WCO Form 3 WCO Annual Report v2122022

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Form : WCO Annual Report For the CY: ________________

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Form ID : WCO FORM NO. 3 ver.2:122022

NOTE: WESM Rule (d) requires WESM Compliance Officers (WCO) to submit a report to the WESM
Enforcement and Compliance Office (ECO) concerning their respective organization’s compliance with the
WESM Rules and WESM Market Manuals on an annual basis or as may be determined by the ECO or any of
the WESM Governance Committees. This form must be submitted on or before 31 January of the reporting year.

(Name of Company as registered in Click or tap here to enter text.
the WESM)

NAME OF PLANT / FACILITY Click or tap here to enter text.


(Please indicate the WCO’s activities to promote compliance within the organization. Add page, if necessary)

Click or tap here to enter text.

All personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173). The collection, receipt, access, use, storage, disposal,
transmission, and disclosure of any Personal Information you provide shall at all times comply with the Data Privacy Act and all other applicable Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws
and Regulations. Whenever applicable, PEMC at its option may delete or return all personal data after processing including deletion of existing copies unless storage is authorized by the
Data Privacy Act or other relevant laws.
Form : WCO Annual Report For the CY: ________________
Page : 2 of 5
Form ID : WCO FORM NO. 3 ver.2:122022


☐ No No Breach / Non-Compliance / Self-Reporting of Non-Compliance/s

Case Type
(If “Others,” please specify)
Choose an item.

Has the Company been found in breach of Brief description of

the WESM Rules / Market Manual and/or the circumstances,
issued a Notice of Specified Penalty within act, or omission Click or tap here to enter text.
the year?
covered by the
(The WCO may also indicate if there were post- ☐ Yes non-compliance
remedies that were availed of, e.g., Request for
Reconsideration or Appeal and indicate if the same is
denied or granted partially or otherwise).
What has the Company
done to address the
cause/s of breach / non- Click or tap here to enter text.
(Please add page, if

Note: This is for review of the rule’s effectiveness based on the perception / views of the WCO. The reporting herein of the rules that need to be reviewed does not
necessarily entail rules change proposal on the part of PEMC. The trading participant may need to submit the official proposal to the Rules Change Committee (RCC)
following the rules established in Procedures for Changes to the WESM Rules, Retail Rules and Market Manuals.

Please leave blank or indicate N/A, if necessary.

WESM Rules or Manual Provisions What needs to be changed? Why is there a need for a change?

Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text.

All personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173). The collection, receipt, access, use, storage, disposal,
transmission, and disclosure of any Personal Information you provide shall at all times comply with the Data Privacy Act and all other applicable Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws
and Regulations. Whenever applicable, PEMC at its option may delete or return all personal data after processing including deletion of existing copies unless storage is authorized by the
Data Privacy Act or other relevant laws.
Form : WCO Annual Report For the CY: ________________
Page : 3 of 5
Form ID : WCO FORM NO. 3 ver.2:122022


(The WCO may indicate any issues encountered that need to be addressed and recommend improvement or enhancement in the procedures / processes / system being
employed in the WESM.)

Click or tap here to enter text.


I hereby certify that the contents of this Report are complete, truthful, and accurate. I understand that: (a) the
statements made in this Report may be subject to verification by the appropriate governing entities; and (b)
any false statement or misrepresentation in this report shall be considered the act or omission of the
Reporting Entity whom I represent.

Further, by submitting this form, I give my consent to the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation – Enforcement
and Compliance Office (PEMC-ECO) to use and keep our personal data in the form herein prescribed for
compliance monitoring and investigation purposes and coordination.

Name and Signature Click or tap here to enter text.

Date Click or tap to enter a date.

All personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173). The collection, receipt, access, use, storage, disposal,
transmission, and disclosure of any Personal Information you provide shall at all times comply with the Data Privacy Act and all other applicable Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws
and Regulations. Whenever applicable, PEMC at its option may delete or return all personal data after processing including deletion of existing copies unless storage is authorized by the
Data Privacy Act or other relevant laws.
Form : WCO Annual Report For the CY: ________________
Page : 4 of 5
Form ID : WCO FORM NO. 3 ver.2:122022

Guidelines and Reminders in Preparing the WCO’s Annual Report

A. The WCO should accomplish this Report truthfully and accurately. As provided under the WESM Rules 7.2.6, the act or omission of any officer,
employee or any person acting for or in behalf of a Reporting Entity (WESM Member/ Market Operator/System Operator/Metering Service
Provider) constituting a breach of the WESM Rules shall be considered the act or omission of the Reporting Entity.

B. WCO Form No. 3 was developed to assist the WESM Compliance Officers (WCO) in the preparation of the WCO’s Annual Report. WCOs may
use additional sheets, if necessary.

C. Coverage and deadline for submission of the WCO’s Annual Report. The WCO’s Annual Report shall be submitted to the PEMC Enforcement
and Compliance Office (PEMC-ECO) not later than January 31 of the succeeding year covered by the report.

To illustrate: The Annual Report for the year 2022 covers the period December 26, 2021 to December 25, 2022; and shall be submitted on or
before January 31, 2023.

D. Contents of the WCO Annual Report (Item numbers below refers to Item numbers in the WCO Form No. 3)

1. Compliance activities and accomplishments within the year. This portion refers to the activities of the Reporting Entity and the WCO
activities in relation to the provisions of WESM Rule, and such other activities that are geared towards achieving or improving
compliance within the company.

Examples of compliance activities: conduct of trainings for the employees regarding WESM operations and governance, attendance to
trainings on WESM and echo seminars to co-employees, information dissemination campaign within the organization, formulation of a
compliance program, drafting of internal code of conduct for WESM traders, trainings on compliance, WESM compliance audit by internal
or external auditor, development of WESM compliance policies and procedures, etc... Please indicate if activities and programs were
partially or fully implemented. Please also include compliance activities which have not yet commenced that the company plans to
undertake in the next year.

2. Non-compliance of the WESM Member. To be filled up if the Reporting Entity has committed an act that does not comply with the WESM
Rules, or Manuals and the corresponding actions taken by the WCO/WESM Member to rectify the non-compliance. If there are no non-
compliances with the WESM Rules or Manuals, please put “none” in the space provided.

3. WESM Rules that needs to be reviewed for amendment to enhance enforcement and compliance. This section refers to any proposals for
WESM Rules and/or WESM Manual changes made or intended to be made by the WCO or any other representative of the Reporting
Entity. The space may also be used to indicate the WESM Rules that the WCO or the Reporting Entity plans to review, amend, or remove,
the rationale therefor, and the proposed changes.

This would allow PEMC and/or the Department of Energy (DOE) to also review the rule’s effectiveness based on the perception / views of
the WCO. However, the reporting herein of the rules that need to be reviewed does not necessarily entail rules change proposal on the
part of PEMC but may be considered in its current/future studies. The trading participant may need to submit the official proposal to the
Rules Change Committee (RCC) following the rules established in Procedures for Changes to the WESM Rules, Retail Rules and Market

4. Other Issues and Concerns Related to the WESM. WCOs may use this space to raise his/her or the Reporting Entity’s other
issues/concerns regarding the WESM on any provisions of the WESM Rules and/or WESM Manuals that need to be reviewed or
amendment to enhance enforcement and compliance in the WESM.

E. As directed by DOE, a copy of the accomplished WCO Form No. 3 shall be submitted by the PEMC-ECO to the DOE for policy studies and

F. Please submit the duly accomplished electronic and signed WCO Form No. 3 via email to PEMC ECO at eco@wesm.ph or via a file transfer
protocol using the log-in credentials provided to the trading participants through their respective WCOs. The WCO may coordinate with PEMC
ECO if he/she wishes to be guided on its submission.

NOTE: NO need to send a printed copy of the WCO Annual Report Form.

All personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173). The collection, receipt, access, use, storage, disposal,
transmission, and disclosure of any Personal Information you provide shall at all times comply with the Data Privacy Act and all other applicable Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws
and Regulations. Whenever applicable, PEMC at its option may delete or return all personal data after processing including deletion of existing copies unless storage is authorized by the
Data Privacy Act or other relevant laws.
Form : WCO Annual Report For the CY: ________________
Page : 5 of 5
Form ID : WCO FORM NO. 3 ver.2:122022

All personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173). The collection, receipt, access, use, storage, disposal,
transmission, and disclosure of any Personal Information you provide shall at all times comply with the Data Privacy Act and all other applicable Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws
and Regulations. Whenever applicable, PEMC at its option may delete or return all personal data after processing including deletion of existing copies unless storage is authorized by the
Data Privacy Act or other relevant laws.

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