Tiempo Pasado

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Unidad 5: Tiempo Pasado

Galileo Galilei

Natural Radioactivity

Albert Einstein

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Steve Jobs

Percentage Foreign Students

The History of Computers

The evolution of biotechnology

Sección Gramatical

There be

Verbos regulares

Verbos irregulares

Portador de tiempo. Did. Negación/Interrogación

Texto I

A. Lea el texto y luego trabaje según las indicaciones.


Galileo Galilei was born in Italy in 1564. His experiments and discoveries
were largely responsible for the birth and growth of early science and the
scientific method. Galileo had an inquisitive mind. He wondered about the
things around him. He was a scientist. He devised actual experiments to
answer his many questions.

Galileo’s observations of the solar system and the universe were among
his most important contributions to science.

With his telescope, Galileo discovered the moons around Jupiter and
noticed spots on the sun. Galileo saw the mountains and valleys of the
moon. He kept accurate and complete records of his observations.

Galileo spent his later years teaching his pupils and publishing his
findings. His experiments and discoveries cleared the way for the age of
science that followed his death in 1642.

(De Maidana at al, 2007. Lectura Comprensiva y Traducción de Textos II)

B. Aplique la Regla de Diccionario en los verbos regulares y
busque su significado. (Ver Unidad 2)

C. Responda las siguientes preguntas.

1. Who was Galileo Galilei?

2. What did he do when he was very old?
3. What did he discover with the help of his telescope?
4. What were his main contributions to science?

D. Complete las columnas a continuación y luego trabaje

según las indicaciones:

Verbos Regulares Verbos Irregulares

E. En la Lista de Verbos Irregulares, identifique el verbo base

de los verbos irregulares y luego busque su significado en el

Texto II

A. Lea el texto y resuelva las tareas en español.


Because the X ray was a new type of radiation, with entirely new
properties, its discovery attracted a great deal of attention not only
among scientists but also among the general public. Naturally there was
much speculation as to what there was in the vacuum tube that caused
this radiation.

Since the glass walls of all the vacuum tubes which emitted X rays
exhibited visible phosphorence, it probably occurred to many that the X-
ray radiation was in some way associated with this phosphorence.
Becquerel examined minerals and other substances which phosphoresced
under the action of light, hoping that they too might give an invisible
radiation. In this way he found, in 1896, that uranium and its compounds
gave an invisible radiation capable of affecting a photographic plate
through black paper or through sheets of aluminium. Becquerel soon
found that this new radiation had nothing to do with the
(De Maidana at al, 2007. Lectura Comprensiva y Traducción de Textos II)

B. Marque las siguientes oraciones como verdaderas o falsas.

Justifique su respuesta.

1. The discovery of X-rays caused an impact on scientists

and common people.

2. X-rays came from the walls of the vacuum tube.

3. Only Becquerel believed there was a relation between

radiation and phosphorescence.

C. Qué información da el texto sobre:

1. Becquerel, su hipótesis.

2. Experimento que realizó en 1896; sustancias y materiales


3. Conclusión.

D. Lea el texto nuevamente y tradúzcalo.

Texto III

A. Lea el texto y realice la tarea a continuación.

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879 and his family moved to
Switzerland in 1894. He studied at the University of Zürich and received
his doctorate from it in 1905. That same year he won international fame
with the publication of two articles: one on the photoelectric effect, in
which he demonstrated the particle nature of light; and one on his special
theory of relativity, which included his formulation of the equivalence of
mass and energy. In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity,
which he confirmed experimentally during a solar eclipse in 1919 with
observations of the deviation of light passing near the Sun.
(Adaptado de Britannica Concise Encyclopaedia, 2010)

B. Diga a qué hacen referencia los siguientes ítems.

1. it (línea 3)
2. that same year (línea 3)
3. one (línea 4)
4. which (línea 6)
5. he (línea 7)

Texto IV

A. Lea atentamente el texto y luego trabaje según las



Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) was a German physicist who was born
in Hamburg. He studied physics with Hemholtz in Berlin, at whose
suggestions he became interested in Maxwell´s electromagnetic theory.
He carried out his researches with electromagnetic waves that made his
name famous at Kalsrube Polytechnics between 1885 and 1889. As
professor of physics at the University of Bohn, after 1889, he
experimented with electrical discharges through gases. By his premature
death, science lost one of his most promising disciples.

(Adaptado de Murphy y Smoot, 1982. Physics. Principles and Problems)

B. Complete el cuadro con las referencias espacio-temporales

y obtendrá una síntesis de la información del texto.

1857 – Hamburgo
En Berlín
En el Politécnico
Después de 1889

C. Haga un círculo en las opciones correctas. En el texto


Dos verbos irregulares Seis verbos irregulares

Cuatro verbos irregulares Cinco verbos regulares
Tres verbos regulares Un verbo regular

Texto V
A. Lea la lista de nombres y responda.

Apple ¿Sabe a qué hacen referencia?

iMac ¿Algún tema en particular?
Pixar Studios ¿Podría anticipar el tema del texto?
Silicon Valley ¿Qué datos supone se mencionarán?
B. Lea el texto y trabaje según las indicaciones.

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco,
California. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul
Jobs. The family lived in Mountain View within California's Silicon Valley.
As a boy, Jobs and his father worked on electronics in the family garage.
He showed his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics.

While Jobs was an intelligent and innovative thinker, his youth was riddled
with frustrations over formal schooling.

In 1971 Jobs met his future partner, Steve Wozniak, who once said: "We
both loved electronics… We both had an independent attitude about
things in the world…"

In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several
months later he left Atari and went to India, traveling the continent and
experimenting with psychedelic drugs. In 1976, when Jobs was 21, he and
Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers. They started in the Jobs family
garage and funded their entrepreneurial venture after Jobs sold his
Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his scientific calculator.

Departure from Apple

Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry
by democratizing the technology and making the machines smaller,
cheaper, intuitive and accessible to everyday consumers.

However, IBM suddenly surpassed Apple sales, and Apple had to compete
with an IBM/PC dominated business world. In 1985, Jobs resigned as
Apple's CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT,
Inc. The following year Jobs purchased an animation company from
George Lucas, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. Believing in
Pixar's potential, Jobs initially invested $50 million of his own money into
the company. Pixar Studios went on to produce popular animation films
such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.
Reinventing Apple

In 1997 Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO and put Apple back on
track. His ingenious products such as the iMac, effective branding
campaigns, and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers once
again. In 2011, Jobs died of a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare form of
pancreatic cancer.

(Adaptado de http://www.biography.com/people/steve-jobs)

B. Responda.

1. When and where was Steve Jobs born?

2. How did his father influenced on Jobs´ future interests?

3. Why is 1971 an important date in Jobs´ life?

4. Examples of what are Toy Story, Finding Nemo and The


5. By what means did Jobs develop Apple as a successful


6. What happened in 2011?

C. Mencione aspectos de la vida de Steve Jobs que le

parezcan relevantes.

D. Seleccione en el texto palabras o frases que describan la

personalidad de Jobs.

E. ¿Obtuvo nueva información sobre Jobs? ¿Cuál?

Texto VI

A. La información estadística a menudo se presenta en

forma de gráficos o tablas. Es importante poder interpretar
la información y escribir sobre ella (ver Capítulo 1). Observe la
siguiente gráfica sobre el porcentaje de alumnos extranjeros
en los Estados Unidos en 2001 y responda las preguntas a


Other Sociology
13% 8%


Arts Sciences
8% 16%
8% Health

1. Which field did students choose more?

2. Did students prefer Arts or Science?
3. What was the third most popular field?
4. What fields had the same percent of students?

Texto VII
A. Lea los distintos cuadros y numérelos hasta organizar el
texto original. Note que en el siguiente informe las oraciones
no presentan el orden correcto y recuerde que hay palabras
que le dan cohesión al texto.


In the middle of the 20th century, researchers at the University o

Pennsylvania built the first electronic computer. Today, of course we have
the computer to perform all kinds of advanced and mathematical
Throughout history, man found it necessary to do mathematical
computations and keep accounts.

Then, the abacus was developed in China.

In early times, he used groups of sticks or stones to help make


As man’s computational needs became more complicated, he developed

more advanced technologies.

Another example is the first machine that would do calculations and print
out results, which Mr. Charles Babagge designed in 1830.

These simple methods represent the beginnings of data processing.

One example is the first simple adding machine that Mr. Blaise Pascal
developed in 1642.

B. ¿Tuvo alguna dificultad para realizar el ordenamiento

anterior? ¿Cuál? Regístrela aquí por escrito. En otro
momento de nuestro estudio volveremos a ella.

Texto VIII

A. Lea el texto y trabaje según las indicaciones.


Nowadays, pioneers of biotechnology are discovering original solutions

for better feed, food and consumer goods. They build on the information
we gained through the scientific innovation of previous pioneers such as
the Egyptians, Christopher Columbus, Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel,
James Watson and Francis Crick, and Herbert Boyer.

Observe how precedent discoveries have improved quality of life.

In his first visit to the Americas in 1492, Christopher Columbus and other
explorers introduced corn, native to the Americas, to the rest of the world,
and European growers modified the plant to their unique growing
conditions. Spanish navigators also returned with potatoes, which are
native to the Andes in South America. Two centuries after their European
introduction, potatoes were a staple in Ireland, Germany and other
European countries.

In 1864, French chemist Louis Pasteur developed the process named

after him and known today as pasteurization, which uses heat to destroy
damaging microorganisms in products. The products are then sealed
airtight for safety. Pasteur's scientific breakthrough enhanced quality of
life, allowing products such as milk to be transported without spoiling.
(Adaptado de http://www.biotechnoweb.com/Hystory_of_biotech.html)

B. Subraye las oraciones que contengan verbos en tiempo

pasado y tradúzcalas.

C. Escriba un resumen de lo tratado en el texto prestando

atención a datos relevantes en la evolución de la
Biotecnología, por ejemplo nombres mencionados, fechas,
ejemplos, descubrimientos/efectos, etc.
Sección Gramatical

Tiempo Pasado

El tiempo verbal Simple Past se usa para referirse a estados

o actividades que ocurrieron en el pasado.
La ciencia y la tecnología son producto de la evolución del
pensamiento humano. El Simple Past se utiliza en las
narraciones biográficas y de antecedentes históricos de
experimentos y descubrimientos, lo que da cuenta de dicho
progreso y evolución.


The abacus was probably the first device to speed up calculation.

El ábaco fue probablemente el primer instrumento para agilizar los

Vacuum-tube computers were large and expensive.

Las computadoras a válvula/lámpara eran grandes y costosas.

For about 4000 years there was no life on earth.

Durante aproximadamente 4000 años no hubo vida en la tierra.

There were no reinforced concrete structures until the 19th century.

No hubo estructuras de hormigón armado hasta el siglo 19.

Galileo discovered the moons around Jupiter.

Galileo descubrió las lunas alrededor de Júpiter.

In the fifth century B.C. Parmenides declared that the earth was a sphere.
En el siglo V A.C. Parménides proclamó/afirmó que la tierra era una

In 1698 Thomas Savery built one of the first steam engines.

En 1698, Thomas Savery construyó uno de los primeros motores a vapor.
Conjugación del Verbo be

Albert Einstein was as famous as Newton.
Albert Einstein fue tan famoso como Newton.
She The substance was in the test tube.
La sustancia estaba en la probeta.
The Twin Towers were 400 m high.
Las Torres Gemelas tenían 400 m de altura.
We were
The data were in the files.
Los datos estaban en los archivos.

Verbos Regulares e Irregulares

Los verbos se clasifican en regulares e irregulares. Los

verbos regulares en tiempo pasado se identifican por la
terminación ed.

Observemos estos ejemplos:

Used Destroyed Studied

Regla de Diccionario: Para determinar cuál es el verbo base

y conocer su significado, se suprime -d, -ed, -ied (en el
último caso se agrega -y) (Ver Unidad 2, Tiempo Pasado).

Los verbos irregulares no siguen la regla y para conocer su

significado debemos buscarlos tal como aparecen en el texto
o remitirnos a la segunda columna de la Lista de Verbos
Irregulares. (Ver anexo Verbos Irregulares).
Portador de tiempo pasado
En las formas interrogativa y negativa, el Simple Past utiliza
el portador de tiempo did (para todas las personas) para
denotar la carga temporal. En la interrogación, la frase
nominal se ubica entre el portador y el verbo base. En la
negación, la partícula not se ubica entre el portador y el
verbo base que da el sentido a la oración. Se puede
encontrar como did not o didn’t.

Ejemplos de interrogación:

Did Einstein state the Theory of Relativity?

¿Einstein enunció la Teoría de la Relatividad?

How did computers get their name?

¿Cómo obtuvieron su nombre las computadoras?

Ejemplos de negación:

In early days, people did not know much about the universe.
En la antigüedad, la gente no sabía mucho acerca del universo.

Galileo did not complete his studies at university.

Galileo no completó sus estudios en la universidad.

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