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My name is Zaadiqjoseph a 5th form Student of the Princess Margaret School i would like for
you to fill out this questionnaire For My Social Studies Sba As my topic is about a students
negative attitude they would have i would like for you to tick which one you would prefer to
happen or appeals more to you

1 are you male or female

Male Female

2.how old are you

10-12 13-15 16-18

3. what form are you in

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

4. What are the average grades you usually get

Under 60% 60%to70%
71%to 80 81% and above

5. What affects or is affecting your attitude towards schooL

Teacher Work/subjects

Students Grades

6.What is your attitude towards school?

Love hate
7 How do you demonstrate your attitude towards school?

Scud/skip classes

Disrespect teachers

Not doing Work

8.Which of the following would change your attitude to school?

Different teachers
More time with subjects you enjoy
Shorter day
Less restrictions

9. do you know anyone who has dropped out of school due to these problems


10.Do you think if these changes were made they would return to school

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