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Oral Communication


In real Life Examples of Ethnocentrism:

1. American people think that immigrants are taking jobs from American people and that they
should not be taking jobs from Americans. It is a belief by American people that only American
people have the right to have American jobs.
2. Judging other culture’s food and specialty dishes.
3. Judging people’s cultural outfits and looks, like the African people.

Definition of Ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism – is the act of judging another culture based on the values and beliefs of one’s culture,
that people tend to believe that their own cultural norms are the right way of doing things. It is believing
that someone’s culture is better than others which leads to judging another culture as inferior to one’s
own culture. This in turn can leads to prejudices and racism, criticizing and comparing other cultures and
norms to one’s outlook.


In real Life Examples of Stereotypes

1. Tall people are good at basketball. People think that those who are tall have a significant
advantage over those who are short when it comes to basketball.
2. Men are better than women in driving. If someone saw a driver along the road as driving so slow
they always tend to judge that the driver is a woman.
3. Girls are more helpful and attentive. They generalized that women are easily emotionally
affected once they see a helpless person.

Definition of Stereotypes

Stereotypes – it refers to an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or
things with a particular characteristics are the same. It can often formed opinions about a person that
are not based on actual experience or reason and could lead to favoring one person or group against
another. It can also arise about gender, religion, social class, age, and race.


We don’t have the right to put down and discriminate others. We are all made in the image and likeness
of God. As ordinary people, we don’t have the right to judge our fellowmen. We are all unique. We have
all different kinds of abilities and skills. Try to appreciate life in our own way, and not to judge and
discriminate others.

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