Behaviorism EXAM

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“The Legacy of Behaviorism: Do this and you’ll get that.”

 sets rules and regulations in the classroom at the very first day
of class
NATURE  clears out expectation and limitation from students
 elicits observable behavior as much as possible as this it the
Behavior is shaped deliberately by main evidence of student learning
the forces in the environment
 sets realistic and feasible objectives
 student’s behavior is determined
 uses the theory of zone of proximal development
by others, rather than by their free
will  provides scaffolding and “fade-away technique”
 conducts drill and recitation
 linked with empiricism which
stresses scientific information and  gives sincere motivation rather than motivation for its own sake
observation  rewards and punishes students according to their behavior
 behavior is designed rather than  serves as role model
freely chosen
 motivation and different types of ROLE OF STUDENTS
reinforcement play a major role in
 acquire as much behavior as possible
shaping the development of
 learn by responding to the stimulus (content/instruction)
presented by the teacher
 “S-R connectionism”
 connection results in learning
 learns through observation and by vicarious experience
 conditioning is used as tool of
 memorize facts and information to support them in learning
learning bigger concepts
 focuses on objectively observable  participate in games and other team play
behaviors  must learn by the consequences of their behavior, that is,
response to the role of rewards and punishments
sets rules and regulation
provide and design a conducive  games
environment where students can  observation and experimentation
feel warmth and comfort while  motivation and scaffolding
learning  rewards and punishment
follows a certain curriculum and  behaviorism method such as conditioning
must be implemented and
accomplished by a given period of PROPONENT
emphasizes the role of experience  John B. Watson
in the student’s life, shaping
development from childhood to

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