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Ireland’s Queen Maeve.

She was a passionate Queen whose warriors fought passionately for her. They were willing to die for her
cause because of her intoxicating beauty, passion, and strength. The stories of Queen Maeve are some of
the most powerful ones in Irish literature and she has been described by poets and scholars as the image
of woman’s power and sexuality. She had many husbands and lovers and ruled for many years. The first
written evidence is in Old Irish manuscripts, copied by the monks in the the 8th century during the days
of ancient Eire, when the High Kings ruled the land. She was infamous for her beauty and sexual prowess
and she had an array of lovers, most of whom were the officers in her armies, thereby, insuring the
loyalty of her troops. It is written that her bravest warriors were granted sexual favors so the men fought
hard and courageously on the battlefield for a chance to enjoy Queen Maeve’s “willing thighs.” And that
is exactly how it is written on the Old Irish version of her stories.

Barbu Cristina, Liceul Teoretic George Calinescu – 9C.

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