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The advantages of playing video games

1) playing Video games can increase your brain’s gray matter.

Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have
shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in
the brain and boost brain connectivity.

2) Gamers may have better social skills.

Past research involving children found that those who played more video
games were more likely to have good social skills, perform better
academically, and to have built better relationships with other students
because of the social and collaborative component to some types of

3) Games can teach you to be a better problem solver.

Open-world, mission-based, and multi-level games are designed like
complex puzzles that take several hours to solve. One long-term study
published in 2013 showed that children who played strategy-based
games showed an improvement in problem-solving skills

4) a fun way to get tricked into learning

Video games could be used to improve reading and math skills. Today,
there are games that incorporate world history, cooking, politics,
chemistry, architecture, and other topics you may not have been
exposed to in school.
The disadvantages of playing video games
1. Video Games Can Make You Addicted
Video game addiction is a rising problem and likely to increase in the
future. One of the main reasons behind the pandemic of video game
addiction is that video games are designed to be addictive. They provide
instant gratification and encourage gamers to keep playing every day.
Players who play every day may even receive bonuses and special
rewards in encouraging them to play even more.

2. Some Games Promote Gambling

Modern video games are linked to gambling through loot boxes and
microtransactions that promote compulsive spending. Gamers who
suffer from gaming addiction can also develop a gambling addiction,
exacerbated by the seeming ease of access to gambling-like mechanics
inside modern games. Many of these games are played by kids,
meaning that children have access to gambling mechanics using real-life
money. Parents report discovering hundreds or even thousands of
dollars spent on their credit cards without their knowledge.

3. Lack of Concentration

Spending a long time in front of a screen playing games can impact a

gamer’s ability to focus and concentrate on other tasks such as school,
work, college, or study. Games demand a lot of attention to detail and
concentration. But, unfortunately, we’re only able to focus for a certain
amount of time daily, and the more time you spend gaming, the less
attention you will have for other tasks.

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