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20.26 MATHED An Sy a A= j (F(x) =g(x)) wf {g(x) = f(2)) de Following earl will lvatrate the above procedure. | ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES | (tevet ] ae EXAMPLE 1 the area of the region included between the parabola y=—— ang 3x~2y INERT, NCERTEXEN, , y ae wn) and, Bx = 2y +12=0 ty Equation (i) represents a parabola having vertex at the origin, axis gions the positive direction sg yrds and opens upwards. A frwe hand sketch ofthe parabola y = 2% is shown in Fig, 034, Equation 3x—2y +12 = Orepresents a straight line. The straight line given by (ii) meets x-axis ¢ (4,0) and y-axis at (0, 6). os Fig. 20.34 der to find the points of intersection of the given parabola and the cavan curves intersect at the points 2,3) and (4,12, rare esolve i ana i shaded in Fig, 20.34, Let us slice the shaded region into Tegion bounded by to the line, So, the a cour We byw s eels y,-y:) (44) and (x, Yo) lie on (i) ang 3x412 3x2 OO respectively y= and yp = @O REDMINOTES CO AI QUAD CAMERA AREAS OF BOUNDED REGIONS 20.27 | Sib: A= + { 3 a“ (3 > bry atevone 8 [4 Tou 7 (9046-2928) 27 04 unis EXAMPLE 3-29 the aren bounded by the curve x? = Ay and the straight tine x = 2 NCERT, CBSE 2005 2608, soto, 2013, GQLUTION The equations of the given curves are ion (i) represents a parabola with vertex at the origin and axie along positive d i Equation (ii) represents a straight line which meets the coordinate axes at ( x WP, 1/2) respectively. To find the points of intersection of the given parabola and the line, we ipelve (i) and (ii) simultaneously. Solving the two equations simultaneously we obtain that the sof intersection of the given parabola and the line are (2, 1) ane (~1, 1/4). . (grea is to be found out is shaded in Fig. 20.38. irection of Oyand The region whose Fig. 20.35 into vertical strips. We find that each vertical strip runs from. the approximating rectangle shown in Fig. 20.35 has width = dx, yj), and area = | y) ~y,| dx. Since the approximating rectangle can move femra-tiox=2 5 », area A of the shaded region is given by = fin-miae - J 2-y)ax bron sle-ul vt ot on % P(x, yp) and Q(x, yy) lie on (ii) and (i) respec. | ‘enclosed by the parabola y* = 4ax and the line y =mx. gee y (NCERT] Yeas 2) Ose na) (NOM Kel We 37. MATHEW AT or? ; e 20.28 oe 1 the eq i ailYiyy be ard form and the equation seat ily Oe Slarenceiin it sresents a parabola in standard Soe an The uation f= Aer err dw oni vig IOP doa eh eA Peovety a . represents a line passing throu) i (i) and (i), we solve them i, -; end to find the points of intersection of oe potti a n (ii) in (i), we get (2 Prt 9 = me fr CH “ ( mt a dar x(n —te) 20 120,14 {44 i eee oo am ec go, te fr (ie Serjed nF x lr Fig. 20.96 ' ' So, the points of intersection of the given curves are (0,0) and (4a/m?, 4a/m). ' ‘he rough sketch of the two curves is shown in Fig 20.36 and the shaded portion is the regin | Sane’ py the parabola and the line. Let us slice the shaded region into vertical strips W observe that each vertical strip has lower end on the line y = mz and the upper end on the Parabolay’ = 4ax. So, the approximating rectangle shown in Fig. 20.36 has widd dr, length later =|¥2—yjland area =| yo — y, | dx coin the approximating rectangle can move from x = 0 to x =4a/m?. So, required area Ais rectangle y 3 4a/m? aa a A E c F y J I¥2-y1| dx = J (yp ~y)) de Byn>t1 &lye—wl=y2-H 4a/m? ie i Oe OG (Yo) and Q(x, y,) lie on (i) and (ii) respectively 0 Yp” = Aax and y, = my a, 2 4a/mi a2 2 a /2_m 2 _ 4G 4a m { 4a . a Jo P(t] 2 [ae] 7 3e 8a units E m’ 3m = the area of th : of the region included between the parabolas Vw aaxand x? = ay, wher? HON, The equations of he given curves are nae Y= 4ax afi) and, Ye day (i) ~ 19 OND ANG X w 3 j ng dinded by Guts om tA ToUigh sketch of those corres shown in the region bounded by these curves i, shaded. 8 Fig. 20.38 Here, we slice this region into vertical strips. We observe that each vertic line y = x to the parabola Y=X" 42,50, the width = dy, len, al strip runs from the approximating rectangle shown in Fig. 29 34 has, sth=|'¥2—y;| and area =|¥o~y1| dx. Since the “Pprgximating rectangle can move from=0tox « 3 4= J ly -nla =| G2-yp ar 0 a So required area Ais giventy be yey 1¥2-nl=y-y) ae ] = A= fe? 42-2) ae oa : P(x, 1) and Q (x, yp) lie on (fi) and (i) respectives 2 [i 41=% and y= 224.9 | = 946-8 ae Sq. units Jo Find thearea ofthe region (x, Wix? sy | 2-4) ; 0 respectively. So, yy =x7 and yo =x | = sq. unit goa uni Dt BAMPLE? FingshiCarea of the region |, y):x” sys|x i INCERT, CBSE2002, 2012} Let R = {ow ie {On eliminati et 3 eS. ing y between y = andy = +6) ni - (x-2)(x? 2x43) =0 x-2=0 xe2 we obtain y= 8, Thus, the line y «++ 6 cuts y = @O REDMINOTE 8 CO Al QUAD CAMERA SOLUTION R =k R ,s0F BOUNDED REGIONS n bounded by the curve 0H 2033 ma. Weeslice this n Te We ion inte . een y= 6 So, th is shaded region in pi erPe idth = deand area = (y slower end.on y git required area A is given by Can move Row? iP Fig. 20,41 ha ' ontally betvevene x m Axf (y-¥) dx ; ce! Z 2, [+ pr ) S Aaf[x+6-x? \ax |" PO ¥1) and Q(x, yp) lieon y= x? a 2 Aq[[x+6 2 la a “ey leon y=x" and y = x + 6 respectively. a =X+ 6 andy, =x r 2 [2 7 J Es es : }2 4) i Fea ofthe region | x, Osyss741, O y20and y R(x, ys) and 5 mn (i Ps j Bea 3) (x, yq) lie on (ii) and (i) | 2, | respectively yg=a° and yy =x 1 == sq. units ss two ends on (ii) and (ji) respectively. So, length =| yp -yil, Width =dx and Each vertical strip in this region has its the approximating rectangle shown in this region has I ea =| yp - y4| dx. Since it can move from x=0tox=1 1 Jap —ml dx = | (yo-yo a 0 Area ODAO = feo Svo-m eo) and Q (2, ya) lie on (ii) and (i) af x J. Pw) =f (e-e) dx respectively yer and y= J pei pa @ 4 0 20.36 erregion bounded by the ellipse “5 athe aren ofthe small examen ff theareaof of the given curves are SOLUTION. The equations and hearty,“ + 4 =1 represents an elipse as shown in Fig, 2044 andl + = 1s the wan arly, 54% : ey straight line cutting xand y-axes at (a,0) and (0b) respectively. The smaller region these two curves is the shaded region in Fig. 20.44. ee Fig. 20.44 Let us slice this region into vertical strips. We observe that each vertical strip has its lov x por? on the line * +“=1 and upper end on the ellipse * + ¥ = 1. So, the approximating 4 ca rectangle shown in Fig. 20.4 has length =| yp ~y,|, width =dv and area =| yp ~y)| dx Since the approximating rectangle can move from x=0 tox=a, So, required area Ais givenby A= Jeni =[On-w)de (even sie-wl-we—vl ud 0 Since point P (x, y,)lies on +H <1 and point Q(x, ya) ies on, y b rte y= Ma #) and yp = Substituting these values in (), the required area A is given by Beam dx a Find the area of the region {o, Te Ming gant env? ot staray) ase ' “ tee [v2 + 15249 they, R= |oryex ty" sisxty} = fo» Heaton liga sry = R=RORg, where R, {669.2 eth aa ee as 2 minke: Clearly x” +y? =1 represents a cizcle with centre at (0,0) and radius oe ? <1, so region Ry represents the interior of circle x2 + y? =1, Bay? <1 30 regi : Rp: Since x+ y= 1is the equation of a straight line cutting x and y-axesat(1,0) and (0,1 ively. This line divides the xy-plane in two parts represented a x+y “1 ai + ‘ > 2 Since 00) does not satisfy the inequality x + y 21. So, Ra is the region lying above thé line {ey-1Hence, region Ris the shaded region shown in Fig, 20.45 rend ig i | y Fig, 20.45 fe observe that each vertical strip has its We slice the shaded region into vertical stips aie eee : tary me ae aor Z Hf pea ia 4y,| dx.Since the vertical ink; =dxan¢ i ‘ ra as ene a it eth toa So road are Ais gven ne Eyprn 2 lecul = eo } 1 3 Jla-nlé =f -war 0

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