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Logic Thinking – Fall Semester 2022

Assignment #
Please read the following instructions:

1. Please provide a complete solution.

2. Plagiarism or Cheating is not allowed. Even if you cheat in only one
question, you will be marked zero in the entire assignment.
3. To submit: Submission folder will be created on teams


6. NAME: Usman Raza

Total marks: 35
Submission Due date: 12 June 2021

Question 1: (08 marks)

Write the negation of each statement.

1. The Giants lost the game.
NEGATION: The Giants did not lose the game.

2. The lunch was served at noon.

NEGATION: The lunch was not served at noon.

3. The game did not go into overtime.

NEGATION: The game went into overtime.

4. The game was not shown on ABC.

NEGATION: The game was shown on ABC.

Question 2: (14 marks)

Write each symbolic statement in words. Use p, q, r, s, t, and u as defined below.

p: The tour goes to Italy.

q: The tour goes to

Spain. r: We go to
Logic Thinking – Fall Semester 2022


s: We go to Florence.

t: The hotel fees are

included. u: The meals are

not included.
Logic Thinking – Fall Semester 2022

1. p ˄~u
The tour goes to Italy and the meals are included.

2. r ν s
We go to Venice or to Florence.

3. t ν u
The hotel fees are included or the meals are not included.

4. r 🡪 ~t
If we go to Venice, then the hotel fees are not included.

5. p 🡪 r
If the tour goes to Italy, then we go to Venice.

6. s 🡨🡪 ~t
We go to Florence only if the hotel fees are not included.

7. ~t ˄ u
The hotel fees are not included and the meals are not included.

Question 3: (3 marks)

1. If p is a false statement and the compound statement p ν q is a true statement, what can
be said about the q statement?


If p is a false statement and the compound statement p ν q is a true statement, it can be

inferred that q is a true statement.

The reason is that in the compound statement p ν q, the logical operator "ν" (or) is used
which means that the compound statement is true if either p or q is true. So p is false and
the compound statement is true, the other component of the compound statement, q must
be true.

2. If p is a false statement and the compound statement p ˄ q is a false statement, must q

also be a false statement?
If p is a false statement and the compound statement p ˄ q is a false statement, it does not
necessarily mean that q also has to be a false statement.
Logic Thinking – Fall Semester 2022

The reason is that in the compound statement p ˄ q, the logical operator "˄" (and) is used
which means that the compound statement is true only if both p and q are true. So p is false,
the compound statement can only be true if q is also false. So, it is possible that q is true, in
this case the compound statement would be false which is the given case. So it can not be
inferred that q is also a false statement.

3. If p is a true statement, what can be said about the compound statement p ν



If p is a true statement, it is understood that the compound statement p ν q is also a

true statement.


The reason is that in the compound statement p ν q, the logical operator "ν" (or) is

used which means that the compound statement is true if either p or q is true. Since p

is true, the compound statement is true regardless of the truth value of q. So, if p is a

true statement, the compound statement p ν q is also a true statement.

Question 4: (5 marks)

Make a circuit of the given expression.

(p ˄ q) → ~p ˄ q


p ------------->| OR |--+

q ------------->| OR |--+
Logic Thinking – Fall Semester 2022

~(p ˄ q)-------->| AND |--+

q ------------->| OR |-->---

Question 5: (7 marks)

Restate the following sentence in an equivalent form using one of the De Morgan’s law.

It is not true that I cooked the food or ordered it through delivery service.


It is not true that I cooked the food or ordered it through delivery service.

This statement can be restated using De Morgan's law as: “It is true that I did not cook

the food and I did not order it through delivery”.


I am aware of and understand the

University’s policy on plagiarism and I certify

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