Plan de Clase. Texto I

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07. Plan de Clase. Texto I. GENES AND DISEASE PREVENTION (pag.


I. Antes de comenzar a trabajar, lea el texto Texto I (pág. 2) GENES AND

DISEASE PREVENTION y luego las notas a continuación.

Revise nuevamente los contenidos teóricos de la Sección Gramatical (Formas

ING) si lo considera necesario.


-Línea 6: DNA = ADN

-Línea 7: unborn babies = bebés no natos

-Línea 7: whether = si

-Línea 13: genetically engineered microorganisms = microorganismos

genéticamente modificados

a. Traduzca y complete en español los siguientes enunciados con

información del texto.

1. Genetic engineering means………………………………………

2. Genes are inside the………………………………………………

3. An organism’s characteristics are determined by……………

4. By means of genetic engineering, researchers are trying


b. Elija la opción correcta para completar las ideas.

1. Genetic engineering…

a. can alter the genes or their combination in an organism.

b. can only be used in human beings.

c. cannot predict diseases.

2. The genes are…

a. in the cells of some living organisms.

b. in the cells of all living organisms.

c. only in human cells.

3. Descendants’ traits can be modified by…

a. eliminating chemical information.

b. isolating the genes.

c. changing the organism’s genes.

4. Genetic engineering is used…

a. mainly in medicine.

b. in industry and agriculture.

c. in the three fields.

5. Unborn babies’ DNA can…

a. show the baby’s sex.

b. predict a future disease.

c. infer the baby’s bone structure.

6. The replacement of defective genes by normal genes may help to…

a. cure cancer
b. treat some liver diseases.

c. tolerate drugs.

C. Traduzca los dos primeros párrafos del texto.

Genetic engineering is the term applied to techniques that alter the genes
(hereditary material) or combination of genes in an organism. The cells of all living
organisms contain genes. Genes carry chemical information that determines the
organism’s characteristics. By changing an organism’s genes, scientists can give
the organism and its descendants different traits.
Genetic engineering has important uses in fields such as medicine, industry and
agriculture. By using different techniques, scientists can test DNA isolated from
cells of unborn babies to learn whether the babies will have a disease.

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actividad es practicar algunos de los contenidos trabajados hasta el momento.

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hoja, luego completar el casillero con su nombre COMPLETO y enviar.
Pueden trabajar por el lapso de 1 (una) hora una vez que abran el link.

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