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Curriculum Integration Reading Program

120 words



1 Parts of a Tree

Vocabulary Practice

A Read and choose the correct words.

1. I planted some seeds in the (soil / soft).

2. This flower needs (sunlight / sunset) to bloom.

3. My piece of cake was (tiny / big). I’m still hungry.

4. The sponge is (soaking / waking) up some water.

5. This cake has (layers / dust) of cheese, cream, and fruit.

6. Oranges are full of (roots / nutrients), especially vitamin C.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. I think someone is my house.

a. parts b. inside c. main

2. A monkey is hanging on a tree .

a. branch b. leaves c. root

3. It’s cold outside. I have to wear a coat.

a. thick b. thousand c. process

Lesson 1 • Trees 3

Sentence Practice oc
2 Stuttgart: A Tree-Friendly City
ial Studie

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (stay in place / help / the strong roots / the tree / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Recycling is an (eco-friendly / industrial) practice.

2. (soak up / from the soil / they / water and nutrients / .)
2. I ate a (bad / fresh) apple. I picked it right off the tree.

3. (to other parts / inside the trunk, / of the tree / they move / .) 3. Hollywood is the center of the movie (industry / city).

4. The policy (bans / band) smoking inside the building.

4. (outside layer / the thick, hard / is the bark / .) 5. Mary (pulled / planted) some tomatoes for her grandchildren.

6. The (environment / construction) of this building will be done by next month.

5. (are / body parts / all of a tree’s parts / very important, / just like your / !)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find and write what ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ indicate.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
The water and nutrients travel through the trunk. Inside the trunk, ⓐ they move to 1. I to do some exercise every evening.
other parts of the tree. The trunk has many layers. The thick, hard outside layer is the
a. planned b. changed c. protected
bark. ⓑ It protects the softer inside.
The crown is at the top of the tree. It has many branches and leaves. The leaves make 2. I planted a with many flowers and small trees.
food for the tree. ⓒ They use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make it. This process
a. city b. garden c. building
also makes oxygen.

3. Factories and cars are making the air problem worse.

ⓐ they: ⓑ It: ⓒ They:
a. forest b. space c. pollution

4 Lesson 2 • Trees 5

Sentence Practice 3 Tree Animals


C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (an eco-friendly city / in Germany / Stuttgart / is / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. The dog has white (fur / teeth) on its tail.
2. (in the city / there are / 100,000 trees / more than / .)
2. I stayed up all night. I need to (rest / run).

3. My favorite doll is made of (natural / cotton).
3. (an air pollution / it / problem / had / .)

4. The (speed / sleep) limit is 80 kilometers per hour.

4. (many factories and / people built / tall buildings there/ .) 5. Wind and water are important (people / natural) resources.

6. The eagle grabbed the mouse with its huge (claws / clocks).

5. (making changes to make / is still / its air cleaner / the city / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. James is always and full of energy.
In 1986, Stuttgart decided to take action. The city planned to make more green space.
It planted many trees. It also planted gardens on top of buildings. It protected all large a. active b. long c. slow
trees in the city. , it banned the construction of tall new buildings.
2. This tool is very for roasting meat.

a. However b. Sadly c. In addition a. happy b. useful c. cute

3. Do you know how fast this train ?

a. lives b. stays c. travels

6 Lesson 3 • Trees 7

Sentence Practice 4 The Story of Almond Trees


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (for many / trees are / interesting animals / natural homes / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. My parents got (merry / married) in 2008.
2. (useful for / these are / climbing trees / very / .)
2. Beautiful roses (bloom / blank) around May.

3. The artist is painting a (snow-covered / flooding) winter scene.
3. (tree branches / it / stay on / helps them / .)

4. When Mark gave me a present, I was (amazed / sad) and happy.

4. (of tree animals / only / these are / a few examples / .) 5. I visit my grandparents every year. They live in the (clouds / countryside).

6. When I was in Germany, I experienced a feeling of (house / homesickness).

5. (what / live in / trees near you / cute animals / ?)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. A pretty lives in the palace.
They have white fur on their head and shoulders. a. snow b. princess c. kindness

Sloths live mostly in trees. ( ⓐ ) Once a week, they come down to find food. Sloths
2. Take this pill. It will your illness.
move from tree to tree very slowly. ( ⓑ ) Generally, a sloth travels at a speed of 37
meters per day. a. cure b. notice c. look

Cotton-top tamarins also spend most of their lives in the trees. They’re active during
3. Kelly was by his story and decided to help him.
the day. At night, they rest on branches. ( ⓒ ) The fur looks like cotton!
a. fallen b. planted c. touched

8 Lesson 4 • Trees 9
cial Day

5 A Fun Book Holiday

Sentence Practice oc
ial Studie

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (Northern Europe / he met a princess from / with her / and fell in love / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. What is your (dark / date) of birth?
2. (they / the Algarve / and lived together in / got married / .)
2. He read the book (aloud / amazed) to the students.

3. (finally came / spring / and the trees / were in bloom / .) 3. Cinderella has to go home before (afternoon / midnight).

4. This sporting (event / morning) will be held in Grand Park.

4. (of her snow-covered / reminded her / homeland / they / .) 5. If you buy this now, you can get a 50 percent (cost / discount).

6. He is a (player / playwright), and he just finished a new play last week.

5. (touched / her husband’s kindness / she was / by / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. We a sporting event last week.
So the prince planted thousands of almond trees. a. held b. stayed c. took

One day, the prince noticed his wife was sad. ( ⓐ ) She missed the white snow-covered
2. My family gathers at my house to New Year’s Day.
countryside of her homeland. It never snowed in the Algarve. ( ⓑ ) The trees have white
flowers. When they bloom, the land looks white as snow. ( ⓒ ) The prince hoped the a. read b. write c. celebrate

almond blossoms would cure his wife’s homesickness.

3. If you want to buy his new novel, you have to contact first.

a. supermarket b. bookstore c. school

10 Lesson 5 • Special Days 11

cial Day

6 Watch the Groundhog

Sentence Practice oc
ial Studie

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (April 23 / over 100 countries / have held it on / since 1995, / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. A rabbit is sleeping in the (sky / burrow).
2. (World Book Day / in different ways / countries / celebrate / .)
2. We celebrate the event with (forest fires / fireworks).

3. (the book / it takes / to finish / 48 hours / !) 3. I can see the (shadow / sharp) of the tree on the ground.

4. The (arrival / fire) time of the flight from Paris is 5:00 p.m.

4. (until / stay open / over 100 bookstores / midnight / .) 5. Rice is one of the most important (cross / crops) in Korea.

6. Scientists couldn’t (serve / observe) germs easily in the past.

5. (give / on many books / they / discounts / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. People cannot their own futures.
William Shakespeare died on that day too. a. leave b. predict c. wait

April 23 is a special date. Miguel de Cervantes died on April 23, 1616. ( ⓐ ) He was
2. A sore throat is a of a cold.
a great writer from Spain. His most famous book is Don Quixote . ( ⓑ ) He was an
English poet and playwright. Some of his works are Romeo and Juliet , Hamlet , and a. music b. sign c. shadow

Macbeth . ( ⓒ ) In 1995, UNESCO made this day World Book Day.

3. We can know what animals lived in the by studying fossils.

a. past b. spring c. weeks

12 Lesson 6 • Special Days 13

cial Day

7 April Fools’ with the BBC

Sentence Practice
Histor y

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (Groundhog Day / in the US / is / and Canada / popular / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Who is the (presenter / company) of this show?
2. (spring / a sign of / groundhogs are / this is because / !)
2. Fall is the perfect season to (pick / throw) apples.

3. (don’t actually / groundhogs / the arrival of spring / predict / .) 3. Kate couldn’t (stand / begin) waiting for Jack anymore.

4. That boy keeps playing (soccer / jokes) on me. I hate him!

4. (festivals, / they hold / play music, / and watch fireworks / .) 5. I have been working at this (company / champion) for three years.

6. An important (announcer / announcement) was made on the BBC website.

5. (the groundhogs / fun and / they have / wait for / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. I totally to pick up my dry cleaning.
That means spring will come soon. a. talked b. asked c. forgot

Groundhogs sleep in burrows in winter. ( ⓐ ) Around late February, they come out.
2. A dragon is an imaginary animal. It doesn’t really .
If the sky is clear, they can see their shadows. Then they go back into their burrows.
( ⓑ ) This means there will be six more weeks of winter. If they don’t see their shadows, a. play b. exist c. believe

they leave their burrows. ( ⓒ ) In the past, farmers watched groundhogs. When they left
3. The crops are all out because of the long drought.
their burrows, the farmers started planting crops.
a. found b. showed c. dried

14 Lesson 7 • Special Days 15

cial Day

8 Marc Chagall’s Birthday Painting

Sentence Practice

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (play jokes on / people / each other then / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Colorful balloons are (twisting / floating) in the air.

2. (the BBC TV network / its jokes / is / famous for / .)
2. The actress is walking on the red (tablecloth / carpet).

3. (another / penguins / was about / joke / .) 3. The photographer left his pictures at his (subway / studio).

4. You should (twist / stay) the knob. Then the door will open.

4. (made / announcement / the BBC / a big / .) 5. I planned to throw a big (sad / surprise) party for him today.

6. Will you bring that (tablecloth / chair)? I need it to cover this table.

5. (the cold winter / the penguins / the presenter said / couldn’t stand / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find and write what ⓐ and ⓑ indicate. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. Can I talk to you for a ?
The first BBC joke was on April 1, 1957. A news show talked about spaghetti farms in
Switzerland. In its video, people were picking spaghetti off trees. ⓐ They were also drying a. moment b. painting c. flower
them on the ground! Many people believed the news. ⓑ They called and asked how to
grow spaghetti trees. However, spaghetti trees don’t exist!
2. That woman is Mr. Johnson’s .

a. wife b. cake c. dress

ⓐ They: ⓑ They:
3. The amazing story the man to make art.

a. looked b. inspired c. wore

16 Lesson 8 • Special Days 17


9 The Four Seasons in Forests

Sentence Practice

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (loved / painter Marc Chagall / his wife, Bella / the Russian-French / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. (Acorns / April) fell from the oak tree.

2. (got married / it was before / he and / Bella / .)
2. A fire can (die/ spread) quickly in a forest.

3. (and flowers / brought him / Bella / a cake / .) 3. Stars are (glowing / growing) in the night sky.

4. There are (leafy / leave) trees around the lake.

4. (and kissed / jumped up / he even / Bella / .) 5. The boy is (digging / dragging) a hole to plant a tree.

6. I was curious about how fish (bright / breathe) underwater.

5. (Marc and Bella / a few / got married / weeks later, / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Change the words ⓐ–ⓒ into the correct forms. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. Oranges have inside.
The Birthday looks like a dream. Marc is ⓐ float and twisting to kiss Bella. He
ⓑ surprise her. She’s holding flowers and ⓒ wear a black dress. A bright red carpet and a. seeds b. forests c. night
tablecloth make the room look warm.
2. Jerry tried to Tom’s bag.

ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ
a. fly b. hide c. become

3. I looked up at the night sky and saw the moon shine .

a. coldly b. fast c. bright

18 Lesson 9 • Seasons 19

10 In-Season Foods Are the Best!

Sentence Practice


tudies & H

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (their seeds / after their yellow flowers / dry, / they spread / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Trees can (fall / reduce) air pollution.
2. (many flying / spring / dandelion seeds in / you can see / .)
2. Tomatoes are (ride / ripe) when they are red.

3. (bugs live in / love summer / leafy trees, / so they / .) 3. The company paid the (clothes / cost) of the event.

4. I (stored / studied) the leftover steak in the refrigerator.

4. (to find / they / mates / glow bright / .) 5. Apply a lot of sunscreen to avoid getting (sunset / sunburned).

6. That vanilla (flower / flavor) makes the ice cream more delicious.

5. (fireflies at night / so pretty / are / glowing / !)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. The cookies good.
That way, they can save energy. a. tasted b. tried c. thanked

Leaves come off trees, and the weather becomes colder in fall. Also, animals begin
2. What can you get from this exercise program?
saving food for winter. ( ⓐ ) Squirrels collect brown acorns. Then, they dig holes and hide
them. a. vegetables b. farmers c. benefits

Winter is the coldest season. ( ⓑ ) Hedgehogs don’t like this season. So they sleep a lot
3. This airbag helps injuries from car accidents.
during winter. When they sleep, they breathe once every few minutes. ( ⓒ )
a. prevent b. pick c. sell

20 Lesson 10 • Seasons 21

11 Summer and Winter Solstices

Sentence Practice



& Social S

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (in-season fruits / taste / and vegetables / better / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Roy is fishing with a (pole / fork).
2. (more flavor / this / them / gives / .)
2. The price of vegetables (rises / right) every year.

3. (them / farmers / right after picking / can sell these fruits / .) 3. Jennifer (dried / dressed) up for the Christmas party.

4. I saw the sun (setting / falling) behind the mountain.

4. (don’t have to / for a long time / they / store them / .) 5. My brother is the exact (open / opposite) of my sister.

6. The man wearing the golden (crown / clown) was the king.

5. (out-of-season foods / buy and / not / eat in-season foods, / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. Flowers spring by blooming.
Last, in-season foods can give us certain nutrients when we need them. ,
apricots are great in summer. During this season, people get sunburned easily. Luckily, a. wear b. welcome c. happen
an apricot has special nutrients. These help us prevent sunburn.
2. During the , people dance all night long.

a. However b. For example c. In addition a. country b. festival c. king

3. I have to get up to finish my homework.

a. early b. late c. special

22 Lesson 11 • Seasons 23

12 The Four Musical Seasons

Sentence Practice
M us i c

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (longer days / than in winter / this is why / in summer / we have / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. This (instrument/ introduction) has five strings.
2. (some / special / countries / do something / .)
2. Seoul is the (capital / composer) of South Korea.

3. (a man / during the festival, / like a king / dresses up / .) 3. Argentina is known for soccer and (tank / tango).

4. My mother is a pianist and a (composer / capital).

4. (with wildflowers / Swedish people / and wear them / make crowns / .) 5. I like listening to classical (music / dance) by Mozart.

6. The exam tests students’ (individual / instrument) music skills.

5. (a big pole / they also / together around / dance / .)

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

D Check the right word for the blank. 1. This jar is of fresh honey.

a. full b. famous c. perfect

The longest day of the year is called the summer solstice. The winter solstice is the
. It is the shortest day of the year. This means that solstices happen only
2. How would you yourself?
twice a year.
a. describe b. dance c. play

a. same b. similar c. opposite

3. some sugar to the flour and mix them.

a. Enjoy b. Add c. Name

24 Lesson 12 • Seasons 25
Mir rs

Sentence Practice 13 Patterns of Light


C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (Argentina / Astor Piazzolla / a tango composer from / was / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. I made a necklace with (beads / beam).
2. (the capital / they / of the country, Buenos Aires / were about / .)
2. The swing is moving back and (forth / four).

3. (a season / was / each / named after / .) 3. The ball (bounced / bought) off the goalpost.

4. That woman is beautiful and (fashionable / patterns).

4. (the city perfectly / they / the seasons of / describe / .) 5. The lake (reflects / reuses) the blue sky and the clouds.

6. The boy folded the colored paper into a(n) (image / triangle).

5. (and Vivaldi’s music / you / hear Piazzolla’s / together / can / .)

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. It is too dark in here. Turn on the .
D Find and underline what ⓐ and ⓑ indicate.
a. light b. image c. design
At first, the four pieces were individual songs. Later, they became one set. It is called
The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires . 2. Don’t plastic into the trash can.
Around 1996, a Russian composer changed ⓐ it. He chose a famous piece of classical
a. make b. throw c. look
music. And then he added ⓑ it to Piazzolla’s tango. The piece was The Four Seasons by
Antonio Vivaldi. 3. These clothes have beautiful dot on them.

a. balls b. patterns c. toys

26 Lesson 13 • Mirrors 27
Mir rs

Sentence Practice 14 Mirror Writing

Histor y

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (comes back to you / the wall and / it / bounces off / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. The name “Mike” has four (letters / hands).
2. (of the beads / the three mirrors / the images / reflect / .)
2. This experiment will prove his (theory / practice).

3. (back and forth and / the reflections / from side to side / bounce / .) 3. That baseball player is (left-handed / left handle).

4. The boy fell hard as he walked (backwards / back).

4. (keep changing / makes / the patterns / this / .) 5. I like (recording / running) my spending in my diary.

6. If you are really hurt, you should call an (announcement / ambulance).

5. (people / because of their beauty, / use / kaleidoscope designs / .)

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

D Find the right place for the sentence below. 1. Jerry sat in the of the car.

a. front b. way c. idea

One type has three mirrors inside.
2. Peter worked more than Hana, but now the situation is .
A kaleidoscope is a toy with mirrors. ( ⓐ ) They make a triangle. It also has some
a. called b. reversed c. kept
beads. ( ⓑ ) When you look inside it, you can see beautiful patterns. ( ⓒ ) How does this
work? 3. Look in the mirror to see the car behind you.

a. word b. note c. rearview

28 Lesson 14 • Mirrors 29
Mir rs

Sentence Practice 15 The Hall of Mirrors

ial Studie

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. (his ideas / always / wrote down / he / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. You should eat a (balanced / balloon) diet.
2. (on the front of / you can / ambulances / see it / .)
2. There are light bulbs on the (ceiling / cells).

3. (is usually / large mirrored letters / the word ambulance / written in / .) 3. She likes to (show off / turn off ) her money.

4. He built his (wealth / well) by working hard.

4. (in front of / for the cars / the ambulance / this is / .) 5. There is a bank right (cross / across) the street.

6. He scored a goal and led his team to (victory / fail).

5. (in their rearview mirror / can see the word / the right way / the drivers / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. His had a lot of rooms and gardens.
But a mirror shows the letters with left and right reversed. a. city b. palace c. money

He had a special way of writing. He wrote from right to left. ( ⓐ ) He also wrote his
2. Bears have claws for breaking logs apart.
letters backwards. This is called “mirror writing.” It is hard to read. ( ⓑ ) So it can help
people read mirrored text. a. huge b. weak c. rich

Why did Da Vinci write like this? There are many theories. ( ⓒ ) One of them is that
3. The of the tables are all circular.
he was a left-handed person. Writing this way probably kept his hand and notes clean.
a. shape b. war c. mirror

30 Lesson 15 • Mirrors 31
Mir rs

Sentence Practice 16 The Secret of The Arnolfini Portrait


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. (the Palace of Versailles in France / by / is visited / many people / .)
A Read and choose the correct words.

1. Will you bring a pair of (sand / sandals)?

2. (walking through / beautiful rooms / visitors love / the palace’s / .)
2. She is a painter. She paints a (portrait / trait).

3. (under King Louis XIV / this palace / built / was / .) 3. The balloon is floating (above / from) the mountain.

4. It’s a (secret / painting). You cannot tell this to anyone.

4. (this room / France’s wealth / to show off / was made / .) 5. Look at the painting (close / closely). You will find small dots.

6. This doll was made by a computer. It looks so (realistic / reality).

5. (his victories / show / some of the paintings / in war / .)

More Reading Comprehension

D Write the right numbers in ⓐ and ⓑ. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. Marie and Tracy are hands.
The Hall of Mirrors is the palace’s most famous room. Inside the room, there are 17
huge mirrors. Each huge mirror consists of 21 smaller mirrors. So there are ⓐ a. looking b. holding c. putting
mirrors in total. Across from the huge mirrors, there are ⓑ large windows.
2. Jane was , but now she is poor.
The mirrors and the windows are the same shape. So the room looks balanced.
a. wealthy b. real c. true

ⓐ ⓑ
3. He walked slowly toward the of the stage.

a. mirror b. trader c. center

32 Lesson 16 • Mirrors 33
Sentence Practice
C Unscramble the sentences.
1. (are / looking realistic / his paintings / famous for / .)

2. (are / there / in it / two other people / !)

3. (is Jan van Eyck / one of them / believe / many people / .)

4. (of the painting / put himself / in the center / the painter / .)

5. (truly special / makes / this / the painting / !)

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below.

The woman is his wife.

One of his greatest works is The Arnolfini Portrait . ( ⓐ ) Do you see the man and
woman in the painting? ( ⓑ ) The man is Giovanni Arnolfini. He was a wealthy Italian
trader. ( ⓒ ) They are holding hands. You can also see a dog, two pairs of sandals, and a


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