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CrediT and CUlminate!

Take-Away Entry # 11
Media Literacy on the go

Date: ___________________ Score: ________

Picture Not Mine. Credits to the owner.

From that quote above, how can you teach students to be responsible media users?

It is also critical to serve as a role model for students on how to be responsible media
users. A teacher should allow her students to observe and learn from her actions. You cannot
teach someone if you are not practicing what you preach. As a responsible media user, keep
the quote "Think Before You Click" in mind. The concept of "think before you click" is one
of the most important aspects of media literacy. When you receive an email, download a
file(s) from the internet, or click on a link, you must ask yourself, "Is the email genuine, such
as the source address, spelling, and context? ”. Furthermore, one should remember the
corresponding questions for the word THINK, T is for "Is it True? ", H stands for "Is it
Useful? ", and I stand for "Is it Inspiring? ", and N stands for "Is it Necessary? ", and K
stands for "Is it Kind? ”. This question is extremely useful when using the media. This
slogan is the best advice for everyone, especially teenagers and students, because it can keep
them from revealing too much about themselves online. It encourages people to limit what
they post on the internet and be cautious about what they share with the public. It also aims
to inspire others to be responsible internet users and to encourage individuals to think about
their online choices and how they will affect others.

Building and Enhancing Literacies Across the Curriculum Page 1

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