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The Coronation of Zeus

Hi! Im Zeus. And in this moment, I’m the most powerful in the universe, but you will think
how? Well… Lets reverse 45 years ago. Kronos is my father, he killed my grandpa Uranus to
become the most powerful. After this, he married with my mother Rea. They had kids, but, he
ate them all except me. My mother saved me. We started running to the creta island, the place
where my mom was gonna hide me for 23 years. The time passed and I really wanted to come
back to the sky, so one day I went back to the sky. I made a magic potion and I told my mom to
put it in the food of my father. After 15 minutes Kronos barfed my brothers: Poseidon,
Demeter, Hera, Hades and Hestia. I told them to come with me to the creta island, so we went.

After getting my brothers back, we wanted revenge, we wanted to get out all that anger we
had against Kronos. So we sent a message to out father: “We declare war on you, but not any
war father, the Titanomachy war.” The plan was to defeat Kronos and his brothers and put
them in the tartarus. The first thing we had to do was to ally with the cyclops and the
hecatonchires. But there was a little problem, they were in the tartarus, in consequence of
this, me and my brother Poseidon went to it, we killed the guard Campe and we rescue the
monsters, they were very happy so they gave us powers, and we started the trip to comeback.
After we went back with the Cyclops and the Hecatonchires to the creta island, we needed a
very beautiful and powerful base. My sister Demeter, knew about a handsome and incredible
mount; The Olymous mount. This was just the perfect place. With this in mind we started the
trip to it.

When we arrived to the mount, we got a lot of messages bringed by Hermes (the god of
messages), this were messages of Gea my grandmother, she wanted to help us. As a result of
this I told Hermes to send her this message: “Gea, dear grandma, sure you can help us! We are
in the Olympus mount.” After 2 weeks she arrived, I knew this was the moment to start the
war, so I did it. I knew the titans were in the Otris mount, so we started to trow lightings, after
this, a huge earthquake arrived to the mount. This cycle for all days during 1 year. In the next
year we planned a trip to Otris mount. When we arrived, we fight a lot

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