Taking Table Reservation Script

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Waiter: Good Morning. Thank you for Calling AITE Restaurant This is _________ (State your Name). How
may I help you?
Guests: I would like to make a table reservation for 2.
Waiter: Definitely I can help you with that reservation. May I have your Name and contact details please.
Guests: My name __________ (state you Name) and my contact details is 0912__________.
Waiter: (State the name of Client.) Me I know When do you want me to arrange your reservations?
Guests: I want it tomorrow evening.
Waiter: Absolutely, what time you expected to arrive?
Guests: Around 7 o’clock in the evening.
Waiter: Excuse me Ms/Mr._________________________Do you have any special request that would you
like to arrange?
Example of Special Needs or Request:
Smoking or Non-smoking area/ By the window/ By the door/ High chair for Infants/ Birthday
or Anniversary cake/ etc.

Guests: I would to request for a Bouquet of Rose.

Waiter: Thank you Maam.
Waiter: How would you like to settle your bill? Is it on Cash or through credit card?
Guests: I’ll pay in cash.
Example of Common methods in which customers can settle accounts: Cash/Credit
In selected situations, guests may settle their accounts by:
 Charging to the room
 Charging a house account. These are used for functions or corporate events.
 Presenting voucher for nominated amounts and/ or item/services.
 Paying by cheque.
Waiter: Excuse me Ms/Mr. ___________. Me I repeat your reservations. You reserved a table for 2 on
February 5, 2021 at around 7 o clock in the evening and you’re your special request you want a Bouquet of
Roses. Did I get your reservations right Maam.
Guests: Yes, that is correct.
Waiter: Is there anything else that could help you?
Guests: No.
Waiter: If there anything else, don’t hesitate to call us. Thank you Ms./Mr.___________for calling AITE
Restaurant have a nice day.

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