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While studying the works of Israel Regardie, I was struck by the beauty of his
writing style. I could not remember a time when I had read an author, including his
teachers and students, that was so enjoyable. I didn't feel like I had to double check
every source in his bibliography or scour his index for strange terms that meant
nothing to an amateur. Regardie knew that the first step in attaining spiritual
progress in a world of trouble meant accepting the fact that we are all responsible
for the mistakes of the previous generations. This is not meant to disappoint anyone,
but rather, to offer a surprise and a clue as to where our group identity as spiritual
humans came from. Our ancestors had a hard time living in a world where stones
and dirt were the only original materials available to work with. The ability to
survive depended on their willingness to invent and recreate new ways of hunting
and finding shelter while the earth and its climate changed so extremely around
them. The only reason nomadic peoples around the equator made it to the places
where cities are today is because they tried new things and kept their thinking alive
with dreams of better futures where fewer dangerous forces were threatening them.

Today, we are faced with a similar problem. Racial tensions, religious extremism
and other threats to world peace are a result of stagnant or dead forms of thinking
that belong six feet beneath the earth's crust. But the only way to make a dead mind
come back to life is to return it to the playground where it learned how to play with
psychological problems and complexes in pre-pubescent joy. An adolescent's brain
is unhindered by the problems of the adult world around it because it is supported
by its parents, at least to the extent that it is still alive, and it can sleep and dream
peaceably knowing that tomorrow will probably not be as different from today as
1000 years ago is as different from modern times. The only difference between the
child's mind and the adult's mind is that the child has not been exposed to the world
of aggression, manipulation, and, involuntary submission which many adults live
with in the "developed" world today. In order to free the innocent from the dark
cycle of masked slavery and oppression they must rethink what it means to be

To us, normal has become a word that means boring, and boring is the death of
innovation. In the playground, nothing is boring because nothing is real. Only the
imagination, the daydream, is in control and able to direct what happens in a way
that is productive and hopefully regenerative in an emotional sense. The only reason
a child would create a world within his dreams is because it senses the darkness and
hopelessness of modern materialist, unbalanced culture. Native children do not
often have the deep-seated neuroses western young people are infamous for. The
only way for children in the west to free themselves from mental degradation is to
begin again. Culture for them has nothing to offer. It only profits the corporate elite.
A child knows how to survive in the wilderness. It is not far from its unconscious
origins in primitive society. Neither are adults, but decades of conditioning and the
force of the clock, evil satan as time, has erased some of this bridge to the garden of
eden. An adult must relearn how to begin again by giving up on negative self-
defeating thought patterns that only profit other people, other people they will
never meet, know or love. Children can lead them out of this maze of depression by

showing them how simple it is to play. We can play with anything. My cat plays with
a 4-inch long piece of string and enjoys it. So do I sometimes. But if I showed that to
my boss he would spit on me. Only children have, so to speak, the holy protection of
the gods, in that, normally, no matter how evil you are, you will not be inclined to
spit or disrespect a child too badly. It is still in bad taste.

In order to prevent more children from losing this gift, we as western adults must
think more often about how children kept us from destroying our culture and

Ponder list of child saints

Jesus was said to have spoken even in the cradle https://sacred-

Mozart was not the only child prodigy

The Egyptians worshiped a child and depicted him as god of the sky - classic
archetypal freedom imagery

Out of context, everyone knows kids are great. If your workmate has a baby, you
congratulate him. But what do you do when you can't get your work done? What
happens when you get a headache? The Buddha would say you made it to heaven.
Getting "stuck" means freedom from worldly ensnarement - the evil snake of hell.
But in a material world, a headache means you are in danger. Something is wrong.
But what? Your perspective.

Without thinking, you have decided to adopt only one perspective, and any other
possibility appears to be the wrong way out. A child (or god) never does this. A child
accepts the possibility for altered perception (without drugs) at most times. It is as
easy as turning around.

What was behind your head before you got in a cram? Maybe it was the answer.
Maybe you put the answer to your problem behind your head and stopped thinking
about because you thought a better answer existed somewhere else previously
unknown. So you went to look for that answer, abandoning the old one. But the new
answer is an illusion. You made it up, because something inconsequential is going
wrong in your love life. You bought a ham sandwich when you wanted chicken. Then
you spend the rest of your day with a stagnant perspective that will not change
because your emotions have been allowed to run wild. This is the kind of thing that
must go in all the royal households and courtrooms of the world's finest
civilizations. Everything appears to be going well, then one simple detail seems to be
off, but it's really just in your mind. If you wish to be the king of your own realm,

however small that may be, it is important not to let the contents of your head run
wild at all hours of the day. This is the image of the demon child like the jersey devil,
spawned from some poor woman's nether regions, raised by wolves and come back
to town to take back its lost innocence. Nobody needs a jersey devil in their lives. Be
kind to yourself. Keep a healthy emotional relationship with your deeper neuroses.

Consider The Adoration of The Magi as an allegory of human frailty.

Three Watchers: The Eagle, The Bull and The Lion in The Zodiac. The Donkey
(Lament / Doubter as Devil) watches The Baby from the dark. The stick, supporting
the roof, visually separates The Donkey from The Baby, just as The Followers of
Christ separate themselves from Sinners with The Rod, serpent transformed by
Moses. The Devil tempted Christ to enter his Kingdom, but Christ Refused, as his
mother (Lamenting but believing as a Mourning Water-Bearer pours water back
into the source from which she drew) supported him. (Pistis Sophia)

This painting from 1495 encompasses the theme of faith without apologies. Here is
the original Triptych –


And the center -


There is a battle about to begin above the roof (in heaven), above which a man is
leading a horse with a red covering up a winding, partially hidden path to a walled
city. Notice the three main towers. Two are on our left and get thinner as they get
taller. The one within the confines of the walls is columnar. The Sun is closest to this.
We can trace the Sun down to the baldhead of the red-robed man bowing before the
child. But he is separated from him by the winding stick supporting the roof.

A large crown and a small statue are on the other side of this stick. The statuette
contains a crucifix. Three characters are building it, perhaps one for each of the
three worlds - Creative, Formative and Material. But the first world of archetypes is
veiled by the robes of The Virgin (Virgo). They lead up to Christ, then Mary, and
finally The Old Man looking down on Christ from The Roof.

Perhaps this is an allegorical retelling of human's plight to climb the "world-tree" of
material success. The old man on the roof has succeeded in watching the coronation
of The Baby Christ, but his comrades are still in the process of climbing up to him.
Like the men in the statuette below Christ, there are three of them. One looks out of
a hole to see the back of Mary (Materialists see the back of the spiritual world), the
next peaks out from behind the wall and sees a little more than the first
(Intellectuals get a glimpse of the spirit world), and the climbing man is in the
process of getting to the point where he can see everything (Creative people are
getting to the point of spirit). Maybe the couple on the roof represent the parents of
Christ in Heaven, hidden from the world of men. They are cut off from him in the
Material world but they do see him from above. From another standpoint, the two
are dressed in peasant's clothing. This couple is impoverished and depend on the
lowest world of physical activity to survive…


Read from top to bottom, the message of the painting may be this: The Cult of The
Sun inspired men to build great empires at the expense of many lives and innocence,
but God looks down from heaven with a peaceful satisfaction on the acceptance of
his son while the devil keeps his silence. Devil and God are not at war below because
they accept the fact that a martyr is required for life to continue after the Christian
Empire has destroyed so much. Christ is the one to take the blame for this loss.

Millions of people believe that Christ died for them. Many people forgive themselves
for committing more sins. If Christ was never born, which archaeological evidence
supports, they would not be able to get away with this. The only way to harness the
beast in man is to put reigns on it with superior intelligence and skill.

Since people who have not mastered their inner demons / beasts continue to create
needless war, perhaps they can be stopped if we show them the evidence that their
God really was just a fantasy. No one would willingly believe in the existence of a
person who came from nothing, died for no reason, and came back to life to tell us
we were wrong about the nature of metaphysics. That doesn't make sense. The only
reason people believe in this is because they don't want to deal with the problem of
mastering their inner demons. Without this solar myth, they have no leg to stand on.

Modern day Christians are being controlled by forces they are almost entirely
ignorant of. Conservatism and Evangelicalism are fronts for get-rich-quick schemes
designed to profit people that the lower classes don't really know. But they think
they do because they appear to share these same values, and millions of people
accept these values without a second thought. They are brought up in cultures of
ignorance, and the only way out of them is to accept the fact that their religion is
based on nothing. Their ancestors belong to a culture that accepts garbage for fact
and unreality for morality. Think twice about the spiritual basis for your carbon
footprint. It might surprise you.

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