García H. Silvia.L. AIA.4.Mercadotecnia Global Aplicada A La Industria de Los Alimentos Derivados Del Sector Agropecuario

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Mercadotecnia global aplicada a la industria de los alimentos

derivados del sector agropecuario.
Garcia Hernández Silvia Lucero
The advance in the modernization of marketing in agricultural companies has ceased to be a mere
recommendation of expert professionals, to become an imminent obligation to ensure a business
future. Agricultural marketing are marketing techniques that are used in all corners of agribusiness.
It includes small farms, distributors, equipment manufacturers, feed manufacturers, genetic
improvements and more. In addition, there are also government agencies, associations, and
universities. This type of marketing studies the applications of market techniques in the
agricultural and livestock sectors, with the aim of increasing sales, reducing production costs,
planning both advertising and promotional strategies and maximize results, always aligned with
the nature and identity of the product. In agricultural marketing, numerous interconnected and
dynamic activities participate, ranging from cultivation and harvesting to distribution, advertising
and sales. In agricultural marketing, the price variable is determined by the market, so the scholars
of this discipline have assumed it as an external factor, since it is assumed that companies
technically have no ability to set prices; however, the products agro-industrial when being
transformed and adding value to them, are distinguished by characteristics differentiators that
allow prices to be established according to demand, competition and other trends that the market
imposes on them. In terms of promotion, the agro-industry has several alternatives to publicize its
products and services, such as: e-business, web pages, social networks, magazines specialized and
of special attention, are the participation in fairs and specialized exhibitions or multisectoral.
La Agroindustria en México, tiene sus ventajas competitivas en la producción, pero no en el
Marketing, este sector es altamente característico en el país, especialmente por su participación en
mercados externos en donde se caracterizan por la alta competencia con países que producen en
ambientes de ventajas comparativas. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento del marketing agroindustrial es
un área de oportunidad para la investigación y desarrollo de propuestas que conduzcan a la
producción que favorezcan la implementación de estrategias de marketing apropiados al sector y
a los contextos geográficos, culturales y económicos que correspondan. El Marketing
Agroindustrial ayuda al desarrollo de los agronegocios, con un enfoque estratégico que orienta los
esfuerzos desde una perspectiva de satisfacción de necesidades aunado al desarrollo de productos.
Por esto se aplica a que los productos derivados de este sector logren la diferenciación en el
mercado mediante el valor agregado, alcanzando estándares de calidad.
DELSECTOR AGROPECUARIO. (2021, 9 junio). Recuperado 4 de
febrero de 2023, de

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