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by: Ahito, Plazos, Tolentino, Gahum, Llesis

Farming is an ancient art. Agricultural folklore has persisted over the decades
as an industry that has existed for thousands of years and is still practiced by many
in the sector today. We've compiled a list of 10 farming superstitions you should be
aware of:

Superstitions Explanation Is there a reason to

believe it or not?
1. Eating in a field During the harvest There’s no reason to
season, every farmer is believe it since eating in
used to eating a few the agricultural area is a
sandwiches and drinking bad habit and I think it
a cup of tea on top of a can affect your plants
stack. But, according to because there’s a
legendif you don't leave a tendency that it can
few crumbs behind, you'll attract pests and insects.
have bad luck.
2. Selecting Tools Some superstitious There’s no reason to
with Caution farmers believe in dark believe it since it does not
spirits with black magic. affect the plant if we’re
Legend says that these going to use any tool that
types of wood were used comes from any origin
by witches for their since it has no connection
brooms and wand. to its development.
3. Avoid The 13th Because the number 13 is There’s no reason to
widely seen as bad, it's no believe it since there’s no
wonder that many scientific basis for it that if
agricultural laborers you plant during the
attempt to avoid working 13thday of the month it is
in the fields on the 13th of not good for everybody.
the month.
4. Plant during According to superstition, I think there’s a reason to
Moonlight the moon can predict the believe it. For best
health of your harvest. immunity, wound healing,
Planting at the wrong time regeneration, and
can curse your harvest. growth, most plants
appear to require regular
exposure to moonlight at
least for a week or so
around the full moon.
5. Do not water Plants may face a shock of I think there’s a reason to
your plants while sudden moisture believe it since water
full sun imbalance in their evaporates quickly due to
system. the hot sun and plants are
unable to make full use of
6. Always join So, you will have an Somehow I believe in this
fiesta abundance of crops and because some citizens
be blessed by the lord. came from the province
and we all know fiesta is a
religious festival, that's
why they want to bless
what they planted.
7. Plant North to Before you start tilling or I think there’s no harm in
South plowing, be sure to believing this and for
confirm in what direction me,I believe that the ideal
you’ll be pointing your method to orient garden
tractor to create the best rows is north to south.
possible fortune. This provides the most
exposure to the light
while also allowing for
plenty of air circulation.
The rows of crops planted
east to west tend to shade
one another.
8. Leave Lone Trees Folklore says trimming or There’s nothing wrong to
Alone cutting down a tree that believe any of these
stands alone in a field, superstitions and for this,
especially a hawthorn I think I believe in it since
tree, can anger the sprite the reason for saving a
that resides within its singular tree is most
trunk and bring you bad likely pretty simple; the
luck. tree provided shade.
9. Keep Digging Farmers will be the first to I think there’s no harm in
Tools Outside inform you that bringing a putting back your tools
shovel or other inside your house since it
excavating equipment is the proper way of
into the house is unlucky. keeping our tools and
Keep those tools outside, equipment so that it will
or you may end up last longer and it is clear
digging your pit of bad that there’s no scientific
luck. basis to believe in it.
10. Don’t Mix If you ever use a farming Just like other
Corpses and machinery to dig a grave, superstition, there is no
Crops it should never be again reason to believe in it.
be used on your The rotting of crops is
agricultural work because probably caused by the
it will plague your crops old and decaying
and cause them to rot. agricultural equipment
used in digging land for
crop planting.

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