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Rules for Fantasy Role-Playing Adventure in

Tokugawa-Era Japan

N. Masyk


Published by


Words and Layout by N. Masyk.

Art by Dead People.
Hexmap uses the Highland Paranormal Society Cartography Kit, by
Nate Treme.
Consulting by James Mendez Hodes.
TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk.
Lines and Veils were designed by Ron Edwards. The X card was
designed by John Stavropoulos.

Inspired by:
Tunnel Goons, Nate Treme.
BRIGHTHAMMER, Christina Stone-Bush.
Star Dogs, Michael Raston.
Yokai Hunter’s Society, Chema González.
Mausritter, Isaac Williams.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................1
What is this?
On ‘Historical Accuracy’
Tools for Safe Play 2
Running the Game 3
Rolls 3
Effect 3
Consequences 3
Perception 3
Weather 4
Encounters 5
Reactions 5
NPCs 6
List of NPCs 6
A Village with a Problem 9
Fill Hexes 9
HEXCRAWL ............................................................... 9
COMMUNITIES ..................................................... 12
FACTIONS ................................................................15
ADVENTURE SITE ................................................16
What is this? On ‘Historical Accuracy’
Kanabo is a role-playing game This is a role-playing game
inspired by sword-fighting inspired by Japanese genre film
movies typically set in and makes no attempt or
Tokugawa-era Japan pretense to portray or represent
(1600–1868). Players take on an ‘accurate’ glimpse at
the role of wandering Travelers Tokugawa-era Japan. As such,
roving the countryside seeking ‘historical’ gender roles or
fame, fortune, justice, revenge, expressions and restrictions on
or simply the freedom to roam. social strata are disregarded in
In this time, the fierce civil wars favor of inclusivity and dramatic
of the Warring States Period are effect. If the presence of
over. Left with no more wars to prominent women and other
fight, masterless warriors gender-marginalized individuals
struggle to survive and to find and LGBTQA+ people in
purpose and peace in a society chanbara confuses and irritates
that has largely left them behind. you I recommend going outside
Another typical theme of this and touching some grass.
genre is the internal conflict
between the human intuition
and feeling of right and wrong,
and ones’ obligation to lord and

Characters in Kanabo might be

nobles, but do not have to be.

Tools for Safe Play The X card is check-in tools. It
can be used by tapping physical
Sometimes the situations at cards, typing the letter in the
hand, inside or outside of the chat function of the video
game sphere, may make a Player conference software or virtual
or Chronicler feel unwelcome, tabletop you are using, or using
unsafe, or otherwise not hand signals. Before the game
enjoying themselves. Safety begins, remind everyone that it is
tools are a way by which a group available and how to use it.
can check in within each other
before, during and after sessions The X card can be used at any
in order to make sure that point if a participant is
everyone is having fun, uncomfortable with the content
comfortable, and feeling safe at happening in-game. When the X
the table. Communication and card is used by tapping the card
trust are key for a successful or typing an “X” in the chat, the
game. It is everyone’s group can change, rewind, or
responsibility at the table to skip the content.
make sure that the well-being of
those at the table take precedent Other TTRPG safety tools can
over whatever is going on inside be found within the TTRPG
the game. Safety Toolkit, a resource
created by Kienna Shaw and
Lines and veils are used to set Lauren Bryant-Monk. The
boundaries on content in a game. TTRPG Safety Toolkit is a
Lines are hard limits on content, compilation of safety tools that
things that the GM or the have been designed by members
players don’t want to engage in. of the tabletop roleplaying games
Setting up a line means that community for use by players
content won’t show up in the and GMs at the table.
game at all. Veils are soft limits,
things that are ok “behind a
curtain” or when they “cut-to-
black.” Setting up a veil means
that the content might be in the
game but not spotlighted or
described in great detail. Lines
and veils can be adjusted as
needed throughout the game.

Running the Game Consequences
You control the world around Discuss potential setbacks,
the Travelers, and the people complications and twists before
within it, and the places they a roll so the players are aware of
have built for themselves. Fill the stakes.
that world with adventure,
danger, and magic.

There are no further words by Perception

which I might describe or
prepare you for the journey Describe situations in detail;
ahead. give the players all of the
information they would
The contents of this tome, much reasonably be able to glean
like the contents of the Universe, based on gear, abilities, and
are mostly lies. situation.

Only roll to gather information if

a failure to obtain it places them
Rolls at risk in some manner.

Only the players roll the dice.

A roll always changes the

situation somehow; nothing
never happens. Have the world
react to the Traveler’s choices
and allow their actions to have
weight and meaning.

In cases where the effectiveness
of a roll is important, check the
tens die. A 1 is a narrow success
while a 6+ is an overwhelming

Roll for weather each day. Some weather may make overland travel
more difficulty.

Spring Summer Fall Winter

1 Frost Thunderstorm Heavy Rain Deep Freeze
2 Rain Storm Fierce Winds Blizzard
3 Muddy & Wet Cool Rain Muddy & Wet Sleet & Hail
4 Drizzle Muddy & Wet Cold Rain Overcast

5 Ominous Overcast Clear Skies Freezing Rain

6 Overcast Clear Skies Overcast Clear Skies
7 Cloudy Skies Brilliant Sun Clear & Crisp Brilliant Sun
8 Clear Skies Warm Rain Cool Rain Cold Rain
9 Brilliant Sun Warm & Dry Brilliant Sun Clear & Crisp
1 Unseasonal Oppressive Cold Snap Early Thaw
0 Warmth Heat

Encounters Reactions
When the Travelers are When the Travelers encounter a
exploring an Adventure Site, roll creature whose reaction to the
for encounters every three turns, party is not obvious, you may roll
or whenever the party creates for their disposition.
noise or otherwise draws
attention to themselves. 1-2 - Hostile

When the Travelers are 3-4 - Unfriendly

exploring the wilderness, roll for
encounters at the start of the 5-6 - Uncertain
morning watch and evening
watch. 7-8 - Talkative

To roll a random encounter, roll 9-10 - Helpful

a d10. On a 1, an encounter
occurs. On a 2-5, an omen
appears (signs or hints of an

All NPCs have a harm stat, a number of Wounds, a mien, and a special

If a player rolls above their target number on an attack roll, they may
suffer wounds equal to an NPC’s harm stat. If the damage is not
interesting or appropriate, create an interesting complication the player
must overcome instead.

Just like a PC, when an NPC suffers harm, mark off that many
wounds. When their last wound is marked off, they die.

Most intelligent NPCs will attempt to flee combat if more than half of
their wounds have been marked off.

Special abilities can allow NPCs to perform supernatural feats, or force

Travelers to overcome or avoid negative effects.

List of NPCs
A few of the most commonly-encountered NPCs.

Recruit Experienced

An inexperienced human Anyone with a few seasons’

assailant such as a forest bandit worth of service under their belt.
or a local magistrate’s deputy. These could be low-ranking
soldiers or nobles, a young
May attack from a range with magistrate, or a bodyguard to a
bows or matchlock firearms. government official or a criminal
Harm: 1
Wounds: 2 May challenge an opponent of
equal status to a duel.

Harm: 2
Wounds: 3

Expert Lurker

A lord’s retainer, an expert Small, green aquatic creatures

duelist, a pirate warlord. These with a turtle carapace that reside
warriors have not fought by water’s edge and lure
dragons, but rather become one. children to their drowning
deaths. If the water bowl atop
Great leaders such as these are their heads is spilled, they are
sure to bring help with them. greatly weakened.

Harm: 3 Skilled wrestlers; will attempt to

Wounds: 4 grapple their pray and drag them
under the water.

Tree-Spirit Harm: 1
Wounds: 2
Tiny ghost-lights that flicker
around special trees that grow
high within the mountains. Trickster Sprit
Some of these tree-spirits are
benevolent, some are not. At times, a wizened old man
with an exceptionally long nose;
Harming a kodama or cutting at others, a humanoid bird-of-
down their tree invokes a curse. prey with sharp eyes. Beware
solitary aescetics in the high
Harm: 0 mountains, who speak in riddles
Wounds: 2 and sow dissent.

Despite the appearance of age,

remarkably spry and skilled in
the martial arts.

Harm: 3
Wounds: 2

Ghost Ogre

Spirits barred from a peaceful A fearful hulking horned demon

afterlife. They roam the places with a thick, warty purple or
where they once lived, seeking blue hide. They roam the low
either the proper burial rituals places of mountains or forests,
they were denied in death, or a wearing loincloths of tiger pelts
resolution of an emotional and wielding massive iron
conflict. Kanabo.

Incorporeal. Touch reduces Earth Drawn to places where deeds of

by -10. great wickedness have been
Harm: 0
Wounds: 2 Harm: 4
Wounds: 5

Shapeshifters known for their

capriciousness and love of
secrets. It is said they delight in
replacing newborns with their
own offspring. The more tails a
fox-spirit has, the older and more
powerful they are.

Wields powerful magics,

particularly those relating to
confusion, misdirection or

Harm: 1
Wounds: 3

A Village with a Problem Fill Hexes
Each session, the Chronicler Start with a 5x5 map of one-mile
should create a small hex-map hexes. Place a community in the
featuring a community in some center. To fill the remaining
kind of distress, desire, or hexes, roll on the hex contents
disaster. Present problems and table or use them as inspiration.
allow the Travelers to find or Write a brief description for
invent solutions. each hex.

Hex Type
1-2 Grassland
3-4 Forest
5 Flood Plains
6 River
7 Swamp
8 Valley
9 Mountain
10 Hamlet

Landmark - Grassland Landmark - Forest

1 Solemn Dolmens. Cascading Waterfall.
2 Old Farmhouse. Lonely Shrine.
3 Field Of Strange Flowers. Mossy Stones.
4 Bone-white Tree. Stately Pines.
5 Rice Paddy. Tranquil Glade.
6 Guarded Orchard. Stunted Firs.
7 Cobbled Road. Tangled Ruins.
8 Well-traveled Shrine. Gnarled Oldgrowth.
9 Wheat Field. Meandering Brook.
10 Mist-shrouded Bridge. Razor Briars.

Landmark - Flood Plains Landmark - River
1 A Spiting Geyser. Water Mill.
2 Sunken Barge. Fallen Tree Crossing.
3 Converging Tributaries. Stone Bridge.
4 Eroded Riverbank. Sunken Shrine.
5 Stepping-stones. Dry Riverbed.
6 Muddy Flats. Canal Lock.
7 Row Of Dead Trees. Lonely Island.
8 Massive Boulder. Haze-covered Waterfall.
9 Silty Dam. Covered Bridge.
10 Twisted Roots. Sheer Cliffs.
Landmark - Swamp Landmark - Valley
1 Tar Pits. Steep Hill.
2 Giant Mushroom. Grape Orchard.
3 Beached Barge. Stone Wall.
4 Sunken Hollow. Craggy Trees.
5 Tangle Of Roots. Isolated Shrine.
6 Haunted Moor. Toll Booth.
7 Row Of Dead Trees. Stand Of Pine.
8 Grove Of Ferns. Quiet Road.
9 Submerged Trash. Field Of Clovers.
10 Hidden Shrine. Huge, Flat Rock.

Landmark - Mountain Landmark - Hamlet
1 Mist-shrouded Waterfall. Strawberry Hedge.
2 Ring Of Stones. Grazing Livestock.
3 Spitting Volcano. Busy Road.
4 Cloud-shrouded Lake. Overgrown Gardens.
5 Winding Path. Modest Shrine.
6 Veiled Caverns. Run-down Farmhouses.
7 Cliff Face. Moss-covered Ruins.
8 Snow-capped Shrine. Lantern-lit Graveyard.
9 Carvings In The Rock. Empty Village.
10 Pine-topped Ridge. Crumbling Tower.

1 Noble’s manor. What made them rich?
2 Site of a recent battle. Who’s left?
3 Herd of beasts. What are they feeding on?
4 Witch’s hut. What knowledge do they possess?
5 Hunting grounds of a monster. What treasure are they guarding?
6 Predator’s den. What are they hunting?
7 Humming stones. What makes them hum?
8 Haunted by a spirit. What do they demand?
9 Bandit hideout. Who are they preying on?
10 Completely lifeless. What happened?

1-2 Farm or manor (1-3 families)
3-4 Crossroad (5-10 families)
5-6 Hamlet (50-150 people)
7-8 Village (150-300 people)
9 Town (300-1000 people)
10 City (1000+ people)

1-2 Village Elders.
3 Merchant Landowner.
4 Chief Magistrate.
5-6 Low-Status Noble.
7 High-Status Noble.
8 Manor Lord.
9 Military Governor.
10 Duke.

Inhabitants Notable Features
1 Wary of outsiders & newcomers. Meditative gardens.

2 Traders of high-quality silks. Too many shrines.

3 Shave strange hair.

patterns into their A mill.

4 Wear face coverings at all times. A bustling marketplace.

5 Desperate for news from afar. Mess of closely-packed domiciles.

6 Highly superstitious. No-one goes out at night.

7 Wear flamboyant ornamentations Sprawling manors.

in their clothes.
Exceedingly beautiful
8 Famous brewers of fine sake. architecture.
9 Impoverished by a lord’s tithes. Secret cult temple.

10 Long-standing blood feud with Crumbling fortifications.

another community.

Industry Events
A natural disaster. Everyone is
1 Vast, sprawling poppy fields. packing to leave.
A popular, well-frequented The locals prepare for a regional
2 marketplace. celebration.
Farmers, tending to rice paddies. A nearby creature has everyone
3 on edge.
A wedding. Priests purifying a
Stonemasons, mining from a
4 shrine with blessed salt
nearby quarry. beforehand.
Woodcutters, with axe and saw. The local Duke demands a heavy
5 tithe.
Rough and rowdy sailors and Market day. Merchants are
6 fishers. flocking to the settlement.
7 Gardens of rare and exotic herbs. A traveling theatre troupe arrives.
The Governor is levying soldiers
8 Merchants and traders. for a campaign.
An illness ravages the
9 Hives of bees and their veiled community. Carts of dead, pulled
keepers. by masked physicians.
Several children have gone
10 Kiln-fired pottery. missing.

Factions are the major powers within your hexcrawl. These can be
anything from Clans and other powerful families to merchant cartels to
criminal organizations.

Faction Type
1 Noble Family.
2 Labor Union.
3 Local Lord.
4 Populist Commune.
5 Wandering Warriors.
6 Religious group.
7 Government official.
8 Artisan guild.
9 Merchant cartel.
10 Criminal fraternity.

Goals Resources
1 Subjugate a Community. Hired Mercenaries.
2 Stop an Impending War. The Emperor’s Blessing.
3 Dominate a Trade Route. Extravagant Wealth.
4 Start a War. Supernatural Powers.
5 Establish a Protection Racket. Ruthless Reputation.
6 Political Marriage. Religious Fervor.
7 Capture a Fortress. Secret Hideout.
8 Obtain a Rare Artifact. Solidarity with Common Folk.
9 Establish a New Settlement. Advanced Weapons.
10 Recruit the Vulnerable. Strength in Numbers.

Adventure Sites are locales filled with wonder, peril, and often

History Happenstance
1 Ancient Shrine. Flooding.
2 Deep Mine. Site of a Great Battle.
Inhabited by Supernatural
3 Crumbled Watchtower.
4 Misty Moor. Buried in a Landslide.
5 Lord’s Manor. A Great Fire.
Overgrown with Roots and
6 Fog-Shrouded Bridge.
7 Burial Site. Attacked and Overrun.
8 Grain Mill. Mysteriously Abandoned.
9 Warrens, into the Earth. Torn down in a Storm.
10 Blood-Soaked Battlefield. Haunted.

Inhabitants … Searching For

Desperate People Driven to
1 A Sign.
Desperate Acts.
2 A Mournful Spirit. A Vast Hoard of Treasure.
People Held in the Thrall of the
3 A Rare Herb or Flower.
4 A Spirit of Nature. An Ancestral Heirloom.
5 A Traveling Troupe of Actors. The Writings of a Wise Sage.
A Government Official and
6 A Lost Relative.
their Full Court.
7 Proselytizing Priests. A Cursed Treasure.
8 A Nefarious Spirit. Food and Supplies.
The Original Residents, A Map Drawn Up by an
9 Strangely Twisted. Imperial Cartographer.
10 A Lord and their Servants. A Safe Place to Live or Hide.
1 The Place Where All Good Souls Come to Rest.
2 Frozen in Time, 1000 Years Ago.
3 Den of a Powerful Spirit.
4 The Home of Many Spirits.
Rich Seam of Treasure that Fuels the Chaos of the Outside
5 World.
6 Forgotten Grave of an Ancient Emperor.
7 A Place Where the Dead do not Rest.
8 Tunnels Leading Deep into the Living Rock.
9 Crystal Prison of a Great Evil.
10 Strange artifacts that control the weather.

1 Trinket
2 Valuable Discovery
3-4 Unusual Discovery
5-6 Large Discovery
7-8 Useful Discovery
9-10 Hoard Of Coin

Trinket Valuable Treasure

1 Spirit Lantern. Ceremonial Fan.
Suit of Ornamental Heavy
2 Jade Figurine. Armor.
3 Conch-Shell Trumpet. Esoteric Texts.
Ancestral Blade, Without a
4 Tiny Stone Statuette.
5 Ritual Branch. Solid Gold Bar.
6 Ghost Incense. Polished Silver Mask.
7 Tree-Spirit Offering. Jade Ritual-Bead.
8 Sacred Ash. Ancient Writing-Brush.
9 Fragrant Branch. Silver-Chased Spear.
Preserved Floral Hair-
10 Talismanic coin.
17 Ornament.
Unusual Treasure Large Treasure
1 Comical Mask. Dancing Dragon Mask.
2 White Paper Pinwheel. Bronze offering-bowl.
3 Blasphemous Prayer Beads Lifesized Feminine Clay Statue.
Stone Pillar Inscribed with
4 Corroded Sword-Guard. Prayer.
5 Foreign Holy Symbol. Great White Whisker.
6 Frozen Tears. Terra Cotta Funerary Statue.
7 Lock of Hair. Verdigris-Etched Bronze Bell.
8 Bundle of Pungent Herbs. Gilded Urn.
9 Lover’s Kiss. White Lotus Flower.
10 5-Color Rice. Bronze Mirror.

Useful Treasure
1 Well-preserved Rations.
2 Spirit-Banishing Prayer Scroll.
3 Bundle of Dried Torches.
4 Satchel of Healing Herbs.
5 A Well-Cared-For Weapon.
6 Gourd Canteen of Fine Liquor.
7 A Helpful Spirit.
8 Leather Pouch of Explosive Powder.
9 Maps of the Surrounding Region.
10 A Purified Circle of Ground, Safe to Rest.

Hoard of Coin
1-2 Towering mound of d10 x 10g.
3-4 Overflowing chest of d10 x 5g.
5-6 Heavy bag of 2d10 x 5c.
7-8 Small purse of d10 x 10c.
9-10 Loose scattering of d10 x 5c.


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