Motion - Proposal Debate

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30 mins.

3’ – 5’ >> brainstorming individually >> dissect the motion based on the important wordings

This House Would ban Sekolah Luar Biasa

SLB: for special needs students >> autism, physical disability. Special teachers
Ban >> regular school.
This House >> Government >> government always thrives for cohesive society >> safe,

Urgency >> exclude, cannot socialize

Impact >> acceptance, interaction

10 – 15’ = discuss 1st speaker’s argument

Problem (first speaker starts discussion)

A1. Less chance to continue education

 Status Quo = current situation. SQ analysis. What is happening in SQ? How does
the system work?
o Quota..
o ….
 Why is it harmful/problematic? >>

A2. Better education for the poor people

10’ = 2nd speaker argument

FURTHER IMPACT = imagine the motion is realized. What are the impacts?

Better education >> better job >> improve family economy

Motion: problem that you want propose/solve

1. Proposal debate: This House Would xxxx

Motion = solution
Most likely, you’re the government/state.

This House Would ban Sekolah Luar Biasa

Background (max 1’30’’):

 Problem/urgency (just a bit, but have to sound urgent!!!)
 Stance (repeat the motion)
 Goal
o nurture interaction and acceptance for SLB students in our society
 Mechanism (usually for the proposal debate, mechanism is a must)
o SLB students will be moved to regular schools
o Special teachers will still teach and help the students even in regular
o more facilities >> special tools for each individual

A1. Urgency
 Status Quo = current situation. SQ analysis. What is happening in SQ? How does
the system work?
o Disable students need more time to do school task
o Helped by special teachers
o Need more facilities >> special tools for each individual
 Why is it harmful/problematic? >>
o Layer 1: Excluded, Separated from other students who are able >> Hard
to socialize with others >> lack of experience bcs they mostly
communicate/socialize with fellow SLB students/community >> they
cannot join with others, community >> difficult to find jobs, build family
o Layer 2: non disable people are not used to seeing disable people in daily
life >> there will be 2 responses:
 Underestimate >> bully >> because the able people feel stronger
than the disable people
 Pity the disabled people >> think that they cannot do a lot of
things, cannot work/ study properly >> increase stigma about
disabled people
 What are the alternatives in SQ? Why is it not enough to solve the problem?
o Seminar to socialize with others, Seminar for able people about disable
people, NGOs that fight for disabled ppl’s rights
o Why is it not enough? Cannot change someone’s personality, mindset.
Because it is a one time thing. People will just forget.

A2. Impacts/changes (start 2nd argument from 5.30’’)


 What are the changes that will happen?

o Acceptance, more ability to socialize
o Normalize interaction between able and disable people >> reduce
taboo/stigma >> understanding about the situation >> directly witness
that disable people can also learn well just like able people
o Interaction is built almost everyday. Students go to school 5 days/week.
And can spend half of their days at schools

THBT, TH SUPPORTS/ TH OPPOSES: harms vs benefit

- Urgent problem
 SQ analysis
 Alternatives in SQ and why they don’t work
- Benefits/change/practicality
THS xxxxx

1. Background
a. Problem
b. goal
c. Ideal condition
2. Arguments
a. Harms: manifestation is SQ, alternatives don’t work
b. Why Ideal condition is better

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