Hawthorne Hall

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Outside: Back is really tall stone building with a window at the top, scaffolding not all the way up, long trail of

blonde hair coming out of a window. Front atrium reads "it's a musical!" with Shakespeare stuff around.
Chair office/copy room/prop

storage. The outside has a tree and

"Into the Woods," inside is prop

storage stuff. There is a white cow

with a letter saying "You're

solving my puzzles, you're

making it through, here's a cow

white as snow, you know what to


Green room.
Little Shop - big-ass poison plant
Pippin: a circus where you can try your luck and

in back corner (vines 1d6 damage

magically alter your stats.
+ d4 poison damage for 3 turns on

CON fail, mouth does 1d10

Scrying in Crystal Ball = Perception
damage + 1 D6 poison damage for
Ring the Bell = Strength
3 turns on CON fail. Various
Walk the Tightrope = Dexterity
other plants (including lemon
Script library.
tree) closer to door. Office where
Guess the Clown Noses = Intelligence
stage combat
<5 = -1, 6 - 10 = 0, 10 - 15 = +1, > 15 = +2)
stuff lives.

Costume shop

and costume
storage. A Chorus Line: Dance

studio. Touching the

mirror flips you into the

secret library; pulling a

book flips you back into

Floor falls away

building related to that

if you don't
walk on edges.




stage is set

up with unit set

with bunk beds,

bathtub, etc.
tools, a

Sign above stairs reads

Lobby with
"L'Opera Populaire" and

Waitress lobby furniture. you hear Phantom music

Box as you ascend.
Christine's writing desk.

There is paper, some pens

and ink (the green is

Door out to

poisonous, the blue

end of third

always writes the truth,


the black is just ink), and hallway.

a pamphlet from the

school counseling center.

Phantom of the Opera: Dude playing organ that's

enchanted, giving 1d4 chance of sleep to all who

hear it for 1d8 rounds. He has a whip (1d6 damage)

and a sword (1d8). If you win, you get a music box

with a key inside that operates as a skeleton key for

the entire building.

Fallen chandelier. A bulb

taken from it will always

emit continuous low light.

A sign above the hole in

the floor (mirror door?)

with an arrow down reads,

3 statues with axes that do d10

"keep your hand at the

damage and come to life when

level of your eye." someone comes within 5' of them. 40

HP each. Not super speedy.

Drop here.
Outside: A paper sheet is hung from an upstairs window like an escape rope. "The labyrinth of the mind" is

scrawled on a piece of paper and taped to the window in a super half-assed way; clearly, no one here wanted to

play Halloween reindeer games.

You fall in a pit in the floor. You must offer a

passing troll a piece of jewelry to get out.

Large lecture hall.

Chair will hand over piece, but explains that he

If not triggered on
thinks someone in the sciences must have played

first floor,
a trick on them because it's in a coating that they

computer on desk
can't seem to break down (and they're always

seems to be
making fun of the social sciences.)
connected to

intranet, can look

up one school page

before dying.


Classroom full of d10 goblins,

each with 25 HP and do D4

damage with claws or D6

Upon passing the lounge you are

damage with mouths (and 1 in 4

Office. detained by fieries (detachable

chance of d4 poison for three

flamingo critters). They whisk

you to separate labs and offer

you the deal that if your team

betrays the other team they'll

Office. lead you where you need to go

Guard minding elevators tells you only one is

and keep the other team. What

working and he only has two operating keys,

they don't say is that if neither

then asks you to pick a door. Once you pick one,

team betrays the other, you'll

he opens another and asks you if you'd like to

both be released.

switch doors or stay with your door. The correct


answer is to switch doors.

Classrooms. Glass windows in locked doors.


Large lecture hall.

Computer on desk

seems to be

connected to

Little coffee stand

intranet, can look

up one school page

Talking fox
before dying.
reading a book on

game theory.

Little worm critter is in wall directly across

from door. Two doors are guarded by guards,

one of whom always tells the truth, one of

whom always lies. You may ask one question

to discern one door that goes into the building

and one that leads to Certain Death (a 15' lava

pit). Conventional wisdom is "which door

would he tell me is safe?" then taking the other.

Outside: Signs reading "Fairy, lore, books, and more!" with remnants of

sidewalk book sale. Fairies flit amongst the trees. They do not lie.

Cerberus: [Party # x 15 HP], each bite is d8 damage, or can

be put to sleep with music.

1984: Giant

computer. In

exchange for

half your health

points, it will

Aladdin: There

answer a yes or

is a bazaar run
no question

by a genie. It is
unattackable. It

Odyssey: When
cannot provide

you enter the

room, your
Charon: You have to

mind is blank,
get him to ferry you

complete tabula
across the river. He

rasa. Memory is
needs a soul "detached

restored upon
from its vessel" and

exit. Bluebeard:
two coins in payment.
Pirate ship
Office Worker won't

deck. Chest
let you pass without a

under ropes at
note from the

Copy room. helm. Associate Chair since

the chair is at the

D8 pirates. Chest holds a full

recruitment event.
healing potion, two mystery potions
Snow White and Alice in

(one flight, one poison), campus

Wonderland: There is a student bake

map. sale where someone is selling

poisoned apples and candies that

Hansel and Gretel:

make someone grow bigger and

All nonfood items smaller.

turn to candy. You

must kill witch

101: Adjunct office, Brothers Grimm. Items left behind: pied piper pipe

(ideally by feeding
(listeners must pass DC13 WIS save or player gets advantage on CHA

her poisoned apple)

rolls against them), Sweet Porridge Pot (duplicates what's put in it), Elf

and take her soul

Bench (anything undone set on it is complete when one returns.)
back to Charon.
103: Door says "be careful what you wish for," Monkey's Paw (3

wishes, all go terribly awry)

105: Dr. Jiminez' office (who was Geppetto), 2 puppets do D4 blunt

Grad office.
damage with each hand, 30 HP each.
106: Dr. Taylor's office is a creaky gate, house on chicken legs, trick is

"I eat bad students" or else get a boon - prove you aren't bad students.

Boon is note to let students into Chair's office.

Outside: Sign reading "Beware, Mad Scientists!" with fake blood spatter.
Dept. office - chair's office is empty,

note on door reminds anyone

looking for Dr. Danvers to look for

their office in Stockham, the admin





area -
area -






health. health.

Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom

Upon entering 1st floor you hear screaming from 005, but

the door is locked. If you approach, a student leaves 006

and a scientist pops out and asks you if you're there to do

the experiment for extra credit. (Explains Milgram

experiment if you agree.) If you leave, you can just leave.

If you participate, you'll get his help unlocking offices. If

you start participating and refuse or try to fight him, he can

School supply

shoot two lighting bolts (1d8) each round and has 45 HP. closet.

005 - There's a grad student hanging out. She's not injured,

but since you tried to help her out she'll answer a question

for you. Offices.

003 - There are folks demoing a lie detector test. If you ask,

they'll let you ask members of your party three questions.

In the Lounge/Kitchenette area, there is a notebook

reading, "Antidote for uncommon ailments (you know,

transformations and shit): one part melting solution, one

part lake water, and an escape key from a computer. Soak

gingerbread in solution and consume.)

In 008, a bowl with a brief next to it reading, "Encasement

Dissolution Solution: Combine one cup sodium

hypochlorite (NaClO), two teaspoons of calcium carbonite

(CaCO3), and one teaspoon of sodium chloride (NaCl).

Combine with one gallon dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) and

submerge encased object. Encasement will disappear."

Sodium hypochlorite = bleach,
Calcium carbonite = chalk,
Sodium chloride = table salt

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