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Newlyweds Architect Basha and Engr. Popoy decided to put up a Design firm. Architect Basha
will do the Architectural Plans while Engr. Popoy will take care of Structural design. Due to their
hard work, good working relations and a bit of luck, they were able to get several projects.
However, since they were Just starting out, they decided to get the services of a Master
Plumber on a per project basis for all their projects.

1. How should they pay the Master Plumber?

a. Fixed Monthly since it will be cheaper as he is taking care of all the projects anyway
b. Per fixture, per project
c. Percentage of Cost
d. Per linear meter

2. Due to the numerous projects coming their way, the firm reached a point wherein they
became under-manned vis-à-vis their projects. Engr Popoy was tasked to supervise the
construction as the client specifically asked him because of his reputation as a sought-after
engineer in Europe. There was an accident at the jobsite wherein a beam collapsed, and it was
found out that it was due to the inferior materials used by the Contractor. Who is liable under the
Civil Code of the Philippines?
a. Architect Basha.
b. Engr. Popoy
c. Contractor
d. Engr. Popoy and the Contractor

3. Due to the delay caused by the collapse of the beam, the project completion time was
delayed by over a month. The OWNER is asking to be compensated for the failure to complete
the work within the time frame set forth in the contract. What do you call this?
a. Punitive Damages
b. Liquidated Damages
c. Performance Damages
d. Contractor's All Risk Damages

4. After laying off several of their workers, Architect Basha took on more workload and that
includes Structural Conceptualization.
How can she
contribute under this?
a. She can do Building Programming
b. She can make structural design computations to help lessen Engr.
Popoy's workload.
c. She can conceive and develop the type, disposition, arrangement and proportioning of
structural elements
d. She can help in Value Engineering

Mr. Yao is a very studious person. He first graduated as a Civil Engineer and then after passing
the Licensure Examination for Civil Engineers decided to continue his studies and ultimately
became a Registered and Licensed Architect. Not yet contented, he also passed the Master
Plumber Licensure Examinations. As a professional with so many licenses, he became very
busy with his numerous projects as he too became a Contractor.

1. Because Mr. Yao is so busy, he can no longer handle the construction of his own house. He
hires a person to supervise its construction. To whom is this person technically under?
a. Owner
b. Contractor
c. Architect
d. Engineer

You just passed the recent Licensure
Examination for Architects and...
1.What do you do next?
a. Go back to your old job and make it better.
b. Look for greener pasture
c. Get ready for the Oathtaking
d. Put-up your own firm

2. Your friend, upon learning that you are now a Registered and Licensed Architect referred his
Aunt to you who as fate would have it was looking for an Architect to design her dream house.
You are going to meet your friend's Aunt for the first time, what attire will you wear?
a. Business Attire - a suit to show that you are a professional and will approach this project in
such a way thereby establishing a professional relation
b. Clean and Presentable and Comfortable- to make the client comfortable and establish a
friendly relation
c. Rugged - to convey to the client that you are easy to talk to and is willing to negotiate and cut
d. Any- client will hire me based on my skills as an architect and not on
how I look

3. This is an
"Alternative" start to a
career in Architecture
a. Work as an employee in an Architectural Firm to gain more experience
b. Take a risk and establish your own firm
c. Establish a Firm with your friends
d. Go abroad
4. You want to be updated on the latest trends in Building and Construction. What should you
a. Attend social activities of your Organization
b. Be an active member of your Professional Organization

5. When is the Architect's Creed not recited?

a. IAPOA Meetings
b. Mass Oathtaking
c. Induction to UAP

6. in order to be attuned with the present times, the Professional Regulatory Board of
Architecture Adopted and Promulgated an amended Architect's Credo which became effective
on 21 June 2018 under Resolution No. Series of 2018 as endorsed by the UAP.
a. 2
b. 3
d. 5

7. The amended version of the Architect's Credo was endorsed by theUnited

Architects of the Philippines to PRBOA through_NBD Board Resolution No. Series of 2017-
а. 97
b. 98
c. 99
d. 100

8. The new Architect's Credo was signed on

a. June 4, 2018
b. June 5, 2018
c. June 6, 2018
d. June 21, 2018

9. What is not mentioned in the Architect's Credo?

a. Clients
b. Colleagues
c. Industry Partners
d. Government

10. Due to your excitement at being a new Architect, you misplaced your PRC Identification
Card. You applied at PRC for a replacement ID. How long will you wait to get you ID card?
a. 7 Working Days
b. 1 Month
c. 1 Day
d. 2 Weeks

For professionals who personally applied for ID renewal, professional identification card can be
claimed within the day. For those who filed via online application, a schedule of appointment
shall be given as to when to claim the professional identification card

11. To get a replacement PRC ID, you need to pay a fee and present your?
a. Special Power of Attorney
b. Notarized Affidavit of Loss
c. 4pcs 2 x 2 picture
d. Community Tax Certificate

12. After practicing for several years, you noticed that your license is about to expire on your
birthday. Which is now a requirement for renewing your license?
a. Special Power of Attorney
b. 4pcs 2 x 2 Picture
C. CPD Units
d. Community Tax Certificate

13. After paying the fee for the renewal of your license, how long before you can get the PRC

a. 1 Day
b. 7 working days
c. 2 weeks
d. 1 month
For professionals who personally applied for ID renewal, professional identification card can be
claimed within the day. For those who filed via online application, a schedule of appointment
shall be given as to when to claim the professional identification card

14. After passing the licensure exam, you decided to marry your boyfriend. Since you wanted to
update your professional records at PRC, you applied/submitted a Petition for Change of
Registered Name due to Marriage and/or Petition for Correction of Entries or Data. What is the
maximum processing time for PRC, from receipt of complete documents, to act on your
a. 7 Days
b. 2 Weeks
c. 1 Month
d. 2 Months
1. As an Architect, you have a responsibility to your people. Which of the following would you do
to best show this?
a. Train them to be good in their profession
b. Be an example of how to become a professional good
c. Give them overtimes

2. As an Architect, how do you compensate your subordinates?

a. Provide good workplace/ environment
b. Provide salary commensurate to work
c. Provide minimum wage
d. Set an example/ be a mentor

3. How do you treat new members of the profession?

a. Do not give overtime
b. Give equal opportunities like senior members
c. Let them attend seminars and trainings

4. A well-managed office is like a car that… running smoothly
b. is spick and span
c. has plenty of gas and oil
d. is in good condition

5. As a veteran architect with your own firm, why do you need a secretary?
a. to prepare contract documents and keep track of various ongoing projects
b. to secure client meetings
c. to keep office records in order
d. to prepare documents

6. How do you compensate a "project-hired" Painter?

a. Per Hour
b. Per Day
c. Per Square Meter
d. Lump Sum

7. How do you pay a Painting Subcontractor?

a. Per Hour
b. Per Day
c. Per Square Meter
d. Lump Sum
During the Summer holidays, a couple decided to have their house repaired. They acquired the
services of Architect "A" for this project. However, they specifically asked Architect "A" to give
the Roofing Repairs to their father who happens to be a roofing contractor.
Everything went well until the rains came. Now, the house is flooding and leaks coming
everywhere. They asked Architect "A" to make good the defects but the Architect refused.

1. Who is liable for the damages?

a. Architect "A," he should have checked the work of the Roofing contractor.
b. The Roofing Contractor, he was the one who repaired the roof.
c. The Couple, they were the ones who asked that their father do it.

2. Due to the flooding and leaks, the whole house had to be rewired. After a successful
mediation, Architect "A" continued with the project. How are Electricians paid?
a. Lump Sum
b. Per outlet, switches and complexity
c. Ask the Contractor
d. Based on Material Cost

An Architect drew up plans for a family. The owners went abroad. After a year, the owners
returned but instructed the architect to help them find a new lot. The task would entail the
architect's personal time.

1. What stage in the Architect's services will the

Architect perform?
a. Pre-design Services
b. Regular Design Services
c. Comprehensive Architectural Services
d. Specialized Allied Services

2. What will be the ideal method of compensation that the Architect should use if he is to find a
new site for the project?
a. Percentage of Construction Cost
b. Per diem/Honorarium + Reimbursibles
d. Retainer

3. What can the Architect suggest to the owners to minimize spending?

4. How much is the Architect compensated after he completed all plans and documents for
a. 65%
b. 75%
c. 85%
d. 90%

Juan has been working at Saudi Arabia for almost 15 years but he feels incomplete since he
was not able to take the licensure examination when he was still in the Philippines.
He heard that the PRBoA is going to conduct
FLEA at Jeddah. He asks his family to send his Transcript of Records, Birth Certificate and

1. What else does he need to be able to take the

a. Diversified Training Logbook signed and sealed by a Filipino RLA
b. Certificate of Employment from his company showing his tenure and position
c. Recommendation Letter from the Consulate

2. After passing the FLEA, his company had a big project. He was the one who made all the
drawings. To whom is he liable to?
a. To the Company
b. To the Philippine Government
c. To the Saudi Government
d. None

3. After passing the FLEA, who can administer his Professional Oath?
a. Any Registered and Licensed Architect working
b. The Ambassador of the Philippines Embassy
c. The PRBoA will hold a special Oathtaking Ceremony

After graduating from a BS Architecture course in the Philippines, Juan decided to work in
Singapore. He worked there for 2 years and decided to go back to the Philippines to take the
Architecture Licensure Exam.

1. What should he do to file his requirements?

a. Fill out the DTE and let his Singaporean mentor sign it for him
b. His mentor should be a Filipino RLA if working abroad to qualify
c. He should just take the ALE in Singapore if it was offered there
d. Have his DTE signed by another Filipino Architect in the Philippines

Juan passed the ALE with flying colors and came back to his old job in Singapore. His boss was
so impressed, that he wanted to put up an architectural firm here in the Philippines.
1. What should Juan's boss, a Singaporean, do to practice architecture in the Philippines?
a. He should collaborate with a Filipino Firm/Architect and be partners, to be able to practice
architecture in the Philippines
b. He should register his firm and begin practicing architecture in the Philippines
c. He is not allowed to put up an architectural firm in the Philippines
d. He could practice architecture in the Philippines anytime he wants

2. If Juan's boss, a Filipino, could put up an architectural firm in the Philippines, what should be
his first move to register his business?
a. Register his company at DTI
b. Register his company at SEC
c. Get a license to practice architecture in the Philippines as a Foreign partner at PRC
d. Get a license to practice architecture in the Philippines as a Foreign partner at UAP

3. The firm is now setup and ready to operate with several employees. In order to clearly define
each worker's duties and responsibilities, you should provide the workers:
a. A copy of the Labor Code
b. Management's Rules and Regulations
c. Job Description
d. Organizational Chart

4. If Juan and his boss were to be partners in a firm in the Philippines, where should their
company be registered?
a. DTI only
b. SEC only
c. DTI, SEC, and PRC only
d. DTI and SEC only

Owner A hired Architect B to design his condominium located in a commercial area.
After several meetings, Architect B was able to produce a Schematic Design which Owner A
subsequently approved. However, Owner A had a change of heart and decided that he doesn't
want Architect B for the project anymore.

1. How much overall compensation Architect B entitled to?

a. 10% of the professional fee
b. 12% of the professional fee
C. 20% of the professional fee
d.None, since the project was not built
2. Architect B, being a neophyte architect and in his desire to get the project, did not require
Owner A to sign a formal contract. What will happen now that Owner A doesn't want Architect B
for the project?
a. Architect B won't get paid
b. Architect B won't get just compensation
c. Architect B will get just compensation
d. Architect B will sue Owner A

3. Was there any violation committed?

a. Yes by Architect B against the Code of Ethics
b. Yes by Architect B against RA 9266
c. None. The Architect can offer his services to anyone he desires and at a compensation he so
desires as the construction industry reacts to market situation and he must adapt in order to get
d. Yes by Architect B against RA 9266 and the Code of Ethics and by Owner A against RA 9266

Architect Guevarra was commissioned to do a residential project. Everything worked out until
everything was done except that the owner ran out of budget to start the construction.

1. According to the law, how much is Arch.Guevarra entitled to collect?

a. 80%
c. 100%

An Architect specifies a particular material for a project that will be sourced from a foreign
supplier. Everything is going as scheduled until the Contractor reports to the Client that he will
not be able to finish the project as scheduled since the material needed and to be supplied by
the foreign supplier is still not at the jobsite and delivery has been apparently delayed. There is
an upcoming event and the building will not be ready in time for the scheduled activity. It will
have to be cancelled and the Client is very unhappy due to the projected huge financial loss.
1. Whose fault is it?
a. The Architect for specifying a product that is not available in the local market.
b. The Contractor for not informing the Client and Architect about the delay before it became
c. The Event Organizer for scheduling events before the building was finished.
d. Nobody's fault, it's something nobody wanted

Three siblings decided to form their own
architectural firm. One is an Architect, another is an Engineer and the is an Interior Designer.

1. How much should be the architectural composition of the corporation?

c. 75%

2. What kind of business organization will they form?

a Single Proprietorship
b. Corporation
c. Conglomeration
d. Partnership

3. Where should they register their business?

a. SEC
b. DTI
c. City Hall
d. BIR

4. If they are to apply for a business permit, where should they go?
a. SEC
b. DTI
c. City Hall
d. BIR

5. An Architectural Firm should registered with?

a. Board of Investment
c. UAP
6. You were hired by the firm as an Architect and they didn't require their employees to wear
uniform. As an architect working in the office, what would be your best attire?
a. Formal/Business Attire
b. Casual/ Comfortable
c. Rugged
d. Any

Ana wants to build a rest house in her lot at Tagaytay. She talked with her friend, Arch. A, about
the project. Ana's daughter also recommended Interior Designer B to her mom. However, while
browsing a magazine, she learned about Architect C, who also happens to be an Interior
Designer at the same time.

1. What is the best method for her to select

the designers?
a. Select Architect A, since a friend
b. Comparative Selection
c. Design Competition

2. Why is it best to select Architect C?

a. She can get a discount on ID services
b. She can best interpret the Architectural Drawings for the Interior Design
c. It's not best to choose Architect C since you don't know her

3. If Architect C is hired, how will she be compensated?

a. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 15% for ID's regular rate
b. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 10% for ID's regular rate
c. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 12% for ID's discounted rate

A contractor has a son who was born in the Philippines but was raised and educated in New
York. His son, John, is a licensed architect in New York. Upon his father's prodding, Arch. John
returned to the Philippines to be with his father. However, instead of joining his father's firm, he
decided to set-up his own firm.

1. The son's firm submitted drawings to the OBO for bldg permit but the drawings were rejected.
What went wrong?
a. John's firm is not registered with the DTI/SEC
b. Arch. John is not allowed to practice Architecture in the Philippines

2. What can be done to remedy problem?

a. Hire a local Architect to sign and seal for him
b. Determine if a reciprocity agreement exist between the Philippines and New York
c. Pass the local Licensure Examination for Architects

Arch. Casia was commissioned by his friend as the Architect for a Townhouse Project. He was
specifically asked to prepare brochures for the marketing of the project.

1. What type of service did Arch. Casia render for the project
a. Regular Design Services
b. Pre-Design Services
c. Construction Services
d. Post Construction Services

2. For helping his friend market the project, what type of compensation should Arch.
Casia receive?
a. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
b. Professional Fee + Expenses
c. Salary Cost × Multiplier
d. Percentage of Construction Cost

Architect A is the Principal Architect of an Architectural Firm. Architects B & C are Junior
Partners and they are in charge of the Design Team. However, it is still Architect A who signs
and seals all the drawings. Recently, they hired Architects D & E, both LA's, to be in-charge of
the Production Team.

1. What is the position of Architects D & E?

a. Draftsman
b. Junior Architect
c. Junior Partner

2. Who is liable for the drawings under the law?

a. Arch. A only
b. Arch. B & C
c. Arch. A, B & C
d. The Company

3. Who owns majority of the shares in the company?

a. Arch. A
b. Arch. B & C
c. The Investors

4.In the absence of a written stipulation to the contrary, who has intellectual proprietary rights
over the Architectural documents?
a. Architect A, he signed and sealed all the drawings
b. Architect B & C, they are in charge of the Design
c. Architect D & E, they are in charge of Production
d. The Client, he paid for the documents

5.Who has the proprietary rights to the architectural works such as plans, designs and other
documents but is confined for the use of such documents for the execution/implementation of
the work described therein for one(1) or the original project only?
a. Architect A, he signed and sealed all the drawings
b. Architect B & C, they are in charge of the Design
c. Architect D & E, they are in charge of Production
d. The Client, he paid for the documents

6. A close friend of Architect A asked him to design a high-rise beachfront Hotel. However, just
before he could finish the work, he suffered a heart attack and died. Can his work be continued
by others in the absence of such a contingency in the contract?
a. Yes by the same firm
b. No
c. Yes by whoever the Owner chooses

A lot in Sampaloc, Manila has a depth of 30m and a frontage of 15m facing northeast. It has a
20m ROW with 1.5m sidewalk at both sides. The left side of the lot is a school building while at
the right is an office mid-rise building. Located in the middle part of the intended façade of your
project is an electric post. The site is still vacant and there is no water connection yet.

1. Where do you apply for a temporary/permanent water connection?

a. Brgy Chairman
b. MWSS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
d. OBO

2. Who do you approach to have the "electric post" removed?

a. Meralco
c. OBO
d. Barangay

3. What is the Effect/Function of the following on your project

a. DPWH - Esp. for when you are near national ROWs
b. Meralco - Electric connection
c. MWSI - Permit for Waterline from Main
d. OBO - Approval of Building Permit

4. What is the AMBF percentage of the site

c. 75%
d. 80%
CANNOT BE ANSWERED (Lot type not indicated)

Arch. X is celebrating the 25th year anniversary of his office. He wants to be featured in a
magazine. To lessen the amount that will be spent on being published, with his consent, he
allowed his friend who is a writer to solicit from advertisers under his name.

1. Is there anything wrong here? If there is, what/who is wrong in this situation?
a. Nothing is wrong. This was done with everybody's consent and nobody was coerced into
doing anything.
b. Architect is liable
c. The Writer friend of Architect X
d. The advertisers

2. After the magazine was issued, another Architect Y noticed that some of his works were
being claimed by Architect X in the magazine articles. Architect X said that he only did it
because he wanted his writer friend to get more advertisers.
Is there something wrong with this? If there is, who is liable.
a. Nothing since Architect X is willing to settle with Architect Y
b. Architect X is liable of fraud for claiming Architect Y's works.
c. Both Architect X (for fraud) and the Writer (for not checking his source)
d.The Publisher for not checking the veracity of Architect X's claims

3. Where should Architect Y complaint?

a. RTC
b. PRC
c. Mayor's Office
d. NBI

4. What will happen to Architect X, if found guilty?

a. Suspension of Registry and License
b. Suspension of License
c. His name will be deleted from the list of Registered Architect
d. Revocation of his Certificate of Registration

As per Clients request, the Architect made some revisions. Since time is of the essence, he
decided not to coordinate with the Engineering Consultants. After concrete pouring, he
discovered that a beam is set lower than the required headroom clearance.
1. What is the lesson learned?
a.Always coordinate with consultants and project engineers
b. Being the "Boss" other Allied practitioners should adjust their design to conform
with yours.
(Note: sometimes the answer is already in the situation given and you just
need your common sense)

Other Topics you should know

1. In 2004, an act to Institutionalize the Use of an Alternative Dispute Resolution in the country
took effect. Under this law, Construction Disputes will now go to Arbitration/ Mediation instead of
the regular courts. What is this Law?
a. RA 9285
c. RA 9858
b. RA 9262
d. RA 9255

2. Design build by maximum cost, how much is the architect remunerated?

a. Built-in the maximum cost exclusive of arch reg fee
b. 10% of PCC, exclusive of design fee
c. 7% of PCC, inclusive of arch fee
d. Lump sum inclusive of arch fee

3. How is the architect remunerated for regular design services? Percentage of PCC
Percentage of PCC

4. The architect's fee for repetitive construction, non-housing project (3rd unit)
a. 70%
c. 40%
b. 50%
d. 25%

5. When is the first payment for an architect due?

Upon signing of the service agreement (Collect 5% of fee)

6. If you purchased 1 million worth of furniture and equipment for the new office that you just
setup, how much did you pay for the VAT?
а. 300,000.00
c. 107.142.86
b. 120,000.00
d. 267.857.14
Note: to solve for VAT, you need to get the VATable amount first.
VATable = Cost/1.12
To Check:
VAT = Cost - VATable
VAT = VATable (12%)

7. Questions regarding the fees that an Architect is supposed to collect from his client under
different types of projects

8. If the Owner wants to build a house after 1 year, how much is the fee?
None, If no construction phase has commenced.
When Construction has commenced:
When portions of the building/s are erected at different periods of time, extending the initial
estimated construction time, the fee for the services rendered during the Construction Phase
shall be adjusted accordingly, proportionally. When the construction period exceed six (6)
months, the fee for the remaining works (Periodic Construction Supervision) shall be doubled.

9. What should the Architect do if the Owner makes Change Orders?

a. Check with Contractor
c. Neglect Owner
b. Follow the Owner

10. How much of the fee is the architect entitled to once the owner receives all the contract
a. 75%
c. 90%
b. 85%
d. 100%

11. The can order changes in the construction any time.

a. Architect
c. Project Manager
b. Construction Manager
d. Owner

12. The Architect's professional fee for a Bakery project worth 2 Million pesos assuming DADS
(Detailed Architectural Design Services) only :
• Fee = 3% of construction cost, since DADS only
• Fee = PHP 60,000

13. The Architect's RPF for a Residential project

Assuming DADS (Detailed Architectural Design Services) only:
a. 6%
c. 5%
b. 3%
d. 10%
14. If an Architect performs full time supervision, what is his professional fee?
a. 1.0-1.5% of PCC
c. 3.5-5.0% of PCC
b. 1.5-3.0% of PCC
d. 7.0-10.0% of PCC

15.Mr. Juan Zubiri commissioned you for a restaurant project last year. Due to the success of
the restaurant, he wants you to do a 2nd restaurant using the same design, what would be your
a. 60% of RPF
c. 40% of RPF
b. 50% of RPF
d. 30% of RPF

16. Which among the following should the Architect's fee NOT be based on?
a. Project Construction Cost
c. Time spent on the project
b Contractor's Fee
d.Direct Personnel Cost

17. How many % of tax is taken from RPF of the Architect?

• Professional fees to individuals: 5% if current year gross income does not exceed P3M,
otherwise, 10%, if exceeding.
• Professional fees to juridical entities: 10% if current year gross income does not exceed
P720K, otherwise, 15%, exceeding P720K.
RA 10963 (Tax Reform for Acceleration & Inclusion a.k.a TRAIN)

18. It is a common method of compensation which is also fair to both the client and architect
a.Percentage of Project Construction Cost
b.Professional Fee plus Expenses
C.Lump Sum

19. Which is better for the Owner?

a. Percentage based on Project Cost
b. Guaranteed Maximum Cost

20. It is the most flexible form of compensation for an architect. Percentage of PCC

21. If the Owner requests for a model of the project, who pays for it? The owner

22. A client wanted your detailed architectural design services for his new house with a Total
Project Cost of Three Million (3,000,000.00) pesos
•What is the percentage of your professional fee? 6%
•Will the percentage of your fee change if the Client decides to postpone the project for the
following year? No.
• How much will you get if the Client decides to defer the start of construction for a year?
Assuming the contract documents are already complete, the architect can already collect 90%
of the professional fee.

23. How is the Architect compensated if the clients asked for a Feasibility Study?
Since this is a predesign service, a time-based method like MDPE would be appropriate.

24. The Architect is engaged in a profession which carries with it civic responsibilities to the
public. As such, he
a.shall explain the conditional character of estimates and in no case shall he guarantee any
estimates or cost of the work in order to secure a commission. (To His/Her Client)
b. shall reject any offer of free professional engineering or allied design service/s, or receive any
substantial aid, gift, commissions, or favors from
any contractor or subcontractor. (To Manufacturers, Dealers, and Agents)
C.shall respect and help conserve the systems of values and the natural, historic, and cultural
heritage of the community in which he/she creates architecture
d. shall not render professional services without a professional service agreement (To His

25. As a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA), you made a very good working relationship
with Contractor ABC after awarding them several projects. Now.
Contractor ABC (the client) wanted your services: as the Architect for their new building. All
things went smoothly until the Client wanted you to alter your plans to accommodate their
additional requirements. You implemented their revisions but the Client was not satisfied with
the result. They requested for another set of changes to the plans but you disagreed with the
proposed changes since the alterations being requested will result to violations with the local
zoning regulations and the building code. The conflict eventually leads to a dispute between you
and the Client
•Based on the Architect's Code of Ethical Conduct, you have a responsibility to whom in this
kind of situation? To The Public
• Where should the Client go if they wanted to file a complaint against you? PRC
• Who should initiate the first move to settle this dispute? The Architect

26. This method of compensation is based on technical hours spent and is only applicable to
non-creative work since the value of creative design cannot be measured by the length of time
the designer has spent on his work. This is usually used for works such as accounting.
secretarial, research, data gathering preparation of reports and the like.
a. PCC
d. Lump Sum or Fixed Fee

27. Method of Compensation where the Architect will render his "personal" time such as
attending meetings, conferences or trips; conferring with others regarding prospective
investments or ventures and the like.
a. Per diem/honorarium + Reimbursables
c. Professional Fee plu Expenses
b. Retainer
d. Unit Cost

28. Recommended Method of Compensation for Government Projects since this will entail more
time-consuming efforts and paper-works.
a. Percentage of Project Cost
c. Lump Sum
b. Multiple Direct Personal Expenses
d. Professional Fee plus Expenses

29. Recommended Method of Compensation for a Housing Project involving the construction of
several residential units on a single site with the use of one (1) set of plans/design,
specifications and related documents
30. For Group 1 buildings like a Public Market whose Project Construction Cost (PCC)
Is less than Fifty Million, how much is the Recommended Professional Fee (RPF) tor the
Detailed Architedtural Design Services (DADS)?
c. 4% 2%
d. 5%
b. 3%

31. For Group 3 buildings like Hotels whose PCC is less than 50 Million, how much is
the RPF for the DADS?
c. 6% 3.6%
d. 7.5%
b. 4.2%

NOTE: Study Methods of Compensation for different Groups and their complexities

32. Methods of Compensation for Professional Consulting Architects (PA)

Salary cost × multiplier,
per diem or hourly,
lump sum

ANSWER All of the Above, also, PCC (On Some Cases)

33. How is the Architect compensated in his capacity as a consultant?

c. Like a Lawyer
A. Per Diem
d. Salary cost × Multiplier

34. For which service is value-based compensation pricing recommended?

c. Post-construction services
a,Predesign services
b.Specialized architectural services
d. Construction management services

35. When rendering expert testimony, which method of compensation is appropriate?

a. Percentage of construction cost
c. a lump sum
b. A time-based fee
d. a retainer fee

36. In the Salary Cost x Multiplier method, what is the recommended value of the multiplier?
c. 3 and above
а. 1.0-2.0
b. 1.5-2.5
d. 5 and above

37. This compensation method is recommended for situations when the client wishes to be
assured that the architect's services will be available when required, or when the architect's
services are not required on a full-time basis.
c. Salary cost x multiplier
d. Value-based pricing
b. Retainer

38. If the overall fee for the Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design Services is
PHP 40 million, how much will the architect get?
a. PHP 2.4 million
b. PHP 4.0 million
c. PHP 24 million 60% of 40million
d. PHP 40 million

39. Who is liable for a project if there is a Foreign Concept Architect hired by the Owner with a
Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) as an architect-of-record.
a. The RLA
c. The Foreign Concept Architect
b. The Owner

40. Is it ethical and legal, for an architect to hire employees on a per project basis since SSS
and Medicare is not required but only group insurance and employees can be terminated even
after 6 months?
NO, Contactualizalization is not legal and unethical

41. Ethics - regarding rebates and discounts from Suppliers and Manufacturers

42. In the Construction Industry, what is meant by SOP?

a. Setting-Out Point
b. Standard Operating Procedure
c. Suhol O Patong
d. Stock Option Plan
43. What shall the architect not ask from sources such as material suppliers given the fact that
he already receives a professional fee from the client?
Commission or Shares

44. A newspaper editor approaches an architect for an interview:

a. Is it okay to ask to be paid for the interview? Yes
b. Is it ethical to endorse a product? No

45. Attribute of an Architect that is the most needed today

a. Always ahead of the project's deadline c. Flexible in handling commitments
b. Firm in all decisions and undertakings d. Accepts as many project as possible

46. A client will usually hire you based on several factors. But ideally you should strive
so that you will be hired based on
a. Professionalism
c. Competence
b. Integrity
d. Popularity

47. A client wants you to be his Architect but you found out that there is another
Architect involved. What would you do?
Find out if the architect and the client has already terminated their contract .If not, refuse the

48. A client wants your design to be the same with another Architect. What should you
Tell the client that you cannot take credit for someone else’s design recommend that the cliend
hire that architect.

49. You had a project for a client, a residential building. After the construction, you found out
that the client used your design for another project without your consent.
What will you do?
a. Forgive and Forget
c. File a case with the PRC
b. Inform the Mayor
d. File a case with the IPOPHL- Intellectual Property of the Phillippines

50. A 5* a year Architecture student is asked and contracted by his aunt to design a 2 storey
residence for her. After the student finished preparing all the Architectural plans, he asks his
professor to sign and seal it. The professor agrees to do it for a sum of Php 6,000
Is there anything wrong with this practice? Yes.
If yes, who is liable? The Professor ( Architect who signed)
What is the case if ever? It is in violation of the Architect’s Code of Ethics and UAP Doc 210
51. As a good start in your practice as an Architect, which of the following should you do first?
a. Explain to your client the scope of your services
b. Accept projects from relatives before somebody else gets them
c. Give a service agreement before any work is commenced
d. Accept a job that your friend has been offered first. He wont mind, he's a friend

52 You attended a children's party for your friend's son. At the height of the celebration, you
learned that one of the guest is looking for an architect for his dream house. You are in dire
need of a project to keep your firm afloat. What should you do?
a. Ask him to sign a service agreement
b. Do not waste the opportunity. Immediately make an on-the-spot presentation to impress the
prospective client
c. Introduce yourself and the services you offer then discuss your professional fee.
d. It would be inappropriate to approach the prospective client during the party
Approach the client some other day.

53. Your prospective client is asking you to provide him a initial sketch to give him an idea of
what you will do for the project. What will you do?
a. Comply with the client's request as a sign of good faith
b. Ask the client to sign a service agreement prior to submitting the sketches
c. Ask for money to cover the cost of the sketches
d. Show the client your portfolio of finished projects to give him an idea

54. What do you call the plan wherein it is viewed as if looking upwards instead of its normal
view from the top?
a. Lighting Plan
B. Reflected Ceiling Plan
c. Electrical Plan
D. Inverted Plan

55. Change Orders

56. Supplementary Specs

57.As per Supplemental IRR of Ra 9266, Standards of Professional Practice, what is the basis
of the preparation of Contract Documents wherein the Architect prepares the detailed designs,
Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications in seven
(7) sets?
a. Approved Schematics and Conceptual Plans
b. Architectural Program
c. Approved Design Development Documents
d. Feasibility Studies

58. It is the document describing the relationship between Owner and Contractor
a. Owner-Contractor Agreement
c. Good Faith Certificate
b. Service Agreement
d. Gentleman's Agreement

59. What is meant by Fabricate and Delivered to Jobsite?

a. Install
c. Provide
b. Furnish

60. How do you Specify Pipes?

a. Inside diameter
c. Gauge
b. Outside diameter

61. Architect of Record

62. Which is not a qualification of a specs writer?

a. degree and experience in construction management
b. contact with suppliers
c. library or references
d. degree and experience in latest construction trends and materials

63. You were hired as an Architectural Research Writer. Of the following, which would you need
to know the MOST?
a. Design trends
c. History of Architecture
b. Architectural Writing and their styles
d. Building Materials

64. You were hired as an Architectural Research Writer. Of the following, which would you need
to know the LEAST?
a. Design Trends
c. History of Architecture
b. Architectural Writing and their styles
d. Building Materials

65. It is the stage when the construction manager informs qualified bidders of supplementary
info prior to bidding
Pre Bid Conference

66. It is issued to bidders in order to clarify, amend or modify items in the bid
a. Invitation to Bid
c. Bid Forms
b. Generals Condition
d. Bid Bulletin

67 It is signed immediately when the contractor is awarded the contract

68. Your client are asks you to determine the viability of a proposed development by providing a
detailed analysis of the project. What are you providing?
a. Consultation
c. Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies
b. Feasibility Studies
d. Value Management

69. The first phase for architect's Regular Design Services

a. Project Definition Phase
c. Design Development Phase
Schematic Design Phase
d. Contract Document Phase

70. Before submitting sketches to a client, what must the architect first do?
a. Sign a service agreement
b. Discuss about image board for presentation

71. Preliminary drawings done by the Architect.

a. Preliminary Sketches
b. Schematic Diagrams
c. Conceptual Drawing
d. Working Drawing

72. The third phase of the architect's services

Design Development phase
73. In the development of new technology, 3D and computer graphics had been widely used.
What is the benefit?
a. More efficient and realistic
b. Cheaper

74.It is a scaled or full-sized model used for demonstration and design evaluation purposes. A
popular one-liner explains its importance... You can fix it now on the drafting board with an
eraser or you can fix it later on the construction site with a sledge hammer
a. Display
b. Built up
c. Mockup
d. Sketchup

75. Who pays for the Mockup?

a. Owner
c. Contractor
b. Architect
d. Supplier
76. What service is performed by an architect if activities such as physical, economical.
social and infrastructure are accomplished?

77. Where does Contract Document fall in the Architect's Services?

a. Pre-design Services
b. Regular Services

78. Where does Assessing the Needs of the Client fall?

a. Feasibility Study
c. Regular Services
b. Pre-design Services

79. Where does Planning services fall in the Architect's Services?

a. Pre-design Services
b. Regular Services
C. Specialized Architectural Services

80. For specialized architectural services, what is the detailed planning and design of the
interior/ enclosed areas of any proposed building/ structure?
a. Interior Design Services
b. Architectural Interior Services

81. Under specialized architectural services, what involves the detailed planning and design to
control sound transmission for compatibility with the architectural design
a. Architectural Interior Services
b. Acoustic Design Services

82. Which of the following does not fall under Specialized Architectural Services?
a. Acoustic Design Services
c. Architectural Programming
b. Architectural Interiors
d. Architectural Lighting Layout

83. What is covered by Comprehensive Architectural Services?

a. SPP Doc. 201 - 205
c. SPP Doc. 202 - 207
b. SPP Doc. 202 - 206
d. SPP Doc. 203 - 208

84. In a Bidding, what is the Role of the Architect?

a. Organize the Bidding
b Award the Project to the Contractor
c. Choose the Construction Manager d.

85. Situational questions regarding bidding. What should be considered in the selection of the
winning bid?
-Bid Price
-Expertise & Resources
-Tract Record
-Certifications/ Licenses

86. The Owner likes a particular bidder. He is delayed and fails to beat the deadline
What factors can be considered so that he can still join the bid?
None. If the owner does not favor any other bidder, do a re-bid. Announce failure of bid.

87. The Architect has chosen a bidder but the Owner doesn't approve. What can be
a. Rebid
b. Ask the Bidder to adjust the Bid

88. If the Owner wants to change the estimated cost after awarding to a winning bidder due to
economic basis, what should he do?
c. Change Architect
a. Change Order
b. Revise scope of contract

89 Which is not a part of Contract Documents?

c. Model
a. Agreement
b. Contract Drawings

90 A "business" Architect deals with?

a. Architectural Design
c. Professional Services
b. Design-Build
d. Real Estate Development

91. If there is a discrepancy between the text and drawing, which one will prevail?
c. Ask the designing architect
a. Drawing
d. Ask the Contractor
b. Text

92. Who does the Architect approach for Sound Control?

c. Electrical Engr
a. Electronics Engr
b. Acoustics Engr
d. DJ

93. Who is directly responsible in ensuring that the elevator shaft has the correct dimensions
and alignment?
c. Architect
a. Elevator Supplier
d. Project Engineer
B. General Contractor

94. Who is responsible for preparing the bending/cutting-list?

c. Rebar Supplier
a. Engineer
d. Steelman
b. Architect

95. To be fair to the Contractor, the Architect must

a. Promptly inspect the work accomplishment
b. Reject inferior workmanship
C.both A and B

96. Who approves the PERT-CPM chart?

a. Owner
c. Contractor
d. Project Engineer
b. Architect

97. What does PERT in PERT-CPM stand for?

Programme Evaluation Review Technique- Critical Path Method

98. Who prepares the preliminary Estimates?

a. Owner
c. Contractor
d. Trainee
b. Architect- BOM

99. Who prepares preliminary estimates?

c. Contractor
a. Architect
b. Project Engineer

100. Who prepares the Bill of Materials?

Architects - BOM, BOQ - contractor

101. Who prepares the Shop drawings?

a. Contractor
b. Architect

102. What is the role of the Architect between the client and contractor?
c. Consultant
a. Mediator
b.To execute judicial orders with impartiality

103. What is the foremost role of an Architect with regards to his Client?
a Adviser
B. Design Manager
c. Design Consultant

104. Soil Testing is the duty of

a. Engineer
c. Architect
b. Const. Manager

105. Winsto Managerbilv is it to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy upon completion

of the project?
a. Architect
c. Owner
b. Contractor

106. In a medium-sized construction, who plans the time-schedule?

a. Supervisor
c. Architect
b. Construction Manager

107. Who should Orient the Contractor and make sure that he understands the Contract
a. Project Manager
c. Owner
b. Architect
d. None, it's the Contractor's responsibility

108. Who is responsible in asking for a Final Inspection of a project?

a. Architect
c. Engineer
o Owner
d. Contractor

109. Who seeks permits and licenses?

a. Owner
c. General Contractor
b. Architect

110. Who is responsible for carrying out the Architectural Design Plans and Details in the actual
a. Project Architect
c. Project Manager
b. Project Engineer
d. Owner

111. Who is the professional responsible for the design of the overall appearance of the project
a. Project Manager
c. Owner
b. Project Engineer
d. Registered and Licensed Architect

112. It is the primary power of the architect over the contractor during construction
Only the Architect can make critical decisions that involve the plans, designs, and specifications
of the project.

113. What do you call the action of the construction manager in the contract document phase
wherein he organizes bid packages of the various trades?
Assembly of Bid Packages

114. What does the construction manager do in the Design Phase wherein he advises the
architect on material cost, construction techniques, and cost & time controls?
Technical Consultation

115. Duties of Construction Manager

116. Which is not a duty of a Construction Manager?

a. Project Coordination and Supervision
c. Cost and Time Control
b. Preparation of As-Built Plans
d. Keeping of Records
117. Architects in business are usually involved in
a. Design-Build
c. Real Estate Development
b. Teaching
d. Design Consultancy

118. What is the difference between a Site Plan and a Master Plan
• Making a Site Plan is all about planning the entirety of the structure or structures in relation
with each other (within a project), and in relation to how it is supposed to function optimally,
considering its end user and the corresponding amenities and facilities it requires.
• Master Plan deals with the planning of different types of structures in relation with each other,
circulation to and from and around each structure, the amenities that are used by certain
demographics, the direct environment as to where the site is, how the different demographics
interact with the structures, environment, amenities, and the areas beyond the site, and other
factors that affect the function and purpose of a certain site.

119. What is the difference between RA9266 and RA 545?

•Under ARTICLE III Section 13 - Qualifications of Applicant for Examination.
An examinee is no longer required that he/she is at least twenty-one years of age.
Qualified foreigners can take the exam
MS degree credited for 1-year DLEA.
•Under ARTICLE IV Section 37 - Corporations may now register and be licensed as such for
the practice of architecture. (RA 545 Article III Sec 34 says otherwise)

120. New provision in RA 9266 not found in RA 545

•Under ARTICLE III Section 13 - Qualifications of Applicant for Examination.
An examinee is no longer required that he/she is at least twenty-one years of age.
Qualified foreigners can take the exam
MS degree credited for 1-year DLEA.
•Under ARTICLE IV Section 37 - Corporations may now register and be licensed as such for
the practice of architecture. (RA 545 Article III Sec 34 says otherwise)

121. lAPOA is an acronym for?

a. Irish American Police Officers Association
b. Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects
c. Integrated Association of Professional and Organized Architects
d. Integrated Architects of the Philippines Organically Associated

122. What is UP responsibility as IAPOA?

The existing official national organization of all architects of the Philippines in which all
registered Filipino architects shall be members without prejudice to membership in other
voluntary professional associations.
To aid the PRBoA in protecting the profession of Architecture.
123. During the UAP Presidency of Ar. Robert S. Sac, who was the PRBOA chair?
a. Ar. Yolanda D. Reyes
c. Ar. Robert M. Mirafuente
b. Ar. Rolando L. Cordero
d. Ar. Dominador N. Alli

124. Who can change members of the PRBOA?

a. PRC Chairman
b.President of the Philippines
d. PRBOA Chair

125. When UAP was designated as the lAPOA, who was its President?

126. It refers to contracts or arrangements involving the transfer of systematic knowledge for the
manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or rendering of a service including
management contracts; and the transfer, assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual
property rights.
a. Knowledge Transfer
c. Foreign Counterpart
b. Franchising
d. Technology Transfer

127. What law covers Intellectual Property Rights?

RA 8293 - Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

128. Under Sec. 22 of RA 9266, the board my refuse to issue a Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card to a person
a. who has paid money to secure a Certificate of Registration
b.who is of unsound mind
C. who has falsely impersonated a practitioner or a former practitioner d.
d.who has undertaken architectural service without a valid service agreement

129. A duly notarized written contract or equivalent public instrument stipulating the scope of
services and guaranteeing compensation of such services to be rendered by a registered and
licensed Architect.
a. Statement of Fees and Scope of Works
c. Service Agreement
b.Standards of Professional Practice
d. Manual of Procedure

130. It is the housing program of the government only for the underprivileged and
homeless citizens
a. National Housing
c. Resettlement Program
b. Socialized Housing
131. Who prepares the budget for government projects?
a. Central Bank
c. Office of the President
d. DBM

132.HLURB - Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

In order to achieve the goal of rational land use, the HLURB performs the twin roles of
enhancing and reinforcing rational housing and real estate service delivery through the
implementation of the following three (3) strategies: policy, planning and regulation.
HLURB approves condominium plans; protects buyers of housing units and home lots as well
as condominium units from unscrupulous practices; and issues licenses to sell. Approved
condominium plans and licenses to sell provide added assurance to the buyers that the real
estate project truly exists
133. NEDA - definition/function
National Economic and Development Authority
An independent cabinet-level agency of the Philippine government responsible for economic
development and planning.

134. NHA - definition/function

National Housing Authority
A government agency responsible for public housing in the Philippines.

135. HDMF, what is its function?

Home Development Mutual Fund
More popularly known as the Pag-IBIG Fund, is a Philippine government-owned and controlled
corporation under the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development responsible
for the administration of the national savings program and affordable shelter financing for
Filipinos employed by local and foreign-based employers as well as voluntary and self-
employed members. It offers its members short-term loans and access to housing programs.

136. UHLP - Unified Home Lending Program

Unified Home Lending Program

In 1987, the Aquino government issued Executive Order No. 90 that created the Housing and
Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), the highest policy making and coordinative
body for urban and housing development. HUDCC was tasked to formulate housing policies and
guidelines to accomplish the targets of the National Shelter Program
The Ramos government continued the implementation of the National Shelter Program (NSP)
which became the government's major response to the housing problem. Over the period 1992-
1996, the NSP produced and financed more than 500,000 additional low and middle-income
housing units with substantial government support. The main vehicle for implementing NSP is
the Unified Home Lending Program (UHEP) that provided households access to mörtgage

137. The COFILCO is an umbrella-organization of consultants accredited by the Government

Procurement Policy Board (GPBB) in a non-exclusive manner for the following types of
professions and/or services: architecture, environmental planning/investigation/consulting,
engineering (civil/structural, geodetic, electrical, mechanical, sanitary, electronics and
communications), master plumbing, landscape architecture, interior design, accounting,
project/construction management, management consulting and real estate consulting

a. Council of Filipino Consulting Organization

b. Chinese Federation of Consulting Organization
c. Congregation of Filipino Consulting Organizations
d. Confederation of Filipino Consulting Organizations

138. When you form a corporation, you go to the SEC. What does it stand for?
a. Security of Exchange Commission
c. Secondary Exchange Commission
b. Securities of Exchange Commission
d. Securities and Exchange Commission

139. After securing your company's Articles of Incorporation and By-Law. where should you
register before starting to operate your business?
a. Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
b. Professional Regulation Commission
c. Department of Trade and Industry
d. Local Government
140. An Architectural Firm needs to be specifically registered with
c. PRC and PRBOA
d. SEC
b. DTI

141. Who accredits the national organization of architects?

c. President
a. PRC

142. What do you call an Architect who wishes to practice architecture and is registered with the
DTI? (Sole Proprietor)

143. For a Partnership, which agency should they register with?

a. DTI
b. SEC

144. If an Architect wants to register a "single proprietorship" firm, where will he register?
c. DTI
a. UAP
d. SEC

145. What should be secured first before applying for a Business Permit?
a. Mayor's Permit
c. Brgy Permit
b. DOLE Permit
d. DTI Permit

146. Where will they apply for a Business Permit?

a. City Hall
c. DTI
b. SEC
d. BIR

147. You just finished the design for your very first project- a museum. Where will you go next?
a. OBO
c. Brgy
b. Zoning
148. As per RA 9266, how many sets of Plans and Technical Specifications should an Architect
provide to the Owner for purposes of obtaining a Building Permit?
a. 5
c. 7
b. 6
d. 8

149. As per PD 1096, how many sets of Architectural Plans and Specifications are needed for
the purpose of obtaining a Building Permit?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

150. What is RA 9266?

a. Architecture Act of 2003
b. Architecture Act of 2004
c. Architecture Act of 2005
d. Architecture Act of 2006

•The seven (7) sets of plans and specifications as required go to:

1 - Zoning
2 - City Engineers/Office of the Building Official
1 - Bureau of Fire Protection
1 - Client
1 - Site Reference
1- Architect-of-Record (File Copy)

151. When was RA 9266 approved and signed into law?

a.September 15, 2004
c. March 17, 2004
b. January 29, 2004
d. July 28, 2004

152. When was the IRR of RA 9266 approved?

a.September 15, 2004
c. March 17. 2004
d. July 28, 2004
b. January 29, 2004

153. Who is responsible for the implementation of RA 9266?

b. OBO
d. The Commission and the Board

154. Who is responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Building Code in the field as well
as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto?
c. Municipal Engineer/Architect
a. DPWH Secretary
b. Building Official

155. Who is responsible for the administration of the provision of the Building Code and its IRR,
including the imposition of penalties?
c. Municipal Engineer/Architect
a. DPWH Secretary
b. Building Official

156. Is the Office of the Building Official one and the same as the Office of the City/Municipal
a. Yes
b. No

157. Which of the following is NOT a qualification of a Building Official?

a. Duly registered Architect or Civil Engineer
b. A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his profession for not less
than two years
c. Has a Master's degree in building design and construction
d. A Filipino citizen and of good moral character

158. No person shall be appointed as a Building Official unless he possesses at

of diversified and professional experience in building design and least.
c. 8 years
a. 2 years
d. 10 years
b. 5 years

159. Which Section in RA 9266 refers to Continuing Professional Development?

c. Section 31
a. Section 27
d. Section 33
b. Section 28
160. What is an Architect?
A person professionally and academically qualified, registered and licensed, with a Certificate of
Registration & Professional Identification Card issued by the Professional Regulatory Board of
Architecture and the Professional Regulation Commission, and who is responsible for
advocating the fair and sustainable development, welfare and cultural expression of society's
habitat in terms of space, forms and historical context.

161. Who is entitled to be an Architect?

-Any person applying for examination shall establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:
📌He/she is a Filipino citizen, or a citizen of a foreign country qualified to take the examination.
📌He/she is of good moral character.
📌He/she is holder of a degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture conferred by a school,
college, academy or institute duly recognized and/or accredited by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and in addition has a specific record of at least two (2) years or equivalent of
diversified architectural experience duly certified by a registered/licensed architect.
📌He/she has not been convicted of any criminal offensive involving moral turpitude.

📐To be qualified as having passed the licensure examination for architects, a candidate
must obtain a weighted general average of seventy percent (70%), with no grade lower than fifty
percent (50%) in any given subject.

162. What is a successful Architect?

c. Good workmanship and ethical
a. High Profile
b. Many project due to low fees
d. Rich

163.When planning to start an Architectural Firm in a certain locality, what should

you secure?
c. Mavor's Permit
a. SEC Permit
b. DTI Permit

164.Zoning Variance
A variance a device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
condition of the property, compliance on applicable Building Bulk and Density Regulations,
Building Design Regulations and Performance Standards would result in a particular hardship
upon the owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

165.How do you apply for a Zoning Exception? Reclassification?

Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) - a local special body mandated to, among others,
handle appeals for Variances and Exceptions.
1. Variances (deviation from applicable Building Bulk and Density Regulations, Building Design
Regulations and Performance Standards)
Variance may be allowed provided that proposals satisfy all of the following provisions:
a. Conforming to the provisions of the Ordinance will cause undue hardship on the part of the
owner of the property due to physical conditions of the properly (topography, shape, etc.), which
is not self-created.
b. The proposed variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit reasonable use of the
c. The variance will not alter the intended physical character of the zone and adversely affect
the use of the other properties in the same zone such as blocking-off natural light, causing loss
of natural ventilation or encroaching in
public easements and the like.
d. That the variance will not weaken the general purpose of the Ordinance and will not
adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare,
e. The variance will be in harmony with the spirit of this Ordinance.

166.Who or what body is responsible for Zoning Exemption, Reclassification, or

Change of Zone Ordinance?
a. Mayor
b. Governor
c. City Council

167. What is another term for C-3 or Commercial 3?

a. Metropolitan 3
c. Business and Mercantile
b. Metropolitan Commercial
d. Circumferential 3

168. Where no repair work is done except exchange of parts and maintenance
a. Division G-1
c. Division D-3
b. Division E-3
d. Division E-2

169. What is the best way to provide for the convenience of both people in wheelchair and blind
a. Railings
b. Tactile surfaces/blocks in the immediate vicinity of crossings
c. Brightly painted Zebra crossing
d. Light controlled crossings with pedestrian phases and audible signals

170. In order to aid visually impaired persons to readily identify the men's washroom,
this signage is use
a. An equilateral Triangle with vertex pointing upward
b. An equilateral Triangle with vertex pointing downward
c. A Circle whose diameter is 0.30m long
d. An Oblong that is 7.5mm thick with a stick figure

171. The ideal height of PWD signages on walls and doors

a. 1.10m to 1.30m
c. 1.40m to 1.60m
b. 1.30m to 1.50m
d. 1.50m to 1.70m

172. Signages labelling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or
numbers with a minimum height of
a. 050 mm
c. 5 mm
b. 1.00 mm
d. 10 mm

173. According to BP 344, what is the comfortable clearance for knee and leg space under
tables for wheelchair users?
a 0 60 m
c. 0.65 m
b. 0.70 m
d. 0.75 m

174. As per BP 344, what is the minimum width for a Corridor?

a. 1.10 m
c. 1.40 m
b. 1.20 m
d. 0.90 m

175. As per NBC, what is the minimum width for a Corridor?

a. 1.10 m
c. 1.40 m
b. 1.20 m
d. 0.90 m

176. As per NBCP (Only), what is the minimum dimension of an Aisle serving only
ONE side?
a. 1200 mm
c. 1000 mm
b. 800 mm
d. 900 mm
177. As per NBCP (Only), what is the minimum dimension of an Aisle serving BOTH sides?
a. 1200 mm
b. 800 mm
c. 1000 mm
d. 900 mm


178. As per FC, what is the mininum with of a Cordor for Apartments with a required capacity of
MORE than 50 persons?
a. 0.91 m
b. 1.00 m
c. 1.10 m
d. 1.12 m

Fire Code IRR, Section Apartment Buildings

Corridors with a required capacity of more than fifty (50) persons shall be of sufficient width to
accommodate the required occupant load but have a width of not less than one and twelve
hundredths meters (1.12 m).
Corridors with a required capacity of not more than fifty (50) persons shall not be less than nine
hundred ten millimeters (910 mm).

179. As per PD 1096, what is the maximum distance to exit of a building if it is equipped with
a. 45 m
b. 46 m
c. 60 m
d. 61 m
Section 1207, Building Code IRR.

180. As per RA 9514, what is the maximum istance to exit of a building if it is equipped with
a. 45 m
b. 46 m
c. 60 m
d. 61 m

This varies but is commonly 61m for many occupancies.

Review: Fire Code IRR, Rule 10, Divisions 8-20.
181. What is the distance of the Building Main Entrance to the Elevator?
c. 20m
d. 50m

182.What is the minimum dimension of an elevator door width? (asked 3 times)

a. 0.70 m
b. 075 m
c. 0.80 m
d. 0.85 m

BP 344

183. As per BP 344, what is the minimum size of an elevator car?

a 1.10 x 1 40 m
b. 1.20 x 1.50 m
c. 1.40 x 1.80 m
d. 0.90 x 1.20 m

184.As per BP 344, what is the minimum door opening for elevators (single door)?

800 MM

185.What is the maximum distance of Elevators considering the handicapped?

a. 30 m
b. 35 m
c. 40 m
d. 45 m

186.What is the minimum clear width of a Door under BP 344?

a. 0.80 m
b. 0.60 m
c. 1.00 m
d. 0.90 m

187. The minimum width of a doorway

900MM = NBC

188.The minimum number of doors used for egress

a. 1
с. 3
b. 2
d. 4

2. Exits
Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one (1) exit. In all
occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than ten (10) shall
not have less than two (2) exits^ Each mezzanine floor used for other than storage purposes, if
greater in area than 185 sq. meters or more than 18.00 meters in any dimension, shall have at
least two (2) stairways to an adjacent floor. Every storey or portion thereof, having an occupant
load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three (3) exits. Every story or portion thereof having an
occupant load of one thousand (1000) or more shall have at least four (4) exits. The number of
exits required from any story of a building shall be determined by using the occupant loads of
floors which exit through the level under consideration as follows: 50% of the occupant load in

189.Under BP 344, walks should have turn/groove in order to guide the blind
a. 45 degrees
b. 60 degrees
c. 90 degrees

190.Parking for R1, R2 and R3

NBC IRR Rule 7 Table 7.4: 1 parking slot for every 6 lots/dwellings

191.Distance of parking for the disabled from building entrance

a 50 m
b. 60 m
c. 80 m
d. As close as possible

192.An accessible parking slot should have a minimum width of?

a. 2.70 m
b. 3.00 m
c. 3.70 m
d. 3.85 m

193.What is the dimension for an average automobile parking slot designed for perpendicular
a.2.15m x 6.00m
b.2.50m x 6.00m
c.2.15m x 5.00m
d.2.50m x 5.00m
194.A standard truck or bus parking/loading slot must be computed at a minimum of?
a. 2.50m × 6.00m
b. 3.60m × 12.00m
c. 3.60m × 18.00m
d. 3.00m × 9.00 m

195. An articulated truck must be computed at a minimum of

a. 2.50m × 6.00m
c. 3.60m x 12.00m
b. 3.00m x 9.00m
d. 3.60m x 18.00m

196. For parking areas of PWD, a walkway between the front ends of parked cars shall have a
minimum clear width of
a. 1.10 m
b. 1.20 m
c. 1.30 m
d. 1.40 m

197. Under BP 344, the maximum slope/gradient for ramps is

a. 1:10
b. 1:12
c. 1:14
d. 1:16

198. As per BP 344, a ramp that leads down towards a sidewalk should be
a. provided by railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than 1.80m from the foot of
the ramp.
b. equipped with curbs on one side only with a minimum height of 0.20m
c. provided by handrails on one side
d. provided a 90 degree turn
2.8 Any ramp with a rise greater than 0.20m. and leads down towards an area where vehicular
traffic is possible, should have a railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than 1.80
meters from the foot of the ramp;

199. Under BP 344, the length of a ramp should NOT exceed

a. 3m
b. 5m
c. 6m
d. 8m

200. Under BP 344, ramps whose length is longer than the maximum length set should be
provided 1.5m
a. Dropped Curbs
b. Landings
c. Lay-aways
d. Berths

201. Under BP 344, ramps should have a minimum clear width of

a. 800mm
b. 1000mm
c. 1200mm
d. 1500mm
202. From the figure shown above, what is the minimum dimension for A?
a. 0.025m
b. 0.25m
c. 0.10m
d. 150mm


203. Under BP 220, the minimum clear width of a Main Door is

a. 0.60 m
b. 0.70 m
c. 0.80 m
d. 0.90 m

204. Under BP 220, the minimum clear width of a Bedroom Door is

a. 0.60 m
b. 0.70 m
c. 0.80 m
d. 0.90 m

205. Under BP 220, the minimum clear width of a Bathroom Door is

a. 0.60 m
b. 0.70 m
c. 0.80 m
d. 0.90 m

206. Every room not provided by artificial ventilation shall be provided a window or windows with
a total free area of opening equal to at least
a. 10% of floor area
b. 15% of floor area
c. 20% of floor area
d. 25% of floor area

SECTION 808. Window Openings

Every room intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system as herein
specified in this Code, shall be provided with a window or windows with a total free area of
openings and equal to at least ten percent of the floor area of room, and such window shall
open directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or open water courses.

207. For a room without artificial ventilation whose dimension is 2.50m x 3.00m,
which is the required minimum window opening?
a. 0.65m x 1.20m (0.78 sqm)
b. 0.50m x 1.20m (0.60 sqm)
c. 0.75m x 1.00m (0.75 sqm)
d. 0.75m x 2.00m (1.50 sqm)

10% default but 1.00 sqm. minimum. Room size = 7.50 sqm. 10% = 0.75 sq
for at least 1.00 sqm.
SECTION 808. Window Openings
1. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be provided
with a window or windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least 10% of the floor
area of the room, provided that such opening shall be not less than 1.00 sq. meter. However,
toilet and bath rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be provided with window or
windows with an area not less than 1/20 of the floor area of such rooms, provided that such
opening shall not be less than 240 sq. millimeters. Such window or windows shall open directly
to a court yard public street or alley, or open watercourse.

208. Preferable height of Doorknobs

a. 0.82 m
b. 0.90 m
c. 1.00 m
d. 1.06 m

BP 344

209. Which is NOT a recommended Doorknob height?

a. 1.06m
b. 0.82m
c. 0.90m
d. 1.10m

BP344 0.82 - 1.06

210. Grab bar for disabled (height in mm)

a. 600
b. 900
c. 800

BP 344

211.Your client asked you to design and convert his current 5,000sam 1-storey warehouse into
a Call Center. How many Water Fountains (Drinking Fountain) will you provide if the client
simply wants to comply with the provisions of BP 344?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4

212. Your client asked you to demolish his current 5,000sqm 1-storey warehouse and design a
3-storey Call Center building having 1,500sqm per floor. How many Water Fountains (Drinking
Fountain) will you provide if the client simply wants to comply with the provisions of BP 344?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4


At least one (1) fountain shall be provided for every 2,000 sq.m. of floor area and there shall
not be less than one
(1) on each floor. Water spouts shall be at the front and shall be push-button controlled.
If wall-mounted, the
maximum height of the water fountain shall be 0.85 m. from the floor to the ro,.
Should the floor-mounted type be higher than 0.85 up to the rim, either provide paper cups or
another lower fountain

213. What is the maximum height for a Water Fountain?

a. 0.75m
c. 0.85m
b. 0.80m
d. 0.90m

214. You were informed by your client that he already bought the Water Fountain units without
consulting you. Upon inspecting the specs of the units, you found out that their height is
SLIGHTLY MORE than the maximum allowed by BP 344. Your client was very adamant that he
will not return the units and insist that you use them. He also said that he will not buy another
unit of smaller height. What is the solution to this dilemma?
a. Eke out the slab to provide ample height for the Water Fountain units
b. Stand your ground. Either he replace them or you resign
c. Agree with the Owner and provide no solution. Nobody will inspect and measure
it anyway
d. Simply provide paper cups to make it accessible

215. A circle of in diameter is a suitable guide in the planning of wheelchair turning spaces.
a. 1.10 m
b. 1.50 m
c. 1.75 m
d. 2.00 m

216. Angle of turn of embossed tiles for the blind

a. 45 degrees
b. 90 degrees
c. 30 degrees
d. 60 degrees

217. Under BP344, What is the max. Height of handrail if it is for protection at great heights?
a. 0.90 m
b. 1.00 m
c. 1.06 m
d. 1.10 m

218. From the Figure above, If above steps or ramps, Handrails must be installed at a height of
A and B?
a. 0.70m and 0.90m
c. 0.70m and 1.06m
b. 0.90m and 1.00m
d. 0.90m and 1.06m

219. Under BP 344, what is the minimum diameter of a Handrail that requires a full
a. 20 mm
b. 30 mm
c. 40 mm
d. 50 mm

BP344 30-50 mm

220. Under BP 344, Handrails attached to walls should have a minimum clearance
from the wall measuring
a. 20 mm
c. 40 mm
b. 30 mm
d. 50 mm

221. Minimum clearance of a table from the floor considering the handicapped

The length of wheelchairs varies from 1.10 m to 1.30 m.

The width of wheelchairs is from
0.60 m to 0.75 m. A circle of 1.50 m in diameter is a suitable guide in the planning of wheelchair
turning spaces. The comfortable reach of persons confined to wheelchairs is from 0.70 m to
1.20 m above the floor and not less than 0.40 m from room comers. The comfortable-clearance
for knee and leg space under tables for wheelchair users is 0.70 m. Counter height shall he
placed at a level comfortable to disabled persons' reach.

222.Considering PWD, what is the maximum height for lavatories?

a. 0.60 m
b. 0.70 m
c. 0.80 m
d. 0.90m

223. The minimum height of knee recess for lavatories when considering PWD is
a. 0.50 m
c. 0.70 m
b. 0.60 m
d. 0.80 m


224. Urinals should have an elongated lip whose maximum height is?
a. 0.45m
b. 0.48m
c. 0.50 m
d. 0.60m

225. What is the preferred design for a stair considering users of crutches?
a. Slanted Nosing
b. Projected Nosing
c. Open Riser Stairs
d. Right Angle Stairs

226. Maximum height for a stair rise

d. Right Angle Stairs
a. 150 mm
c. 250 mm
b. 200 mm
d. 300 mm

227. Under the 1977 NBCP, what are the maximum Rise and minimum Run dimension (in
meters) of a stairway?
a. 0.175 and 0.275
b. 0.2 and 0.275
c. 0.2 and 0.25
d. 0.2 and 0.28

228. What is the minimum width of a stair under PD 1096?

a. 0.90 m
b. 0.70 m
c. 0.75 m
d. 0.80 m

Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than fifty (50) shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or less may be 900 millimeters wide.
Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than ten (10) may be 750 millimeters. Trim
and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 100 millimeters.

229. Under the NBCP, what is the minimum width of run if it is to be used as an exit?
a. 250 mm
b. 275 mm
c. 300 mm
d. 325 mm
d. Circular Stairways. Circular stairs may be used as an exit provided the minimum width of run
is not less than 250 millimeters. All treads in any one flight between landings shall have identical
dimensions within a 5 millimeters tolerance

230.Winding Stairways. In Group A occupancy and in private stairways in Group B occupancies,

winders may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point
not more than ________ mm from the side of the stairway where the treads are
narrower but in no case shall any width of run be less than 150mm at any point.
c. 300
b. 275
d. 325

c. Winding Stairways. In Group A Occupancy and in private stairways in Group B Occupancies,

winders may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not more than 300
millimeters from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower but in no case shall any
width of run be less than 150 millimeters at any point.

231. Circular Stairways. Circular stairs may be used as an exit provided the
minimum width of run is not less than
a. 250
b. 275
c. 300
d. 325

232. Under the New Fire Code, if there are 50 or less occupants, what is the minimum stair
a. 0.715
c. 1.12
b. 0.915
d. 1.42

233. Under the NBC, private stairways serving an occupant load of less than 10
should have a minimum width of
a. 600 mm
c. 800 m
b. 750 mm
d. 900 mm

(e) Stairways. Except stairs or ladders used only to access equipment, every stairway serving
any building or portion thereof shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than 50 shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of 50 or less may be 900 millimeters wide.
Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than 10 may be 750 millimeters. Trim and
handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 100 millimeters.

234. What is the minimum clear width of a hallway/corridor under BP 344?

a. 0.90 m
c. 1.10 m
b. 1.00 m
d. 1.20 m

235.Dimensions of doors and windows conforming to accessibility law

800mm wide minimum

236. What general conditions of design are important for the aged?
a. Size, location, design
b. Height of lavatory is from the waist
c. Grab Bar
d. All of the above

237.What is the maximum lavatory counter height for the disabled?

a. 0.60m
b. 0.70m
c. 0.80m
d. 0.90m

238. What is the minimum floor area of the water closet stalls for the handicapped?
a. 1.70 x 1.80 m
b. 1.50 x 1.70 m
C. 1.50 x 2.25 m
d. 1.70 x 1.90 m

239. Water Closet Stalls should have a minimum dimension of?

a. 1.50m
b. 1.70m
c. 1.80m
d. 1.90m

240. Water Closets should have a maximum height of?

a. 300 mm
c. 400 mm
b. 350 mm
d. 450 mm

241. A grab bar for an accessible Water Closet Stall shall be installed at a height of mm
measured from the floor finish to the top finish of the grab bar.
a. 700 mm
b. 750 mm
c. 800 mm
d. 850 mm
242. Flush Control for a Water Closet should have a maximum height of?
a. 0.75 m
b. 1.00 m
c. 1.20 m
d. 1.25 m

243. What is the preferable height of lighting switches?

a. 1.50m
b. 0.90 to 1.20 m
c. 1.20 to 1.30 m
d. 1.30 to 1.40

244. door
What is the maximum horizontal distance of a switch from the latch side of the
a. 0.10 m
b. 0.20 m
c. 0.30 m
d. 0.40 m
245. Height for convenience outlet
a. 0.30 m
b. 0.20 m
c. 0.40 m
d. 0.50 m

No requirement from BP 344. Many references specify a range of 300-450mm, but 300mm from
FL is pretty commonplace.

246.Public Telephones should have a clear, unobstructed space of 1.50m × 1.50m in front Wall-
Mounted and Free-Standing units. Coin slots, dialing controls, receivers and instructional sians
should be locked at a maximum height of how many meters above the floor?
a. 0.80m
c. 1.00 m
b. 0.70m
d. 1.50m

Closest answer, but exact answer is 1.10m from BP 344

12.2 Telephone booth door openings should have a minimum clear width of 0.80 m. with either
outswing, folding or sliding doors, coin slots, dialing controls, receivers and instructional signs
shall be locked at a maximum of 1.10 m. above the floor.

247. Minimum door width for hospital nursing units

a. 1.20m
b. 0.80m
If 1.12m is available, choose that (based on Fire Code).

248 What is the minimum width of a door considering BP 344 only.

a. 0.80m
b. 0.90m
c. 0.70m

249. Considering PD 1096, what is the minimum door width if installed at exit d 1.00m
a. 0.80m
b. 0.90 m
c. 1.10m
c. 1.20m

250 Considering PD 1096, what is the maximum Door Leaf width?

a. 0.90m
c. 1.10m
b. 1.00m
d. 1.20m

251. What is Central Refuge?

"Mid-crossing shelter”
7.1 In order to reduce the exposure time to vehicular traffic, all at grade crossing should
7.1.1 Be as near perpendicular to the carriageway as possible.
7.1.2 Be located at the narrowest. most convenient part of the camageway.
7.1.3 Have central refuges of at least 1.5 m in depth and preferably 2 m. provided as a
miderossing shelter, where the width of carnageway to be crossetl exceeds 10 m.
252. What should be provided in the immediate vicinity of crossings as an aid to the blind?
Tactile blocks

253. What is the minimum depth of a Central Refuge?

a. 1.0 m
b. 1.5 m
c. 2.0 m
d. 2.2 m

254. From BP 344, What is the maximum width of a carriageway where a central refuge is not
a. 6 m
b. 8 m
c. 10 m
d. 12 m

255. Under BP 220, how much in terms of % of Gross Area is allocated for Community Facilities
if there are 152 Dwelling Units?
a. 1.00
b. 1.25
c. 1.50
d. 2.00

256 Under BP 220, the required setback of the sides and front is 1.50 meters. What then is the
required yard at the rear? (Asked twice)
а. 2.00 m
c. 1.50 m
b. 1.00 m
d. 3.00 m

257. Under BP 220, what is the minimum lot area of a single detached socialized housing?
(Asked twice)
a. 36 sqm
c. 64 sqm
b. 54 sqm
d. 72 sqm

258. Under BP 220, what is the minimum floor area for a Single-Family Economic dwelling?
a. 18 sqm
B.22 sqm
c. 28 sqm
D.36 sqm

259. As per BP 220, Doors for economic and socialized housing, shall have a
minimum height of
except for Bathroom and Mezzanine Doors which shall
have a minimum clear height of 1.80m.
a. 2.00
c. 2.10
b. 1.85
d. 1.90
260. As per BP 220, the minimum Ceiling height for habitable rooms shall be
a. 1.80m
c. 2.10m
b. 2.00m
d. 1.90m

261. Under BP 220, Minor Roads shall have a minimum Right-of-Way of

a. 5.00m
c. 6.00m
b. 5.50m
d. 6.50m

262. Under BP 220, cul-de-sac shall have a maximum length of

a. 80.00 m
b. 100.00 m
c. 120.00 m
d. 150.00 m

263. As per BP 220, the prescribed % of Open Space for Residential Inside Lot is
a. 50
b. 20
c. 10
d. 5
Note: this has context and is not an absolute requirement. See below.

E, Abutment

Abutments on the side and rear property lines may be allowed provided thi following
requirements shall be complied with.
1) Open space as prescribed in the table below:

264. Which law was amended by PD 1216. by defining "open space" and requiring Subdivision
Owners to provide roads, alleys, sidewalks and reserve open for parks or recreational use?
a. BP 220
c. PD 1096
b. PD 957
d. BP 344



265. Which law provides for minimum design standards for economic and socialized housing
a. BP 220
b. PD 957
c. PD 1096
d. BP 344

266. Under PD 957 for medium to high density subdivisions, what is the area of parks and

SECTION 2. Section 31 of Presidential Decree No. 957 is hereby amended to read as follows:
“SECTION 31. Roads, Alleys, Sidewalks and Open Spaces. - The owner as developer of
a subdivision shall provide adequate roads, alleys and sidewalks. For subdivision projects one
(1) hectare or more, the owner or developer shall reserve thirty (30%) percent of the gross area
for open space. Such open space shall have the following standards allocated exclusively for
parks, playgrounds and recreational use
a. 9% of gross area for high density or social housing (66 to 100 family lot per gross
b. 7% of gross area for medium-density or economic housing (21 to 65 family lot per
gross hectare).
c. 3.5% of gross area for low-density or open market housing (20 family lots and below
per gross hectare).

267. For open market and medium cost subdivision Under PD 957 with a density of
20 lots per hectare, how much in percentage of the gross area is allocated for Parks and
a. 3.5
b.4 0
c. 5.0
d. 6.0
268. Under PD 957, open market and medium cost subdivision having 1500 lots is required to
have the following except:
a. Multi-Purpose Hall
B. Convenience Stores
c. Tricycle Terminal
d. High School

Table 2. Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots/ Dwelling Units for Subdivision
Projects I hectare and Above

* Mandatory non-saleable
* Optional saleable but when provided in the plan the same shall be annotated in the title

269. For both economic and socialized housing under BP 220 with a density of 150 lots per
hectare, how much in percentage of the gross area is allocated for Parks and Playgrounds?
c. 5.0
d. 6.0

270. For both economic and socialized housing under BP 220 with a density of 200 lots per
hectare, how much in percentage of the gross area is allocated for Parks and Playgrounds?
c. 5.0
d. 6.0

For projects more than 1 hectare in area, how much is the minimum area allocated for Parks
and Playgrounds?
a.50 sqm
b. 100 sqm
c. 125 sqm
d. 150 sqm
In no case shall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be less than 100 square meters.
An addition of 1% increment for every 10 or fraction thereof above 225.

272. Collector Road

Collector road: a street or a road that services pedestrian/vehicular traffic from minor roads
leading to major roads. (PD 957)

273.Road Right-of-Way
274 Which governs low cost housing projects?
a. BP 220
b. PD 957

275. Under PD 1185 for mercantile occupancy, what is the exit width?

6) The minimum width of any way of exit access shall be as specified for individual occupancies,
but in no case shall such width be less than 71 centimeters. Where a single way of exit shall be
at least equal to the required capacity of the exit to which it leads. Where more than one way of
exit access leads to an exit. Each shall have a width adequate for the number of persons it

276. Study Fire Code terminologies Rule 3

277. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of
a. Flame
b. Fire
c. Combustion
d. Pyrotechnics

278.A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate
exits or fire escapes
a. Fire Exit
b. Fire Proof
c. Fire Hazard
d. Fire Trap

279. Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations
and the safeguarding of life and property.
a. Fire Lane
b. Fire Hazard
c. Fire Trap
d. Explosive

280. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warn the occupants of the
building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire.
a. Electronic Arc
b. Fire Alarm
c. Curtain Board
d. Damper

281. A group of firefighters performing fire suppression activities within a specified jurisdiction is
a. Fire Volunteers
b. Barangay Fire Brigade

Note: this term has been dropped from the new Fire Code IRR in favor of the more generic 'fire

282. A collective term that is used to refer to a group of firefighters primarily performing fire
suppression activities in areas such as, but not limited to, community/barangay, company, and
other government and non-government establishments.
a. Fire Volunteers
b. Community Fire Brigade
c. Fire Brigade
d. Government Fire Brigade
283. A group of Firefighters rendering firefighting activities in the premises of a public office.
a. Fire Volunteers
b. Community Fire Brigade
c. Fire Brigade
d. Government Fire Brigade

Note: this term has been dropped from the new Fire Code IRR in favor of the more generic 'fire

284. A person who enters into firefighting service through an organized group recognized by the
BFP and undergoes the same discipline as that of BFP firefighters.
a. Fire Volunteer
b. Community Fire Brigade
c. Fire Brigade
d. Government Fire Brigade

285. It is the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of
a. Fire
c. Blasting Agent
b. Ember
d. Fulminate

286.An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a building. structure or

area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which automatically discharges water when
activated by heat or combustion products from a fire.
a. Standpipe System
b. Sprinkler System
c. Suppressant System
d. Pyrophoric System

287.As per RA 9514, what is the minimum width of egress?

a. 0.900 m
b. 0.915m
c. 1.000m
d. 1.100m

288. Under the Fire Code, what is the minimum width of stairs where there are less than 50
a. 0.900m
b. 0.915m
c. 1.120m
d. 1.420m

289. Under the FCP, the minimum width of egress shall NOT be less than
b. 0.915m
c. 1.120m
d. 1.420m

290. What is the Fire Rating of Fire Exit Doors

a. 1.00 hr
b. 1.50 hrs
c. 2.00 hrs
d. 3.00 hrs

On 2-hour walls: 1.5 hours

On 1-hour walls: 1.0 hour, 45 mins, 20 mins
291. Automatic-Closing Vestibule Doors shall be actuated by a Smoke Detector located within
how many meters away from the door?
a. 3m
b. 5m
c. 6m
d. 9m

292. A releasing device installed in Fire Exit Doors that causes the door latch to open the door
in the direction of exit travel once a force of no more than seven kilograms is applied
a. Self-Closing Device
b. Fire Door Closer
c. Panic Bar - 7kg
d. Auto-Release Lock

293. A fire resistive door prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or partitions.
a. Self-Closing Door
c. Panic Door
b. Fire Door
d. Auto-Release Door

294. For a 3-Storey structure or less, the exit enclosure shall be protected by a separation with
a Fire Resistance Rating of
a. 1.00 hr
b. 1.50 hrs
c. 2.00 hrs
d. 4.00 hrs

295. For Buildings four (4) storeys or more in height, enclosing walls of floor openings serving
stairways or ramps shall have a Fire Resistance rating of
a. 1.00 hr
b. 1.50 hrs
c. 2.00 hrs
d. 4.00 hrs

For Buildings four (4) storeys in height, the maximum opening allowed at the fire wall is?
a. 0.00
b. 1.00
c. 2.00
d. 4.00

297. A 6" "Filled" CHB Wall has a fire rating of

a. 1 hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 4 hours

Fire Code
298. A solid Masonry Wall (8 in) and a solid Concrete Wall (7 in) both have a fire
rating of
a. 1 hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
D. 4 hours

299. A Fire Wall is a wall designed to prevent the spread of fire. It shall be designed to have
sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if construction on either side collapses
under fire conditions. Its minimum Fire Resistance Rating should be?
a. 2.00 hrs
b. 4.00 hrs
c. 6.00 hrs
d. 8.00 hrs

300. Dwelling units in Row Apartments shall be separated from each other by a
Partition Wall having a Fire Resistance Rating of
a. 1.00 hr
b. 1.50 hrs
c. 2.00 hrs
d. 4.00 hrs
301. Under RA 9514, a dead-end corridor may be allowed provided that
a. the Fire Exit signage is clearty visible and well lighted shall not extend more than 6m beyond the stairway or other means of exit
c. there is a Fire Hose along the corridor
d. a Sprinkler System is introduced

I. Dead-End Limits
Means of egress shall be so arranged that there are no dead-end pockets, hallways, corridors,
passage ways or courts, whose depth exceeds six meters (6 m) unless otherwise specified in
individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
2. Dead-end corridors shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
a. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section of this RI, dead-end corridors shall not exceed fifteen meters
(15 m).
b. In bulldings other than those complying with para "c" below, dead-end corridors shall not
exceed six meters (6 m).
c. It is recognized that dead ends exceeding the permitted limits exist and, in some cases, are
impractical to eliminate. The C/MM having jurisdiction might permit such dead ends to continue
to exist, taking into consideration any or all of the following:
1) Tenant arrangement
2) Automatic sprinkler protection
3) Smoke detection

302. What does FALAR stand for? Fire And Life Safety Assessment Report
Fire And Life Safety Assessment Report

303. Who prepares FALAR 1?

a. Architect
b. Engineer
c. Contractor and Const Manager
d. Building Owner

304. Under RA 9514, FALAR 2 is submitted by the Building Owner. Who prepares it?
a. Architect
b. Engineer
c. Contractor and Const Manager
d. Building Owner

305. Who prepares FALAR 3?

a. Architect
b. Engineer
c. Contractor and Const Manager
d. Building Owner

306. If the Plans and Specifications of the project does not conform with the requirements of the
Fire Code of the Philippines, who disapproves it?

c. Building Official
a. BFP
d. Barangay
b. Owner

A. The Plan Evaluator shall undertake the necessary evaluation and review of the plans in
accordance with the guidelines issued by the Chief, BFP for this purpose, indicating whether or
not such plans conform to the fire safety and life safety requirements of RA 9514 and its RIRR.
For this purpose, a Fire Safety Checklist shall be used to facilitate the checking of building plan.
The evaluated plans and the corresponding Fire Safety Checklist shall then be submitted to the
Chief, FSES/U for review and recommendation to the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
B. The quifi having jurisdiction upon eyaluation of the recommendation will either issue
SEC or Notice of Disapproval (NOD), as the cafe may be, and upon payment by the
owner/authorized representative of Fire Code Construction Tax and other appropriate
Fire Code Fees

307. Capacity of Fire Escape Stairs

Section 1207 NBC
5. Stairways. Except stairs or ladders used only to access equipment, every stairway serving
any building or portion thereof shall conform to the following requirements:
a. Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than fifty (50) shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or less may be 900 millimeters wide.
Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than ten (10) may be 750 millimeters. Trim
and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 100 millimeters.

308. Questions from Fire Code about the following:

a. occupant load, number of egress for sleeping institution
b. occupant load, number of egress for nursing institution
c. exit, corridor length
d. door width for nursing institution
309. What do you call the portion of a roadway or public-way that should be kept opened and
unobstructed at all times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.
a. Fire Lane
b. Carriageway
c. Fire Hydrant Area
310. What do you call the space in another building provided just after a horizontal exit on
approximately the same level?
c. Area of refuge
a. Fire Lane
d. Safety Exit
b. Egress

311. It is a way of passage through or around a wall or partition to an Area of Refuge on

approximately the same level in the same building which affords safety from fire or smoke from
the area of escape and areas communicating therewith
a. Fire Lane
c. Corridor
b. Horizontal Exit
d. Safety Exit

312. A Fire involving flammable liquids and gases is classified as?

a. Class A
c. Class C
b. Class B
d. Class D

313. A Fire is caused by Buming Paper, Cloth, etc, what Type of Fire is this?
a. Class A
c. Class C
b. Class B
d. Class D
314 Fires involving energized electrical equipment are called?
a. Class A
c. Class C
b. Class B
d. Class D

315. Fires involving combustible materials such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other
similar materials are?
a. Class A
c. Class C
b. Class B
d. Class D

316. Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal
oils and fats) are called?
a. Class A
c. Class C
b. Class B
d. Class K

317. What is the size of a Dry Stand Pipe if the Height of the building is more than
a. 2"
b. 2 ½"
C. 3"

318. What is the width of Zebra Crossings?

4m based on DPWH DO 62 Series of 2011
319. What is the Fire Code of the Philippines?
a. RA 9514
b. BP 1096
c. BP 344
d. RA 1185

320. What is prohibited for low density residential (R-1) uses or occupancies?
a. 3.20m abutment for carport support
b. 7.0m long abutment
c. an abutment 50% of prop line
d. firewall

321. What is the fire rating for a hotel room door?

a. 1.5 hrs
b. 30 mins
c. 1 hr
d. 20 mins

322. It is a Zone wherein only non-combustible materials of no less than three to four-hour fire
resistivity are allowed to be used as construction material throughout the structure. Only Type I
and V constructions are permitted in this area.
a. Non-Fire Restricted Zone
c. Fire Restrictive Zone
b. Moderate Fire Restrictive Zone
d. Highly Fire Restrictive Zone

323. These are areas often located in the country sides or rural areas where
commercial/industrial and other buildings are sparsely constructed or may be clustered in small
groups like farm lands wherein dwellings are built of indigenous materials such as bamboo,
sawall, nipa, cogon, palm leaves and wood up to Types 1 and II Construction.
a. Non-Fire Restricted Zone
b. Moderate Fire Restrictive Zone
c. Fire Restrictive Zone
d. Highly Fire Restrictive Zone

324. In this zone, buildings are prescribed to have exterior walls with at least two-
hour fire resistivity. Usual locations in suburban areas are permitted to be built with at least one-
hour fire resistivity THROUGHOUT as Types il, Ill to IV Construction.
a. Non-Fire Restricted Zone
b. Moderate Fire Restrictive Zone
c. Fire Restrictive Zone
d. Highly Fire Restrictive Zone

325. Electrical Fire should be suppressed by?

a. Class A Fire Extinguisher
b. Class B Fire Extinguisher
c. Class C Fire Extinguisher
d. Class D. Fire Extinguisher

326. A magnesium fire could result in an explosion if the wrong extinguishing agent is used.
What should be used to extinguish such a fire?
a. Class A Fire Extinguisher
b. Class B Fire Extinguisher
c. Class C Fire Extinguisher
d. Class D Fire Extinguisher

327.Which type of fire extinguisher will you use for flammable liquids?
a. Class A Fire Extinguisher
b. Class B Fire Extinguisher
c. Class C Fire Extinguisher
d Class D Fire Extinguisher

328.Building Classification under the Fire Code

329.A Wall designed to prevent or delay the spread of Fire.

a. Fire Block
c. Partition Wall
b. Fire Wall
d. Curtain Wall

330. When any 2 living units abut each other, a

shall be required. It shall
be of masonry construction, at least 100mm and shall extend from the lowest portion of the wall
adjoining the 2 living units up to the point just below the roof
covering or purlins.
a. Firewall
c. Partywall
b. Fireblock
d. Curtain Wall

331.Combustible liquid is any liquid having a flash point at or above___ °C

a. 37.8
c. 60.0
b. 93.3
d. 100

332. What agency has jurisdiction over the quality of effluent from septic tanks?
c. DOH
b. Local Gov't

333. As of 2008, who is in-charge of allowing/ disallowing buildings near Philippine Airports
a. (ATO) Air Transportation Office
c. (CAAP) Civil Aviation Authority of the Phils
b. (OBO) Office of the Building Official
d. (FAA) Federal Aviation Authority

334. The transportation of goods is very important. Which is in-charge?

a. LTO
c. Office of the President
B. DOTC - now DOTr

335. Who manages the sewage water treatment plant? Owner

a. DOH
c. Local Government

336. What is now allowed by RA 9266 which was not allowed in RA 545?
a. Corporate Practice
c. Exp. B4 Graduation
b. Signing of plans by an architect not prepared by him d.
337.Foreign Architects are can be allowed to practice in the Philippines provided that they
secure a special/temporary permit from the Board subject to the approval of the Commission.
Provided, further, that they there is reciprocity afforded to Filipino Architects in their country, that
they are legally qualified to practice architecture in their country, and that they must work with a
Filipino counterpart. In which Section of RA 9266 will you find this provision?
a. Sec 37
c. Sec. 39
b. Sec. 38
d. Sec 40

338 How long is the validity of a Special/Temporary Permit given to Foreign

a. One Year
c. Co-terminus with the Project
b. Two Years
d. Depends on the permit applied for

339. A foreign architect working in the Philippines without the necessary permits can
be sued by
a. PRC
c. Any Architect
d. Anyone

Sec. 44: Any person may bring before the Commission, Board or the aforementioned officers of
the law, cases of illegal practice or violations of R.A. No. 9266 and this "IRR of the Architecture
Act of 2004" committed by any person or party.

340. This agreement on Architectural Services, signed by the ASEAN Economic Ministers on 20
November 2007, facilitates the mobility of architectural professionals within ASEAN and
enhances information exchange in order to promote best practices on standards of architectural
education, professional practices and qualifications. What is this agreement?
a. ASEAN Cross Border Act (ACBA)
c. Trans-ASEAN Archi Practice Act (TAPA)
b. ASEAN Architects Arrangements (AAA)
d. Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)
341. It refers to the local Philippine architect, partnership or corporation that must work in
association with a foreign architect, partnership or corporation, on a project on Philippine soil.
a. Filipino Architect
b. Registered and Licensed Architect
c. Consulting Architect
d. Filipino Counterpart

342. Under RA 9266, can a Registered and Licensed Architect perform Interior
Design for small projects?
a. Yes
c. Yes, provided there is consent from PRBoA
b. No
d. Yes, if personal project

343. Any person not duly licensed to engage in the practice of architecture or any person who
violates any provision of A 9266, its IRR, the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of
Professional Practice, or any policy of the Board or Commission, shall upon conviction be
sentenced to a fine of not less than Ph 100,000.00 but not more than Ph 5,000,000.00 or to
suffer imprisonment for a period not less than 6 months or not exceeding 6 years or both, at the
discretion of the Court. He/she is guilty of what?
a. Infraction
c. Felony
b. Misdemeanor
d. Estafa

344. Under RA 9266 a person who requires or compels a Registered and Licensed
Architect to undertake any service under the General Practice of Architecture without valid
agreement shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined an amount not
less than Php 200,000.00 or suffer imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) years or
both. This agreement is referred to in RA 9266
Rule | Section 3.4.10 as a
a. Notarized Work Agreement
b. Service Agreement
c. Owner-Architect Agreement
d. Scope of Work

345. The Certificate Of Registration and Professional Identification Card wilbe suspended or
revoked if a Registered and Licensed Architect
a. Signed and Affixed his name or seal on Architectural Plans and Designs, Specifications, or
other similar documents prepared by his subordinates
h. Paid money for the regular fees provided for to secure a Certificate of Registration
c. Has practiced under a registered Corporate name
d. Has openly solictted projects by actually undertaking architectural services without a valid
service agreement.

346. under Section 24 of RA 8266, an Arohitect's revoked Certifcate of Registration/

Professional Identification Card may be reinstated by the Board, upon application and for
reasons deemed proper and sufficient, after a period of?
a. 6 months
B.1 eyar
c. 18 months
D.2 years

347. A person illegally practicing architecture, shall upon conviction and upon the
discretion of the court, be sentenced to suffer imprisonment for a period of six (6) months but
not exceeding six (6) years OR pay a fine OR both. How much is the
a. 10,000 to 20.000
c. 10,000 to 50.000
b. 100.000 to 500.000
d. 100,000 to 5,000,000
348. For violating the Code of Ethics, what is the minimum fine?
a. Php 100.000
c. Php 1,000,000
b. Php 200,000
d. Php 5,000,000

349. If an Architect is suspected of unethical practice. Where should the case be

a. Professional Regulation Commission
b. Department of Labor and Emplovment
c. Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
d. Municipal Trial Court

SECTION 44. Enforcement of the Act

It shall be the primary duty of the Commission and the Board to effectively enforce the
provisions of R.A. No. 9266 and this "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004". All duly constituted
law enforcement agencies and officers of national, provincial, city or municipal government or of
any political subdivision thereof, shall, upon the call or request of the Commission or the Board,
render assistance in enforcing the provisions of R.A. No. 9266 and this "IRR of the Architecture
Act of 2004", and to prosecute any person violating the provisions of the same.
The Secretary of Justice or his duly designated representative shall act as legal adviser to the
Commission and the Board and shall render legal assistance as may be necessary in carrying
out the provisions of R.A. No. 9266 and this "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004".

Any person may bring before the Commission, Board or the aforementioned officers of
the law, cases of illegal practice or violations of R.A. No. 9266 and this "IRR of the
Architecture Act of 2004" committed by any person or party.

350. The Architect is engaged in a profession which carries civic responsibilities towards the
public. As such, which of the following must the architect do?
a. He shall explain the conditional character of his estimates and in no case, shall he guarantee
any estimates or cost of the work in order to secure a commission
b. He shall reject any offer of aid, gift, commission or favors from any contractor/subcontractor
nor shall he offer free professional services
c. He shall respect and help conserve the system of values and the natural, historic and cultural
heritage of the community in which he/she creates architecture.
d. He shall not render professional services without a professional service agreement.

351. If the Architect assists the Owner in planning Promotional Services for the project, who
should the Owner hire to coordinate the overall activities concerning the project?
a. Building Administrator
c. Construction Manager
b. Full Time Supervisor
d. Project Manager

352. If an Architect is hired as a Building Administrator, what is his primary function?

a. Collection of Rent
c. Supervision of Building Personnel
b. Building Maintenance

SPP 208: Building administration:

• Building Maintenance
• Grounds and Landscaping Supervision
•Building Equipment Maintenance
Business Development and Management (incl. billing tenants)

353 In construction, what is usually awarded as

a sub-contract by the contractor or
the client and not part of the general contract?
a. Waterproofing
b. Tiling

354. What is given to the client by the contractor after all the work is done, to ensure
a properly functioning and efficient building?
a. building operations manual
b. post construction evaluation

355. Who should be held responsible for damages/accidents at the site?

a. Owner
c. Architect
b. Contractor
30.01 SAFEGUARDS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall take all
necessary precautions for the safety of employees and workmen on the work, and the comply
with all applicable provisions of city, municipal and national safety laws and building codes and
all government rules and regulations, to prevent injury to persons on about or adjacent to the
premises where work being performed. The Contractor shall erect and properly maintain at all
times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, such

356. Atter submission of all the Plans and Specifications that conforms with all the bertinent
Code. Rules and Regulations, and upon payment of the required tees, building permit will be
issued in how many days?
a. within 3 days
c. within 15 days
b. within 7 days
d. within 30 days
SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permit
1. When the application for building permit and the plans and specifications submitted herewith
conforms to the requirements of the Code and its IRR, the Building Official shall within fifteen
(15) days from payment of the required fees by the applicant, issue the building permit applied

357. the
Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, you are required to get a clearance from
if the lot is adjacent to a creek or river etc

2. The Line and Grade Section/Unit of the OBO:

a. Verifies the lot plan as reflected in the Torrens Title, Original Certificate of Title
(OCT)/Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) and its relation to the proposed buildings/structures.
b.Checks compliance to establish easements/setbacks and determines grades in
relation to road lots, property lines, streets or highways, whether existing or proposed as
reflected in the land use zoning or development plan of the city/municipality including road
widening, construction of various public utilities/services and other infrastructure projects along
creeks, esteros, waterways, subject to a written clearance from the DPWH.

358. the
Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, you are required to get a clearance from
if the lot is near transmission lines.
National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
Other possible answer: electric distribution companies like MERALCO

359. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, you are required to get a clearance from
for Condominium projects
360. A building permit shall expire and become null and void after how many days since work is
suspended or stopped after it has commenced?
c. 90 days
a. 30 days
d. 120 days
b. 60 days
361. in the performance his duties, when can a Building Official enter any building or its
premises within his jurisdiction to inspect and determine compliance with the Building Code?
c. At all reasonable times
a. Anytime
b. When somebody reports an anomaly
d. Upon the invitation of the Owner

SECTION 207. Duties of a Building Official

In his respective territorial jurisdiction, the Building Official shall be primarily responsible for the
enforcement of the provisions of this Code as well as of the implementing rules and regulations
issued therefor. He is the official charged with the duties of issuing building permits
jp in the performance of his duties, a _Building Official may enter any building or its premises at
all reasonable times to inspect and determine compliance with the requirements of this Code,
and the terms and conditions provided for in the building permit as issued

362. During construction, a Building Official found out that the building work is contrary to the
provisions of the Building Code. What may he do?
a. Warn the Contractor
c. Consult with the Architect
b. Order the Discontinuance of the Occupancy
d. Order the Work Stopped
When any building work is found to be contrary to the provisions of this Code, the Building
Official may order the work stopped and prescribe the terms and/or conditions when the work
will be allowed to resume. Likewise, the Building Official is authorized to order the
discontinuance of the occupancy or use of any building or structure or portion thereof found to
be occupied or used contrary to the provisions of this Code.

363. A building permit shall expire and become null and void after how many months from
issuance if work is not commenced?
c. 12 months
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
d. 18 months

SECTION 305. Validity of Building Permits

The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed as an approval or authorization to the
permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisions of this Code.
Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and specifications which are
subsequently found defective, the Building Official is not precluded from requiring permittee to
effect the necessary corrections in said plans andspecifications or from preventing or ordering
the stoppage of any or all building operations being carried on thereunder which are in violation
of this
A building permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire and become null and void
if the building or work authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one year from the
date of such permit, or if the building or work so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any
time after it has been commenced, for a period of 120 days.

364. In which circumstance will a Building Permit become invalid?

I - when construction has not commenced within 1 year from date of issue
II - when work is suspended for 365 days
III - when work is suspended for 180 days
IV - when work is suspended for 120 days

a. Il and Ill
b. I and III
c. I and Il
D, I and IV

This is obviously a defective question. The permit will become null and void in ALL scenarios.
But since there is no 'all of the above' option, we choose the two that match the exact wording in
Section 305.

365 What is needed in applying for a Bulding Permt if the applicant is the NOT the
a. Current Real Property Tax Receipt
b. Contact of lease/ deed of absolute sale
c. CTC of TCT
d. Tax declaration

*choose all of the above if there is an option

SECTION 302. Application for Permits
In order to obtain a building permit, the applicant shall file an application therefor in writing and
on the prescribed form from the Office of the Building Official. Every application shall provide at
least the following information:
(1) A description of the work to be covered by the permit applied for
(2) Certified true copy of the TCT covering the lot onwhich the proposed work is to be done.
If the applicant is not the registered owner, in addttion to the TC, a copy of the contract of lease
shall be submitted;
(3) The use or occupancy for which the proposal work is intended;
(4) Estimated cost of the proposed work.

SECTION 302. Application for Permits

1. Any person desiring to obtain a building permit and any ancillary/accessory permit/s together
with a
Building Permit shall file application/s therefor on the prescribed application forms.
2. Together with the accomplished prescribed application form/s, the following shall be
submitted to the
a. In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot:
i. Certified true copy of OCT/TCT, on file with the Registry of Deeds,
ii. Tax Declaration, and
iii. Current Real Property Tax Receipt.
b. In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot, in addition to the above;
duly notarized copy of the Contract of Lease, or Deed of Absolute Sale.

366.What is needed to determine the lot boundaries?

a. LRA Certificate
c. Tax Declaration
b. тст
d. Real Estate Tax

367.A land Registration Document issued when a land has been adjudicated and decreed in the
name of the Cument issued stration Proceeding for the first time in
pursuant to such a decree.
a. Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
c. Certified True Copy (CTC) of Title
b. Owners Certificate of Title (OCT)
d. Original Certificate of Title (OCT)

368.When a Land Title is cancelled and replaced by another title by reason of sale or transfer,
the new certificate issued is called?
a. Owners Certificate of Title (OCT)
c. Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
b. Certified True Copy (CTC) of Title
d. Subsequent Certificate of Title(SCT)

369 What is an OCT?

a. Original Certificate of Title
c. Owner Compliance of Title
b. Owner Certificate of Title
d. Original Compliance Title

370. it is exempted from payment of building permit fees.

a. Public Buildings and Traditional Indigenous Family Dwellings
b. Structures less than Php 20,000
c. Churches
d. Schools

371. What is not included in PD 1096?

a. Mechanical Discipline
b. Sanitation Discipline
c. Electrical Discipline
d. Socialized and Economic Housing

372. What is not included in PD 1096?

a. Traditional Dwelling
b. Architectural Plan
c. Electrical Plan
d. Data and Electronics

373. Mechanical Plans should abide with

a. Philippine Mechanical Code
c. Mechanical Code of the Philippines
b. Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code
d. Mechanical Eng Code of the Phils

10. Electrical Requirements

All electrical installations shall conform to the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code
11. Mechanical Requirements
Mechanical systems and/or equipment installations shall be subject to the requirements of the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

374. Electrical Plans should abide with

a. National Electrical Code of the Phils
c. Electrical Code of the Philippines
b. Philippine Electrical Code
d. Electrical Engineering Code of the Phils

375. The Building Official may order or cause the non-issuance, suspension or revocation of
Building Permits on any or all of the following grounds except
a. Errors in the Plans and Specifications
c. Incorrect Data Supplied
b. Incorrect Assessment of Fees
d. Non-compliance with the Code
376. It is required if the lot Owner intends to abut the building to his property line if that side of
the lot has an existing neighbor

f. Firewal Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

Whenever a dwelling abuts on a property line, a firewall shall be required.
The firewall shall be of masonry construction, at least 150 millimeters or 6 inches thick and
extend vertically from the lowest portion of the wall adjoining the living units up to a minimum
height of 0.30 meter above the highest point of the roof attached to it. The firewall shall also
extend horizontally tap fdo taxminimum distance of 0.30 meter beyond the

377. Under the Revised IRR of the NBCP, what is the specific Subsection that provides for the
signing and sealing of architectural documents?
a. Section 302.3
c. 303.2
b. Section 303.3
d. 302.2

Page 39 of 52
378. What do you call the plans, sections, elevations, perspective, specifications and
other outputs of an architect?
A.Architectural Working Drawings
B.Contract Documents
c. Architectural Plans
d. Architectural Documents
(18) «Architectural Documents" means an architectural drawings, specifications, and other
outputs of an Architect that only an Architect can sign and seal consisting, among others, of
vicinity maps, site development plans, architectural program, perspective drawings, architectural
floor plans, elevations, sections, ceiling plans, schedules, detailed drawings, technical
specifications and cost estimates, and other instruments of service in any form.

379.What should you do if a subdivision is fronting a busy highway?

a. provide 5m setback
b. provide a 3m local street

380. What law protects the Architect from the reproduction of copies of the contract?
RA 9266
SECTION 33. Ownership of Plans, Specifications and Other Contract Documents
Drawings and specifications and other contract documents duly signed, stamped or sealed, as
instruments of service, are the intellectual property and documents of the architect, whether the
object for which they are made is executed or not. It shall be unlawful for any person to
duplicate or to make copies of said documents for use in the repetition of and for other projects
or buildings, whether executed partly or in whole, without the written consent of architect or
author of said documents.
All architects shall incorporate this provision in all contract documents and other instruments of

381. An Architect refuses to give the original plan to the Owner. Why?
a. The owner is enfiled Onfw the blueprint
b. The Architects work ioniyto the by intellectual property rights/aw
c. In order to prevent k is covered by inaring duplicates and/or constructing without his
d. All of the above

382.What papers are usually seen at the jobsite?

From UAP Doc. 301:
2.04 CONTRACTOR DOCUMENTS AT SITE OF WORK: The Contractor shall keep at the site
of work. In good order one copy each of all drawings, specifications, Breakdown of work,
Schedule of Construction Work and including all instructions and graphs available to the
Architect and his representatives.

383. Based on PSA standards, by how much number of population should a place have before
it is categorized as a barangay? 5,000 for urban barangay
384. Composition of PRBoA. 1 chairman, 2 members
385. Responsibilities of an Architect. See Code of Ethical Conduct, SPP, RA 9266,
UAP Doc. 301 (ideally in this order).
386. Responsibilities of an Owner SPP Documents, especially 202. UP Doc. 301

387. Coverage of Predesign Services (SPP Doc. 201)

388. Scope of Regular Design Services (SPP Doc. 202)
389. Scope of Specialized Allied Services (SPP Doc. 203)
390. Construction Services (SPP Doc. 204)
391. Post Construction Services (SPP Doc. 205)
392. Comprehensive Architectural Services (SPP Doc. 206)
393. Design Build Services (SPP Doc. 207)
394. Methods of Compensation
395. Methods of Architect Selection See General Notes on Selection of Architect usually part of
the SPP but technically part of RA 9266 IR. (Direct selection comparative selection,

396. Other function of an Architect

a. Project Manager
b. Fabricator
c. Manufacturer
d. Supplier

397.Who has more authority and responsibilities between a Project Manager and a
Construction Manager?
a. Project Manager
c. Depends on the Job Specifications
b. Construction Manager
d. None, they are the same person

398. The Architectural Plans must bear the Architect-of-Record's Signature, Seal and the
following with the exception of:
a. IAPOA Membership Number
b. PRC Registration Number
c. Residence Certificate Number
d. PTR Number

399. Where can you apply/pay your PTR?

a. Barangay
b. BIR
c. PRC
d. Municipality/City

400. What are Surety Bonds, Performance Bonds and Guarantee Bonds?
UAP Doc. 301.
1.08 SURETY: is the person, firm or corporation who provides the guarantee for the
Contractor's Bonds.
1.09 PROPOSAL: The offer of a Bidder to perform the work described by the Contract
Documents when made out and submitted on the prescribed Proposal Form, properly signed
and guaranteed.
1.10 PROPOSAL BOND: the cashier's check or surety bond accompanying the proposal
submitted by the bidder, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract with the owner
for the construction of the work, if the contract is awarded to him.
1.11 PERFORMANCE BOND: is the approved form of security furnished by the
Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the contractor to execute
the work in accordance with the terms of the contract.
1.12 PAYMENT BOND: is the approved form of security furnished by the contractor and his
surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to pay all obligations arising
from the contract.
1.13 GUARANTEED BOND is the approved form of security furnished by the contractor and is
surety as a guarantee to the quality of materials and equipment installed and the workmanship
performed by the Contractor.

401. What Insurance borne by the Contractor will cover injuries, deaths and other unwanted
incidents at the site?
CARI (Contractor's All-Risk Insurance). This is referred to as Contractor's Liability Insurance in
UAP Doc. 301. See Art. 31

402. A bond furnished by the Bidder is a form of security that is submitted to the party soliciting
the bid. It guarantees that the bidder will enter into a contract within
a specific period of time and will furrich any required performance. labor and material bonds. It
is typically referred to as a bid bond.
a. Performance Bond
c. Surety Bond
b. Guarantee Bond
d. Proposal Bond

art is a bond that is an approved form of security furnished by the contractor as a guarantee to
execute work in roveddanne with the terms of the contract
a. Performance Bond
c. Payment Bond
b. Proposal Bond
d. Guarantee Bond

404. nAside from the Bond, another instrument used by the Owner to ensure that the
Contractor properly completesther instrumes required of them and that they make 9004 any
erectry completes the activities require comen 1-5%) until such time inat the project is properly
completed lend a ny daefect made good. This tool is called
a. Cash Retention
c. Cash Receivables
b. Cash Deposit

405. Ater Project Completion and making good any defect, a typical Retention is
d. Deposit-in-Escrow
released after
a. 1 month
c. 6 month
b. 3 months
d. 12 months
406. In the construction Industry, it is a person, firm or corporation that provides guarantee or
undertakes an obligation to pay in the event of failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill his
a. Co-maker b.
c. Financer
d. Owner

407. Specs writing should be ________ (manner)

Simple, clear, concise, not repetitive Spec Writing, how do you refer to money?

a. How many
c. Amount
b. How much
d. Volume

409. Study RA 9266 its IRR and terminologies


410. Interior Design - a practice concerned with anything that is found inside a space (walls,
windows, doors, finishes, textures, light, furnishings and furniture). All of these elements are
used by interior designers to develop a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing space for a
building's user. The work of an interior designer draws upon many disciplines including
environmental psychology, architecture, product design, and traditional decoration (aesthetics
and cosmetics). They plan the spaces of almost every type of building including: hotels,
corporate spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters,
and airport terminals.
Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural
detailing including: floor plans, home renovations, and construction codes.

Scope of Specialized Allied Services (situational questions) Review SPP 203.

Now referred to as Specialized Architectural Services.
412. Bidding Rules & methods. See SPP 202, UAP Doc. 301, other references online
(suggested search term: "bidding process Philippines")
413. When can a contractor terminate a contract?

414. When should Building Operations Manual (BOM) be submitted to the owner by the
a. 30 days after issuance of certificate of Occupancy
b. As soon as the building is finished and ready for occupancy
c. As soon as the owner asks for it and all billings paid d.
UAP Doc 301: before final payment

Page 41 01 52
415. Considering office space, what is the minimum clearance of a service zone 80 as not to
obstruct walkways between 2 work units?
a. 0.60m
b. 0.80m
416. Considering office space, what is the minimum width that will also serve as
access from the work unit to the wall?
a. 1.00m
b. 1.20m

417. What is preferao to Conto, ta movement of people inside a building?

a. Limit access to 4
b. Well lighted hallway and stair
418.What do you call the raised edge at the sidewalk?
a. Zocalo
b. Gutter
c. Curb

419. What is between 2 lots and is intended only for pedestrians?

a. Corridor
c. Alley
b. Walkway

420. What type of street is used for pedestrians, animals and bikers?
a. Sidewalk
c. Main Artery
b. Narrow Lane
d. Alley

421. Sidewalks widths shall be based on the following considerations except.

a. Volume of Pedestrians
c. Types/Volume of Street furnitures
b. Width of Planting Strips
d. Provisions for Sidewalk Vendors

3. Sidewalk widths shall be based on the following considerations:

a. Volume of pedestrians (end-users, visitors and the like) who will use the sidewalk on a
b. Type, intensity or level of operation and size/expanse of the allowed uses/
occupancies along the RROW;
c. The types and volume of street furniture, elg., street lighting and traffic signs/signal
supports, pedestrian barriers/aids, etc., and other urban design elements that will be allowed as
permanent developments design elements that will be allowed as permanent developments
within the width of the sidewalk;
d. The width of the planting strips;
e. The spatial needs for servicing utility/service lines underneath the sidewalk and for
utility/service poles;
f. Compliance with accessibility requirements as stipulated under Batas Pambansa Blg.
344(Accessibility Law);
g. Provisions for commuters, e.g., waiting sheds, loading/unloading areas and the like;

422. It is the basis for determining the MINIMUM sidewalk width for public
a. Volume of people passing through
c. Space for vendors
b. Consider PWD and accessibility
d. Shrubs, Trees and sidewalk accs

423. The minimum Planting Strip width for a 10m RROW is

a. Optional
c. 0.40 m
b. 0.20 m
d. 0.60 m
424. In a 15 storey highrise building situated within a through lot with a frontage of 20 meters
facing a major road and 15 meters depth. The rear of the lot faces a service road. The front and
side has a setback of 8 meters and 5 meters respectively. What is the minimum number of fire
a. 2 main exits including the service stair
b. Provide 3 exits from ground to 8th floor, and 2 exits from 9th to the 15th floor C.

G. Number of Means of Egress

1. The number of means of egress from any balcony, mezzanine, storey, or portion thereof shall
not be less than two (2), except when specifically permitted in Division 8 through 20 of this
2. When the occupant load for any storey or portion thereof is more than five hundred
(500) but not more than one thousand (1.000), the means of egress shall not be less than three
(3); in excess thereof, the means of egress shall not be less than four (4).

425. Situated outside of private property limits, it is a public land that should be enjoyed equally
by all members of the community.
a. Yard
c. Setback
b. Easement

426. The Waterline surface along easements must be established by the?

c. Office of the Building Official
b. Office of the City Engineer

Easements in Rule 8 of the NBC IRR (annotated):

Annotation: The level of the waterline surface must be established by the DPWH Regional or
District Office, not by the Office of the Municipal City Engineer nor by the Office of the Building
Official (OBO).
Note also that the trees along the promenade are staggered ie. the trees do not face each other
but are suggested to be positioned in a zigzag pattern. In case the width for the esplanade is
insufficient, the left sidewalk could also be dispensed with.

427. The following Developments are allowed WITHIN Easements.

a. Linear Park
c. Govt Leasing for small semi-permanent stalls
b. Footpaths
d. Roadway

428. What is the minimum floor area for Economic and Socialized Housing?
BP 220:
•Socialized: 18 sqm
• Economic: 22 sam


429. subdivision?
What is the minimum width of minor road for Economic and Socialized Housing

430.Specs - given the reflected ceiling plan

431.Specs - given floor pattern architects?
432. When can an architect do design concepts parallel to other designing
c.During Design Development
a. During Design Competitions
b. Before Project is Conceived
433. When is the best time eived Architec to do several development projects?
a. During Design Competitions
c. During Design Development
b. Before Project is Conceived

434. development
It links the skills of human with existing and available resources for
c. Construction Skills Development
a. Human Resource Development
b. Bldg Technology & Methodology

435. caPrior to construction, a buiding permit should frst be obtained. What may the
Building Official allow evea buiding Building Permit application is still being processed subject to
the payment of corresponding fees?
c. Ground Preparation and Excavation
a. Bending/Cutting of Rebars
d. Delivery of Materials
b. Fabrication of Forms
NOTE: Other activites allowed but not in choices are covered under ACCESSORY
1. Encroachment of Foundation to Public Area
2. Fencing, for Fence NOT exceeding 1.80m high
3. Sidewalk Construction
4. Temporary Sidewalk Enclosure and Occupancy
5. Erection of Scaffolding
6. Erecting, Repair and Removal of Sign
7. Demolition
NOTE: The question is WHAT the Building Official ALLOW. you don't need permission for a, b
and d.
436. Before demolition is commenced, a Notice of Intention to Proceed shall be
provided to:
c. The Contractor
a. The Architect
d. Owners of Adjoining Building/s
b. The Engineer
SECTION 1108. Demolition
1. It the work is of a difficult & dangerous nature, it should be done by a contractor experienced
in such
2. Before demolition is commenced, notice of intention to proceed should be given to the
adjoining owners of the buildings.

437. All debris arising from a demolition should be kept damp by means of spraying water from
a hose with a fine spray to prevent dust from arising. Why?
a. To keep the workplace clean
b. For the health of the workers
c. So adjoining bldg owners/occupants and pedestrians are not inconvenienced
d. To avoid lawsuits that will delay the work

6. Care should be taken to dispose of debris as it arises. If this is not done, there is a great risk
of overloading the floors, which may result in a collapse, All debris arising from demolition
should be kept damp by means of spraying water from a hose-with a fine spray to prevent dust
arising and causing inconvenience to adjoining owners and pedestrians

438. Where the sidewalk is permitted by the building official to be fully occupied and fenced-off
or enclosed, what is required to be placed adjacent to the curb line?
a. Safety Net
c. Temporary Walkway
b. Protective Railing
d. Protective Canopy

439. Footings located at least 2.40m below grade along national roads or public highway may
project not more than how many millimeters beyond the property line?
а. 300
c. 600
b. 500
d. 750

Page 43 of 52
whisper NBCP, Footing for Group A dwelling should be at least 250mm thick and how many
millimeters below r Group a dorthe ground?
a. 300
b. 400

441.Foundations may be permitted to encroached into public sidewalk areas provided that the
top of the said foundation is not less than 600mm below the established grade; and provided
further, that said projections does not obstruct any existing utility such as power,
communication, gas, water, or sewer lines, unless the owner concerned shall pay the
corfesponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the affected utilities. What is the maximum
width, in millimetres, allowed for such
an encroachment?
a. 300
c. 600
b. 500
d. 750

SECTION 1002. Projection into Alleys or Streets

(a)No part of any structure or its appendage shall project into any alley or street, national road
or public highway except as provided in this Code.
(b)Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highway
may project not more than 300 millimeters beyond the property line.
(c)Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk areas to a width not
exceeding 500 millimeters; provided, that the top of the said foundations is not less than 600
millimeters below the established grade; and provided further, that said projection does not
obstruct any existing utility such as power, communication, gas, water, or sewer lines, unless
the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the

442.What is known as the "Architecture Act of 2004?"

a. RA 9622
c. PD 1097
b. RA 9266
d. PD 1185

443. It is also known as UAP Doc. 200

a. Code of Ethical Conduct
c. Architect's Responsibilities
b. Standards of Professional Practice
d. Pre-Design Services
(24) "Code of Ethical Conduct" means a document which forms part of the Architects' National
Code which contains the norms and principles governing the practice of the profession of
architecture in the highest standards of ethical conduct.
444.The Code of Ethical Conduct is an integral part of?

445. The minimum number of elevator for a 4-storey building

a. 0
c. 2
b. 1
d. 3
1. In apartments or residential condominiums of five (5) storeys or more, at least one (1)
passenger elevator shall be kept on twenty-four (24) hour constant service.

446. Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion/s of building/structure to

restore to its original condition
a. Renovation
c. Addition
b. Repair
d. Alteration

447. Any physical change made on buildings/structures to increase the value, quality, and/or to
improve aesthetics
a. Remodelling
c. Addition
b. Renovation
d. Repair

448. A change in the use or occupancy of buildings/structures or any portion/s

a. Remodelling
b. Renovation
c. Demolition
D. Conversion
449. Any new construction which increases the height and/or floor area of existing d.
a. Remodelling
c. Addition
b. Renovation
d. Alteration

450. Works in building/structures involving changes in the materials used, partitioning,

location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase
the building height and/or floor area.
a. Remodelling
c. Addition
b. Renovation
d. Alteration

451. Study the following:

a. Code of Ethics
b. Liabilities/Responsibilities of Architect to Owner, Contractor, Public Supplier, etc
c. Methods of Compensation
d. Legal Actions to be taken, Civil Court

Page 44 of 52
452. After a Change of Use of a building, what should be secured?
c. Certificate of Occupancy
b. Building Permit

453.Before a building can be used, what should be secured?

a. Building Permit
c. Sanitary Permit
b. Certificate of Occupancy
d. Certificate of Completion

454. A CEI is issued if upon inspection it was found out that the building has met or complied
with the necessary provisions of the code. CEl stands for
a. Complete Electrical Installation
c. Certificate of Engineering Inspection
b. Certificate of Environmental Inspection d. Certificate of Electrical Inspection Where

455. do you secure a Building Permit?

c. OBO
b. MWSs

456. If the Owner asks you to be his representative for securing a Building Permit, what should
you present to the OBO?
a. Notarized Authorization Letter or SPA
c. Endorsement Letter
b. Letter of Delegation
457. Plans, Models and Perspectives are
a. Instruments of Practice
b. Documents for Presentation
458.What do you call Working Drawings, Specifications, Estimates and General Conditions?
a. Construction Drawings
b. Contract Documents

459. It defines the relationship among the Owner, the Architect and the Contractor and
stipulates the norms by which the contractor shall perform his work. It is a standard document
for use by all practicing architects in the Philippines
a. Standards of Professional Practice
c. General Conditions uap doc 301
b. Service Agreement
d. Memorandum of Agreement

460. What is the standard size of Working Drawings?

a. А3
c. 10 x 15
b. 30 x 40
d. 20 x 30

461. What is NOT usually employed by the Owner in commissioning a small residential project?
a. Bidding
c. Direct Selection
b. Architectural Design Competition

462. This method of selecting an Architect involves: Invitation, Prequalification, Interview,

Verification, Evaluation & Ranking and Negotiation.
a. Direct Selection
c. Comparative Selection
b. Architectural Design Competition

463. This is an expensive and time-consuming method of selecting an Architect.

a. Direct Selection
b. Comparative Selection
C. Architectural Design Competition
d. Bidding

464. A basis for Direct Selection of Architects

a. Invitation
c. Verification
b. Interview
d. Recommendation

465. A Client commissions you for a project. Since the Client has a hardware, he insisted that
he should be the one to supply the materials and delivers them to the jobsite. The Contractor
uses them and installs the same. Everything is fine until you noticed that the materials being
used are substandard and does not follow the specifications you prepared. This angers you and
you refused to sign the Contractor's billing. The Contractor complains to the Owner and stops all
work. The Owner is angry too because of the work stoppage and also feels insulted by you .
Now everybody is angry and everything grinds to a halt. Who should say sorry first?
a. Architect
b. Owner
c. Contractor
d. No one. Let's settle this in court.

Page 45 of 52
466. an outline specification enumerating the type or trade names of materials to be used?
a. Bid Bulletin
c. Schedule of Materials and Finishes
b. General Conditions
d. Specifications

467. A kind of Specification wherein it requires the use of a single approved product.
This kind of specification nawherein" re perception of favortism towards a certain manufacturer
and eliminates competition.
a. Performance Specification
c. Product Specification
b. Prescriptive Specification
d. Proprietary Specification

468. Basic function of an open door

a. Fire safety
b. Means of access

469. How do you order a Door Jamb?

a. Exterior Dimension
b. Size of Door
470. Allowable projection for the signage of a building that is NOT arcaded
a. 0.90
b. 1.00
c. 1.20
d. None of the above

471. Minimum signage height of a building that is NOT arcaded

c. 5.0m
a. 4.0m
d. 6.0m
b. 3.0m

472. Minimum signage height of a building that IS arcaded

c. 5.0m
b. 3.0m
a. 4.0m
d. 6.0m

473. The minimum arcade height above the established sidewalk grade is
a. 4.0m
b. 3.0m
c. 5.0m
d. 6.0m

474. Allowable projection for the signage of a building that IS arcaded.

a. 0.90
b. 0.60
c. 1.00
d. 1.20

475 The erection of electric neon signboards or other advertisements of similar nature projecting
over roadways or public streets shall be allowed provided that clear distance between
signboards erected on one building is NOT less than
а. 2.00
c. 4.00
b. 3.00
d. 1.20

476. Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highways
may project not more than mm beyond the property line.
a. 300 mm
b. 500 mm
c. 600 mm
d. 700 mm

477. In order for a Foundation to be allowed to encroach into public sidewalk areas
To a width not exceeding 500 millimeters, it shall have a minimum depth of millimeters
measured from the top of the said foundation up to the established grade, provided further that it
does not obstruct any existing utility such as power, communication, gas, water, or sewer lines.
a. 300 mm
b. 500 mm
c. 600 mm
d. 700 mm

478. Identify the kind of lot in the figure at right

a. Through lot
c. Inside Lot
b. Corner lot
d. Corner through Lot
481. Who prepares the Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
c. Environmental Planner
d. Engineer

482. Who adopts the land use plan when HLURB already approved it
a. Office of the mayor
b. Sangguniang panglunsod

483. What is being planned by the HLURB

a. Housing and Development
c. Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
b. Urban Land Use Map (ULUM)
d. CBD Plan

484. After passing the Sanggunian, who implements it

a. NHA
c. OBO

485. The CLUP is the blueprint for future physical development of cities and municipalities that
is mandated under the Local Government Code (RA 7160) and enacted by the Sangguniang
Panglunsod through a
a. CBD Plan
c. Urban Land Use Map
B. Zoning ordinance
486. Which will you least or NOT consider in making a Comprehensive Development
a. Social
b. Economic
c. Transportation
d. Political/Institutional

487. Which is NOT considered in a Master Development Plan?

a. Site Development
b. Urban Planning
c. Building Height

488.What is meant by R3 in residential zone?

a. Medium density housing
b. High density housing
c. General density housing

489.What is meant by R2 in residential zone?

a. Medium density housing

490.Seek permit from the DENR when

a. Cutting large trees

491. Drawing, specifications, budgetary cost, models, furnished by an architect are

a. construction document
b. architect's proposal
C. Architectural documents

492. Specifications contain

a. Bill of Materials
c. Responsibility of Clients
c. Quality of Materials
d. Other Conditions of Services

493. What is the purpose of Bill of Materials?

a. Bidding
c. Construction Guide
b. Loan
d. Reference on Cost

494.Who is responsible for making/ producing Architectural Drawings

a. Draftsman
b. Architect
d. Office Staff
495.Who can best interpret Architectural Drawings
a. Foreman
c. Architect
b. Trade Professional
d. Draftsman

496. Who should sign Architectural Drawings

a. Foreman
c. Consultant
b. Architect
d. Draftsman

Which is not a Structural Plan?
a. Foundation Plan
c. Floor Framing Plan
b. Schedule of Beams
d. Roof Framing Plan

498.The followins are needed for the application of Building Permit except?
a. TCT and/or Contract of Lease
c. Tax Declaration
b. Five (5) sets of Signed & Sealed Plans
d. Intended use or occupancy
Note: all of these are needed, but D is different in that it is not an actual submittal.
499. You were commigrioned to dela Masterplan. What should you do first?
a. Study the existing laws
b. Survey the location
c. Coordinate with the local government for tracing of history
d. Direct all department heads
500.Responsibilities of an Architect: When she/he conducts the checking of materials and works
done if in adherence with the specification
a. Job site management
c. Quantity surveying
b. Project supervision
d. Full time supervision

501. How often does the Architect-of-Record visit the jobsite?

a. Once a week
c. Never
b. Twice a month
d. As often as he/she wants

502. Specifications should be clear and easy to understand. What must be avoided?
a. Superlative Adiectives
c. Quantitative Description
b. Sentence with double meaning

503. Mayor A wants to build a new Health Care Facility for his constituents. He asks his
Municipal Architect, Arch. B, to design this facility given a specific budget. Arch.
B obliged but after completing his design, he found out that his design went over the specific
budget allocated for the project. What should Arch B recommend to Mavor A.
a. Replan and find a better solution that may meet the required budget
b. Start the structure phase-by-phase as it is a common practice
c. Remove less important space to meet the budgetary requirement
d. Architect B can recommend 1 or all of the said options

504. A cooperative arrangement between government and the private sector which typically
involves a private entity financing, constructing or managing a project in return for a promised
stream of payments directly from the government or indirectly from users over a specified period
of time.
a. Private-Public Partnership
b. Public-Private Partnership

Page 48 of 52
505. A KPO is
a. not allowed allowed as an Archl Firm
c. to be registered with the SEC
b. to be registered with the DTI
D. Both b and c
SPP 202
1.1.3 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process
Outsourcing (KPO) firms which have been DTI- or SEC-registered in the Philippines to provide
services for overseas clients are not authorized to provide architectural services for projects
located on Philippine soil unless they are PRC-registered architectural firms satisfying Sec. 37
of R.A. No. 9266 and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) and its derivative regulations
including resolutions of the Board and other periodic issuances of the Board and the

506. completion of the project for at least

nolhe records of test thalerials and of concrete must be preserved after the
c. 5 years
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
Must be kept by the engineer as per NSCP Sec 403.2.3

507. Afther a Change of Use (Renovation) of the Building, what should be secured?
a. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
C.Certificate of Completion
d. Certificate of Final Payment
b. Certificate of Occupancy

508. A permit secured prior to the Commencement of a Project.

c. ECC
a. Excavation Permit
d. Sidewalk Permit
b. Building Permit

509. For a Building Permit to be legitimate, it should be

c. Duly Notarized
a. Duly Signed
b. Duly Sealed

510. In determining the amount of fines to be imposed, the following are considered grave
a. Non-compliance with work stoppage order for construction/demolition without
b. Unauthorized change in type from more fire restrictive to less fire restrictive
c. Use or occupancy of the building/structure without appropriate Certificate of Occupancy
d. Non compliance with order to demolish
Less grave as per Section 212
Less Grave Violations
(a) Non-compliance with the work stoppage order for the alteration/addition/
conversion/repair without permit.
(b) Use or occupancy of building/structure without appropriate Certificate
Occupancy/Use/ Operation.

511. For violations of the NBCP, the Secretary is empowered to prescribe and impose fines not
c. 50,000
a. Php 10,000
d. 100,000
b. Php 20,000
SECTION 212. Administrative Fines
1. Imposition of Administrative Fines
a. The Secretary or his duly authorized representative may prescribe and impose fines not
exceeding ten thousand pesos (P10, 000.00) in the following cases, subject to the terms and
procedures as hereunder provided:

512. Any person who violates any provision of the NBC shall upon conviction be
or by imprisonment of not more than
punished by a fine not exceeding
two years or by both such fine and imprisonment.
c. 50,000
a. Php 10,000
d. 100,000
b. Php 20,000

SECTION 213. Penal Provisions

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect. construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move,improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or mai in any building or
structure or cause the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of the Code.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of the Code and/or
commit any act hereby declared to be unlawful shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of
not more than twenty thousand pesos or by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both
such fine and imprisonment: Provided, that in the case of a corporation fin, partnership or
association, the penalty shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such violation and in
case the guilty party is an alien, he shall immediately be deported after payment of the fine
and/or service of his sentence.

513. A permit secured prior to the Occupancy of a Building

C.Occupancy Permit
a. Building Permit
b. ECC
514. What is ECC?
a. Environmental Climate Change
c. Environmental Certificate of Compliance
b. Energy Cost efficiency Certificate
d. Environmental Compliance Certificate

515. What are the qualifications of someone who wishes to take the Licensure
Examination for Architects?
a. Filipino Citizen
b. A graduate of Architecture

516. After how many days can a Contractor stop work if the Architect's approval for the change
of work is delayed?
a. 10 days
b. 15 days per
c. 30 days

517. An Outline Specification enumerating the type or trade names of materials to be used and
finishes is known as
a. Estimates
c. Bill of Materials
d. Schedule of Materials and Finishes

518. A client asked Maria, a licensed architect, to join a daytrip to Roxas City where the client
will look at a potential property that can be developed into a resort. They fly out in the morning
and fly back to Manila in the evening. What is the recommended method of compensation for
a. Honorarium or Per Diem + Reimbursibles
b. Retainer
C. Professional Fee + Expenses
D. A fixed fee of PHP5,000 per appearance

Predesign service, SPP 201. See also UAP-IAPOA Doc. 210 (Fees).

519. The following week, Maria was invited again by the same client, this time to meet with a
potential Chinese investor for the planned resort in Roxas City. The investor was difficult to deal
with and was at times even rude to Maria. What is the recommended compensation method for
a. Honorarium or Per Diem + Reimbursibles
C.Professional Fee + Expenses
d. A fixed fee of PHP5,000 per appearance

520. As per PD 1096, what is the minimum horizontal dimension of court in meters?
a. 1.00
c. 1.50
b. 2.00
d. 3.00

521.As per PD 1096, all inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a
passageway or a door through a room or rooms. What is the minimum width of
this passageway?
а. 1.00
c. 2.00
b. 1.20
d. 2.20

522.Minimum Front Setback for R-1

a. 4.50
b. 6.00
c. 5.00

523. Minimum Side Setback for R-1

a. 2.00
b. 3.00
c. 4.00

524. Minimum Rear Setback for R-1

a. 2.00
c. 4.00
b. 3.00

525. Using the 1977 National Building Code, what is the minimum setback for R-1
a. 3.0m
c. 5.0m
b. 4.0m
d. none of the above

526. What is the minimum front setback for R-4?

a. 3.0m
c. 5.0m
b. 4.5m
d. none of the above

527. Maximum height of a Party wall - 3.0 m

528. What is the difference between a Party Wall and a Fire Wall?

Party Wall - a wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement, erected upon a line
separating 2 parcels of land each of which is a separate real estate. (BP 220)
Fire Wall. An exterior wall designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating
of not less than four (4) hours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if
construction on either side collapses under fire condition.
Fire walls particularly erected above or along property lines shall have absolutely no openings
and shall extend above the roof to one meter. (Fire Code)

529. What is the minimum ceiling height for Habitable Rooms with Artificial
Ventilation of a single-storey structure?
a. 2.10m
c. 2.40m
b. 2.70m
d. 1.80m

SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

(a) Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than
2.40 meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of more than one-
storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the
second storey 2.40 meters and succeeding storeys shall have an unobstructed typical head-
room clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above stated rooms with a
natural ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than 2.70 meters.
(b) Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1 B0 meters above and
below it.

530. What is the minimum ceiling height for Habitable Rooms with Artificial
Ventilation at the Second Floor?
a. 2.10m
C. 2.40m
b. 2.70m
d. 1.80m

531. What is the minimum ceiling height at the ground floor for Habitable Rooms with Natural
c. 2.40m
a. 2.10m
b. 2.70m
d. 1.80m

532. Height of ceiling at 5th floor with Natural Ventilation

a. 2.10m
C. 2.40m
b. 2.70m
d. 1.80m

533. (from Qatar Exam) If the Residential Condominium Units are to be

Airconditioned, what shall be the minimum distance (in meters) between the Finished Floor Line
(FFL) and the Finished Ceiling Line (FL) at the 5th Floor? a. 2.40
c. 2.10 (ans. succeeding storeys)
b. 2.70
d. 1.80
NOTE: question is Finished Ceiling Line and NOT Ceiling Height. When asked about
this question, PRBOA confirmed that indeed the answer was 2.10

534. PRBOA confirmed that indeed the answer was 2.10 & What is the minimum dimension of a
a. 2.00 m x 3.00 m
c. 1.50 m x 1.50 m
b. 1.50 m x 2.00 m
d. 2.00 m x 2.00 m
535. in a Sidewalk with a width of 1.80m, how many elderly people can walk side.
by-side at the same time?
Provision for person with cane is approx 0.90 × 2= 1.80 manswer is 2 ELDERLY PEOPLE.
Kung wheelchair naman ang challenged?
a. 2
b. 3
Provision for person with cane is approx 0.90 x 2= 1.80m
answer is 2 ELDERLY PEOPLE. Kung wheelchair naman ang tanong, its 0.75m x 2= 1.50m so
2 pa rin ang sagot

536.What is the width of a walkway as access going to the parking for the physically
tanong, its 0.75m x 2= 1.50m so 2 pa rin ang sagot
а. 1.50
b. 1.20
537. Width of Drop Curb
a. 0.90m
c. 0.80m
b. 1.00m
538. Maximum height of Spire, if made of combustible material, above the BHL?
a. 6.0m
c. 6.50m
b. 7.0m
d. limited only by Structural Design
539. Maximum height of Spire, if made of incombustible material, above the BHL?
a. 6.0m
c. 6.50m
b. 7.0m
d. limited only by Structural Design
540.Allan, a 5th year student of Architecture was asked by his Aunt and Uncle to prepare
Architectural Plans for their dream house. Both parties mutually agreed on their Contract
stipulations as well as the Contract price. However, since Allan is still NOT licensed, he asked
his professor, Arch. Luna to sign and seal his work. Arch.
Luna obliges after checking that everything is compliant with existing codes. He asks and
receives a Signing Fee. Is there something illegal in this situation? If yes,
a. Yes. Estafa
b. Yes. Violation of Intellectual Property Rights
c. None. Because everybody involved mutually agreed as evidenced by their
d. Yes. Misdemeanor

541. Who is liable for this unprofessional act?

a. Allan
c. Owners
b. Arch. Luna
d. All of them

542. Who is liable for aiding in this unprofessional act?

a. Allan
c. Owners
b. Arch. Luna
d. All of them

SECTION 29. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture and Penal Clause

Any person who shall practice or offer to practice architecture in the Philippines without being
registered/licensed and who are not holders of temporary or speciah permits in accordance with
the provisions of R.A. No. 9266, or any person presenting or attempting to use as his/her own
the Certificate of Registration/Professional Identification Card or temporary or special permit, or
any person who shall falsely impersonate any registrant of like or different name, or any person
who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended Certificate of Registration/Professional
Identification Card or cancelled special/temporary permit, or any person who shall use in
connection with his/her name or otherwise assume, use or advertise any title or description
tending to convey the impression that he/she is an architect when he/she is not an architect, or
any person whether Filipino or foreigner, who knowingly allows the use, adoption,
implementation of plans, designs or specifications made by any person, firm, partnership or
company not duly licensed to engage in the practice gf architesture, gr any person who shall
violate any of the provisions of R.A. No. 9266, its implementing rules and regulations, the Code
of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice, or any policy of the Board and the
Commission, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and charged in court by the Commission and shall,
upon conviction be sentenced to a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) but not more than Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment
for a period not less than six
(6) month or not exceeding six (6) years or both, at the discretion of the Court.

543. If Allan is guilty, how much is he liable for?

a. Php 100,000 to Php 5,000,000
c. Php 200.000
b. Php 50,000 to Ph 500,000
d. none coz he's not guilty

544. If for the sake of argument, there was no Contract between Allan's Aunt and Uncle and
Architect Luna, How much are the Owner's liable for?
a. Php 100,000 to Ph 5,000,000
c. Php 200,000
b. Php 50,000 to Php 500,000
d. none

SECTION 30. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture

Any person or entity, whether public or private, Filipino or foreigner, who/which shall entice,
compel, coerce, require or otherwise force an architect registered and licensed under R.A No.
9266 to undertake/perform any service under the general practice of architecture as defined
under R.A. No. 9266, without first executing a written contract/service agreement, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and shall,Upon conviction be sentenced to a fine of not less than Two
hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment for a period not exceeding six
(6) years, or both, at the discretion of the Court.

545. Mr. Ayala wanted to have the Interiors of his house renovated. Upon learning that his long-
time friend Arch. D is now an Architect, he went to give him a visit at Arch. D's office at D & Z
Partners. Mr. Z, Arch. D's partner is an Interior Designer.
After several visits, Mr. Ayala was convinced and decided to push through with the project since
the estimated project cost was within his budget. To whom should the project be awarded?
a. Arch. D, since Mr. Ayala is a personal friend
b. D & Z Partners, since in a partnership they should share everything plus Arch. D was using
his office/ resources at the partnership to conclude the deal
c. Mr. Ayala can rightfully hire another Designer and can use the estimates/ suggestions
provided by his friend
d. Mr. Z, since he is the Interior Designer

546. A group newly licensed architects and their friends wanted to put-up an Architectural Firm.
How many % of the corporation should be owned by the architects.
a. 50%
b. 70%
c. 75%
d. 60%
RA 9266 75%RULE

SECTION 37. Limitation to the Registration of a Firm, Company, Partuership, Corporation or

The practice of architecture is a professional service. admission to which shall be determined
upon the basis of individual personal qualifications. However, a firm, company. partnership.
corporation or association may be registered or licensed as such for the practice of architecture
under the following conditions:
a) Only Filipino citizens properly registered and licensed as architects under R.A. No.
9266 may, among themselves, or together with allied technical professionals. form and obtain
registration as a fin, company, partnership. association or corporation for the practice of
b) Registered and licensed architects shall compose at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the
owners, shareholders. members, incorporators. directors, executive officers, as the case may
c) Individnal members of such firm, partiership. associationFor corporation shall be
responsible for their individual and collective acts as an entity and as provided by law
d.) Such firm partnership? Association or corporation shall be registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and the Board.
The Board subject to approval by the Commission shall issue a certificate of registration to such
firm, company. partnership, corporation or association upon grant of registration.
AR. PED 0.17 A

547. An Architect, an Interior designer & an Engineer, who are all siblings, are planning to set-
up an Architectural Firm. How many % will be the Architect's share?
a. 75%
b. 60%
c. 70%
d. 33.33%
548. It is a Type of Business Organization wherein if the company fails and has to close
operation, the individual shareholders are NOT liable for the company's debts.
Each shareholder loses only the money he spent in buying his shares.
a. Partnership
b. Single Proprietorship
c. Corporation
d. Limited Liability Company
NOTE: the Limited Liability Company (LLC) does NOT exist in the Philippines.

549. It is a widely used Third-Party Verification for green building certification developed by the
USGBC that aims to help building owners and operators to be environmentally responsible and
use resources efficiently.
d. TUV Rheinland

550. What is Value Engineering?

d. TUV Rheinland
It is an organized approach to the identification and elimination of unnecessary Cost or the
acquisition of necessary function or services at the lowest Cost. The following are functions of
value engineering:
- Preparing and administering maintenance programs.
- Forecästing expenditure frows.
- Advising on cost limits and preparing budgets.
- Advising on Life Cycle Costing.
- Cost Analysis.
- Cost benefit Analysis.
- Estimating
- Evaluating alternative designs.
- Undertaking feasibility Studies.
- Investment Appraisal xcellence
- Measuring and describing construction work but only in terms of cost planning.
551. What does an Appraisal Architect do?
a. Estimates a proposed project
c. Determines faults in design/const methods
b. Gives value to a bldg
d. Formulates safeguards in work activity
552. A Comprehensive Development Plan will include the ff components except
a. Appraisal
c. Transport
b. Socio-Cultural
d. Legal and Administrative
553. In the determination of Room sizes, the Air Space requirement for a Workshop is?
a. 3 cum/person
b. 8 cum/person
c. 12 cum/person
d. 14 cum/person

SECTION 807. Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms

Minimum air space shall be provided as follows:
School Rooms - 3 Jo cubic meters with 1. 00 square meter of floor area per person;
2. Workshops, Factories, and Offices - 12.00 cubic meters of air space per person;
3. Habitable rooms - 14.00 cubic meters of air space per person

554. Air Space requirement for a Habitable Room.

a. 3 cum/person
c. 12 cum/person
b. 8 cum/person
d. 14 cum/person
555. Air Space requirement for a school room per person
a. 3 cubic meters
c. 14 cubic meters
b. 12 cubic meters
d. 16 cubic meters

556. What is the unit area per occupant of a Conference Room (Occupant Load)?
a. 1.00 sam
b. 1.20 sqm
c. 1.40 sqm
d. 1.60 sqm

557. What is the unit area per occupant of a Dining Room?

A.1.00 sqm
c. 1.40 sqm
b. 1.20 sqm
d. 1.60 sqm

Drinking establishments- closest

558. What is the unit area per occupant of a Dance Floor, Auditorium, Place of Worship and
Lodge Room?
a.0.50 sqm
c. 0.75 sqm
b. 0.65 sqm
d. 1.00 sqm

559. What is the unit area per occupant of a Classroom?

a. 1.50
c. 2.00
b. 1.80
d. 1.90
as per PD 1096 = 1.80
As per RA 9514 = 1.90

560. What is the unit area per occupant of an Office?

a. 18.60
c. 22.40
b. 20.00
d. 9.30

NOTE: Please see RA 9514 and PD 1096 for other OCCUPANT LOADS
MUST KNOW: SPP 201-209 (Doc Name), PRBoA, Contract, IAPOA, Methods of
Compensation, Proposal Fee, Responsibilities of the Architect to Contractors, Subordinates and
Society, Bldg Laws.
For Situational Questions:Always put yourself in the shoes of the Architect.
Think as if you are already an architect. Before deciding on an answer, always consider the
Code of Ethics and the effect of your answer to other people.

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