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JUARBAL January 8, 2021




Learning Task 1
Identify the word or phrase referred to by the following words. To challenge yourself, do not
look back at the previous pages.
Literal Comprehension 1. The lowest level of comprehension
Sensation 2. The cause of eye movement during the reading act
Reading Time 3. One factor that determines flexibility of schedule
Poor Schemata 4. One cause of poor decoding or comprehension
Extensive Reading 5. A kind or reading done during leisure time
1 hour a day 6. The best reading diet
12 minutes 7. Amount of time spent for periodical
30 minutes 8. Amount of time spent for academic readings
Development Reading 9. A kind of reading that involves several stages
Perception 10. Becoming aware of something
Application and Reaction 11. Giving meaning to what you have experienced
Retina 12. A part of the eye first hit by the light from the printed matter
Cerebral Cortex 13. Brain section as storeroom
Comprehension 14. Data processing that gives emphasis to the author’s knowledge
Comprehension 15. Data processing that gives emphasis to the reader’s knowledge
Creative Reading 16. Reading that requires production of new ideas
Schema 17. Symbolical representation of a person’s stock knowledge
Skimming 18. The fastest kind of reading
Concept 19. A condensed form of experience
Narcotic Reading 20. A reading act that has an effect similar to drugs
Learning Task 2

Number these words according to their order of occurrence in the reading process.
2 cerebral cortex 9 midbrain
8 optic nerves 4 eye movements
3 perception 9 impulses
1 schemata 5 light
7 nerve currents
6 chemical changes

Learning Task 3

Compare and contrast the following:

1. Bottom-up processing vs. top-down processing
Answer: Bottom-up processing talks about the getting the message of the text or the authors
knowledge while top-down processing is about the readers knowledge and understanding to
comprehend the author’s view point.
2. Schema vs. schemata
Answer: Schemata is reader’s knowledge that he or she has stocked inside his memory
through time while the other representation of this stored knowledge residing inside his mind is
called “schema”.
3. Sensation vs. perception
Answer: Sensation is the ability to be aware of something because of the stimulation coming
from the sense organs (Hearing, Smell, Touch, Sight, and Taste), on the other hand, perception
happens when a portion of the human brain takes out the experience of the reader of the word in
accordance to his or her basic knowledge of it.

4. Critical reading vs. creative reading

Answer: Critical reading is a type of reading in which the reader has to really understand it in
a critical sense to be able to absorb the idea of the author’s work while creative reading, on the other
hand, is a type of reading act in which the reader forms his or her own ideas after reading the material.
5. Scanning vs. skimming
Answer: Scanning is a very fast type of reading in which the reader searches for a specific work
in the text while skimming is an easy form of reading where it identifies the text main ideas without
reading the whole thing.

6. Extensive reading vs. intensive reading

Answer: Extensive reading is only done leisurely with a book or material that the reader is
interested or curious about while intensive reading is only done during researches where it needs
total focus and concentration when reading to be able to digest and understand the materials.

7. Functional skills vs. study skills

Answer: Functional skills are skills from school subjects intended for all the students from the
secondary stage of education to have in providing them the essential knowledge they need. While
study skills or academic skills are strategic approaches applied to learning that can boost a person’s
ability to learn and study.

8. Beginning reading vs. wide reading

Answer: Beginning reading is reading any text or material the reader is interested in while
wide reading is reading a text that has complicated and difficult words- as well as important

9. New knowledge vs. old knowledge

Answer: New knowledge is the new information the reader obtains from reading then later it
becomes old knowledge/information that was previously learned by the reader and the reader can
willingly remember it when needed.

10. Fixation vs. interfixation of the eyes

Answer: Fixation is maintaining the visual gaze on one location of a text while Interfixation is
the short horizontal line caused by the eyes that moves from one stopping point to another.
Learning check

Answer each question concisely.

1. What makes one understand the material he is reading?
Reading comprehension and information processing makes a reading understand the material
he is reading.
2. How long has the schema been in the reader’s brain?
When a child starts reading that when the schema will form in their brain. As soon as they
real the longer they’d have schema in their brains.
3. How does one improve or increase his schema?
By reading more and challenging oneself by reading difficult books from time to time to
improve one’s reading comprehension.
4. Why should a person aspire to enrich his schemata?
One should aspire to enrich one’s schemata because understanding what you read leads to
learning, and learning stuff becomes knowledge that is very beneficial to oneself.
5. Is schema an indicator of intelligence? Why? Why not?
I think so, yes, because without schema present in their brains kina proves that they read less
book in their lives and their reading comprehension is low, meaning they find it hard to understand
what they read.
6. Should critical thinking be stressed in the college level? Reason out.
I think yes, because just like exercise, I think practicing ones critical thinking improves their
thinking process.

7. Do you agree that there will be no perception if there is no sensation? Reason out.
Yes, I just think that they are closely related to each other because losing one of the other
doesn’t result to anything, I think. Since perception and sensation comes in pair and it is also needed
in reading.

8. Should lower levels of thinking always precede higher levels thinking? Why? Why not?
I don’t know. I think no because higher level thinking tend to be logical and much more
complicated I guess.
9. How can you become an intelligent reader?
A person can become an intelligent reader by obviously becoming an avid reading himself.
Any reading material will do as long as you’re practicing your reading skills every day. I also think
that applying the reading diet also helps because having a variation of books to read every day helps
a lot.
10. Identify the different levels of comprehension and explain each briefly.
Level 1 – Literal comprehension where understanding the text word for word is applied.
Level 2 – Inferential comprehension is where understanding is beyond literal understanding.
Level 3 – Evaluative comprehension is where understanding leads to critical thinking and reflection.
Level 4- Applied comprehension is understanding the text based on the author’s language, values,
imagery, style, and purpose.


From the chapter, I learned… a lot about reading. I’ve always been reading what interests
me more and I read just for leisure and fun but now I’ve learned that adding variation to
the books and materials I read will help me a lot especially in improving my reading and
comprehension skills.

To further my learning, I will… start applying the reading diet stated in this chapter. I
think I will start small but there’s a saying that every good thing starts small. I just hope
I’d be able to maintain it.

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