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Application of Phase Shifting Transformer in Indian

Anwar S. Siddiqui, Shagufta Khan, Shahzad Ahsan
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, M.I.Khan, Annamalai
Jamia Millia Islamia University, Okhla, BHEL Industry Sector, Lodhi Road
New Delhi, India New Delhi, India

Abstract—This paper presents an integrated optimal power flow learnt that in Dec, 2011 more than 300 million Indian citizens
with phase shifter approach to enhance power system reliability, had no access to electricity.
availability, loss optimization & system security. Overloading of During 2009, yearly per capita consumption of power in
sub system in a power system sometimes may pose stability rural areas of India was merely 96 KWH and in urban areas it
issues, which may lead to unwanted Outages & Blackouts,
was 288 KWH as against world average of 2600 KWH. The
equipment failure which will result long repair replacement
cycle, cost of repair and heavy revenue losses. Under these European Union tops the list with 6200 KWH. By Jan, 2012
conditions, to ensure economical and reliable operation of the average per capita consumption in India has increased to 770
grid, power through the lines should be controlled within their KWH as per one of the report, which speaks itself about the
limits. To control power flow phase shifting transformer (PST) is growth of the country.
one of the cheaper option. The application of phase shifting Recently Power Minister of India has said that India is
transformer will control the real power flow in transmission projected to become the world’s third-largest energy
lines. To realize a variable phase angle shift, on load tap consumer by 2020 after the US and China while Speaking at
changers could be deployed to vary the control voltage there by the World Energy Leaders Summit in Istanbul.
change in the resultant phase angle. Simulation of One of the
Transmission planning has to be done in such a way that
cases for Uttar Pradesh Network is described in this paper. The
simulation work of network justifies the application of PST. besides conserving right of way for new lines, optimum
utilization of existing lines has to be made.
Physical path between generation and load centres for power
Keywords -Phase Shifting Transformer (PST), Active Power Flow transmission is a group of alternate paths provided by the
Control, Overload, Transmission Capacity, PSCAD. transmission/distribution network has to be optimally utilized.
There could be uneven loading of parallel transmission lines
I. INTRODUCTION in a network due to different impedances caused by the tower
During 12 Plan, it is proposed to add, 100,000MW geometry, conductor sizing, number of sub-conductors, line
generation in the Indian Network. In addition to this about lengths and the power angles at different buses. The sharing of
38,400 MW is proposed to be added as backup and 2000 MW the power flow between two parallel lines is dictated by their
Hydro power to be imported from Neighbouring countries, impedances. The line with the smaller impedance carries
Integration of such a large power into Indian Network may more power and vice versa. In some situations, one of the two
require new technologies to play a vital role in order to lines will be operating well below its nominal rating and other
optimally utilize the existing assets and minimum investment. parallel line with lower impedance may be overloaded [2].
During 13th Plan, it is also proposed to add 100,000MW The optimal use of existing infrastructure needs to be done in
generation. In addition to this about 14,500 MW of Hydro order to contain investment. It is therefore necessary to load
Power import is proposed to be added. the existing lines to optimal capacity rather than providing the
To meet this target, Government has decided to develop additional corridor where ever it is not absolutely necessary.
large capacity power projects at national level. Already seven This will save right of way, capital expenditure for
Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP) of 4000 MW each have constructing another line, forest clearances and time to built
been identified. These are planned at pit head and coastal new line. Sometimes it is necessary to provide additional
sites. Three pit head sites are Sasan in M.P, Akaltara in corridor in order to maintain system’s reliability, availability
Chattisgarh and a site to be decided in Orissa. Four coastal and system stability.
sites are in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and In order to optimize the Transmission corridors use of
Karnataka. Considering Generation planning, the transmission multi circuit towers is one of the options and is becoming
& distribution has to increase many folds, which is a power popular now a days. This configuration sometimes posses
transport medium between generation and load centres. It is serious maintenance issues, however under certain
circumstances it cannot be avoided or alternatively pay a

978-1-4673-2636-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 186

heavy cost of the UHV cables. Another alternative to optimize
the transmission corridor is the application of HVDC sin 3
Transmission which is a different case all together.
Conversion of AC transmission system into HVDC Where XPST is the leakage reactance of PST
Transmission system is also gaining the momentum.
Control of power in AC network requires special
technologies to be implemented on case to case basis. VS ∠δ
Transmission Line V r ∠0
Operating efficiency of electric transmission system can be XL
improved by using appropriate FACTS devices.
Any Power Device, which provides flexibility in Power
system, can be termed as FACTS device and the schemes are
called FACTS Schemes, examples of such schemes are Fig.1 Model of a Transmission Line without PST
• Series Compensation
• Shunt compensation
• Phase Shifters using Phase Shifting Transformers V r ∠0
• Unified Power Flow Controller using state of the art
control system VS ∠δ Transmission PST
In this paper discussions will be limited to Phase Shifting
Technology and its application to Indian Network. Phase
shifter is one of the phase shifting transformers (PST) which
create a phase shift between its primary side voltage and Fig.2 Model of a Transmission Line with PST
secondary side voltage, of which both the magnitude and
direction can be controlled.


Vout ΔV Vout
The active power and reactive power transmission over a Vin α V
transmission line can be given by the following equations: ΔV in

Fig.3 Voltage phaser diagrams for different transformers

1 To understand the application of PST, Shunt & series

Transformer combination (Indirect Asymmetrical PST) is a
2 type of PST is employed where the Control voltage of each
Where Vs and Vr are sending end and receiving end voltages phase from the shunt transformer is fed to a series transformer
respectively. δ is power angle, XL is the line reactance. [6]. The Control voltage can be varied using Tap Changer
From the above equations it is clear that active power is provided on Shunt Transformer. The tap changer could be
proportional to the voltages on the sending and receiving side static with thyristor control, which will address transient
and to the sin of the electrical angle between both sides; it is issues however will also introduce harmonics and requires
also inversely proportional to the line reactance. Altering the filters. The voltage difference between the voltages on the
active power can be done by altering the voltages, but this has secondary sides of the shunt transformers corresponding to the
a bigger influence on the reactive power, so this method is not first phase and the one corresponding to the second phase is
very common solution. then a voltage in quadrature with the voltage of the third
Fig.1 shows the model of Transmission Line. In Fig.2 the PST phase. This voltage difference is added in series with the third
is schematically depicted including the PST impedance phase by means of a series transformer. The result is a voltage
XT=XL+XPST. In Fig.3 the voltage phaser of one phase on both phase and magnitude shift of the third phase. The same
sides of the PST are shown as well as the voltage phaser at an principle is used for all three phases.
imaginary point excluding the impedance of the device. This .
is done both when the PST supplies an advance and a
retardation to the voltage phase angle [3]. III. TYPES OF PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMER
The PST is modelled as a reactance in series with a phase shift
angle. The power flow through the line is increased by adding PSTs can be designed in different forms and can be classified
an angle α to the existing angle δ. The phase shift is by these Characteristics:
controllable within certain limits. Equation (1) becomes:

• Direct PSTs are based on one three phase core. The Fig.10 depicts the model of Indirect Asymmetrical PST
phase shift obtained by connecting the winding in an wherein the single phase units have been considered for the
appropriate manner. power system application. It may be worth mention here that
• Indirect PSTs are based on construction with two for power system application the size of the PST could be
separate transformers, one variable tap exciter to much bigger and therefore due to transport limitation single
regulate the amplitude of the quadrature voltage and phase unit may have to be employed. It is assumed that all
one series transformers to inject the quadrature units will have equal impedances and equal number of taps
voltage in the right phase. and OLTC (On Load Tap Changer) shall be ganged operated.
• Asymmetrical PSTs create an output voltage with an Primary winding of PST which is connected to Bus PANKI4
altered phase angle and amplitude compared to the has star connection. Secondary winding connected to Bus
input voltage. UNNAO4 has delta connection. Individual single pole
• Symmetrical PSTs create an output voltage with an breakers are applied to change the Vector group. Primary
altered phase angle compared to the input voltage, winding phases are denoted as RS, YS, and BS. Secondary
but with the same amplitude. winding phases are denoted as Rd, Yd, and Bd. Subscript “s”
The combinations of these characteristics result in four shows star connected and subscript “d” shows delta
categories of PSTs are following connected. In Fig.4, at tap setting 0.33, power in overloaded
1. Direct Asymmetrical PSTs line is flowing in reverse direction.
2. Direct Symmetrical PSTs
3. Indirect Asymmetrical PSTs V. SIMULATION AND RESULTS
4. Indirect Symmetrical PSTs
A case study of Uttar Pradesh Zone
Entire grid is reduced to generation and load except for the
lines which are under study as depicted in fig.5. Six buses
Phase a (PANKI4, PANKI2, MRDNG4, OBRA4, UNNAO4 and
Phase b
Phase c
KNPRN4) are retained for simulation. All generation and
load are connected on these buses are shown in the tables.
Generation shown in hatched blocks is absorbed in the
equielent network also shown in tables therefore they are
Shift Tap BRKf
disconnected. Single line diagram also shows the bus numbers
with bus names.
#1 #2

BRKb Simulated Uttar Pradesh zone of Indian power system,

identified an over loaded 400 kV line from UNNAO4 to
PANKI4 as shown in Fig.5. There are alternate lines, which
Shift Tap BRKf are under loaded. As per CEA limit the power flow in line
Rs Rd

Ys BRKb Yd
between UNNAO4 & PANKI4 to ≤ 500 MW, it will get
#1 #2
relieved from over load. Part of the power is diverted through
Bs Bd
alternate lines.
BRKf PST is considered in line between UNNAO4 & PANKI4 at
UNNAO4. PST decreased the power in line between
Shift Tap BRKf UNNAO4 & PANKI4 from -811.4 MW to 443.4 MW as
shown in Fig.7.
#1 #2 Another alternative could be have a series compensation in
BRKb the overloaded line for enhancing the power transfer
capability however sag may increase reducing the clearance.
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) could be another
solution for which cost cosideration will be needed.
PST :... PST :...
Power Dire... Tap setting Input data: All input data is taken by power grid. It is 2012
ForwardReverse data. This data is in per unit on the base of 100MVA & 400

1 0.33

Fig. 4 Models of PST and Tap Setting in PSCAD

Bus data
Bus Angle
Base vV Voltage (pu)
Number (deg) P = 77.49 P = 54.36 P = -82.33 P = 805.5 P = 118.5
Q = 26.5 Q = -5.596 Q = 38.71 Q = 88.36 Q = -13.04
17265 220 0.9923 -27.84 PANKI4
400.0 : 220.0
220.0 : 400.0
N17466 N17265 N17446 N17472 N17906 N18431 438.918 P,Q
17446 400 0.9983 -44.01 A 1 A 1 A E T-Line A E T-Line A E T-Line
E_17446_17472_99 E_17472_17906_99 E_17906_18431_99 -175.328E Load
V E V E V VN17472 V VN17906 V
17466 400 0.999 -26.67
17472 400 1.01 -5.81 477.875 P,Q 1965.373 P,Q 1758.02 E 1280.72 E -438.918 E
-20.466E Load -500.615E Load 76.859
~ 103.909
~ 175.328
17906 400 0.9966 -22.76 E_17472_0_99 E_17906_0_99 E_18431_0_99

18431 400 0.9989 -26.83 -477.875 E -1965.37 E

~ 500.615
~ P = -817.1
E_17265_0_99 E_17446_0_99 Q = -57.63
E_17446_17466_1 E T-Line A
TABLE II E_17446_17906_99
P = 317.1
V Q = -93.3
Machine data on 100MVA base
220.0 : 400.0
Bus Angle 1 E T-Line A
P = -442.5
Base kV Voltage (pu) Q = 57.46 E E_17472_18431_99 V
Number (deg)
17265 220 0.9923 -27.84 E_17466_17472_1 A P = -319.6
17446 400 0.9983 -44.01 V Q = 4.554
220.0 : 400.0
17466 400 0.999 -26.67 1 A P = -486.2
17472 400 1.01 -5.81 E V Q = -14.3
17906 400 0.9966 -22.76 E T-Line
P = -811.7 A
18431 400 0.9989 -26.83 Q = 84.41 E_17446_18431_99 V
TABLE III E_17466_17906_1 A P = -58.97
V Q = -16.6
Two winding transformer data
220.0 : 400.0
P = 279.8 1 A
From Bus To Bus Specified X Rate A Q = -16.96 E V
Number Number (pu) (MVA)
E T-Line A
E_17466_18431_1 V
17265 17466 0.026 480 P = 269.6
Q = -12.69

E T-Line A
E_17466_18431_2 V
Phase shifting transformer Fig. 5 Single line diagram of UP Network (without PST) in PSCAD
From Bus To Bus Specified X Rate A
Number Number (pu) (MVA)
17466 17906 0.145 550 Q1 P1
R e a c t iv e & A c t iv e & ( M V A r , M W )

Load 300
Bus Number Pload (MW)
Qload 200
(Mvar) 100
17265 477.8753 -20.466 0
17446 1965.373 -500.61
18431 438.9185 -175.32
Transmission line -400
Chargi -500
From Bus To Bus Line R Line X
ng -600
Number Number (pu) (pu) -700
17265 17446 0.11215 0.49611 0 -800
17265 17472 0.11069 0.42669 0 -900
17265 17906 0.00295 0.02734 0
17265 18431 0.00291 0.03024 0 Fig.6 Reactive and active power flow in line PANKI4 to UNNA04
17446 17466 0.00735 0.049 2.19
17446 17472 0.0884 0.7157 0
17446 17906 0.00493 0.04448 0
17446 18431 0.00747 0.06079 0 Fig.6 depicts the power flow in overloaded line between buses
17466 17472 0.00738 0.08217 2.19 PANKI4 & UNNAO4. This is showing the active power flow
17466 17906 0.00074 0.0083 0.22 (green colour curve) in reverse direction which is 811.4 MW
17466 18431 0.0001 0.001 0.02 and reactive power flow (blue colour curve) in forward
17466 18431 0.00009 0.00104 0.02
direction is 84.41 MVAr.
17472 17906 0.00307 0.03676 0
17472 18431 0.01464 0.10982 0
17906 18431 0.00669 0.05892 0

P = -124.1 P = 45.73 P = -94.22 P = 483.7
setting decrease up to 0.0001 then active power (reverse
Q = 5.166
Q = -19.27
Q = -28.77
Q = 22.92
direction), reactive power, angle difference also decreases.
400.0 : 220.0 220.0 : 400.0
N17466 1
N17265 1 A
E T-Line A
N17472 E T-Line
N17906 E T-Line N18431 438.918 P,Q
-175.328E Load
After that tap setting increase then active power direction
V E_17446_17472_99 V VN17472 E_17472_17906_99 VN17906 E_17906_18431_99
change and it comes to 480.63MW.
477.875 P,Q 1965.373 P,Q 1758.02 E 1280.72 E -438.918 E
-20.466E Load -500.615E Load 76.859
~ 103.909
~ 175.328
E_17472_0_99 E_17906_0_99 E_18431_0_99
Actual lines-PANKI4 to PANKI2, PANKI4 to OBRA4,
-477.875 E -1965.37 E
P = 423.8
~ 500.615
~ P = -958.8
PANKI4 to UNNA04, PANKI4 to KNPRN4 (both)
Q = -32.1 E_17265_0_99 E_17446_0_99 Q = -167.3

E T-Line
After placing PST, all actual lines are not overloaded.
E_17446_17466_1 A P = -102.7 A
V E_17446_17906_99
Q = -7.882 V
220.0 : 400.0
1 P = -573.4 A E T-Line TABLE VII
E Q = -37.24 V E_17472_18431_99
PST Results in line PANKI4 to UNNAO4
E_17466_17472_1 A P = -633.1
V Q = -112.1
220.0 : 400.0
Active Reactive Tap Angle(degre
power power setting e)
E T-Line
P = 443.4 P = 443.4
Q = -22.85
Rs Rd
Q = -32.6 -1902.4 192.1 0.33 27.5
E_17466_17906_1 A
Ys Yd
-1172.7 87 0.1 9.7
V Vp
Bs Bd
Vs V
-615.23 28.8 0.001 0.99
220.0 : 400.0
1 P = -108.7 480.63 -18.23 0.0101 -0.99
E Q = 51.51
443.4 -22.85 0.01265 -1.239
E T-Line
P = -105.2
Q = 48.24 116.8 -20.73 0.1 -9.8
E T-Line A
1126.99 -33.36 0.33 -28.21
E_17466_18431_2 V

Fig.7 Single line diagram of UP Network (with PST) in PSCAD The study has been done for various tap positions from
Main,PST : Graphs
nominal position to + 33% some of the data depicted in table
p1 Q1 and graph respectively. It is also concluded that 800 MVA
1.0k single phase unit applied which will have no limitation of
0.5k transport and manufacturing.
0.0 Actual implementation of a 315 MVA PST had been
y (p .u .)

addressed at KTPS (Kothegudem thermal power station for
Andhra Pradesh generation corporation for evacuation of
-2.0k 500MW generation at 400 kV integrating the existing 220
Shift network by reducing the stress on 220 kV lines and optimal
0.300 utilisation of 400kV line. Under the situation no other FACTS
0.250 device was considered for the solution.

0.000 The Simulation in this paper has brought out the scenario of
Angle difference
UP network where the lightly loaded lines can be loaded
within its capabilities and the overloaded lines can be under
10 loaded by employing PST in line between PANKI4 to
0 UNNAO4 buses.

-10 With the result it is concluded that the loading can be reduced
from -811.4 MW to 443.4 MW. So it shows that PST is
changing the power flow as well as the direction of power
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
flow. This will also result into loss reduction.
Each PST is custom built for specific location of the network
Fig.8 Active & reactive power change with tap setting in line PANKI4 to as above + 33% of taps in the PST. The power transfer
UNNA04 capabilities of the PST are reducing and therefore the tap
changer will be designed for 33% taps.
Fig.8 shows the relation of Active and Reactive power flow
change, change of tap setting and angle difference. Tap
changing block of PSCAD is shown in fig.5.1. When tap ACKNOWLEDGMENT
setting is 0.33 then above graph shows the Active power - The author would like to thank professor and BHEL team
1902.4MW (reverse direction), Reactive power 192.1MVAr for their helpful suggestions and comments during the
(forward direction) and angle difference 27.5. When tap research of this paper.

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Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, pp.1-7,19-
22 April 2010.

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