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MANUAL (partial)
GAD Plan and Budget Monitoring System

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Information Systems and Technology

Management Service

Bureau of Local Government Development


Prepared by:




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Table of Contents

1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 4

1.1 System Overview ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 System Features ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................... 6
2.0 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Log in / Sign in (DILG Employee) ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Retrieve Password ................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Request New Confirmation Message.................................................................................. 8
2.4 Log in / Sign in (LGU account) .................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Register / Sign Up (LGU account) ............................................................................................. 9
3.0 SYSTEM MENU ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 LGU (City/Municipality/HUC/Province) ................................................................................ 10
3.2 PPDO.......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 DILG Provincial Office ............................................................................................................ 10
3.4 DILG Regional Office ............................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Central Office (BLGD) ............................................................................................................. 11
4.0 GAD PLAN & BUDGET .............................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Encode Primary Information ................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Primary Information ................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1 Report Status ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Station Details ................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.3 Budget Details ................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.4 Indicator if the GAD Budget does not reached the 5% of LGU Budget and no attached
Accomplishment Report..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.5 Indicator if the GAD Budget does not reached the 5% of LGU Budget and no attached
Accomplishment Report..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.6 Indicator if the GAD Budget is greater than LGU Budget and has attached Accomplishment Report
4.2.7 Indicator if the GAD Budget reached the 5% of LGU Budget and has attached Accomplishment
Report 14
4.3 Where Can I Found the List of Created Plan & Budget / Accomplishment Report? ........ 15
4.3.1 How to Delete Created Plan? ............................................................................................................ 15
4.3.2 How to Track Report Status? ............................................................................................................ 16
4.3.3 How to Archive Report? .................................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Where can I found the Archive Report (LGU City/Municipality & HUC)? ....................... 18
4.5 Action Buttons ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Show Input Form (Encode Plan Form)................................................................................... 20
4.7 Encode Plan Form..................................................................................................................... 20
4.8 Upload Plan and Budget through Excel .................................................................................. 21
4.8.1 Encoding of GPB (Excel) .................................................................................................................. 22

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4.9 Upload GPB Attributed Programs through Excel ................................................................. 28
4.9.1 Screenshot of Attributed Program Excel Template ........................................................................... 29
4.9.2 Screenshot of Attributed Program Excel Template (SAMPLE INPUTTED VALUE) ..................... 29
4.10 Delete All Rows ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.10.1 Client / Org. Focused ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.10.2 Attributed Program Rows .................................................................................................................. 32
4.11 Attributed Program (Input Form) .......................................................................................... 33
4.11.1 Attributed Program Input Form (sample inputted details) ................................................................. 33
4.12 How to Update Inputted/Uploaded Data (Specific Cell)? ..................................................... 34
4.13 How to Update Other Details of Report? ................................................................................ 35
4.13.1 Other Details Form ............................................................................................................................ 36
4.14 How to Attach Files per Row? ................................................................................................. 37
4.14.1 File attachment form ......................................................................................................................... 37
4.15 How to View Uploaded File? .................................................................................................... 38
4.16 How to upload Project Proposal and HGDG Result?............................................................ 38
4.17 How to Print Report? ............................................................................................................... 39
4.17.1 Print Settings. .................................................................................................................................... 40
4.18 How to Attach Accomplishment Report to GPB?.................................................................. 41
4.20 How to Submit Report? ............................................................................................................ 42
4.20.1 Prepared by (Chairperson, GFPS) is a required field. ....................................................................... 42
4.20.2 Process of Report Submission. .......................................................................................................... 44
5.0 How to Create Supplemental Plan and Budget? .................................................................... 46
6.0 How to Create For Revision Plan? .......................................................................................... 49
7.0 GAD ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ..................................................................................... 52
7.1 Accomplishment Report Encoding Page................................................................................. 53
7.2 Primary Information (Accomplishment Report) ................................................................... 54
7.2.1 How to Update Primary Details (Year and Total LGU Budget) of Accomplishment Report ........... 54
7.3 Actions Button (Accomplishment Report) .............................................................................. 55
7.4 Encode Accomplishment Report ............................................................................................. 55
7.5 Accomplishment Tabular Report (Edit Cell Value) .............................................................. 56
7.6 Accomplishment Tabular Report (Other Details) ................................................................. 57

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 Gender and Development (GAD) refers to the development perspective and process that
is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of
human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. It
seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in
development choices and contends that women are active agents of development, not just
passive recipients of development.

1.1 System Overview

GAD Plan and Budget Monitoring System

 To streamline the process of the GAD Plan and Budget, the Bureau of Local Government
Development in collaboration with Information Systems and Technology Management
Service developed a web application system “GAD Plan and Budget Monitoring System”.
It is an automated system that used to address the common adversity of reviewing,
commenting and endorsing the GAD Plan and Budget as well as the GAD Accomplishment
Reports in the LGU level by automating. The GAD Plan and Budget Monitoring System
will design particularly for the needs and context of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government.

1.1.1 System Features

Dashboard. Through this feature the Provincial and Regional Office will easily monitor
the LGUs progress on creating GPB.

Report Monitoring. This feature will facilitate the report monitoring of LGUs.

Encoding. The GPBMS has different mediums of encoding details of report (thru
uploading of excel data or manual encode using manual input form)

Importing. The system is capable of importing GPB and AR excel data to the System.

Endorsing. The system has electronic way of endorsing GPB.

Archiving. The system has archiving feature for the unused or unnecessary reports.

Track Report. The system is capable of tracking reports status (encoding, reviewing,
returning, and endorsing process).

Report Submission. The system has the feature to facilitate Report Submission from LGU
to Higher level or the reviewer.

Reviewing of Report. The system is capable of creating specific observation, general

observation, & letter of review.

Auto-Compute. The system has auto-compute features specifically to Total GAD Budget,
Total GAD Expenditure and GAD Attributed Program/Project Cost or Expenditure.

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Types of Creating Plan. The system is capable to create 3 types of GPB (New,
Supplemental, & For Revision Plan).

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1.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

GAD-PBMS. Gender and Development – Plan and Budget Monitoring System.

PPDO. Provincial Planning and Development Officer.

RICTU. Regional Information and Communication Technology Unit.

GPB. GAD Plan & Budget.

AR. Accomplishment Report.

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2.1 Log in / Sign in (DILG Employee)

To start using the application, you should log-in first. Open your web browser, and type
“” to the address bar and the log-in page will be displayed (Figure 1).

To log-in, enter a valid Username and Password and click on the “Sign in” button.

Figure 1. Log-in page of GAD-PBMS


2.2 Retrieve Password

To retrieve your forgotten password, click on the “Forgot Password?” (See Figure 1) and the
recovery password page will be displayed. (Figure 1). Input the email address used during sign-up
and click “Continue” button (Figure 1 number 1) to proceed.

Figure 1. Password Recovery page of GAD-PBMS

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2.3 Request New Confirmation Message

To request for a new confirmation message, click on the “Didn’t receive confirmation message?”
(See Figure 1) and the request new confirmation message page will be displayed. (Figure 1). Input
a valid email address account and click “Continue” button to proceed.

Figure 1. Request New Confirmation Message page of GAD-PBMS

2.4 Log in / Sign in (LGU account)

To start using the application, you should log-in first. Open your web browser, and type the image below will be displayed.

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To log-in, enter a valid Username and Password and click on the “Sign in” button.

2.5 Register / Sign Up (LGU account)

1. Click “Sign Up” link to display the page below.
2. To Register, Fill out all required text fields and click “Sign Up” Button to create account.
3. You will received an email to confirm your account.
4. If you will not receive an e-mail or encountered some problems about signing into our system,
kindly contact the assigned Regional Administrator to your region or the DILG-RICTU (Regional
Information and Communication Technology Unit).

Note: if the “Verification Code” is not readable, just click on the code to change it.

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3.1 LGU (City/Municipality/HUC/Province)

Search Reports – click this menu to find created GAD

Plan / Accomplishment Report.
Create – Click this menu to create GAD Plan and
Accomplishment Report.
Downloadable(s) – Click this menu to download
attached Project Proposal Guidelines.
Settings – Click this menu to update personal account
and view archived reports.
Logout – Click this link to sign out.

3.2 PPDO
Dashboard – Click this to view GAD plan status of
Search Reports – click this menu to find created GAD
Plan / Accomplishment Report.
Created Documents – Click this to view list of created
documents (Letter of Review).
Downloadable(s) – Click this menu to download
attached Project Proposal Guidelines.
Settings – Click this menu to update personal account
and view archived reports.
Logout – Click this link to sign out.

3.3 DILG Provincial Office

Dashboard – Click this to view GAD plan status of
Search Reports – click this menu to find created GAD
Plan / Accomplishment Report.
Created Documents – Click this to view list of created
documents (Letter of Review, General Observations, &
Certificate of Endorsement).
Downloadable(s) – Click this menu to download
attached Project Proposal Guidelines.
Settings – Click this menu view archived reports.
Logout – Click this link to sign out.

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3.4 DILG Regional Office
Dashboard – Click this to view GAD plan status of
Search Reports – click this menu to find created GAD
Plan / Accomplishment Report.
Created Documents – Click this to view list of created
documents (Letter of Review, General Observations, &
Certificate of Endorsement).
Downloadable(s) – Click this menu to download
attached Project Proposal Guidelines.
Settings – Click this menu view archived reports.
Logout – Click this link to sign out.

3.5 Central Office (BLGD)

Dashboard – Click this to view GAD plan status of

Search Reports – click this menu to find created GAD
Plan / Accomplishment Report.
Downloadable(s) – Click this menu to download
attached Project Proposal Guidelines.
Settings – Click this menu view archived reports and
user management.
Logout – Click this link to sign out.

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Step 1. Click “Create”.

Step 2. Click “Plan & Budget” to display the following image.

4.1 Encode Primary Information

Step 3. Select Type of Plan
Step 4. Select Year
Step 5. Input Total LGU Budget.
Step 6. Click “Save” button.

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4.2 Primary Information
- This panel shows the stations of LGU (Region, Province, & City/Municipality), Total LGU
Budget, Total GAD Budget, Report Status, Indicator if total GAD Budget reached the 5% of total
LGU budget, & Indicator if has attached Accomplishment Report.

4.2.1 Report Status

- This image shows the Report Status of the GAD Plan and Budget (For Review by PPDO,
Submitted to DILG Provincial Office, Submitted to Regional Office, Endorsed LGU, etc.)

4.2.2 Station Details

- This image shows the Station of LGU (Region, Province, & City/Municipality).

4.2.3 Budget Details

- This image shows the amount of Total LGU Budget and Total GAD Budget of LGU.
- “Total GAD Budget” is auto-computed by the system. If the Total GAD Budget is Color Red it
does not reached the 5% of of Total LGU Budget. If the Total GAD Budget is Color Blue it does
reached 5% of Total LGU Budget.

4.2.4 Indicator if the GAD Budget does not reached the 5% of LGU Budget and no attached
Accomplishment Report.

- This image will serve as alert button to notify the encoder if the GAD budget does reached the 5%
of LGU Budget and also to notify the encoder if the GAD plan does not have attached
Accomplishment Report.

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4.2.5 Indicator if the GAD Budget does not reached the 5% of LGU Budget and no attached
Accomplishment Report.

- This image will serve as alert button to notify the encoder if the GAD budget does reached the 5%
of LGU Budget and also to notify the encoder if the GAD plan does not have attached
Accomplishment Report.

4.2.6 Indicator if the GAD Budget is greater than LGU Budget and has attached
Accomplishment Report

- This image will serve as alert button to notify the encoder if the GAD budget is greater than LGU
Budget and also to notify the encoder if the GAD plan does have attached Accomplishment
- If you encounter this red alert button “Total GAD Budget is greater than LGU Budget” you must
adjust the GAD budget (MOOE, PS, or CO) or the GAD Attributed/Project Budget.

4.2.7 Indicator if the GAD Budget reached the 5% of LGU Budget and has attached
Accomplishment Report

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4.3 Where Can I Found the List of Created Plan & Budget / Accomplishment

Step 1. On the left side menu, Click the Search Reports > Plan & Budget or Accomplishment Report to
see image above.
Step 2. Click “View” Button to view details of Created Plan & Budget / Accomplishment Report.

4.3.1 How to Delete Created Plan?

Click this
button to
delete the

NOTE: You can only delete a plan if the report status is “Encoding Process”. The only thing you can do is
to Archive.

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4.3.2 How to Track Report Status?

Step 1. Click Search Reports.

Step 2. Click Plan & Budget or Accomplishment Report.
Step 3. You will be redirected to List of Reports. (Refer to the image below)

Step 4. Click the “Track” button.

- The tracking of report displays the Remarks, the responsible about encoding, submission,
returning and endorsing of report, Date & Time of when the report has been Encoded, Submitted,
Returned, or Endorsed.

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4.3.3 How to Archive Report?

Click this
button to

After the user clicked the “Archived” button you will see a confirmation message. (Refer to the image

Click “OK”
to archive

The image below shows that report has been stored in archive.

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4.4 Where can I found the Archive Report (LGU City/Municipality & HUC)?

Step 1. To view the archived report, Click on the “Search” button.

Step 2. After the user clicked the “Search” button the page will display all the archived report(s) (Refer to
the image below)

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- View. Click this button to see the report details.
- Restore. Click this button to restore report.
- Details. Click this button to view archiving details. (refer to the image below)

- Delete. Click this button to permanently delete the report from the database.

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4.5 Action Buttons

4.6 Show Input Form (Encode Plan Form)

- Click the “Input Form” to show the Encode Plan Form.

4.7 Encode Plan Form

- This image shows the manual input form of GAD Plan and Budget.

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- Input data on the required fields.
- Optional Fields (Supporting Statistics Data & Source of Supporting Statistics Data).
- After filled out all the required fields, Click “Save” Button.
- Click “Hide” button to hide the Input Form.
4.8 Upload Plan and Budget through Excel

Click “Upload Plan & Budget (excel)” to

Display image below.

Step 1. Click the Green button “Download Excel Template”.

Step 2. Open the downloaded template.


1. Do not create merge cells.

2. Do not change the template.
3. Do not leave blank cells on the required columns.
4. Read the column header carefully.
5. You can view the sample inputted details on “SAMPLE DATA SHEET”.

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Step 3. Input details

4.8.1 Encoding of GPB (Excel)

This is what the template excel version looks like. After downloading this excel file, you may now start
encoding your Plan and Budget and/or Accomplishment Report.

Column 1: Input “1” if the project is Client Focused and “2” for Organization Focused.

Column 2: Input “1” if the project addresses gender issue and “2” if GAD Mandate.

Column 3: Input the title of the proposed project.

Column 4: Supporting Statistics Data - Input supporting statistics data (if there are any) if there are none,
just input “N/A” on the excel file.

Column 5: Source - Indicate the source of the statistics data.

Column 6: Tag at least one PPA Sector

Column 7: GAD Objective - Indicate the objective of the Project

Column 8: Relevant LGU Program and its target

Column 9: Activity Category - In this column, please refer to “Instruction” sheet for the category

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This is what the template excel version looks like. After downloading this excel file, you may now start
encoding your Plan and Budget and/or Accomplishment Report.

Column 10: Indicate the GAD activity (1 activity per row)

Column 11: Performance Indicator and Target

Column 12: Target Date of Implementation (Start) - Note: follow the prescribed date format (YYYY-

Column 13: Target date of Implementation (End) - Note: follow the prescribed date format (YYYY-MM-

Column 14: GAD Budget

Column 15: Lead or responsible Office

For encoding in the Excel version of the template, please be reminded of these that can cause error in the
uploading of the file.

• Never modify the excel file (add/rename/delete rows)

• Never merge cells (1 project 1 row)

• Follow the instruction of the excel template.

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Note: Please refer to the “Sample data sheet” sheet for your reference.

This excel file also has also 3 sheets. Which are the “Actual Data Sheet” which is the main sheet where
you encode your Plan. Next is the “Sample Data Sheet” where you can find a completed and filled up
template this sheet is for your reference on the encoding in the excel version of template.

And the last sheet is the “Instruction Sheet” where you will find the category that you will be inputting in
the “Activity Category” column.

After filling up the excel template, you can now upload it and check if there is no error/s.

If there is error, check your data and validate it.

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Step 4. Upload Excel
Step 5. Click color blue button “Browse” to select excel file from your computer,
Step 6. Select the Excel file from your computer and Click “Open” Button.

NOTE: You can drag the Excel file from your computer direct into the Box “Drag & Drop Files here…”

Step 7. The image below will show after you selected the Excel file from your computer.

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Step 6. Click “Preview” Button to display image below.

NOTE: as you can see there are blank cells which can affect the uploading process.

- If you will save the excel data (using Save Excel Data Button) with blank cells this what will
happen. (image below)

Step 7. Click “Reset Button” if this error occurred and update your GAD plan and budget Excel and fill
out the blank cells.

NOTE: This type of error message only occurred to all required columns of GAD plan & budget excel

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Step 8. Click Reset Button
Step 8. Repeat Step 4 to 6 to upload the updated GAD Plan and Budget Excel.

- Excel data with no blank cells.

Step 9. Click the “Save Excel Data” button.

Note: If your excel data is successfully uploaded you will see this green remarks on top of the Web Page.

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4.9 Upload GPB Attributed Programs through Excel

Click “Upload Attributed Programs

(excel)” to Display image below.

Step 1. Click the Green button “Download Excel Template”.

Step 2. Open the downloaded template.


6. Do not create merge cells.

7. Do not change the template.
8. Do not leave blank cells on the required columns.
9. Read the column header carefully.
10. You can view the sample inputted details on “SAMPLE DATA SHEET”.

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4.9.1 Screenshot of Attributed Program Excel Template

Step 3. Start input details on “START HERE” under the “ACTUAL DATA SHEET”

4.9.2 Screenshot of Attributed Program Excel Template (SAMPLE INPUTTED VALUE)

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Step 4. Upload Excel
Step 5. Click color blue button “Browse” to select excel file from your computer,
Step 6. Select the Excel file from your computer and Click “Open” Button.

NOTE: You can drag the Excel file from your computer direct into the Box “Drag & Drop Files here…”

Step 7. The image below will show after you selected excel file from your computer.

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Step 8. Click “Preview” Button to display image below.

NOTE: As you can see there are blank cells which will affect the uploading process. (Refer to the cells
with red border box)

NOTE: If you will save the excel data (using Save Excel Data Button) with blank cells this what will
happen. (Image below)

Step 9. Click “Reset Button” if this error occurred and update your Attributed Program Excel and fill out
the blank cells.

NOTE: This type of error message only occurred to all required columns of Attributed excel template.
Step 10. Click Reset Button
Step 11. Repeat Step 4 to 6 to upload the updated Attributed Program Excel.

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- Excel data with no blank cells.

Step 9. Click the “Save Excel Data” button.

Note: If your excel data is successfully uploaded you will see this green remarks on top of the Web Page.

4.10 Delete All Rows

4.10.1 Client / Org. Focused

Click “OK” to delete all rows of

client/org. focused.

4.10.2 Attributed Program Rows

Click “OK” to delete all rows of attributed


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4.11 Attributed Program (Input Form)
Step 1. Click this “Encode” button to show the attributed program input form (image below).

4.11.1 Attributed Program Input Form (sample inputted details)

Step 2. Fill-out all required fields.
Step 3. Click “Save” button.
Step 4. Click “Upload File(s) Now”.

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4.12 How to Update Inputted/Uploaded Data (Specific Cell)?
Step 1. Place your mouse pointer on the cell you want to update.

Step 2. Click “Select” to appear the “Edit Button” (refer to the image below).

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Step 3. Click this button to edit details. (Refer to the image below)

Step 4. Input data into the box.

Step 5. Click “Update” button to apply changes.

4.13 How to Update Other Details of Report?

Step 1. Click “Other details” button.

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4.13.1 Other Details Form
Step 2. Encode updated data.
Step 3. Click “Update” button to apply changes.

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4.14 How to Attach Files per Row?
Step 1. Click “Other details” button.


4.14.1 File attachment form

Step 2. Click “Choose Files” button.
Step 3. Select File to be uploaded.
Step 4. Click Open.

Note: Remarks is optional.

Step 5. Click “Upload” button to upload file on the specific row.

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4.15 How to View Uploaded File?

4.16 How to upload Project Proposal and HGDG Result?

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4.17 How to Print Report?

Step 1. Click the “Print Preview” button.

Step 2. Click one of the options (Client / Org. Focused, Attributed Program, or the Whole GAD Plan and
Step 3. You will be redirected to other page (refer to the image below).

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Step 4. Click “More settings” for more options (refer to the image below).

Note: if Print Settings does not appear just press “CTRL+P”.

4.17.1 Print Settings.

Step 5. Click Print.

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4.18 How to Attach Accomplishment Report to GPB?

- Click “Attach” button to show the notification below.

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4.20 How to Submit Report?
4.20.1 Prepared by (Chairperson, GFPS) is a required field.

- If you click the “Process” button and this message appear to your screen, it means the
“Chairperson, GFPS TWG” and LCE (Local Chief Executive) has no inputted Name.

Step 1. Go to the bottom of the Page to input the Chairperson and LCE. (Refer to the image below)

Step 2. Click the “Select” to show the edit button.

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Step 3. Input the Name of Chairperson, and Click “Update” button.
Step 4. Same procedures to input the name of LCE.

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4.20.2 Process of Report Submission.

Step 1. Click the “Process” button as image shows below.

NOTE: The “Process” button is hidden by default it will only appear if the “Total GAD Budget” reached
the 5% of the “Total LGU Budget” and GPB has attached “Accomplish Report”.

- Remarks is optional.

Step 2. Select Action

Step 3. Click “OK” to submit the report.

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5.0 How to Create Supplemental Plan and Budget?
Step 1. Click Create > Plan & Budget.

Step 2. Select “Supplemental plan” from Type of Plan

Step 3. After selecting “Supplemental Plan” you will see the image below.

NOTE: You can only create Supplemental Plan if you have Endorsed GPB as image displays below.

- The display if there is no Endorsed GPB.

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- The display if there is available Endorsed GPB.

Step 4. If there is Additional LGU Budget, Select “YES” (refer to the image below).

NOTE: if you select “YES”, the field for “Additional LGU Budget” will be required field. (Refer to the
image below).

NOTE: if you select “NO”, the field for “Additional LGU Budget” will be hidden (Refer to the image

Step 5. Click “Select” button on the Endorsed GPB that you want to create Supplemental Plan. (Refer to
the image below)

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Step 6. Click “Save” button.

NOTE: If you have selected “YES” and inputted “Additional LGU Budget” on the Step 4, the “Additional
LGU Budget” will become the “Total LGU Budget”. (Refer to the image below)

NOTE: If you have selected “NO” on Step 4, the “Total LGU Budget” of the selected “Endorsed GPB”
will be the “TOTAL LGU Budget” and the “Total GAD Budget” of the selected “Endorsed GPB” will be
added to the “Supplemental GAD Budget”. (Refer to the image below).

Step 7. Start inputting details of the Supplemental Plan (same process of inputting details just refer to
Page 14 > 4.3 Action Buttons)

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6.0 How to Create For Revision Plan?

Step 1. Select “For Revision Plan” from Type of Plan field.

Step 2. Same as supplemental plan creating procedures, there must be an “Endorsed Plan”. (Refer to the
image below)

Step 3. Click “Select Button”.

Step 4. Click “Save” button to proceed on creating For Revision Plan.
Step 5. The system will COPY the content of the Selected Endorsed Plan.
Step 6. Start the process of creating Revised Plan.

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Step 7. Place you mouse pointer on the cell you want to change / revise the details and.
Step 8. Click the “Select”.

Click this
button to appear
the Edit Box.

Input the
updated details

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Step 9. After inputted the details. Click “Update” button to apply changes.
Step 10. Refresh the page to see changes. (Refer to the image below)

This is the updated

cell value

This is the old

cell value

NOTE: The old values will be displayed on the cell for reviewing purposes.

Step 11. After revising the plan, Click “Process” button to submit the revised plan to higher level.

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Step 1. Click Create >

Report to start creating

Step 2.
Select Year

Step 3.
Input total

Step 4. Click this

button to proceed
on encoding of

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7.1 Accomplishment Report Encoding Page

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7.2 Primary Information (Accomplishment Report)

Budget Details
LGU Station details

7.2.1 How to Update Primary Details (Year and Total LGU Budget) of Accomplishment

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7.3 Actions Button (Accomplishment Report)

7.4 Encode Accomplishment Report

If the Input Form

is hidden, click
this to show the
input form.

Step 1. Select Focused > Select between Client-Focused or Organization-Focused

Step 2. Gender Issue or GAD Mandate > Select between Gender Issue or GAD Mandate

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Step 3. Title / Description of Gender Issue or GAD Mandate > Input the title or description of gender
issue / GAD mandate.
Step 4. Supporting Statistics Data > input details about supporting statistics data about the gender issue or
GAD mandate.
Step 5. Source of Supporting Statistics Data > to validate the supporting statistics data, you must input the
source of it.
Step 6. Tag PPA Sectors > Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Environmental, and Institutional.
Step 7. Input details about GAD Objective
Step 8. Input details about Relevant LGU PPA
Step 9. Tag at least 1(one) from Activity Categories
Step 10. Input details about GAD Activity
Step 11. Input details about Performance Indicator and Target.
Step 12. Input details about Actual Results.
Step 13. Input Approved GAD Budget
Step 14. Input Actual Cost or Expenditure.
Step 15. Input Variance or Remarks
Step 16. Click Save button.
Step 17. The inputted data will be displayed on Tabular Report (refer to the image below).

7.5 Accomplishment Tabular Report (Edit Cell Value)

Step 1. Place your mouse pointer on the cell you want to change the value.
Step 2. Click the “Select”.
Step 3. Click the Edit button to show the Text box (Refer to the image below).

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Step 4. Input the value on the white box
and Click Update button to apply

Click Close to cancel.

NOTE: To apply changes on Total GAD Expenditure, refresh the page.

7.6 Accomplishment Tabular Report (Other Details)

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