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1. District Incharge of Southeast II- Ms. April Ann G. Bernabe
2. School Heads of the Different Schools of this district
3. The brilliant Speakers
4. Organizers
5. Participants
A pleasant afternoon to all of us!!!
(Back Story)
In every undertaking, there must be something that you must learned and reflected on.
Thank God that today marks the conclusion of our District Action Research Seminar-Workshop!
Hope that everything we've learned must be put into practice, or should I say must be put into
writing through the creation of an Action Research Paper because the goal of this training is not
just to be wasted but comply and to solve problems we face, for the development and school
improvement as well as for the sake of our learners.
In all honesty, when this training-workshop started, I was overly motivated. And as we all
know, motivation is another aspect that influences learning outcomes. I really appreciate the
things I have rediscovered and uncovered in learning about the different topics that each
speaker had shared.
The topics discussed were all relevant and necessary for the accomplishment of the
participants output. Really informative and applicable to. Thanks to all the learnings that I had
within these 3-day training.
As we end this training, what has been reflected and what I have learned today is
the essence of CHANGE because this is how all works today and that is the reason why
we are here. As teachers, we should learn how to cope and adapt to changes because
knowing how to cope with it is a sign that we give a room for improvement and
development. A
s agents of change, we should also know how to take risk. Planning for certain goals is
important. If the plan fails, work on another plan until we reach our target.
Let’s bring it on!!!
Advance Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year…

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