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Seorang pasien sedang menunggu giliran periksa.

Setelah 10 menit menunggu, tibalah waktunya

untuk masuk ruang praktek dokter. Terjadilah percakapan antara dokter dan pasien tersebut
(dalam Bahasa Inggris). Patient: Good evening, Doc. Doctor: Good evening. Have a seat, please!
Patient: Thanks, Doc. Doctor: Can I help you? Patient: I got headache, sir. Doctor: How long
have you got it? Patient: Whole week. Doctor: Do you drink coffee? Patient: No, Sir. Doctor: Do
you sleep well every night? Patient: Yes, Sir. Doctor: Do you eat meat very often? Patient: No,
Sir. Doctor: Do you have money? Patient: No, Sir. I don't have any money. I was fired from my
work. Doctor: Ow. Okay. Here is one hundred thousand for you. Patient: Really, Sir? Doctor:
Yes. It's for you. Patient: Oh, my God. My headache is lost. Doctor: Yes. Please, get out and find
another job.

Read more at: http://www.sekolahoke.com/2012/04/percakapan-dokter-dengan-pasien-

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