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Mitzi B.

Sumadero BEED – 2

GED 109

Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of instructional
planning models commonly used in math.

1. Did you notice any similarity between ADIDAS and the 5 Es Model? Match the
components of the two models to summarize the similarities that you saw.

Activity • • Engage
Discussion • • Explore
Input • • Explain
Deepening • • Elaborate
Activity • • Evaluate
Synthesis •

2. Explain the matching you did in #1

- The matching I did in number 1 is that I pair the components in the two models that
happen to have similar descriptions. According to my observation on the descriptions
the ADIDAS model has its longer process than the 5 E’s since it has shorter process
and also what I have observe is that the deepening and activity in first model falls
under the Elaborate.
Even though ADIDAS and 5 Es are commonly used, they also receive criticisms
such as not being applicable to some topics in math. The following questions will
challenge your reasoning skills regarding this issue of applicability of instructional
planning models.

1. Do you think the ADIDAS or the 5 Es Model is applicable to planning any lesson in
mathematics? Explain your thought.
- Yes, because they can both be found in any curriculum guide. It's intended to help
teachers at all levels supplement their daily planning, teaching, and evaluation

2. What if in the school where you will be employed, a different instructional planning
model is used. Do you think you will have a hard time adjusting? Explain.
- This is a challenging one. Change always causes problems for everyone involved,
including those who want to change!

You must ‘find your feet' as a new teacher at the school. Take a look at how the
lessons go. Request to be paired with another teacher so that you can observe the
values that underpin their ideas. Once you've gained some experience, talk about
other methods of instruction and how you've successfully implemented them. Invite
another teacher or manager to observe you using these techniques in the classroom;
perhaps they will adopt some of your ideas as well.

In this activity, you will be asked to refer to the lesson plan you previously
studied in Chapter 5. This time, focus your analysis on the different components of
the lesson plan in relation to the ADIDAS and 5 Es Model. This activity will be part of
the learning portfolio that you will compile at the end of this module.
Refer to the lesson plan you collected in the previous chapter and do the

1. Extract parts of her lesson plan that exhibits the components of:

Activity A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Have the pupils name which number is greater and which number is
5 or 7
23 or 21
424 or 426
2 330 or 1 329

Discussion B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Look at the given figures:
2+1=3 2+2=4 1+3=4
2+3=5 2+4=6 3+5=8
2 + 5 = 7 2 + 6 = 8 5 + 7 = 12
2 + 7 = 9 2 + 8 = 10 7 + 9 = 16
In the first column, what are the numbers being added to number 2?
Can you divide these numbers exactly by 2?
What about their answer? Can we divide it by 2?
Do you know what do we call by these numbers?
Numbers that cannot be exactly divided by 2 are called odd numbers.
What is odd number?
Let pupils play the game “The boat is sinking”
-The boat is sinking, group yourselves into 3/5/7/9.
-The boat is sinking, group yourselves into 2/4/6/8.
After the game, asks:
What numbers were mentioned in the game?
What do we call 3,5,7 and 9? Why?

How about 2,4,6, and 8?

Input C.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Present a problem:
Lito harvested 1,051 kilo of squash. He sold 827 kilos to the market
and 135 to his neighbors. He gave the remaining 49 kilos to his
How many kilos of squash were sold to the market?
How many kilos were sold to his neighbors?
How many were given to his relatives?
What are the last digits of these numbers?
Can you divide these numbers exactly by 2?
What do we call by these numbers?
When can we say that a number is odd?

Deepening D. Developing mastery

Pair Activity:
The first pupil will give a number and let the partner, identify whether it
is odd or even
Activity E. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
What number am I? Write your answer on your paper.

1) I am an odd number less than 80 but greater than 77.

2) I am an odd number greater than 122 but less than 125.
3) I am the largest odd number less than 600.
4) I am an even number greater than 1 396 but less than 1 400.
5) I am an even number greater than 2 202 but less than 2 205.
Synthesis F. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
Copy the following numbers on your paper. Write whether O if it is odd
and E if it is even.
__ 1) 26 __ 6) 101 __ 11) 1 457
__ 2) 18 __ 7) 238 __ 12) 2 536
__ 3) 79 __ 8) 454 __ 13) 3 210
__ 4) 15 __ 9) 500 __ 14) 5 012
__ 5) 89 __ 10) 873 __ 15) 9 113

b. 5 Es

Engage A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Have the pupils name which number is greater and which number
is less.
5 or 7
23 or 21
424 or 426
2 330 or 1 329
Explore B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Look at the given figures:
2+1=3 2+2=4 1+3=4
2+3=5 2+4=6 3+5=8
2 + 5 = 7 2 + 6 = 8 5 + 7 = 12
2 + 7 = 9 2 + 8 = 10 7 + 9 = 16
In the first column, what are the numbers being added to number
Can you divide these numbers exactly by 2?
What about their answer? Can we divide it by 2?
Do you know what do we call by these numbers?
Numbers that cannot be exactly divided by 2 are called odd
What is odd number?
Let pupils play the game “The boat is sinking”
-The boat is sinking, group yourselves into 3/5/7/9.
-The boat is sinking, group yourselves into 2/4/6/8.
After the game, asks:
What numbers were mentioned in the game?
What do we call 3,5,7 and 9? Why?

How about 2,4,6, and 8?

Explain C.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Present a problem:
Lito harvested 1,051 kilo of squash. He sold 827 kilos to the
market and 135 to his neighbors. He gave the remaining 49 kilos
to his relatives.
How many kilos of squash were sold to the market?
How many kilos were sold to his neighbors?
How many were given to his relatives?
What are the last digits of these numbers?
Can you divide these numbers exactly by 2?
What do we call by these numbers?
When can we say that a number is odd?

Elaborate D. Developing mastery

Pair Activity:
The first pupil will give a number and let the partner, identify
whether it is odd or even

E. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily

What number am I? Write your answer on your paper.

1) I am an odd number less than 80 but greater than 77.

2) I am an odd number greater than 122 but less than 125.
3) I am the largest odd number less than 600.
4) I am an even number greater than 1 396 but less than 1 400.
5) I am an even number greater than 2 202 but less than 2 205.
Evaluate F. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
Copy the following numbers on your paper. Write whether O if it is
odd and E if it is even.
__ 1) 26 __ 6) 101 __ 11) 1 457
__ 2) 18 __ 7) 238 __ 12) 2 536
__ 3) 79 __ 8) 454 __ 13) 3 210
__ 4) 15 __ 9) 500 __ 14) 5 012
__ 5) 89 __ 10) 873 __ 15) 9 113

2. Are there components of the ADIDAS/5 Es Model that were not reflected in the
lesson plan? If you are to fill in these missing parts, what would you write?
- No there are no components of the two models that are not reflected since the
lesson plan that I extracted are suitable in two the model of instructional planning. If
there were components that are not reflected in the lesson plan I would fill it up in
way that it is connected to the lesson and observing its right way of using the

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