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Beaver is a semi-aquatic mammal-eating fish.

Beaver made up of several

clan members Lutrinae tribe children, which along with the types of skunks
(badger), biul, and pulusan (weasel) formed a tribe Mustelidae. With thirteen
species in seven genera, otters have spread in almost all parts of the world except
Australasia. They generally feed on aquatic animals, especially fish and shellfish,
and other invertebrates; but also amphibians, birds, and small mammals.

  Shaped like a weasel, otter has a relatively short limbs, with webbed paws, and -
except sea- otter have long muscular tails. The hairs on his body is composed of
two layers. The outside of the hairs are long and relatively hard, rigid; and the
inside with hairs smooth, soft. This inner layer is impermeable to water and air
trapped in it, thereby keeping the beaver skin remains dry and warm although it
was swimming in very cold water.

  Many types of otter that inhabit cold waters; and therefore have a high metabolic
rate to keep their bodies warm. Beaver beach needs food to as many as 15% of
body weight each day, while the needs of sea otters ranged between 20-25%
depending on the temperature of their surroundings. In waters as cold as 10 ° C (50
° F), an otter needs about 100 grams of fish per hour in order to survive. Most
types of otters spend 3 to 5 hours per day for hunting prey, and the mother otter
who were raising children requires a lot more time, up to 8 hours a day.

  Fish is the main food for most of the beaver. As an interlude, otters also prey on
frogs, shrimp, and crab. [2] Type particular beaver clever open mussel shells to eat
it, while other types are agile enough to catch small mammals or birds in their
habitat. This leads to dependency on prey otters prey populations vulnerable to

  Beaver is an animal that is agile and active, and hunts in the waters or in the
bottom of rivers, lakes and the sea. Most types of life and living near the water,
into the body of water to hunt or move, but most of his time was spent on the
mainland. In contrast, sea otters spend most of his life at sea.

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