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1. What are the critical Attributes of 21st century education ?

- Students who have the understanding, work ethics, and soft skills, such as online learning, rational
thought and problem solving need to have successful careers in the work organization. These are the
kinds of abilities that students should be learning when they create content for clss.

2. Describe a 21st Century teacher and discuss some innovative tools for learning?

- To do this, though, will call for a change in the way we construct our students. To use instead of just
get it is the secret. in today’s world, success is more about how you use your knowledge than how much
of it you can absorb. Teaching students in the innovation era requires schools, educators, and parents to
shift away from an information –age attitude. The capacity to use the knowledge you possess is more
important than knowledge itself in the age of innovation.

3. Explain how you can integrate 21st Century education in the curriculum.

-In order to give their students the most effective way of learning in education is possible. educators
must keep up with the times and stay ahead of the curve. Utilizing technology in the classroom,
importing the skills of critical thinking, and increasing project- based learning opportunities are some
ways that schools are introducing 21st century education into their curriculum. Moreover, schools are
putting a lot of effort into preparing children with their abilities they will require in the modern world,
including cooperation, communication,practice and situation.

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