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Program List

1. Display message and current date and time using label control.

2. Display the message in label using the name typed in textbox.

3. Perform Arithmetic operation.

4. Perform following numeric operation according to user selection of radio button

APMS, Anand. Page 1

Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

5. Perform following string operation according to user selection of radio button.

6. Load image according to selection of image

7. Show month.

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

8. Display information using label control

9. When user click on update button greeting card is generated as show on left side of the page

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

10. Mark sheet

11. Required Field Validation

12. Range validation

13. Compare Validation

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

14. Regular Expression Validation

15. Customer Validation

16. Using all validation control

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

17. File Upload Control

18. Create date picker control using button and calendar control for selecting date

19. Send the information from one page to another page


20. Create a web page using AdRotator control with the help of XML file.

21. Master Page with menu control and control place holder

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

22. Login form with database connection.

23. Sign up form with database connection.

24. Customer entry form with database connection.

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

25. Employee information with database connection.

26. Client Master information with database connection.

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

27. Show employee Department wise Report.

28. Show employee detail in detail view.

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Practice List ASP.NET (US06CBCA04)

29. Filter mobile.

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