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Sunday Mass

8:00 a.m September 21, 2021


St. Antoninus Parish Pura, Tarlac

In today’s gospel a phrase that best describes my experience, Rev. Fr. Andres “Jun”
Paragas said “Who are you really?” In my life I sometimes ask myself who really am I and what
should or could be my purpose to live. A mentor of mine once ask me and my fellow church
goers. Do you live to work, or do you work to live? The answer to that question is our true purpose
why we live. We all live to work. A work but not for money, our work is our mission and true
purpose we are the steward of all the creations. God appointed us to be the dominion of all
creation, but it doesn’t mean that we rule over them; because that is not who we really are. We are
God’s creation to; we are created not like God but “kawangis” of God. And yet we still not know
ourselves that lays deep inside our heart. Yes, we are all children of God but we all can be easily
named as Satan because Satan is anyone who stands in the way of Jesus’ mission. So, what
does it take to be a disciple? We need to deny ourselves, take up his cross and especially follow
Him. And if we really believe God, we will trust whatever future He gave us, we treasure it, and it is
our choice what to do. To do what is right and good. Who really am I? I am a servant of God and
His church, a leader of a religious youth fraternity, a student that still curious of life, a man that
fears God, a “kawangis” of God and especially a follower of God.

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