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Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Natural, bio-based, colored linoleum: Design, preparation,

characteristics and preliminary life cycle assessment
Federica Rosso a, *, Anna Laura Pisello b, Ilaria Pigliautile c, Gianluca Cavalaglio b,
Valentina Coccia b
Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Roma, Italy
University of Perugia, Dept. of Engineering, Via Goffredo Duranti, 93, 06125, Perugia, Italy
CIRIAF Interuniversity Research Centre on Pollution and Environment Mauro Felli, Via G. Duranti 63, 06125, Perugia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bio-based construction elements and materials are undergoing a wide diffusion due to the growing
Received 26 November 2019 attention for limiting the environmental impact of the construction sector nowadays. Following this
Received in revised form trend towards increased sustainability in buildings and their components, here a novel bio-based lino-
1 May 2020
leum, colored by means of bio-based pigments is investigated. The linoleum design and development are
Accepted 11 May 2020
Available online 15 May 2020
presented, and the different samples are characterized with respect to optics, thermal and acoustic
properties. Moreover, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is carried out to assess the impact of the material on
Handling Editor: Jing Meng environment and human health. Possible applications are then discussed. Findings demonstrate that the
natural pigments are able to effectively color the linoleum. Solar reflectance of the samples falls between
Keywords: 28.8% and 42.7%, while thermal conductivity varies between 0.28 and 0.37 W/mK and acoustic ab-
Linoleum sorption coefficient is around 0.5 and varies the peak frequencies with respect to the thickness of the air
Bio-based construction material layer behind the sample. Finally, the investigated sample of natural pigment reduces the impact cate-
Bio-based pigments gories on the environment by up to 94.1% through its life cycle, with respect to same-color synthetic
Thermal-optic characterization
Acoustic absorption
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction composed of natural and easily disposable materials, which can be

partially recycled to be employed again. This is the main difference
Linoleum was invented in the 19th century as a no-joints with vinyl flooring (Jo €nsson et al., 1997), which is often confused
flooring material, composed of linseed oil, resin, powdered wood with linoleum due to similar aspect and commercial application,
and limestone, colored pigments and jute textile material (Jo €nsson but is instead synthetic and mainly composed of polyvinyl chloride
et al., 1997; Walton, 1899). It is traditionally employed as a flooring (PVC).
material for high-traffic areas, such as industrial, sport and office Linoleum has been investigated in the past years, even if the
facilities, but it is also utilized in the residential sector (Forbo literature base is not extensive on the topic. Scopus database was
Floring Systems, 2020.; Gerflor the flooring group, 2020; Tarkett, able to retrieve 64 manuscripts focused on linoleum (with the word
2020). After being patented in 1863, this material experienced a “linoleum” in the title), while 318 works mention “linoleum” in
great diffusion in the 20th century among architects of the modern either the title, abstract or keywords. Of the above mentioned
movement (e.g. Bauhaus architects among which Mies van der corpus, studies were conducted with respect to indoor air quality
Rohe), due to its practicality and innovativeness. In the last decades, and volatile organic compounds emissions (VOC) of linoleum
due to the growing interest towards natural and bio-based mate- flooring (Jensen et al., 1995b, 1995a; Salimifard et al., 2017); on the
rials for the construction sector (Cabeza et al., 2018; Castaldo et al., effect of linoleum and other cushioning materials on discomfort
2015; Orsini and Marrone, 2019; Pisello and Rosso, 2015), linoleum and fatigue of standing users (Speed et al., 2018); and on properties
is undergoing renewed interest: it is, indeed, almost entirely and characteristics of linoleum, in terms of durability and me-
chanical resistance (Carvalho et al., 2018; Dilik and Hiziroglu, 2015).
Many studies were conducted on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of
* Corresponding author. the investigated flooring material, comparing it with other floor
E-mail address: federica.rosso@uniroma1.it (F. Rosso).

0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

covering options, such as vinyl, solid wood flooring, and carpet envelope application (Claramunt et al., 2016; Rosso et al., 2018;
(Gorre e et al., 2002; Jo
€nsson et al., 1997; Potting and Blok, 1995). Rosso et al., 2014; Torres-Rivas et al., 2018; Zea Escamilla and
Results show that in general linoleum is more environmentally Habert, 2014), or as load bearing elements (Cascone et al., 2019;
favorable than carpet and vinyl, while solid wood flooring is more Serrano et al., 2016c, 2016b, 2016a), or for external paving appli-
environmentally-friendly than linoleum but this finding is very cation (Lu et al., 2019). Natural-based materials for building in-
sensitive to the wood typology and finishing. However, with teriors are less discussed in the literature with respect to their optic,
respect to solid wood flooring, linoleum demonstrates to be more thermal and acoustic characteristics, while their role in affecting
convenient under the point of view of environmentally hazardous indoor wellbeing and air quality is acknowledged (Harb et al.,
substances (Jo € nsson et al., 1997). 2018). Indeed, interior finishing is majorly investigated in terms
The above-mentioned works, which are dated back to of indoor air quality, as to assess the amount of Volatile Organic
1995e2002, underline the non-negligible impact of linoleum Compounds (VOC) that are released in the indoor environment.
colored pigments on the LCA. According to Jo € nsson et al. (1997), This is not the scope of this research: our aim is to consider the
30% of electricity usage in linoleum production is due to titanium optic-thermal and acoustic properties of the investigated innova-
dioxide pigment production, thus indicating the weight of such tive linoleum, in order to optimize its utilization and application in
component in the energy use of the material. The sensitivity buildings, as well as to consider its sustainability with respect to the
analysis performed by Gorre e et al. (2002) demonstrated that the environmental impact. The life cycle assessment (LCA) analyses
utilization of pigments other than titanium dioxide (in this case, red that were developed with respect to linoleum are dated
and yellow pigments) can result in the increase of certain impact (1980e2000): in addition to performing an updated LCA study, the
categories, such as aquatic and sediment toxicity (up to 200%), odor, original contribution of this work is the consideration of innovative,
oxidation formation, depletion, global warming, human toxicity. plant-based pigments for the linoleum mix, to improve the gap
Therefore, pigments’ choice, alone, is able to significantly modify underlined in previous research about the pigment role in wors-
the impact of the linoleum on the environment. ening the linoleum impact on the environment. Therefore, a pre-
In this view, the optimization of such component of the lino- liminary LCA was also conducted towards an effective
leum mix appears as a fundamental step for improving the sus- quantification of the environmental performance of such new, in-
tainability of linoleum and its production. To this aim, natural lab-developed material, which is expected to improve its environ-
pigments extracted from plants were investigated in this research, mental performance especially thanks to the more sustainable bio-
as sustainable components for the linoleum material improvement base pigment prototype. Finally, indications about possible appli-
in its environmental performance. cations and future development of this research are hypothesized.

2. Purpose of the work 3. Materials and methods

Pigments have been employed since ancient times, and were The pigments are initially designed and prepared to be mixed in
extracted from plants or derived from animals. Before the synthetic the linoleum mix. Then, the linoleum is produced by applying the
pigments’ diffusion, mineral or biological pigments were employed, linoleum cement on the textile Jute backing. Once the linoleum is
and the range of possible colors was reduced. One notable example ready, samples of different natural-based colors are tested in lab,
concerns the Phoenicians that more than 1000 years BCE were investigating optic, thermal and acoustic characteristics. Measured
famous for the production of purpura, the Phoenician purple or data are analyzed by means of statistical analysis. Finally, a LCA is
Royal purple (McGovern and Michel, 1985). The purpura pigment conducted to verify the effectiveness of the investigated pigments
was extracted from the mucus of sea-snails. After the first industrial in increasing the sustainability of linoleum, focusing on one of the
revolution, synthetic pigments obtained from the refinement and pigments and comparing it with same-color synthetic pigment. In
manufacturing of natural materials saw a great expansion. The the following sections, each step of the above-mentioned meth-
chemical and industrial process in this production was one of the odology is described in detail.
main factors leading to an increase in toxicity and odor of the
linoleum, as evidenced in the environmental profile that emerged 3.1. Pigments
from the life cycle assessment (Gorre e et al., 2002). The linoleum
material would, otherwise, be natural and more sustainable. The The objectives in designing the colored mix are to obtain colored
development and design of plant-based, natural pigments is pigments:
motivated by these considerations, towards the implementation of
a natural-based and natural-colored linoleum material. Therefore, (i) able to be extracted from natural materials;
the subject of this research is the design, implementation and (ii) with no need to be mixed with metals or other substances to
overall characterization of an innovative, sustainable linoleum for be employed;
indoor applications. The design of the linoleum consists of the (iii) able to be extracted from commonly available vegetation.
development of the different plant-based pigments that are
employed in the linoleum surface layer, as well as the design of the Pigments are thus extracted from different plants, locally
linoleum composite. Samples are developed in the laboratory and available in Central Italy, to obtain different colors. The European
characterized in terms of optic, thermal and acoustic smoketree, cotinus coggygria is employed to extract yellow pigment
characteristics. from the leaves. A blue pigment is extracted from woad leaves, isatis
This study contributes to the branch of research investigating tinctoria. Finally, from the roots of Rubia, known as madder, a red
natural construction materials (Asdrubali et al., 2015; Madurwar pigment is obtained (Fig. 1).
et al., 2013; Pisello and Rosso, 2015; Rosso et al., 2016b; Rouilly To obtain the pigments, the leaves of the cotinus coggygria are
and Vaca-Garcia, 2015), towards decreasing the environmental crushed and then boiled in water for 1 h. Then, the obtained mix is
impact of the construction sector (Cabeza et al., 2013; Orsini and filtered so as to separate the solid and the liquid part. The yellow
Marrone, 2019). Many studies investigated natural materials for pigment is finally obtained by means of spray-dryer method (Venil
thermal insulation (Liu et al., 2017; Pennacchio et al., 2017; Pisello et al., 2015).
and Rosso, 2015; Schiavoni et al., 2016), as well as for external The blue pigment is obtained by leaving the woad leaves in
F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202 3

Fig. 2. Linoleum samples in different colors. (For interpretation of the references to

color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Fig. 1. Plants and extracted pigment: from left, cotinus coggygria-smoketree and the
extracted yellow pigment; isatis tinctoria-woad and the extracted blue pigment; rubia- - A reference sample, without any pigment, but identical to the
madder and the extracted red pigment. (For interpretation of the references to color in others in all the other components (Ref), for comparison pur-
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) poses. The color of the Ref sample is light brown and is given by
the mix of linoleum components;
- Lignin sample (LB), which is darker than Ref, brown colored;
water at ambient temperature for 24 h. Once the leaves are
- Woad/blue sample (WB), which assumes a greenish color due to
removed, air is blown in the water to form foam. The pH of the
the mix of the blue pigment with the yellowish color of the
solution has to be maintained on 9e10 value, by adding 2 mol of
wood and cork flour;
potassium hydroxide (KOH). Finally, the formed foam is collected
- Woad/blue sample, as the above, but with the addition of TiO2 to
with a spatula and dried.
the linoleum mix, for comparison purposes (WBTiO2);
The madder roots are dried and crushed, and the pigment is
- Madder/red sample (MR);
extracted by boiling (80  C, for 2 h) the roots in the water, and then
- Madder/red sample, as the above, but with the addition of TiO2
leaving the solution to cool down and decanting. The precipitation
to the linoleum mix, for comparison purposes (MRTiO2);
of the red pigment is obtained by adding potassium alum and so-
- Smoke tree/yellow sample (SY);
dium hydroxide and then leaving it to dry.
- Smoke tree/yellow sample, with a higher pigments’ percentage
Finally, the dark brown lignin pigment derives from the above-
mentioned plants, by using the lignin that is a byproduct after the
production of the pigments and from other in-lab experiments on
bio-fuels (Cotana et al., 2014). It is obtained by drying the byproduct
in a stove at 60  C, and then crushing the resulting material to 3.3. Optic characterization
obtain the lignin powder.
The above described linoleum samples are investigated with
3.2. Development of the composites respect to their intrinsic characteristics. In terms of optic charac-
terization, a colorimetric analysis is carried out by means of
As for pigments’ design objectives, also for the linoleum mix, the colorimeter, to determine the color space coordinates of each
aim of the design is to employ natural-based components as much linoleum sample (L*a*b*). Then, solar reflectance and absorbance
as possible, that would allow to diminish the linoleum impact on are measured according to the standard method defined by ASTM
the environment, based on previous research (Jo € nsson et al., 1997). E903 (American Society for Testing and Materials, 2010a) by means
Indeed, both pigments and the other components derive from of spectrophotometer (Solidspec 3700, Shimadzu, Japan). The
natural materials, such as linseed oil and pine resin. Titanium di- reflectance is measured in the 300e2500 nm wavelength interval,
oxide is employed only for comparison purposes, as discussed and it allows to determine the total solar reflectance, and to specify
below. Once the pigments are ready, the linoleum is developed in the reflectance in the ultraviolet (UV, 300e380 nm), visible (Vis,
the lab: the components of the linoleum are linseed oil (75%), pine 380e780 nm) and near-infrared regions of the spectrum (NIR,
resin (20%), calcium carbonate (5%), cork and wood flour and jute. 780e2500).
The following process allows to obtain the flooring and coating Comparisons are implemented among the samples, and in
material: particular the addition of TiO2 pigments is evaluated. Comparisons
are set: WB and WBTiO2, MR and MRTiO2 samples are compared
- Calcium carbonate, linseed oil and pine resin are mixed for
20e24 h under hot air stream (80  C) to dry, for the oxidation
Table 1
phase; Linoleum samples that were prepared in lab.
- Wood and cork flour are added to the viscous mix, as well as the
Linoleum sample Acronym Pigments % Sample color
pigments. Here, the linoleum cement is formed;
- The cement is stretched out on the jute cloth and pressed. The Ref. Sample Ref 0.0 Light Brown
Lignin LB 4.0 Brown
obtained material is dried at 80  C to become the finished
Woad-blue WB 4.0 Dark blue-green
linoleum product (Fig. 2). Woad þ TiO2-blue WBTiO2 4.0 Dark blue-green
Madder-red MR 4.0 Dark red
The resulting samples are described below, where the pigments’ Madder þ TiO2-red MRTiO2 4.0 Dark red
percentage corresponds to 4% in weight, if not differently specified Smoke tree-yellow SY 4.0 Yellow-ochre
Smoke tree þ -yellow SYþ 8.0 Yellow-ochre
(Table 1):
4 F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

and statistical analysis about the impact of TiO2 on optic charac- pigments generally include the addition of other chemical sub-
teristics is carried out. In addition, pigment content variation - from stances, such as sulfides and acids, which were identified as the
4% to 8% - in the mix is considered for the SY, by comparing SY and main causes of environmental damage (Gorre e et al., 2002; Jo
€ nsson
SYþ. et al., 1997).
The decision to limit the LCA to the pigment is driven by the
3.4. Thermal characterization findings of the previous studies, which are above-mentioned.
Indeed, the role of the pigments is indicated there as one of the
A set of measurements is performed to investigate thermal most “impactful” entries in the linoleum production impact
characteristics of the linoleum. In particular, thermal emissivity is assessment, especially in the case where titanium dioxide (TiO2)
assessed by means of emissometer (Emissometer, Devices and pigment (Jo € nsson et al., 1997), red or yellow pigments are consid-
Services, USA), according to standard ASTM C1371-04 (American ered (Gorre e et al., 2002). Moreover, the entire LCA of linoleum has
Society for Testing and Materials, 2010b). been already assessed by such studies. Therefore, the original
Thermal conductivity and diffusivity are measured according to contribution of this assessment to the literature is identified in the
ISO 2207 (International Organization for Standardization, 2015), by calculation of the impact of the pigments compared to the com-
means of hot disk TPS 2500 S (Hot Disk AB, Sweden). Similarly to mercial ones.
optic characteristics analyses, also for thermal measurements sta- The LCA boundaries are related to the sole production of the
tistical analyses are conducted to verify the impact of TiO2 and pigment itself. For the SY, such boundaries mean that the analysis
pigment percentage on linoleum properties. goes from the extraction of the pigment from the smoke tree
(cotinus coggygria), to the pigment ready to be applied in the
3.5. Acoustic characterization linoleum mix. For the CdS, the boundaries of the analysis start from
the components for synthesizing the pigment, i.e., from cadmium,
Acoustic characterization is carried out by means of impedance to the yellow cadmium sulfide pigment. The input data are taken
tube (Bruel & Kjaer, 4260 model, 50 Hze6.4 kHz), according to ISO from the in-lab development of the materials. It is important to
10534-2 standard (ISO, 1998). In detail, the normal incidence ab- highlight that this preliminary LCA is assessed for an in-lab pro-
sorption coefficient of the sample is assessed in lab by measuring duction of small quantities of pigment, while the industrial pro-
the sound pressure in two fixed positions and then computing the duction is more complex and undergoes different steps. The
transfer function between them. Thus, the reflection and absorp- decision to consider such in-lab assessment is linked to the need to
tion coefficients are obtained. This process is repeated by consid- use the exact data deriving from the in-house development of the
ering different air layer thicknesses behind the sample itself, i.e., 0, bio-based pigments. Therefore, also for the traditional yellow
1 and 2 cm, in order to assess the absorption coefficient of the cadmium pigment we employ an in-house artisanal process to be
material once applied as absorption panel in the indoors as fin- industrialized later on. The investigation of an industrial process for
ishing cover for ceilings, walls etc. Indeed, the thicker the air layer, the bio-based pigment and the traditional pigment will be the
the lower the frequencies for the absorption coefficient. For each subject of future studies.
investigated configuration, i.e. 0, 1, 2 cm air gap thickness, four
measurements are carried out and the presented results concern 3.6.2. Inventory analysis
the achieved average values. In this phase, data about the production of the investigated
products are gathered towards the description of the production
3.6. LCA process and the employed resources. One kilogram of pigment is
considered for each pigment type to compute the LCA.
A life cycle assessment analysis (LCA) is carried out to verify the Based on the results of the optic characterization (section 4.1.1),
impact of this kind of natural pigment on the environment. In we hypothesize that one kg of SY and one kg of CdS are functionally
detail, one of the pigments, the yellow-colored one (extracted from equivalent with respect to tinting strength. The analysis demon-
cotinus coggygria) is chosen to be compared with a traditional strated that the tinting strength of the bio-based pigment is high.
yellow pigment, the cadmium sulfide yellow. The LCA that is con- For the synthetic pigment, the same “high” tinting strength is
ducted in this study is framed here. The presented LCA is motivated defined in the technical sheets of commercially available products.
by the existing articles about the life cycle assessment of linoleum, Additionally, the dimension of the pigments and their fineness,
which are not numerous (Gorre e et al., 2002; Jo
€ nsson et al., 1997; which are relevant in determining the tinting strength (Bruce,
Potting and Blok, 1995) and are described in sections 1 and 2. 1928), are equivalent for SY and CdS, since similar tools and pro-
Following the structure of the above-mentioned works, the goal cedure in the lab are taken into consideration for their preparation.
and scope of the performed LCA are described, as well as the in- Therefore, the in-lab color analysis, manufacturers’ technical in-
ventory analysis. Then, the impact assessment is presented and formation and the procedure customized in lab support the hy-
discussed in the results section. pothesis that the tinting strength is equivalent for the two
compared samples, and that 1 kg of the bio-based pigment and 1 kg
3.6.1. Goal definition and scoping of the synthetic pigment are functionally equivalent.
The goal of the LCA is to assess the environmental impact of 1 kg Considering the above-defined boundaries for the LCA, the
of bio-based natural pigment (SY), and to compare its impact with process is here described.
that of the same-color, artificial pigment (CdS). In particular, the For the SY yellow natural pigment, the leaves of the smoke tree
yellow bio-based pigment extracted from cotinus coggygria (SY) is (cotinus coggygria) are crushed and then boiled for 1 h. Then, the
considered as indicative of the in-lab developed pigments, while obtained mix is filtered so as to separate the solid part from the
cadmium sulfide yellow (CdS) is taken into account as indicative liquid part. The yellow pigment is finally obtained by means of
traditional pigment. In this LCA, while the findings are related to spray-dryer method (Venil et al., 2015). For boiling, natural gas is
the investigated pigment, we argue that similar results can be employed, while electricity is used to dry the crushed leaves with
assumed for the other bio-based and corresponding synthetic the spray-drier and finally obtaining the pigment.
pigments. Indeed, the process to obtain the bio-based pigments is For the traditional, cadmium sulfide pigment (CdS), cadmium
consistent for the considered samples. At the same time, synthetic sulfide, sodium sulfide, deionized water and hydrochloric acid are
F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202 5

employed, as well as electricity to dry the pigment and pulverize it. Table 3
Both the inventory analyses are presented in Table 2. Color analysis on the linoleum samples, L*a*b* coordinates.

Linoleum sample Acronym L* a* b*

Ref. Sample Ref 50.5 10.6 28.6

Lignin LB 41.2 8.7 24.3
3.6.3. Impact assessment
Woad-blue WB 36.6 2.8 20.6
The above described resources and processes are elaborated Woad þ TiO2-blue WBTiO2 49.4 2.4 17.3
within SimaPro 8.3 environment (Pre Sustainability, 2020), by us- Madder-red MR 36.2 20.7 38.4
ing the ReCiPe method (National Institute for Public Health and the Madder þ TiO2-red MRTiO2 52.9 14.5 29.7
Environment, 2017). The impact of the two pigments production is Smoke tree-yellow SY 47.6 11.1 32.2
Smoke tree þ -yellow SYþ 48.1 11.4 32.5
assessed by means of the following impact categories (National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 2017):

- Climate change, CC [kg CO2 eq]: it indicates the contribution to [m2]: it reflects the damage to ecosystems due to the occupation
greenhouse gases emissions, measured as CO2 equivalent. and transformation of land.
- Ozone depletion (OD) [kg CFC-11 eq]: it is a proxy for the - Water depletion (WD) [m3]: amount of water used.
destruction of the protective ozone layer by anthropogenic - Metal depletion (MD) [kg Fe eq]: amount of minerals/metals
emissions of ozone-depleting substances. It is measured by used.
means of ozone depletion potential of different gases relative to - Fossil depletion (FD) [kg oil eq]: it indicates the use of fossil fuels
the reference substance, CFC-11 (chlorofluorocarbon-11).
- Terrestrial acidification (TA) [kg SO2 eq]: it is a measure of the These impact categories represent the “midpoints”, i.e., the
atmospheric deposition of inorganic acid substances on soil. physical changes to the environment, which are later translated
- Freshwater eutrophication (FE) [kg P eq] and Marine eutrophi- into damages (“endpoint”).
cation (ME) [kg N eq]: it indicates the accumulation of nutrients
in aquatic systems. Such nutrients decrease water quality and 4. Results
increase abnormal plant growth into water bodies.
- Human toxicity (HT) [kg 1,4-DB eq]: it defines the toxic effect of Results about the developed material characterization are here
chemicals on humans. reported. The multiphysics lab analyses are discussed here within
- Photochemical oxidant formation (POF) [kg NMVOC]: it in- the next three subsections, while the environmental impact
dicates the type of smog created from the effect of sunlight, heat assessment is described at the end of this section, with a specific
and NMVOC and NOx (increase during summer). focus on the pigment analysis and its role in optimizing the life
- Particulate matter formation (PMF) [kg PM10 eq]: Suspended cycle performance of the proposed prototype.
extremely small particles originated from anthropogenic
processes. 4.1. Optic characterization
- Terrestrial ecotoxicity (TET), Freshwater ecotoxicity (FET) and
Marine ecotoxicity (MET) [kg 1,4-DB eq]: it indicates the impact 4.1.1. Color analysis
of toxic substances on terrestrial, freshwater and marine eco- All the samples are analyzed with the colorimeter, and multiple
systems (measured in 1.4-dichlorobenzene equivalents tests are performed for each linoleum type. Results are reported in
emissions). Table 3. The considered color space is determined by L*a*b* co-
- Ionizing radiation (IR) [kBq U235 eq]: release of radioactive ordinates. L* represents lightness, while a* indicates color variation
material to the environment. from green (128) to red (127), and b* from blue (128) to yellow
- Agricultural land occupation (ALO) [m2 year], urban land occu- (127). In terms of lightness, it can be noticed how the addition of
pation (ULO) [m2 year] and natural land transformation (NLT) TiO2 is able to increase lightness in all the considered samples.

Table 2
Inventory for the two pigments: the bio-based, smoke tree-based yellow pigment (SY) and the cadmium sulfide artificial pigment (CdS).

amount unit of measure

Cotinus coggygria pigment (SY) 1.00 kg

use of resources
cotinus extraction 11.00 kg
from nature water unspecified natural origin, Italy 10.00 l
Wood 1.00 kg
from the technosphere heat, district or industrial, natural gasa 6.00 kWh
cotinus pigment 1.00 kg
use of electricity electricity, medium voltage (IT)b 6.00 kWh
amount unit of measure
Cadmium sulfide pigment (CdS) 1.00 kg
use of resources
from nature water unspecified natural origin, Italy 10.00 l
from the technosphere cadmium sulfide 1.00 kg
sodium sulfide 2.30 kg
deionized water 23.00 kg
hydrochloric acid 1.00 kg
use of electricity electricity, medium voltage (IT) 30.00 kWh
emissions to water acids, unspecified 20.00 kg
Includes the energy used to boil.
Includes the energy for the spray-dryer.
6 F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

The statistical analysis consists in Student’s t-test with a confi- solar reflectance (WB and WBTiO2, MR and MRTiO2). SY and
dence interval of 95%, performed by looking at the effect of TiO2 on SY þ do not display high differences in L* nor they do with respect
both WB and MR samples, and it confirms that the addition of TiO2 to solar reflectance.
significantly increases the L* coordinate (p ¼ 0.00). The same test is
performed on a* and b* but with different results: the addition of
TiO2 is not significant in modifying a* color coordinate; b* appears 4.1.2. Solar reflectance and absorbance
to be significantly changed only if considering a confidence interval Solar reflectance is an important characteristic for building
of 90% (p ¼ 0.059). materials. Whether the material is applied outdoor or indoor, solar
If the considered sample for the statistical analysis compre- reflectance can have a tremendous impact on the occupants’
hends only one sample type (or WB or MR), also the modifications comfort and energy consumption (Makaremi et al., 2018; Rosso
on a* and b* are significant (p < 0.05). This is due to the fact that et al., 2016a). Linoleum samples are all tested with the spectro-
while the modifications on L* are the same for both WB and MR, a* photometer to assess their solar reflectance. Since the linoleum is
is modified with a different sign on each linoleum: WB turns to- totally opaque, the solar absorbance can be deduced by subtracting
wards the red while MR towards the green, both becoming rela- reflectance value from 100%, e.g., MR has solar reflectance of 33.6%,
tively more neutral going towards “0” value. and thus the solar absorbance is 66.4%. Results are reported in
The difference in colored pigment content in SY and Fig. 4, where the total solar reflectance is depicted for each sample;
SY þ samples does not lead to significant changes in the L*a*b* and in Table 4 and Fig. 5, where both total solar reflectance and
space, confirming that SY tinting strength is at its maximum specific solar reflectance for each portion of the solar spectrum are
already at the lowest percentage (4%) with respect to total weight. graphed. In greater detail, UV refers to the ultra-violet portion of
The color coordinates allow also to verify whether the percep- the spectrum, Vis refers to the visible portion and NIR to the near-
tion (E) of the colors to the human eye is modified by the addition of infrared portion of the solar spectrum. The solar reflectance index
TiO2 or with varying pigments’ content. The formula is given in (SRI) is reported as the synthetic indicator of solar reflectance for
Equation (1) (Billmeyer, 1983; Rosso et al., 2016c; Wyszecki and the investigated materials.
Stiles, 1982). E is perception, and DE represent the difference in The statistical analysis about the effect of TiO2 presence on solar
perception between two colors: if this value is higher than 5, then reflectance values is again a Student’s t-test. The considered con-
the colors are perceived as different by the human eye; if the value fidence interval was 95%, and all the samples prove to possess
is lower than 5, then the colors are perceived as the same color, i.e., statistically significantly different solar reflectance when TiO2 is
the differences are that small that they cannot be detected by the added, as visible from the Figures above. The differences are in the
human eye. order of 10% for the madder, 5e8% for woad, as evidenced in Fig. 4.
The larger gap in reflectance has to be found in the NIR portion of
DE ¼ DL* þ Da* þ Db* (1) the spectrum, as visible in Fig. 5, which depicts solar reflectance all
along the spectrum, and in Table 4, and this result is in line with
Results of this evaluation allow verifying that the addition of the previous research, underlining the infrared reflecting properties of
pigments is able to clearly modify the color of the samples, except TiO2 (Rosso et al., 2017; Song et al., 2014). The highest reflectance of
for the SY and SYþ, which are perceived as not significantly TiO2 doped samples mirrors the findings of the colorimetric anal-
different in terms of color when compared to the reference sample ysis, where increased lightness values are assessed for WBTiO2 and
(Fig. 2, top right SY and top left Ref). Moreover, also the addition of MRTiO2. With respect to SY and SY þ samples, the higher per-
TiO2 pigments modifies same-colored pigment samples. Therefore, centage of pigments in SY þ does not lead to large differences in
WB and WBTiO2 are perceived as different colors, as well as MR and SRI. The highest difference in solar reflectance of SY and
MRTiO2. These results are directly observable in Fig. 3. These results SY þ samples is in the visible (Vis) portion of the solar spectrum,
are in line with the findings reported in the next subsection, con- where the higher content in pigments allows obtaining þ1.6% in
cerning solar reflectance. Indeed, higher values with respect to L* Vis, which is still a low value when compared to the other samples
coordinates, due to TiO2 addition, correspond to higher values of (Table 4, Figs. 4, Figure 5). This result confirms the findings of the
color analysis (section 4.1.1): indeed, such an increase in pigments
in the linoleum mix of SY þ sample does not lead to any perceivable
color difference.

Fig. 3. Colors of the samples, elaborated as the mean value of L*a*b* coordinates of Fig. 4. Solar reflectance values (SRI) for each linoleum sample.
each sample type. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202 7

Table 4
Solar reflectance values (SRI and solar reflectance in each part of the solar spectrum) of the linoleum samples. Highest values are underlined.

% values Acronym SRI UV Vis NIR

Linoleum sample 300e2500 nm 300e380 nm 380,5e780 nm 781e2500 nm

Ref. Sample Ref. 39.4 7.9 28.2 27.5

Lignin LB 28.8 6.4 17.9 17.8
Woad-blue WB 31.4 6.0 16.2 16.6
Woad þ TiO2-blue WBTiO2 39.5 6.4 24.6 24.8
Madder-red MR 33.6 5.6 19.8 19.9
Madder þ TiO2-red MRTiO2 42.7 15.9 30.9 30.1
Smoke tree-yellow SY 38.1 6.3 24.7 24.7
Smoke tree þ -yellow SYþ 38.9 6.4 26.3 25.8

Fig. 5. Solar reflectance along the entire solar spectrum, from 300 up to 2500 nm.

4.2. Thermal characterization 4.3. Acoustic characterization

The thermal characteristics are assessed by following the stan- The results of the tests demonstrate that the samples have
dards described in the “Methods” section. Thermal emissivity is similar absorption coefficient peak values in terms of magnitude
equal to 0.88e0.90 for all the samples, disregarding linoleum color. (Fig. 7).
Thermal conductivity values are reported in Fig. 6. Thermal con- Considering the samples tested with no air gap between the
ductivity varies from 0.28 W/mK in the MR sample up to 0.37 W/ holder and the bottom of the tube, WB, WBTiO2 and LB present
mK in the reference sample. The lower the thermal conductivity, absorption peaks around 2500 Hz and equal to 0.50, 0.40 and 0.30,
the better the thermal insulation of the materials inside the respectively; MRTiO2, has a peak of 0.45 around 5500 Hz; the other
building. The samples without TiO2 exhibit significantly (95% con- four samples have their peaks in the interval between 3500 and
fidence interval) lower thermal conductivity, considering both MR 4500 Hz. The highest absorption coefficients can be seen in Fig. 7,
and WB. The reference sample has the highest thermal conductivity top image, for the MR (0.55) and the SY (above 0.50).
among all the implemented samples. The peak shifts to lower frequencies, around 1000e2000 Hz, for
8 F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

samples have lower coefficients, between 0.30 (LB) and 0.50 (SYþ).
The outlined results suggest that TiO2 or colored pigments (for SYþ)
addition reduces the sound absorption capability of the sample.
This may be due to an increase of sample density, i.e., reduction of
sample superficial porosity, also according to the thermal conduc-
tivity variation imputable to titanium dioxide addition.
By increasing the air layer thickness behind the linoleum sam-
ples up to 2 cm, absorption coefficient peaks are lower in magni-
tude and concentrated around 1000 and 1600 Hz, thus even lower
frequencies. The highest absorption coefficients are those of Ref,
WB, MR and SY (0.50), while again the samples with TiO2 pigments
and additional colored pigments (SYþ), as well as LB, show lower
peaks (0.20e0.30).

Fig. 6. Thermal conductivity for each linoleum sample.

4.4. LCA

the samples measured with 1 cm air layer behind the sample. In The results of the LCA for the production of the natural, bio-
this case, higher absorption coefficient values are reached, up to based yellow pigment are reported in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. More than
0.75 for SY, 0.70 for WB and MR and 0.60 Ref samples. The other the quantities, which are calculated for 1 kg of pigment, it is
interesting to compare the impact of the bio-based pigment (SY)

Fig. 7. Absorption coefficients for the linoleum samples, with different air layer thicknesses.
F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202 9

and the artificial one (CdS). as a paving material that is able to reduce noise, since it softens the
The mean decrease % variation of the impact between the SY sound of footsteps (Forbo Floring Systems, 2020; Gerflor the
with respect to the CdS is 72.2%. The results are reported in greater flooring group, 2020; Torres-Rivas et al., 2018).
detail in Table 5. Another important aspect for indoors applications is the impact
The most impactful categories are marine ecotoxicity (MET) and of the material on indoor air quality. In this work, measurements
human toxicity (HT). In proportion, the same can be said for both SY were not undertaken to analyze this specific point, due to the
and CdS, even if CdS shows significantly higher values. By looking presence already, in the existing literature, of valuable studies on
more in depth at the CdS impact, the most toxic components are the topic (Jensen et al., 1995a, Jensen et al., 1995b; Knudsen et al.,
cadmium sulfide, sodium sulfide and electricity. 2007; Benabed et al., 2020; Wargocki et al., 2002). However, such
aspect is not of secondary importance, and some considerations
5. Discussion need to be done taking into account previous studies. The existing
works evidence three main aspects related to linoleum paving,
The results reported in the previous sections demonstrated that namely (i) odor, (ii) pollution emission and (iii) human walking-
the colored pigments are able to effectively color the linoleum in a induced particle resuspension. With respect to odor, Jensen et al.
sustainable way, as bio-based and in-lab developed solution. The (1995a) investigated the odor of 13 linoleum samples and verified
same results indeed show that the perception of the color differ- that there are two main factors influencing odor of linoleum, and in
ence is evident to the eye, especially with respect to WB and MR. greater detail 2-alkenals and fatty acids. Knudsen et al. (2007)
Additionally, the TiO2-doped samples are perceived as different underline the prominence of linseed oil in odorous emissions and
from the corresponding non-TiO2-doped samples. These findings compare building materials with linseed oil with synthetic ones
are in line with the results of solar reflectance measurements without linseed. Their findings demonstrate that products with
performed in lab, and with previous research on construction linseed oil more negatively influenced the air quality and they
materials with TiO2 pigments (Rosso et al., 2017; Song et al., 2014). argue that the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for
With respect to thermal conductivity findings, the measured this negative assessment originate from oxidation processes of
values can be compared with those of the commercial linoleum linseed oil as raw material. To reduce VOCs it is thus suggested to
(Forbo Floring Systems, 2020; Gerflor the flooring group, 2020.; select less odorous linseed oils. Jensen et al. (1995b) measured the
Torres-Rivas et al., 2018), which are generally equal to 0.17 W/mK. emissions of VOCs in 13 linoleum samples, indicating hexanol,
Such values are lower than those of the linoleum developed in lab, propanoic acid, nonanal and unsaturated aldehydes as the main
the lowest being 0.28 W/mK (MR) and we hypothesize that this VOCs, which are oxidation byproducts from the production process
difference is imputable to the in-lab, artisanal production process. and from oxidative degradation. The odor threshold concentration
Indeed, in this case, the objective was not specifically focused on was reached after 113 up to 2296 h. Benabed et al. (2020) compared
optimizing the thermal properties of the linoleum, but to charac- the human-walking induced fine and ultrafine particle resus-
terize and investigate all the properties of this novel material, pension of hardwood flooring and linoleum flooring, and verified
which is entirely bio-based. Based on the above comparison with that human walking significantly increased concentration of PM10,
commercial products, we argue that there is still a high potential in PM2.5, PM1 particles. Such concentrations were higher for hard-
reducing the thermal conductivity of the in-lab developed lino- wood than for linoleum. Finally, Wargocki et al. (2002) evidence
leum, which could be the subject of future research. how increasing the air supply rate in an office with linoleum
Considering the results of the acoustic characterization, the flooring was an effective strategy to decrease the concentration of
sound absorption coefficient is very similar among all the consid- VOCs and consequently improve indoor air quality.
ered samples, while it consistently varies with the thickness of the With respect to the LCA, the findings confirm the significantly
air layer behind the sample. Such a variation opens up interesting lower impact of the investigated natural pigment than the same-
architectural applications as indoor vertical envelope for the in-lab color traditional synthetic ones. Even if this may be considered as
developed linoleum. Future works should investigate the durability a first lab-scale result, it is particularly important because it re-
of the material, especially hypothesizing its application as paving sponds to the findings of previous LCA studies on linoleum, iden-
material. This solution would bring about another advantage in tifying that synthetic pigments were responsible for hazardous
terms of acoustic performance. Indeed, linoleum is acknowledged

Fig. 8. Impact categories assessment for 1 kg of cotinus coggygria pigment and cad-
mium sulfide pigment. Fig. 9. Impact categories for cadmium sulfide pigment: detail for each component.
10 F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202

Table 5
Impact categories (described in section 3.6.3) assessment for 1 kg of cotinus coggygria (SY) pigment and cadmium sulfide pigment (CdS) and % decrease.

Acronym Label Cotinus coggygria pigment (SY) Cadmium sulfide pigment (CdS) % decrease SY vs CdS

CC Climate change 0.001028091 0.002737848 62.4

OD Ozone depletion 0.000052319 0.000152012 65.6
TA Terrestrial acidification 0.000927782 0.003382984 72.6
FE Freshwater eutrophication 0.003073842 0.026393655 88.4
ME Marine eutrophication 0.000085040 0.000490266 82.7
HT Human toxicity 0.017480368 0.083056769 79.0
POF Photochemical oxidant formation 0.000327657 0.001142686 71.3
PMF Particulate matter formation 0.000688124 0.003571328 80.7
TET Terrestrial ecotoxicity 0.000135594 0.001225481 88.9
FET Freshwater ecotoxicity 0.005417101 0.027714649 80.5
MET Marine ecotoxicity 0.018285966 0.122093768 85.0
IR Ionizing radiation 0.000104318 0.000614137 83.0
ALO Agricultural land occupation 0.000053858 0.000914671 94.1
ULO Urban land occupation 0.000063631 0.000565690 88.8
NLT Natural land transformation 0.016158774 0.026050513 38.0
WD Water depletion 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.00
MRD Metal depletion 0.000219640 0.001510811 85.5
FD Fossil depletion 0.002328713 0.005005958 53.5

waste. While it is difficult to find LCA works on similar bio-based adequate sound absorption at different frequencies and at the same
pigments, a comparison between the findings of previous works time pleasant and varied vertical finishing layer to the room.
on linoleum could be misleading, due to the distance in time of the Considering the above-mentioned characteristics, the indoor
previous works. However, considering Jo€ nsson and colleagues work application of such linoleum is promising, as paving material but
(1997), Table 2 of their work, the amount of hazardous waste im- also as finishing layer for vertical walls and ceilings. The employ-
putable to the pigment corresponds to almost 25% of the total, ment of the bio-based pigments appears to change, in addition to
while the related electricity consumption is equal to 30%. Such the optics characteristics, also thermal conductivity. More impor-
percentages support the findings of the LCA performed in the tantly, the employment of bio-based pigments, as original contri-
present work, where even higher percentages are associated to the bution of this work, allows maintaining a lower impact on the
reduction of impact categories (reported in Table 5, previous sec- environment and on human health, especially with respect to
tion) and evidence the relevance of developing and studying these toxicity: indeed, many artificial pigments are expected to present
bio-based, natural pigments and materials for the construction high toxicity level, especially dangerous for indoor applications.
industry. As future development of this work, durability and mechanical
tests need to be carried out to investigate the suitability of the
material as paving material. Moreover, further LCA could be con-
6. Conclusions
ducted, taking the moves from this preliminary analysis, and
investigating an industrial production process and more pigments.
In this work, a natural, bio-based linoleum, also colored by
means of pigments extracted by plants and in-lab developed, is
Declaration of competing interest
considered, and its design, development and multiphysics charac-
terization is described. Different colors are studied, all character-
The authors declare that they have no known competing
ized by the same linoleum base but with different pigments,
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
ranging from the red to the green color. The in-lab developed
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
samples were characterized with respect to optic, thermal and
acoustic behavior in order to investigate the effect of the compo-
nents (lignin and pigments) on the above-mentioned properties. CRediT authorship contribution statement
The pigments are able to color the linoleum material, even when
added only by 4%. The solar reflectance of the linoleum ranges from Federica Rosso: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
the lowest 28.8% (lignin) to the highest 42.7% (Madder and TiO2), analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Super-
but the majority of them fall between 30% and 38%. With respect to vision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing -
thermal conductivity, the addition of the different pigments is able review & editing. Anna Laura Pisello: Conceptualization, Funding
to change thermal conductivity, and the range is between 0.28 and acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration,
0.37 W/mK. The lowest thermal conductivity is among the linoleum Resources, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
where the natural pigments are added, while the highest charac- editing. Ilaria Pigliautile: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
terizes the reference sample. Also, titanium addition decreases the analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Valida-
sample porosity and therefore it is responsible for increasing tion, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
thermal conductivity and decreasing sound absorption capability. editing. Gianluca Cavalaglio: Conceptualization, Data curation,
With respect to acoustic characteristics, the material shows Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology. Valentina Coccia:
good absorption coefficients (up to almost 0.8) especially when Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
1 cm air layer is left behind the sample, as recommended appli- Methodology.
cation configuration indoors. The frequencies with highest ab-
sorption coefficients are around 1000e2000 Hz (1 cm air layer Acknowledgements
samples), 1000e1600 Hz (2 cm samples) and 3500e4500 Hz (no
air). A combination of panels for the indoors could be hypothesized The authors would like to thank David Ingles and Silvia D’An-
to be applied with different distances from the wall, so as to provide tonio for their cooperation while developing the materials in the
F. Rosso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122202 11

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