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An electrolyte consisting of a mixture of sulfuric acid and water covers the plates and takes an active part in the charging and discharging of the cell. b. Chemical Changes During Discharge When a conductor connects the positive and nega- tive terminals of the battery, electrons flow from the lead to the lead peroxide. When electrons leave the Iead. it leaves behind positive tons which attract the negative sulfate radicals from the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte. This combination forms lead sul- fate on the negative plate. ‘The electrons arriving at the positive plate drive the negative oxygen radicals from the lead peroxide, This oxygen Jolns up with the hydrogen in the electrolyte that had lost its sulfate radical, and this now becomes water (HO). The lead that was left on the positive plate attracts sulfate radicals from the electrolyte and becomes lead sulfate. Now, with lead sulfate on both the positive and negative plates, and with the electrolyte diluted by the water that has formed in it, the battery is dis- charged and clectrons no longer flow. ©. Chemical Changes During Charge If a discharged battery is attached to a source of DC having the proper voltage, and the positive plates of the battery connected to the positive terminal of the source, electrons will be drawn from the post- tive plate and force into the negative plates. Electrons arriving at the negalive plates drive the negative sulfate radicals oat of the lead sulfate back into the electrolyte, where they join with the hydrogen from the water to form sulfurle acid (H,803). When the electrons flowed from the positive plates, theyleft behind positively charged lead atoms which attract oxygen from the water in the electrolyte to form lead peroxide (PDO). Now when the battery is fully charged, the positive plate has again become Iead peroxide, tie negative plate has become lead, and the clectrolyte again has a high concentration of sulfuric acid, All during the charging process, as the electrolyte 1s being changed back into sulfuric acid, hydrogen gas is released in the form of bubbles. AS the charge 1s completed, the bubbling increases.

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