL, BL and OL respectively. The energy generation potentials of the MSW deposited in GL, BL and OL
have been found to be in the range of 8–24, 7–22 and 7–19 MW/day for incineration process; 17–32,
16–29 and 11–25 MW/day from gasification/pyrolysis process; 9–19, 8–18 and 6–15 MW/day for RDF
process; and 17–35, 16–32 and 11–28 MW/day for plasma arc gasification process respectively. The
lower values in these ranges depict the energy generation potential for segregated waste while the higher
values are for the bulk waste. These values are based on theoretical ideals and help in identifying the opti-
mal WTE technique.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ated in India to harness the locked energy resource from the organ-
ic fraction of MSW. Adoption of environment-friendly waste-to-
The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) increases with energy (WTE) technologies is one such effective way which could
socio-economic development of urban population. In an emerging also help in reducing the GHG emissions into the atmosphere.
economy like India, rapid population growth has further added to In India, mainly three technologies are being used for energy
the intensity of waste generation. The generated MSW in urban recovery, albeit on a small scale, from MSW viz. refused derived
areas is predominantly managed by depositing it in the low lying fuel (RDF), biomethanation and incineration. The RDF pellet is an
areas, called landfills. As landfilling is a low cost management op- efficient fuel with comparative advantages over the coal due to
tion, it is the most popular mode of waste management. However, its high calorific value (0.145 kW/kg) [1]. It is a clean, energy effi-
unlike landfills in developed countries, only few properly managed cient, eco friendly alternative fuel for coal based industries, includ-
landfills exist in India. The Indian Municipal Solid Wastes (Man- ing power generation. Biomethanation is an anaerobic process
agement and Handling) Rules, 2000 states that, ‘‘Landfilling shall which produces landfill gas (LFG) containing 50–60% methane. It
be restricted to non-biodegradable, inert waste and other waste is estimated that 0.075 kW energy can be generated from a cubic
that are not suitable either for recycling or for biological process- meter of biogas in the biomethanation process in Indian MSW
ing.’’ The deposition of MSW in the landfills results into generation [2]. Incineration is the process of direct burning of waste in the
of greenhouse gases (GHGs, mainly methane). Methane (CH4) is a presence of excess air (oxygen) at temperatures of P800 °C that
potential source of energy. Some efforts have already been initi- liberates heat energy besides generating inert gases and ash. In
practice, about 65–80% of the energy content of the organic matter
can be recovered as heat energy, which can be utilized either for
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 1145609387; fax: +91 1145609310. direct thermal applications, or for producing power via steam tur-
E-mail address: (C. Sharma). bine generators [3].

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
250 M. Chakraborty et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255

Saini et al. has estimated the total potential for energy genera- L0 ¼ DDOCm  F  16=12 ðiiÞ
tion from MSW in India as about 3000 MW in 2020 [4]. In India, 27 X
waste-to-energy plants have been installed in different cities by DDOCm ¼ DOCi;j;k...  W i;j;k...  DOCf  MCF ðiiiÞ
2005 based on gasification/pyrolysis having the total installed i;j;k...

capacity of 45.5 MW [5], RDF based plants at Vijaywada, Hydera-

where L0 is the CH4 generation potential (Gg CH4), DDOCm is the
bad, Chennai, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, etc. P
mass of decomposable i,j,k. . .DOCi,j,k. . . deposited (Gg), F is the frac-
and biomethanation plants at Chennai, Pune, Vijaywada, Guntur,
tion of CH4 in generated landfill gas (volume fraction), 16/12 is the
Vishakapattanam, Kottayam, Tiruvanthapuram, Kochi, Allahabad,
molecular weight ratio CH4/C (ratio), DOCi,j,k. . . is the mass of
degradable organic carbon in waste types i,j,k. . . (Gg C/Gg waste),
The MSW to energy market in India is expected to grow at a
Wi,j,k. . . is the fraction of waste types i,j,k. . . by waste category, DOCf
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% by 2013, according
is the fraction of DOC that can decompose anaerobically (fraction),
to a report by market analysts Frost and Sullivan [11]. Hence there
MCF is the CH4 correction factor for aerobic decomposition in the
is a need to assess the appropriateness of different technologies for
year of deposition (fraction).
their use for Indian MSW. In this study, the energy generation po-
tential of MSW reaching to Delhi’s three landfills namely, Ghazipur
(GL), Bhalswa (BL) and Okhla (OL) under different technological op- 2.2. MSW composition analysis
tions available for WTE generation has been assessed. The Delhi’s
landfills have been earlier estimated to emit 10.2 Gg of CH4 annu- Compositional analysis was carried out on samples collected on
ally through field measurement studies [12] which could be signif- random basis on two different days in each of the three landfills of
icantly reduced by employing suitable WTE technologies. Delhi during the period of November 2011–March 2012. During
each sampling event, total truckloads of MSW, reaching to the
landfill sites during 10 AM to 4 PM on that day was accounted.
2. Methodology
All of the MSW during the sampling events were segregated into
different constituents like cloths, jute bags, types of polythene,
The energy generation potential of MSW reaching to Delhi’s
plastic materials, glass items, foam, other packaging materials,
three landfills namely, Ghazipur (GL), Bhalswa (BL) and Okhla
cardboard, metals, and wooden materials, etc. which were then
(OL) has been assessed in this paper. The detailed characteristics
weighted to get the fraction of the different constituents of
of three landfills have been given elsewhere [12]. The data related
MSW. The monthly values of total waste dumped into each of
to MSW quantity reaching to these three landfills has been col-
the three landfills have been obtained from MCD.
lected from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) which was
corrected for drainage silt addition as it was not incorporated in
original records because of the different data management system 2.3. Calorific value estimations bulk and segregated MSW
followed by MCD. For the assessment of energy potential, the total
MSW (i.e. bulk MSW) and segregated MSW (after removal of recy- The calorific values of MSW have been estimated using the
clable materials) have been considered. bomb calorimeter. The bulk and segregated MSW samples were
collected from the three landfills of Delhi on random basis. Twelve
2.1. Estimation of methane generation from Delhi’s landfills samples each of both bulk and segregated MSW have been col-
lected and brought back to laboratory. These samples were sun
The annual methane emission from Delhi’s three landfills has dried and grinded using a soil pulveriser. The powdered samples
been estimated using the USEPA LandGEM model. The LandGEM were converted in to pellets and subjected to bomb calorimeter
(landfill Gas Emissions Model, Version 3.02, USEPA) is based on a studies. The calorific values were determined by the following
first-order decomposition rate equation for quantifying emissions equation:
from the decomposition of landfilled waste. The model is based CVs ¼ W  t  ðCVt  CVw Þ=M ðivÞ
on the Eq. (i) for estimating methane emissions. It also provides
estimation of CO2 emissions and total landfill gas emissions based where W is the water equivalent (2711.6 in benzoic acid), T is the
on default values from US landfills. However, field test data can rise of temperature, CVt is the calorific value of thread, CVw is the
also be used in place of model defaults when available. This model calorific value of wire, M is the mass of the sample.
is useful where conventional type of landfill practice occur viz.
leachate circulation or any liquid addition, aerobic decomposition 2.4. Heat to energy generation potential calculation by thermo-
practice etc. are not practiced. The value of methane generation po- chemical conversion of solid phase of MSW
tential (L0) of MSW has been derived using the Eqs. (ii) and (iii) of
the IPCC 2006 methodology [13] based on site specific characteris- The thermal de-composition of organic matter to produce heat
tics for use in LandGEM model. In addition, the mass of degradable energy is useful for MSW containing high percentage of organic
organic carbon (DOC) values for the different types of waste have non-biodegradable matter and low moisture content. An assess-
been taken from IPCC 2006 [13]. ment of the potential of recovered energy from MSW through dif-
  ferent treatment methods can be made from knowledge of its
n X
M i ktij
Q CH4 ¼ kL0 e ðiÞ calorific value and organic fraction. The energy recovery potential
i¼1 j¼0:1
10 and power generation potential can be calculated using the follow-
ing Eqs. (v) and (vi) while the net power generation potential can
where QCH4 is the annual methane generation in the year of the cal- be calculated by the Eq. (vii). The conversion efficiency in these cal-
culation (Gg/y), i is the 1-year time increment, j is the 0.1-year time culations has been taken as 25%.
increment, n is the (year of the calculation)  (initial year of waste
acceptance), k is the methane generation constant (y1), L0 is the Energy recovery potentialðkW hÞ ¼ NCV  W  1000 ðvÞ
potential methane generation capacity (m3/Mg), Mi is the mass of
waste accepted in the ith year (Mg), tij is the age of the jth section Power generation potentialðkWÞ ¼ 41:67  NCV  W ðviÞ
of waste mass Mi accepted in the ith year (decimal years, e.g.,
3.2 years). Conversion efficiency ¼ 25%
M. Chakraborty et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255 251

Net power generation potentialðkWÞ ¼ 10:42  NCV  W ðviiÞ

where NCV is the Net Calorific Value, (kW/kg) and W is the dry
quantity of the MSW (ton).

2.5. Heat to energy generation potential calculation by bio-chemical

conversion for gas phase

The bio-chemical conversion processes, on the other hand, are

preferred for waste having high percentage of organic bio-degrad-
able matter and high level of moisture, which helps in microbial
activity. The typical conversion efficiency has been taken as 30%
and the net power generation potential of gas phase was calculated
using the Eq. (viii). The value of total LFG generation for use in this
calculation has been obtained from LandGEM model.

Energy recovery potential ðkW hÞ ¼ B  NCV=0:042

Typical conversion efficiency ¼ 30% Fig. 1. Percent wise composition of MSW in Delhi’s landfills.

Net power generation potentialðkWÞ percent volumes (F) of CH4 and CO2 in LFGs are considered to be
¼ ðB  NCV  0:3Þ=ð0:042  24Þ ðviiiÞ 50% each and the MCF value was taken as 0.4. Due to the fact that
these landfills are now running almost to their capacities, the clo-
where B is the total LFG generation, Net Calorific Value (NCV) of LFG sure period for GL and BL have been assumed as 2014 while for OL,
is in the range of 0.194  0.242 kW/m3. it has been assumed as 2018 in the model calculations. Two situa-
tions have been hypothesized for estimation of methane genera-
3. Results and discussion tion in Delhi’s landfills. In the first situation, it is assumed that
all the waste (i.e. bulk MSW) has been dumped into the landfills
3.1. MSW composition analysis without any segregation and hence total organic carbon contrib-
utes in the emission of LFGs from landfills. However, in second sit-
It has been found that about 4000–5000 TPD of MSW reached to uation (i.e. for segregated MSW), the process of segregation takes
the Delhi’s landfills in the year 2011–2012, though it has been re- place before the dumping of MSW into the landfills under which
ported that Delhi produces about 11,000 TPD of MSW [6], which the total recyclable organic waste like cotton, cloths, cardboard,
means more than 50% of waste undergoes recycling processes from paper, etc. are removed. This is the normal practice being followed
the storage bins before reaching to landfills. The major portion of in Indian conditions. For the first situation (i.e. for dumping of bulk
the MSW reaching to landfills, i.e. about 47–67% consists of readily waste into the landfills), the model output shows the GL with a to-
decomposable waste. The cloths and jute bags amount to 7–29%, tal LFG emissions of 123 Gg containing CH4 and CO2 as 33 and
10–27%, 10–23% in the bulk waste reaching to GL, BL and OL 90 Gg in 2014 respectively. Total LFG emissions from the BL have
respectively. The plastic materials were found to be 1–3%, 0.9– been estimated as 101 Gg containing 27 and 74 Gg CH4 and CO2
2.5% and 1.1–5.7% in the bulk waste reaching to GL, BL and OL respectively in 2014. OL shows the lowest LFG emissions of
respectively. Rubber items were found to be 0.4–1.5%, 0.3–1.4%, 86 Gg with 23 Gg CH4 and 63 Gg CO2 (Fig. 2).
1.7–4% in the bulk waste reaching to GL, BL and OL respectively. For the second situation when, only readily compostable and
Whereas, the cardboard and wood contributed 0.04–0.8% in the street sweeping waste remained in the MSW, the CH4 generation
waste deposited into three landfills. The other items like metals, is reduced by 40–65%. Accordingly, for dumping of the segregated
glass, foam, disposable plates, packaging items were found to be waste into Delhi’s three landfills, GL shows total LFG, CH4 and CO2
about 1% in the total waste. The garden and street sweepings waste emissions as 52, 14 and 38 Gg in 2014 respectively. Whereas, BL
were found to be 4–12%, 4–8% and 11–23% in the GL, BL and OL shows 45, 12 and 33 Gg in 2014 as total LFG, CH4 and CO2 emis-
waste respectively. Other inert materials like cemented slab, con- sions respectively. OL shows 30, 8 and 22 Gg in 2018 as total
crete, brick part, soil, etc. were found to be 4–10%. Fig. 1 shows LFG, CH4 and CO2 emissions respectively (Fig. 2).
the percentage share of different kinds of waste in MSW reaching
to Delhi’s landfills. 3.3. Assessment of energy generation potentials of MSW in Delhi’s
3.2. Methane generation from Delhi’s landfills
The generated CH4 from MSW can be converted into energy
For the estimation of CH4 generation potential from Delhi’s using the technologies like thermal and biochemical processes.
landfills, the user specified inputs values have been used in Land- The thermal process consists of incineration, pyrolysis, gasification,
GEM model. The default DOC values for the different types of waste RDF and plasma arc gasification technologies. The biochemical pro-
materials have been used [13] on the wet waste basis while DOCf cesses consist of biomethanation, composting and vermicompo-
value is taken as 0.77 based on expert judgement. Using the ana- sting. A comparison of these technologies in respect of land
lyzed composition of MSW, methane generation potentials (L0) requirements, technological efficiencies, capital cost, operating
for the bulk waste have been calculated as 79, 77 and 82 m3/t of cost of the plants, types of waste to sustain plants, etc. based on
waste for GL, BL and OL respectively. Whereas, L0 of the segregated the literature is given in Table 1 which shows that though bio-
waste have been calculated as 47, 48 and 51 for GL, BL and OL methanation technology requires less area than the other technol-
respectively. The value of methane generation constant (k) has ogies during installation but in long run, it requires huge land area.
been used as 0.09 per year on the basis of tropical type of climate Installation cost of plasma arc gasification technology is quite high
from the range of values given in the IPCC 2006 methodology. The than the other technologies but net energy production is highest
252 M. Chakraborty et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255

Fig. 2. Landfill gas generation estimation for bulk MSW (A–C) and segregated MSW (D–F) deposition in GL, BL and OL.

Table 1
Inter comparison of WTE technologies.

Technologies Land Capital Cost of power Type of waste acceptance Net energy Power Operating
requirement cost Rs. generation (Rs./ production (kW h/ generation cost (Rs./t of
(Ha)/2000 TPD Crore kW h) 100 t MSW) capacity (MW) waste)
Biomethanation 6c 180–200e 4.9g Source separated waste only – 30–40c <550h
Incineration 6–16c 130–140e 2.8 All waste since air cleaning technology 544a 20–30c >5460b
is good
Pyrolysis/ 6–16j 440–500e – Source separated dry waste only 571a 30–45c >3000d
gasification unless combined with better cleaning
RDF 16–20f 110–120i – Inert segregated waste only – 60–70c <500f
Plasma arc 14c 600–700c 4.1 All type of waste is acceptable, even 816a 80–90c 750k
gasification non biomass solid waste also l

by this technology, whereas installation cost of RDF plant requires 3.3.1. Biomethanation
minimal cost. All technologies require source separated waste ex- The LFG generation has been estimated using the LandGEM
cept plasma arc gasification which can accept all types of waste model as 0.099, 0.081 and 0.051 Mm3/day from GL, BL and OL
including non biomass solid waste also. Operational cost is mini- respectively for segregated MSW, which otherwise would be
mal in RDF technology followed by plasma arc gasification, bio- 0.24, 0.2 and 0.15 Mm3/day from GL, BL and OL respectively for
methanation, pyrolysis/gasification and incineration. The bulk MSW. The corresponding energy generation potential for bio-
comparisons of energy generation potentials of MSW in Delhi’s methanation process has been estimated for the segregated waste
three landfills using different technologies are discussed below: to be 3–4, 3–4 and 2–3 MW/day and for the bulk waste to be 7–10,
M. Chakraborty et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255 253

6–8, 5–8 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively assuming calo- Coke can be used as domestic fuel, while tar oil can substitute
rific value of LFG as 0.194–0.242 kW/m3 and gas phase to energy the furnace oil and combustible gas can be used for steam genera-
generation efficiency as 30%. Thus it is found that energy genera- tion. This method can significantly reduce the volume of MSW to
tion potential for biomethanation process ranges from 3 to 10, 3 the tune of 50–90% [21]. In a typical mass balance approach, one
to 8, 2 to 8 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively with lower ton of waste yields 400 kg gas having a calorific value (CV) of about
values indicating the energy generation potential for segregated 12 MJ/kg (i.e. 0.139 kW/kg) and 240 kg coke of about 16 MJ/kg CV
waste and higher values for bulk waste. (corresponding to 0.185 kW/kg). Although, 51 kg of metals, 61 kg
Biomethanation has advantage due to low capital and operating of inert, 10 kg of salts (mainly CaCl2 and NaCl), 20 kg of ash resi-
costs compared to other methods. But the main problem with this dues [22], 17–20 kg of hydrochloric acid, 6–9 kg of gypsum as well
method is of space, as it requires the covering of waste for develop- as 140 kg of slag are also additionally recovered [23]. The net en-
ing anaerobic conditions and that cover cannot be opened for next ergy generation capacity of this technology is between 20 and
few years thereby making that space unavailable for further dump- 26 kW/t of MSW [24,25]. Using these values, the energy generation
ing of MSW. potential from GL, BL and OL have been estimated to be in the
The average density of the fresh MSW has been found to be range of 17–21, 16–19, 11–13 from the segregated waste and
366 ± 115 kg/m3 which increases to 720 ± 128 kg/m3 on compac- 23–32, 20–29 and 18–25 MW/d from the bulk waste respectively,
tion, after exclusion of bulk materials. This means that total space assuming the moisture content as 20% as required for the pyrolysis
required would be 2000–3000 m2/d (where height of deposition is process. Thus, it is found that the WTE generation potentials for
taken as 1 m) for dumping of 1500–2000 TPD which is the average pyrolysis/gasification process range from 17 to 32, 16 to 29, 11
dumping rate of MSW in Delhi’s three landfills. That means almost to 25 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively.
6 Ha and 110 Ha areas are required for the dumping of MSW for The main disadvantage of this technology is the need for a
20 days and one year respectively. As the CH4 emission starts after cleanup system for the control of corrosive gas phase compounds
20 days of anaerobic decomposition [14], the MSW is required to such as tar, alkali metals and acidic gas (viz. HCl) [26–28]. The me-
be covered 20 days before by the polythene sheet to create anaer- tal tubes of the steam cycle boiler are prone to corrosion at high
obic condition for LFG generation and that cover cannot be opened temperature which results in a low electrical efficiency for the
for at least next 4–7 years to get optimum energy generation po- plant [29]. Though the indirect gasification reduces the cost of en-
tential as the half-life of waste is 2–3.5 years in tropical climate ergy recovery and gas cleanup systems but that is a complex pro-
[15,16]. After 4–7 years, the methanation process becomes unvia- cess which increases the investment costs [30] as well as
ble due to low carbon content in the remaining waste. Therefore, maintenance cost [31]. The commercial viability of a typical 1000
huge space is required to run biomethanation plants for treatment TPD waste-to-energy plant using this technology showed that
of city’s daily MSW generation. the capital cost of gasification plant is higher than biomethanation
(Rs. 2200 million vs. Rs. 900 million) while the value of net revenue
3.3.2. Incineration earning (i.e. Rs. 1510 million) would be similar for both the tech-
This process can reduce the waste volume up to 90% [17] and nologies [32].
the capital cost of this process is lower than the cost of biometha-
nation process. In order to estimate energy potential of incinera- 3.3.4. Refused derived fuel (RDF)
tion process in Delhi’s MSW, calorific values of Delhi’s MSW This is one of WTE process where installation costs as well as
samples have been derived using bomb calorimeter. The calorific maintenance costs are lowest among all the available methods.
values have been found to be 0.058–0.078 kW/kg for segregated Other benefits associated with this technology are the higher heat-
waste containing mixture of kitchen waste, litter with small ing value (0.145–0.194 kW/kg) which also remains fairly constant
branch of shrubs, etc. and 0.092–0.126 kW/kg for the bulk waste in the presence of 3–8% moisture content [33], the homogeneity
(excluding plastic, rubber, wooden materials and packing and of physico-chemical composition, the ease of storage, handling,
other inert materials). The calorific values obtained for Delhi’s and transportation, the lower pollutant emissions and a reduced
MSW are lower than the reported value of 2747 kCal/kg (i.e. excess air requirement during combustion [34–36]. The high calo-
0.133 kW/kg) by Qudais and Qdais [18]. The moisture contents rific value of RDF is due to its higher density (700 kg/m3) com-
have been found to be 2–5% in both the segregated and bulk waste. pared to the other forms of waste. It has been estimated that
Using these calorific values, the energy generation potentials of 160–180 ton of garbage are required to produce 40 ton of pellets
MSW reaching to landfills in Delhi have been found to be 8–12, [33]. The use of this technology is estimated to generate electricity
7–11, 7–11 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively for segre- from the segregated waste in the range of 9–15, 8–13 and 6–
gated waste and 18–24, 16–22, 14–19 MW/day from GL, BL and 12 MW/day and 12–19, 11–18 and 8–15 MW/day from the bulk
OL respectively for bulk waste. Thus it is found that the WTE gen- waste from GL, BL and OL respectively. Thus it is found that the
eration potentials for incineration process range from 8 to 24, 7 to WTE generation potentials for RDF process range from 9 to 19, 8
22, 7 to 19 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively. to 18, 6 to 15 MW/day from GL, BL and OL respectively.
The main disadvantages of this technology is the high recurring
cost of the tune of Rs. 5460/ton of waste processing in which 80% of 3.3.5. Plasma arc gasification
this cost is spent on fuel to burn the waste [19]. To sustain this Plasma is often called the fourth state of matter containing a
technology, the minimum 0.07 kW/kg calorific value of MSW is re- significant number of electrically charged particles. This is the core
quired which is difficult to get due to presence of high moisture of a process system where waste materials are gasified via pyroly-
contents. Other major issues associated with this technology are sis inside a special refractory lined reactor. A plasma arc torch in-
the emissions of gases like polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), hydro- creases the temperatures in the reactor gasification vessel to as
gen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, mercuric chloride, dioxins and fur- high as 3300–6000 °C and even as high as 15,000 °C [37,38]. The
ans (PCDD/F) which are extremely toxic and are considered to be two process viz. gasification by means of partial combustion with
carcinogens which are harmful to human health [20]. oxygen [C6H10O4 + 3O2 = 3CO + 3CO2 + 4H2 + H2O + 54 kW (assum-
ing zero reactor heat loss)] and gas turbine combustion with suffi-
3.3.3. Pyrolysis/gasification cient oxygen [3CO + 4H2 + 3.5O2 = 3CO2 + 4H2O + 62.5 kW
It is anaerobic heating process which yields the by-products in (assuming no turbine heat loss)] produce high energy from per unit
the form of solid (coke), liquid (tar and oil) and combustible gas. quantity of MSW. Though the average efficiency of this technology
254 M. Chakraborty et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 75 (2013) 249–255

has been reported as 42% by Janajreh et al. [44], in the present esti- ment provided by Dr. M.V.S.N. Prasad, Head-RASD and Prof. R.C.
mation, an average efficiency of 25% has been assumed. This tech- Budhani, Director, CSIR-NPL. Monojit Chakraborty is also thankful
nology is estimated to generate electricity from segregated waste to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for providing
in the range of 17–23, 16–21 and 11–14 MW/day and 24–35, 22– research fellowship.
32, 19–28 MW/day from the bulk waste from GL, BL and OL respec-
tively (assuming utilization of completely dry MSW). Thus it is
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