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Revenge can be a terrible feeling, putting death and destruction across the generations.

But in the eyes of a single man, it can be strangely beautiful because the pain of his

It was a cold night of 1998 when Alex McGregor, a 22 year old tall man of blue eyes,
with long and dark hair, was in the dark forest catching some food to eat. Dark clouds
obscured the stars and the moon, and a fierce breeze whistled through the trees. He
was very scared, although it was his first time in this place and didnt know it very
well. It was a green place with a lot of trees, very dark and horrofying. Alex started
noticing some weird voices sounds, but didn’t paid too much attention although he
was very hungry because he didn’t ate for days.

After an hour of searching food, he saw in the far a very bright blue thing, it seemed
like a fruit or a rock, he didnt know very well. As he got closer, he noticed it was
neither a rock or a fruit, it was a glass container with some lizards, around this there
were science things, lab coats, microscopes, chemics, glasess and plants. However, all
these things seemed old and used. He rembered of the myth his friend Tyson told him
before coming, it was about an aged scientist with form of lizard of the past decade
that disappeard a lot of years ago called the Dr. Smith, but he had revenge and he
could reveal all this feeling with anyone.
The time pased and Alex had searched in all the big forest but he couldn’t find any
food. He searched on the trees, on the bushes, on the rivers, EVERYWHERE. But
there where no animals and no plants. It seemed like he was in a place with no life,
only him. He sat on a tree and started thinking. -This is very weird- -There are no
forests, with no animals. This is ridiculous and strange-.

A few minutes later, his vision began to be blinded by some lizards, this animals had
brilliant blue scales, big green and black eyes, a long tail like a dinosaur and four short
legs that looked like noodles. He couldn’t think when suddenly a big human lizard
“Im the best doctor, doctor Smith” He said “I see that you are invading my territory,
huh. This place is ONLY MINE” he added.
“But...” Alex said.
“But, nothing!” Doctor Smith interruped him. “Over the years I’ve had to kill a lot of
people just like you! Arrogants, rudes, people that thing that everything is of them”.
“Im not like that” McGregor said.
“Yes you are” - “Everyone is like that. Look, when my little Sussy died, i searched
everything to revive her! Chemics, potions, everything. But the people started thinking
that i was crazy, anybody supported me and instead, they hated me. In a failed
experiment for searching the chemic i got these horrible form, i had to hide.” Smith
said with a tear in the eye.
“Wow thats impresing”
“Now come here! Im gonna kill you”

Alex began to run very blisky. His hearth was beating a thousand for second and his
veins froze for a second. But he needed to survive, his life was depending by this. He
rememberd his parents, his friends, his family. He clenched his fists and faced Mr.
Smith. They fighted and fighted until..

“Hey Alex. Alex? Alex!” Alex listened in the background.

“Alex wake up!”

To be continued..
Taylor, C. (2022) “How to Write Gothic Fiction”

Coyne, A. (2022) “8 Elements Of Great Gothic Fiction”

Adams, D. (2017) “A Brief History of Goths”

Harris, R. (N.A) “Elements of The Gothic Novel”

Ingalls, E. (2021) “How to Write Gothic Horror History That Will Forever Haunt
Your Readers”

Cognitive Strategies:
- Search for examples of gothic storys.
- Search and apply elements that will help my story
- Highlight ideas from Frankenstain that might help me and taking them
into account.
- See videos that will help me understand more.

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