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1. Group your class according to preferred industry.

2. Research on the macroeconomic variables affecting the chosen industry, can be done by group
(same companies of the same industry)
3. Within the chosen industry, research the top 10 Sharia-compliant securities per market
4. After choosing one Sharia-compliant security, research its company background, products etc.
then download its financial statements for the following periods: two years prior to pandemic
(2018 & 2019), and for the pandemic period 2020 & 2021, 4 (four) comparative periods
5. Choose another one company, not a Sharia-compliant security but within the same industry.
This company must have the same market capitalization as your first chosen security in step#4.
6. Do the same procedure as in step #4 for the non-Sharia compliant security. Now, you have two
securities (companies) to analyze
7. Perform financial statement analysis as follows:
a. Trend analysis for each company
b. Vertical analysis for each company
c. Horizontal analysis for each company
d. Comparative financial ratio analysis for the two companies (same industry, same market
capitalization, only difference as to Sharia compliance)

Submissions required:

1. Excel spreadsheet for:

a. step #2
b. step #3
c. financial statements step #4
d. financial statements step #6
e. Financial statement analysis step#7

2. Formal written Financial Statement Analysis (hardbound)

3. PPT slide used in the FSA presentation (Seminar Type, whole day Saturday/Sunday)

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