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Analayze eps 1

I believe that a successful teacher should have the following qualities: excellent communication skills, keen
listening skills, in-depth subject knowledge, self-deprecation in front of students, and a willingness to take
chances. They overcame their trepidation and tried. They have faith that if they fail, someone will help them. A
good teacher can tell when a pupil is having trouble.

No, because it also includes the personal quality of a teacher.

No, it's not. All of those things are possible without being an excellent instructor. I have observed lessons
taught by teachers who did all those things but clearly didn't know what they were talking about, and their
students were aware of that as well. I have also observed lessons pitched far above or far below the students
prior knowledge and understanding and some that were so boring I could almost feel my brains trying to
escape out of my ears. There are also teachers who clearly have no idea how to engage and motivate students.
This can either be an attempt to be too cordial or overly severe to the point where the students think the
teacher despises them all. Planning classes and other activities is important, but you won't be a great teacher
unless you have a thorough understanding of the subject matter beyond what you are required to teach and
the ability to interact with students in a way that piques their interest and motivates them to work hard.

For a teacher, both the professional and personal traits are crucial. They are both essential, in my opinion, for a
teacher to be whole. In order for the teacher to understand the requirements of the students and for the
students to feel free to approach the teacher, certain personal attributes, such as effective communication and
interpersonal skills, are necessary. Professional abilities are required to master the fundamentals of teaching
methods, strategies, and hands-on training to deal with all types of pupils from all segments of society.
additionally to award teaching certification. Additionally, a teacher needs to maintain up-to-date knowledge of
their fields because students may ask us anything. In conclusion, a teacher is a whole package of wisdom,
goodwill, honesty, and patience.

My second-grade teacher was the one I remember the most because she helped me learn to read and taught
me life lessons. She was like a second mother to me and treated me equally.


Be Prepared to Talk About Yourself You are used to talking about your abilities and experience, but this
question gets to the point and forces you to genuinely talk about yourself as a person. That is one of my
personal qualities. Be Upfront About Your Weaknesses. There is practically no room for error when a recruiter
asks you about your prior experience or education.

Critical thinking and creative problem solving are two professional qualities that I am very capable of
exhibiting. Utilize solid judgment when making decisions, analyzing challenges, and problem-solving
My leadership and management skills are one of the competencies I need to work on the most because I lack
the self-assurance to take charge of situations at school and feel as though doing so will undermine my group
members as well. Therefore, the skills I need to work on the most are leadership and management.

My second-grade teacher, who also taught me some life lessons and helped me learn to read, will always hold
a special place in my heart since she treated me equally and like a second mother.

Episode 2

List of Completed Action Research Author/ Authors

Example: Differentiated Instruction in Teaching Mary Joy Olicia
English for Grade Four Classes
1. Improvement of Students Academic Achievement Andrea Luz S. Englis
in Science through Strategic Intervention Material Rolan C. Eullaran
2. Improvement of Learners Mastery in Araling Beda Jovenciana A. Davad
Panlipunan Competencies through Project BEDA

3. Enhancement of Learners Reading and Numeracy Randy D. Duque

Skills through Project RANDY
4. Enhancement of Learners’ Performance in Dominador E. Bersa
Mathematics through Project FAIR
5. Improvement of Grade 3 Pupils’ Numeracy Skills Delia A. Alanano
through Project NICE

Notice Page 23

1. Recognize the definition of Action Research and its application in the field of education.

2. Recognize the essential features of an Action Research

3. Learn about the various models and how to conduct Action Research.

4. Recognize the various Action Research processes

They share elements, based on what I've seen in the three Action Research
models. They have the same characteristics, which is what they have in common.
They also have a cycle that includes elements like observing, reflecting,
planning, acting, evaluating, and modifying. The elements I mentioned above
are a common way for action researchers to collect data. To summarize, action
research puts ideas to the test as they are developed and provides real-time
feedback on what works and how it works
Based on what I've observed in the three Action Research models, they have similarities. What they have in
common is that they have the same traits. Additionally, they follow a cycle that entails activities like watching,
reflecting, planning, acting, assessing, and adjusting. Action researchers frequently use the components I listed
above to gather data. In conclusion, action research tests theories while they are being produced and offers
immediate feedback on what works and how it works.
Page 25 What have you understood

The action research methodology is applied to enhance educational practice. Its techniques include taking
action, assessing it, and commenting on it. It is a technique for acquiring data in order to alter procedure. Plans
for action research are also created, put into action, changed, and put into action once more, providing for an
ongoing cycle of reflection and revision. Additionally, I'll use these in my practice teaching to put all of these
techniques into practice.

Reflect page 25

I can categorically state that action research is worthwhile as a prospective educator.

This is because action research enables teachers to evaluate their performance and make improvements. The
fact that I'm already traveling there and need to be conscious of my working environment makes it helpful for
me. Action research will also help teachers create a more dynamic and exciting learning and teaching
environment. Additionally, it will help me and my other educators better understand what works and what

Teachers can learn from others in the field, reflect on what they want to change, and experiment with practice
in a secure setting with the aid of action research. As a result, through performing classroom-based research,
teachers who engage in action research will discover how to enhance their instruction and student learning.
Additionally, teachers can advance their leadership potential in their communities by engaging in action
research. They might also be able to show students in their classrooms how to be reflective practitioners or
teachers. They can also urge their coworkers to perform action research for their classes by imparting their
newly acquired knowledge to them.


a. During a discussion, how can we encourage group work and collaboration?

b. How can we encourage students to actively participate in the discussion?
c. How can we assist students in engaging in a hands-on activity?

a. By assigning them a task in which each member must contribute and collaborate with the other
members of their group.
b. By asking the students what their thoughts or opinions were on the topic.
c. By experimenting, learners can apply what they have learned in the lesson to master their
experimenting skills.
Since some skills call for a hands-on action in FS 2, I want to prepare a strategy for my solution to the problem
(choose one from a, b, or c). We must never lose sight of how crucial it is to develop the required abilities. We
cannot merely presume that teaching students the theory and concept will lead to their acquisition of the
necessary abilities. Keep in mind that most pupils learn best when they perform the work themselves. If I recall
correctly, John Dewey said that "experience is the finest teacher for learners."

My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.

31, the problems are identified are

1. Reading Difficulty
A large number of students
struggle with reading.
2. Connectivity
Poor internet connectivity
jeopardizes many students'
academic futures.
3. Motivation
A lack of motivation results
in no progress.
4. Comprehension
Poor comprehension will
result from a lack of
concentration while reading.
5. Bullying
Bullying is still prevalent
among many students.
1. Reading Difficulty: A large number of students struggle with reading.
2. Connectivity: Poor internet connectivity jeopardizes many students' academic futures.
3. Motivation: A lack of motivation results in no progress.
4. Comprehension: Poor comprehension will result from a lack of concentration while reading.
5. Bullying: Bullying is still prevalent among many students.

32 pinakataas- explain

In my opinion, choosing Option B—showing video lessons—as a solution to the same issue—can also aid
students in honing their reading abilities. Additionally, a video lesson is a great tactical intervention tool for
teaching students how to pronounce words correctly because they can read it while hearing how to say it.

I think that the final suggestion, which is to design learning tasks, can enhance reading abilities in a way that
makes it practical for teachers to use. Additionally, teachers can monitor their students' learning progress,
figure out which words are challenging for them to read, and create the most effective strategic intervention

Notice 32

Students frequently struggle with reading, especially in light of the pandemic. The crisis we are currently
experiencing is hindering students' ability to learn to read.

 Can you identify Miss Fely’s problem?

Of course, yes. Miss Fely's problem, as I identified it, is that her students have a poor
understanding of vertebrates and invertebrates. As stated in the preceding scenario, her students
are unable to classify animals using the aforementioned classification of animals.

 Can you find a solution to solve her problem?

Of course, yes.

 Give your two suggestions.

a. What I can recommend to Miss Fely is to use charts with the classification of animals on the
topmost part, which will serve as the heading. Under that, the meaning of the two
classifications, as well as some pictures of animals from the vertebrate and
invertebrate groups, so that all students can see the difference between the two. She
could help her students see ideas visually organized by using charts and pictures.
Furthermore, that method may make it easier for her students to assimilate
information and make connections. To summarize, Miss Fely can use a chart to help her
students understand the distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates.
b. I can also advise Miss Fely to use a video presentation on the distinction between
vertebrates and invertebrates. Miss Fely should consider the fact that students pick up a lot
from what they observe. Additionally, it will make it simpler for her to teach the lesson. I
think that by using movies, she can get her fourth-graders' attention and help them analyze,
comprehend, and remember the information. It's important to keep in mind that simply
talking about vertebrates and invertebrates won't help the students grasp them, therefore
it would be excellent if she used a video presentation, as students in this grade level need a
presentation to help them learn.

What solution can solve Miss

Fely’s problem?
Among the two solutions I
suggested to Miss Fely, I
believe the use of video
with content on the topic is the
most likely to solve her
problem. Because she works
fourth-grade students, I
believe students in that grade
level will find it entertaining
to watch
videos, and I am confident that
this solution will address Miss
Fely's problem.
 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?
Among the two solutions I suggested to Miss Fely, I believe the use of video presentations with
content on the topic is the most likely to solve her problem. Because she works with fourth-grade
students, I believe students in that grade level will find it entertaining to watch videos, and I am
confident that this solution will address Miss Fely's problem.

 How?
Well, by putting the solution into action. First, she must select videos appropriate for fourth-grade
students. Next, she must ensure that the content does not include any violent clips that would be
inappropriate for students to watch. In addition, she must present the videos to the class and
elaborate on the topic. As a result, at the end of the presentation, she must reiterate and emphasize
key points from the lesson.

 Are they matched with the problem?

Yes, I believe so. The solutions I proposed above correspond to Miss Fely's problem. Miss Fely's problem
of her students' poor understanding of their topic on vertebrates and invertebrates is addressed
by the solutions provided. Furthermore, because the solution proposed includes the use of visual
and audio-visual materials such as charts and educational videos, these would aid her in her elaboration
of the topic to her students. Furthermore, this would allow her students to easily assimilate information
and make connections from the materials presented about their topic.

As a future teacher, you must be observant in order to identify problematic situations. How? By allowing
yourself to pay attention to the details that occur in your surroundings. Identifying problematic situations in
the classroom and finding potential solutions will help me become a better educator someday by improving
my ability to look and observe attentively. Aside from that, it allows me to develop and comprehend the issues
that commonly arise in classrooms.


 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. The most likely teaching-learning issue in Sir Ryan's class would be a lack of parental
assistance, as the majority of his students came from a disrupted family, which immediately reduces
time and parenting inputs to their children.
b. Another issue that could arise is poor attendance and insufficient student motivation, as
students in the disadvantaged urban community are deprived of basic human needs such as food,
clothing, and shelter, which has a negative impact on their interest.

 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
Among the problems identified, I believe that holding students and parents accountable for frequent
and unjustified absences is one of the best solutions to poor attendance and inadequate student
motivation. He must also put in place a strict attendance policy that addresses the issue of
excessive absences. In terms of motivation, Sir Ryan must share motivational quotes, stories, or
videos every day before beginning the class discussion. These things will encourage his students to value
education and recognize that their current situation is not permanent. He must make his students realize
that there are many stories of people who rose from rags to become well-known and wealthy, and that
they, too, can do so if they are motivated to study


Connectivity, involvement, home life, and social status are all potential sources of difficulty in the classroom
and can all have an effect on how well teachers and students are able to teach and learn. According to scenario
two, Sir Ryan's students also hailed from a low-income metropolitan area, with the bulk of them coming from
disorganized homes. There is a chance that they are not paying attention to every lesson that teacher Ryan is
teaching, that there are more students dropping out, that there are more students absent, and that they are
uninterested in the lessons.


I want to start by giving students a purposeful teaching-learning experience while simultaneously engaging in
social interaction with them. Second, I want them to take part in all activities and understand that there is help
and hope out there for them. Third, I want them to know and believe that I will do everything in my power to
help them improve. I also want them to know that I will do everything in my power to help them cooperate
better and have a more fulfilling educational experience. Finally, I want them to adopt a different perspective
and have confidence in their capacity to change for the better, for themselves.


To improve the current situation, I plan to visit them at their home on a regular basis in order to get to know
them personally and establish a positive rapport with their parents. I will schedule a meeting with the parents
and form a group called the "Parents-Teacher Association." As a teacher, I will be adaptable and sensitive. Both
parents and students should be able to express their concerns. To gain their trust, I will position myself as a
role model because I believe that cultivating a positive attitude in the classroom begins with me. And I
will reinforce and reward positive behaviors because praising students for their positive behavior is a
simple yet powerful way to motivate them to do their best. These strategies will assist students in meeting all
of their needs and bringing them to the classroom. I know it's difficult, but if the teacher and parents are
working toward the same goal and heading in the same direction, it will all be worthwhile in the end.


"Strategic Intervention and

Effectiveness Towards Social
Status of Grade 1
Students" would be the title.
"Strategic Intervention and Effectiveness Towards Social Status of Grade 8 Students" would be the title.


1. Bulletin Board Display - To assist my mentor in creating a conducive learning environment, I will assist her by
providing necessary suggestions, related ideas about various subjects, and extending her innovations that are
relevant to the twenty-first century. I will also help my mentor by conducting creative research and
creating a poster, which is required to create a conducive learning environment. Because I understand
that a bulletin board can be "another teacher" who reflects new lessons and helps students understand
new materials, reinforce new words and concepts, and challenge students to participate in new ways.

2. Small Group Discussion - To assist my mentor in leading and initiating this small group discussion, I will
request permission from her to lead and initiate this activity. I will prepare all necessary related topics and
materials. I will also give them enough time and space to gather their thoughts and contribute to
discussions. It will assist students in making better use of their time and in becoming more productive.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or zoom) - Before the class or meeting
begins, I will seek permission from my mentor to prepare for and monitor class attendance. By starting this,
she will be able to simplify her work.


What have you noticed of the

display in the class bulletin
board? What message or
theme does it convey?
During our virtual
observation with our
cooperating teacher, I noticed
that the
bulletin board listed the names
of the second quarter honorees.
It's beautifully
painted, and every edge of the
paper was meticulously cut.
The title is written
in large letters and is clear.
The teacher used vibrant
colors that drew the children
in and could be seen from
a long distance. It
communicates directly to the
students, telling them in their
minds and hearts that they
must become persistent
in doing academic work every
time they see it. It will inspire
them to continue
studying hard so that their
name will appear on the
bulletin board someday.
 What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme does it
During our virtual observation with our cooperating teacher, I noticed that the bulletin board listed the
names of the second quarter honorees. It's beautifully painted, and every edge of the paper was
meticulously cut. The title is written in large letters and is clear. The teacher used vibrant colors that drew
the children in and could be seen from a long distance. It communicates directly to the students,
telling them in their minds and hearts that they must become persistent in doing academic work every
time they see it. It will inspire them to continue studying hard so that their name will appear on the
bulletin board someday.
 What makes it attractive to the learners?
It attracts learners by using vibrant colors, it is written in large letters, and it can be seen from a long
distance. It appeals to me because it motivates children through educational and entertaining

 Does it help in the learning process? How?

Yes, because listing their names on the bulletin board as an awardee shows that the teacher is doing her
job to monitor their performance by giving them grades for that quarter. The teacher will be able to tell if
the students are giving their all. It will also determine the students' specific needs and interests,
allowing them to improve the teaching-learning process for both of them.

If the teacher is using a

distance delivery of learning
through the modules, where is
most likely the learning space
of the students?
In their own home,
particularly during this
pandemic. Home is the best
and most
secure place for students to
learn. Parents are responsible
for their children's
education, and they are the
ones who receive the module
at school.
 If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most likely the
learning space of the students?
In their own home, particularly during this pandemic. Home is the best and most secure place for
students to learn. Parents are responsible for their children's education, and they are the ones who
receive the module at school.

 Can you describe?

Learning at home is enjoyable, exciting, and meaningful. Children can learn new skills and knowledge
with the assistance of their parents while progressing in their careers. However, the learning
environment, particularly our home, must be conducive. It refers to the physical space in which we live;
our home must be well-lit, comfortable, clean, and warm. It must be quiet so that the learners are not
distracted, and it must also meet the needs of the children.

 How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher, I can assist them by holding a meeting and providing advice on how to create a conducive
learning environment. I will also pay them a visit at home to see if they have a conducive learning
environment. As a teacher, I will never tire of reminding them to prioritize their children's learning
needs. Furthermore, I will seek the assistance of the local government in this matter, so that they can
have any materials or gadgets at their disposal, allowing them to experience a meaningful teaching-
learning process even from the comfort of their own home.


The first learning environment, which shows students in a space or classroom, is the one I'll pick. because a
student may have the chance to ask a question at any time while in class. In addition to participating in various
school activities and spending time with their peers, it enables students to take part in small group discussions.
I find it hard to believe that this pandemic has rendered the entire system of in-person instruction inoperable. I
long for those times to end and pray that they do so quickly because I miss them. Children can understand the
true nature of the teaching-learning process while engaging in enjoyable and meaningful learning in the
classroom. They can feel different emotions toward one another through social interaction in the classroom.
Face-to-face instruction, in my opinion, cannot be replaced by online instruction, and it is the best setting for
kids to realize their full potential.


a. Face-to-face learning is superior to online learning because it allows children to become hands-on
with various activities while interacting with their peers.
b. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to provide the best environment for the children to feel and
experience a conducive learning environment.
c. If the pandemic persists, I must be prepared as a teacher for any eventualities, such as delivering
modules at their homes and making their space a conducive learning environment.

What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?

When it comes to online learning, the following are probable problems:

a. Time and location accessibility

b. Attendance of Students
c. Different Learning Styles
d. Problems with Technology
e. Power Interruption

When it comes to face-to-face learning, the following are probable problems:

a. There is no such thing as flexible learning

b. Travel time from home to school
c. Inadequate learning resources
d. Allowances for expenses
e. Peer destruction

These are the most likely issues that will arise in the two learning situations.


What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

First, as a teacher, I need to interact with the students by visiting them at their homes and asking how they
are and how I can help them. Second, as a teacher, I must have a plan A and a plan B in place to meet all of the
students' learning needs and interests. Third, I need to speak with the parents to learn about their current
situation and status. Fourth, I need to be creative and cultivate a mindful attitude. Fifth, I need to go the
extra mile in order to fully comprehend my current profession. Finally, I must be adaptable in everything I
do because the future of the students is in my hands.


How should I do it?

As a teacher, as I explained previously, I should be prepared for any eventuality. I must exert my effort and
willingness to complete the task and assist the children in their needs. The teacher plays an important role
in resolving these issues. And the specific actions that I can take are as follows: first, I need to seek the help
and advice of the principal before taking the necessary action. Second, I will meet with the parents to learn
about their current situation. Third, I will seek intervention and assistance from local leaders. Fourth, as a
teacher, I will create all of the necessary instructional materials. I will adjust all of my teaching abilities based
on their needs and circumstances in order to cater to all of them. These solutions are intended for use in a
two-learning environment.
Work on my artifacts

My Conducive Learning Environment

As a future teacher, I plan to emphasize the following qualities in my conducive learning environment: The first
is flexibility. I intend to rearrange the furniture in my classroom to create a number of open, spacious activity
zones where students can work in groups. For those who do not have access to a table or desk, I will also
provide clipboards and whiteboards. In addition, I will use outdoor learning spaces when appropriate. In
addition, in order to motivate students to study, I will display their work as well as the process of creating that
work on the wall. Finally, I will meet with students to discuss the types of spaces they prefer in their learning
environment. The second quality is openness. I'd like to decorate the walls with children's artwork. This will
increase the children's self-esteem. Creating a cozy reading corner for six-year-olds, for example, will
encourage the children to read more. Furthermore, I believe that I can help the children reach their full
physical, mental, and emotional potential by introducing shared open spaces with other classes.

The third factor is the availability of resources. As a future teacher, I must remember that not only will
making the most of my resources save me time and money, but it will also benefit a child's ability to learn and
develop. So I'm going to give myself permission to obtain the resources I require to improve my child's learning
experience. Videos, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, folders and files, and books and dictionaries
are examples. This enables me and my students to keep an organized environment while also assisting
them in making the most of their learning experience.

The physical classroom is the fourth option. As a future teacher, I will make certain that the arrangement of
desks and work space, the attractiveness and appeal of bulletin boards and the storage of materials and
supplies are all in their proper locations. My students will be able to see that the space is both clean and safe.

The psychological environment is the final one. As a future teacher, I intend to make my classroom
welcoming and accommodating to children. I'd like them to express their thoughts and feelings about
something. I'll also make certain that I can meet their expectations

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