Careers in Science Summative 2022 Updated

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Science is all around us from the food we eat to the electronics you are texting
with right now. It is likely that your future career will use Science too! Your task is
to research a career that you find interesting and discover how Science plays a
role in that career.


Photo Lab Technician Dry Cleaner

Environmental Consultant Craft Potter

Laboratory Technician Chef

Pharmacy Technician Optician

Aesthetician Make-up Artist

Hairstylist Interior Designer

Graphic Designer Industrial Painter

Artist Veterinary Technician/ Assistant

Quality control technician Conservation officer

Sound and light technician Auto mechanic

Firefighter Heating and cooling system
technologist Plumber Custodian

Paramedic Nurse

Dietician Waste Disposal Specialist

Astronaut Other....???

What to do?
 Choose your career

 Complete a project (it can be a poster, a powerpoint, google slides….be creative) as

it relates to your chosen career. More on this below.
o It should be easy to read with sub-headings and pictures. Make it look

 Your final product will be the collected on Tuesday, July 26, 2021 (or earlier
if you finish early)

The Research:

 You may use the following sources to gather your information:

 Reliable internet websites
 Online encyclopaedias
 Print (books, magazines, journals, encyclopaedias)
 Personal interviews

 Your work must be your own – any plagiarism will result in a mark of zero and the
requirement that a new project be completed.

 Make sure that you provide a bibliography in APA format and if you use direct
quotes please make sure you give credit where credit is due

 You can go to this website to help you cite in APA:

You are an expert in the career that you have chosen. You want to encourage others to get
into the field of study so you are creating a presentation to teach young people about your
job. The target audience is a high school student. You need to be honest, factual, creative,
and interesting. There are multiple parts that you need to include in your presentation and
they are outlined below.

Part 1: Career Background

Your presentation will include:

 Job description: What is a ____________?

 Duties/ tasks: What are the day to day tasks they perform?
What do they do?

 Training/ Education needed for this career?

 Where do they work?

 starting salary $$: How much can they earn?

 Benefits and disadvantages

 Safety What type of safety concerns does the job come with (ie use of and disposal
of chemicals, heavy machinery, exposure to contaminated objects/organisms…)

The following site will give you the basics of the job. You are not limited to this site but it
is a great start.

You may need to complete other searches for your career.

Part 2: Chemical Applications

What makes bread rise?
How does a hair stylist chemically straighten hair?
What is the purpose of rust-proofing your car?
How do cold packs work?

The answer is… Chemical Reactions!!!

Your Task:

1. Identify a chemical reaction that may be encountered in your chosen career. It

could be:

 A process that is used in the workplace (ex. Rust-proofing, colouring hair, using
antacids to relieve ‘heartburn’)
 The production of a product (ex. Baking bread, preparing tile grout)
 A product that makes use of a chemical reaction (ex. Pepper spray, fire
extinguisher, hot or cold packs)

2. Describe what is happening during the chemical reaction

3. What is the purpose of the reaction? Why is it of use to your career?

Part 3: Optics Applications
How do colour monitors work?

Why is the word ‘ECNALUBMA’ written on the hood of an ambulance?

How is virtual reality technology effective as pain control? Why are
fibre optics cables used to transmit information? How are coloured
spotlights used to enhance theatre performances? How do glasses, binoculars, telescopes,
periscopes, radar detectors, heat lamps, satellites work?

The answer is… Light and Optics !!!

Your Task:

1. Identify a technology or device that is used by someone in your profession that

applies the properties of light or colour. You may have to research this part in greater

2. How is the technology directly used by/ related to your career?

 How does the technology or device make use of the concepts presented in the optics
unit? (check all that apply…)sources of light
 electromagnetic spectrum
 laws of reflection
 plane mirrors
 curved mirrors (concave/ convex)
 refraction
 lenses
 other: __________

3. Explain how the technology works using theory/ concepts used in the optics units. I
am looking for your ability to provide specific details of how light behaves as it applies
to your topic.

4. How is this technology an advantage to your profession? Are there any

Part 4: Biology Applications

How do different systems in the body work together? What

causes body systems to fail? What causes cancer? What is a
cell? How do cells divide? Why does an organism need to eat?
How can my job effect my health?

The answer to these questions are found in……. BIOLOGY

Your Task:

1. Identify how your profession is impacted by biology or how it impacts the biology
of the person in the career (for example, why do firefighters wear oxygen tanks
and masks when they go into a fire).

2. Identify and describe a biological tool that is used by a person in this career.

3. Describe any risks to the body systems this profession may have on the person and
what type of safety is used to minimize the risk.
Part 5: Climate Applications

What impacts daily and yearly weather conditions?

What is global warming? How can different industries
affect the climate? What happens when different
chemicals are dumped into our water systems?

These questions are all linked to……. CLIMATE

Your Task:

1. Describe ways in which your career can impact the climate.

2. What does your career do to ensure they are being as “clean and green” as
possible in terms of its effect on the environment?

3. How can your profession do better in terms of climate impact?

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