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Topic: Understanding the features of Ethereum Merge and user perceptions towards it.
The Ethereum Merge is the union of Ethereum's proof-of-stake (PoS) Beacon Chain with the
Ethereum Mainnet in order to move the Ethereum blockchain away from the old proof-of-
work (PoW) technology. Ethereum officially transitioned to a PoS mechanism in mid-
September 2022. It has resulted in the emergence of Ethereum 2.0, a new version of
Ethereum. This will result in a 99.95% decrease in Ethereum's energy usage and the
possibility to extend the Ethereum ecosystem even further.
Now, let's briefly explain Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake. These are the consensus
mechanisms used in distributed networks in order to keep them secured. In PoW, the network
is secured by miners who are the ones who own the mining hardware and use electricity, in
exchange for block rewards (ETH) and some transaction fees. In PoS, the network is secured
by validators who have to stake their coins (ETH).
We will cover the below points under our study:
 Understanding the Ethereum Merge
 Usage of Ethereum Merge
 How Does Ether Staking Work?
 Risks of the Ethereum Merge
 Potential Benefits of the Merge
 What The Merge Is and Is Not
 User perceptions towards Ethereum Merge

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