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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 3

1.1. Background of the Study ...................................................................................3
1.2. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................5
1.3. Purpose of the Study......................................................................................... 5
1.4. Scope of the Study ........................................................................................... 5
1.5. The Significance of Study .................................................................................5
1.6. Definition of Key terms ................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...................................... .... 7

2.1. Learning Motivation ........................................................................................ 7
2.1.1. Definition of Learning Motivation ................................................... 7
2.1.2. Types of Learning Motivation .......................................................... 8
2.1.3. Function of Learning Motivation ...................................................... 9
2.1.4. Factors Affect Learning Motivation ................................................. 10

2.2. Reading .............................................................................................................11

2.2.1. The Definition of Reading ................................................................ 11
2.2.2. Reading Comprehension ................................................................... 12
2.2.3. The Importance of Reading .............................................................. 13
2.2.4. The Ways of Reading ....................................................................... 14
2.2.5. The Purpose of Reading ................................................................... 15
2.2.6. The Factors Influencing Reading ..................................................... 16

2.3. Previous Studies .............................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .........................................................................19

3.1. Research Method ............................................................................................ 19
3.2. Population and Sample ................................................................................... 19
3.2.1. Population ........................................................................................ 19
3.2.2. Sample ............................................................................................. 20
3.3. Data Collection Procedure .............................................................................. 20
3.4. Research Instruments ...................................................................................... 21
3.5. Data Analysis .................................................................................................. 22

References ......................................................................................................................... 25


This chapter presented the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose
of the study, scope of the study, significance of study, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

English is one of the languages in the world and many people use English as a
language of communication interact and communicate. As one of the international languages
in the world, it is also used in education, business, government, and social situations.
Furthermore, English as an international language has played a role in education in Indonesia.
As a subject in junior high school, high school, or university. The aim of learning English is
to prepare students to be able to communicate in English effectively. Involving four language
skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

English can be a learning motivation for students because English is a language that is
widely used in global communication. Nashar (2004:11), mengatakan bahwa motivasi belajar
yang dimiliki siswa siswi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran memiliki peran untuk meningkatkan
hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran tertentu. Siswa siswa tersebut akan memahami apa
yang mereka pelajari dan kuasai serta tersimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Proficiency
in English can open up wider job and career opportunities for students, so students can feel
more motivated to learn English. For example, students who speak English well may find
better jobs, enter study abroad programs, or communicate effectively with foreigners. Thus,
English language skills will help students increase their learning motivation and provide
wider opportunities for them in the world of education.

English has an important role in students' learning motivation. Learning motivation is

a factor that can influence students' desire to learn and achieve achievement in learning. Good
English skills will help students understand the subject matter taught in English so they will
be more motivated to learn.

Siswa yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dalam belajar akan memperoleh hasil belajar
yang tinggi, artinya semakin tinggi motivasinya maka semakin besar usaha dan upaya yang
dilakukan, maka semakin tinggi hasil belajar yang diperolehnya. Siswa melakukan berbagai
upaya atau usaha untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan dalam belajar sehingga mencapai
keberhasilan yang cukup memuaskan sebagaimana apa yang telah diharapkan. Di samping

itu, motivasi juga menopang upaya upaya dan menjaga agar proses belajar siswa tetap jalan.
Hal ini menjadikan siswa lebih gigih dalam belajar.

Motivasi merupakan faktor dominan yang mendorong siswa untuk melakukan

kegiatan yang mereka inginkan. Dalam belejar mengajar, motivasi faktor yang sangat
penting, karena dengan adanya motivasi dapat menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa. Bagi siswa
yang memiliki motivasi yang kuat akan mempunyai energi untuk melaksanakan kegiatan
belajar. Sehingga siswa memiliki intelegensi yang cukup tinggi menjadi gagal karena sebab
motivasinya lemah,karena hasil belajar akan optimal apabila terdapat motivasi yang tinggi.
Apabila siswa mengalami kegagalan dalam belajar, hal tersebut bukan karena kesalahan
siswa akan tetapi mungkin guru gagal memberikan motivasi yang mampu membangkitkan
semangat belajar pada mata pelajaran tertentu.

English also has an important role in students' reading ability. The ability to read is
one of the basic abilities that must be possessed by every student because this ability will
affect students' ability to understand and capture the information contained in the text. The
ability to read in English will help students understand texts in English and develop their
critical and analytical thinking skills. Burt, Peyton, and Adam (2003), menyatakan bahwa
belejar membaca itu penting karena membantu orang belajar bahasa baru, membantu orang
membangun kosa kata yang lebih baik, membantu orang lebih nyaman dengan bahasa inggris
tertulis, dapat membantu orang untuk belajar bahasa inggris.

Salah satu skill yang paling banyak digunakan oleh siswa adalah reading skill.
Reading merupakan aktivitias untuk melihat berbagai simbol tertulis dan memperoleh makna
dari simbol-simbol tertulis tersebut. Ketika siswa membaca, mereka menggunakan mata
mereka untuk melihat simbol-simbol tertulis kemudian menggunakan otak mereka untuk
mengkonversi atau mengubahnya menjadi kata, kalimat, dan paragraf yang dapat
menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain. Aktivitas ini sering terjadi dan dilakukan oleh
siswa dan siswi baik di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah.

Membaca dalam bahasa inggris merupakan sebuah aktivitas yang dirasa cukup sulit
oleh kebanyakan siswa. Walaupun di Indonesia pembelajaran bahasa inggris sudah di lakukan
di semua tingkatan, namun membaca bahasa inggris masih menjadi sebuah masalah yang
cukup serius. Dikarenakan membaca bahasa inggris tidak hanya memerlukan kosa kata yang
banyak namun juga strategi yang tepat agar tercapai sebuah pemahaman yang baik. Herlina
(2016), mengatakan bahwa membaca bahasa inggris memerlukan sebuah keterampilan yang

baik. Seseorang tidak akan bisa memahami bacaan dengan baik apabila mereka tidak
memiliki kemampuan membaca dengan baik.

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, khususnya membaca masih merupakan pendekatan

pembelajaran yang terpusat pada guru dan telah menjadi kebiasaan dalam waktu yang lama.
Dimana siswa hanya diberikan kesempatakan untuk mendengarkan apa yang disampaikan
oleh guru, mengikuti contoh, mengerjakan soal soal latihan tanpa terlibat dalam
mengkonstruksi pesan yang terkandung dalam bacaan

In addition, the ability to read in English will also help students improve other English
skills such as listening, speaking, and writing. Thus, the ability to read in English will help
students understand the subject matter taught in English and improve their overall English

The results of the researchers' observations when visiting students’ 8 th grade at SMPN
18 Mataram were that the English teacher in teaching English material was still textual,
meaning that the teacher was still focused on existing reading material without paying
attention to students' ability to understand the material presented, especially on students'
mastery of English reading skills. So that it appears that only a few students are motivated to
participate in the ongoing learning process, this will certainly have an impact on the learning
outcomes that will be obtained by students.

Menurut pengamatan di kelas 8 SMPN 18 Mataram dan informasi dari guru kelas
berkaitan dengan motivasi belajar siswa. Masih banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan
belajar, terlihat dari adanya siswa siswa yang enngan belajar, tidak bersemangat dalam
menerima pelajaran di kelas bahkan memilih untuk keluar kelas sehingga tidak mengikuti
pelajaran. Selain itu, faktor eksternal yang membuat siswa memiliki motivasi yang rendah
dikarenakan siswa tidak mendapatkan motivasi yang diberikan oleh teman sebayanya.
Sedangkan faktor internal yang membuat siswa memiliki motivasi yang rendah karena siswa
masih sulit dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh gurunya, sehingga hal itu
membuat siswa menjadi tidak termotivasi untuk mempelajari materi yang disampaikan oleh
gurunya, kemudian siswa lebih banyak mengalokasikan waktu bermainnya dibanding dengan
waktu belajarnya di sekolah.

Phenomena that occur generally in junior high school students where not all students
can fulfill and fit as expected. Many students want to get good grades. However, they do not

fully have the drive or motivation to get achievement in learning. Many students experience
difficulties in carrying out the learning process which results in low student motivation in
these students. The problem of having different levels of ability and self-concept among
students from one is also one of the reasons why the learning motivation of grade 8 students
is also different.

The learning achievement of some grade 8 students of SMPN 18 Mataram also tends
to be low or not good. This can be seen from the existence of several student scores that are
below the KKM. In addition to students whose grades were not good, there were students
whose grades were good. Students with good academic grades certainly have the motivation
to learn within themselves. This motivation arises because students feel happy and excited to
be able to continue their studies to the junior high school level. The spirit of the students can
spur students to study harder.

Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil observasi di kelas 8 SMPN 18 Mataram berkatian dengan
kemampuan membaca siswa siswi, bahwa siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam
memahami bacaan bahasa inggris. Salah satu penyebab mereka mengalami kesulitan bahasa
inggris adalah kurangnya minat membaca dalam bahasa inggris.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher is focused on the investigating

students’ learning motivation and their reading performance. This is what is interesting for
researchers to conduct research with the title “Students' learning motivation and their reading
performance at SMPN 18 Mataram in the academic year 2022/2023”.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted with the aim to answer these questions:

a. How does English affect students' learning motivation and their reading performance?
b. What factors influence students’ learning motivation and their reading performance?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the above problem, therefore the purpose of this study is stated as follows:

a. To find out how English affects students' learning motivation and their reading

b. To identify what factors influence student’ learning motivation and their reading

1.4 Scope of the Study

The target of this study is to investigate and analyze the students’ learning motivation
and their reading performance at SMPN 18 Mataram in the Academic year 2022/2023. The
study will be focused on the analyzing of learning motivation and the reading performance
experienced by the students.

1.5 The Significance of Study

After conducting this study, the significance of this study is expected useful to:

a. The Teacher

The teacher can gain a better understanding of what are the factors that can influence
students' learning motivation and reading performance. The teacher can gain a better
understanding of the most effective teaching methods and approaches to improve student
learning and achievement.

b. The Reader

This research is expected to be able to provide readers with information relating to

students’ learning motivation and their reading performance and also to be used as an
additional reference that has the same concern in finding out the student’s learning motivation
and their reading performance for the next researcher.

1.6 Definition of Key terms

a. Learning

Abdurrahman (1999), learning is influenced by intelligence and mastery of children

through learning and teaching receive the child’s ability by learning activities. It can be
concluded that learning is a process carried out by individuals to get a new behavior change
as a whole as an achievement of the individual's own experience during the process of
interaction and learning in the school environment.

b. Motivation

Gardner (1985), for a learner to be motivated, he needs to have something to look

forward to, a purpose related to goal or objective. From the statement above, motivation is a
something which pushes someone to reach the goal whether in education or in any other field.
Rehman and Haider (2013) stated that motivation is a key factor in the learning and
achievement of students for all levels of education. It can be concluded that motivation has a
very important role in the success of language learning and students who have the motivation
to learn English can affect the success in their learning process.

c. Reading

Rohim (2010), the ability to understand and use those written language form required
by society and or balue by the individual. It is defines as the interpretation of the meaning of
printed symbol. They further stipulate that a person does not drive meaning from the page
(Nuttal, 1982:42).

d. Performance
According to Kane, performance is defined at the level of each individual within the
organization or at organization level. It is perceived as an understanding of the achieved


This chapter explains the definiton of the subjects in this study which are related to
students’ learning motivation and their eading performance.

2.1. Learning Motivation

2.1.1. Definition of learning motivation

Rehman and Haider (2013), define that motivation is a key factor in learning and
student achievement at all school levels and the role of teachers and parents is important to
motivate students. It means that learning motivation is very important in the student learning
process so that students can achieve maximum results in their learning process inside and
outside the classroom. Motivation is very important in learning activities because motivation
encourages enthusiasm for learning and a lack of motivation will weaken the spirit of
learning. Motivation is an influential factor in teaching and learning situations. The success of
a learning process depends on the presence or absence of motivated students. Motivation
encourages students to achieve learning goals. It is important to recognize the fact that
motivating learning is a central element of good teaching. Motivation can be considered as
the overall driving force in students that lead to learning activities (Sadirman, 2012).

Sadirman (2012), states that motivation can be considered as the overall driving force
in students that lead to learning activities. Motivation is an influential factor in teaching and
learning situations. The success of a learning process depends on the presence or absence of
motivated students. Motivation encourages students to achieve learning goals. It is important
to recognize the fact that motivating learning is a central element of good teaching

Motivation is very important in learning activities. Because motivation fosters

enthusiasm for learning, and vice versa, lack of motivation weakens enthusiasm for learning.
Motivation is an absolute requirement in learning. Students who study without (or lack)
motivation will not succeed optimally. If teachers provide rewards that help measure student
achievement, students are more likely to believe they are capable of success. The
achievement Award is an incentive to motivate students to learn. Intellectual motivation is the
desire to achieve greatness, while the motivation for achievement includes emotional needs,
especially the need for achievement. Based on some definitions above, it means that
Motivation has a role in the student's language learning process.

2.1.2. Types of learning motivation

a. Intrinsic motivation

Hamalik (2007), state that intrinsic motivation is the motivation that lives in students
and is useful in functional learning situations. John W Santrock (2003), says that intrinsic
motivation is the desire from within a person to be competent and to do something for the
sake of the effort itself. Intrinsic motivation is a strong impulse that comes from within a

person (Singgih, 2008). In this case, giving praise or gifts to students is not necessary because
it does not affect students in their learning process. Intrinsic motivation to learn is usually
from a sense of competition within, usually someone learns to have a goal, for example
wanting to be smart, or wanting to be a champion.

In the learning process, students who have intrinsic motivation can be seen from the
. Learning activities are started and continued based on an impulse that is in him and will
be related to his learning. A student feels the need and has a hope to learn so that he can
achieve learning goals, not because he just wants a compliment or reward.

b. Extrinsic motivation

Sardiman (2008), state that extrinsic motivation is active and functioning motives
because of external stimuli. Extrinsic motivation can be said as a form of motivation in the
form of learning activities that are initiated and continued based on external encouragement
which is not absolutely related to learning activities. Extrinsic motivation arises due to the
influence of individual students, it can be in the form of invitations, orders, or coercion from
others so that with these conditions students finally want to learn.

Learning motivation is a need that is internalized by students themselves, although

students play a role in generating that motivation. In extrinsic motivation, there is no or no
outside influence, but what needs that students want to be fulfilled basically can only be met
in other ways.

In the learning process, the role of extrinsic motivation during the teaching and
learning process is in growing passion, feeling, and enthusiasm for learning and encouraging
students to act in achieving learning outcomes.

2.1.3. Function of learning motivation

According to Sardiman (2000:83), there are three functions of learning motivation,

namely as follows:

a. Encourage students to do

Basically, students do not have the desire to learn, because there is something they are
looking for so that student's interest in learning arises. Something that students want to find is

a form of student curiosity about something to be studied. Students usually take an attitude
according to their interest in something. Students have beliefs and convictions about
something they must do to find out about something. This attitude underlies and encourages
students to act in the learning process. So, the motivation that functions as a driver can
influence student attitudes about what must be done in the context of the learning process.

b. Determine the direction of action

Students who have motivation can determine which actions must be taken and which
actions are not. Students who will face an exam in the hope of succeeding, so students will
carry out learning activities and not spend their time playing. Thus, motivation can provide
direction and activities that must be carried out by the formulation of the objectives.

c. Motivating students to take action

Students who have goals in learning are ideals that students want to achieve from the
things they do. There is no activity or something that is done without a purpose because in
that case there may be no certainty in determining which direction to take.

2.1.4. Factors affect learning motivation

According to Dimyati & Mudjiono (2004), the factors that influence student learning
motivation are as follows:

a. Aspirations of students

Learning motivation can be seen in the desire of students since childhood. The
success of achieving this desire fosters a willingness to be active, even in the future, ideals in
life. In terms of emancipation of independence, a satisfied desire can increase the willingness
and enthusiasm for learning. In terms of learning, reinforcement with rewards or punishments
will be able to change desires into wills, and then wills into ideals. Ideas, also called
aspirations, are targets to be achieved. This target setting is not the same for all students. This
target is defined as a goal set in an activity that has meaning for someone. For example, if
someone wants to become a police officer, he must have a strong motivation to learn because
he wants to pursue his dream of becoming a police officer. He will be motivated to study
because of these ideals, and he will think that being a police officer is not easy, he must study
hard and study, so that a learning motivation is formed.

b. Student ability

The desire of a student needs to be accompanied by the student's ability to achieve

that desire. Ability will strengthen students' motivation to carry out developmental tasks. For
example, the desire to be good at reading students needs to be accompanied by the ability to
pronounce words. If students have succeeded in saying a word for word, the student's desire
to be good at reading will be achieved. Thus, this success can encourage students to be
diligent in reading.

c. Student condition

The condition of students includes physical and spiritual which can affect learning
motivation. For example, a student who is sick, hungry, and angry will disrupt the learning
process. On the other hand, healthy and happy students will find it easier to focus on their

d. Student environmental conditions

Students' environmental conditions can be in the form of natural conditions, living

environment, playmates, and life in the community. Students as members of the community
in their environment will be greatly affected by the surrounding environment. If the student's
environment is safe, orderly, and beautiful, students will feel enthusiastic and their learning
motivation is easily strengthened.

e. Dynamic elements in learning

The environment of students in the form of the natural environment, the environment
where they live and playmates can also experience changes. The cultural environment of
students in the form of newspapers, magazines, and films is increasingly reaching students.
All of these environments can dynamically motivate students to learn.

f. The teacher's efforts in teaching students

Teacher learning efforts occur at school and outside school. Learning efforts in
schools include the implementation of discipline, fostering learning discipline at every

opportunity such as the use of time and maintenance of school facilities, fostering students in
an orderly relationship, and fostering students in an orderly school environment.

2.2. Reading

2.2.1. The definition of reading

According Nunan (1989:33), reading is not an invariant skill, that there are different
types of reading skills that correspond to the many different purposes we have for reading.
In the classroom, in students' reading activities, the writer believes that they have many goals,
among others, to graduate from school and equip themselves with the knowledge to continue
their studies regardless of their goals. To achieve this goal, reading comprehension skills are

According to Tarigan (2008), reading is a process that is carried out and used by
readers to get the message that the writer wants to convey through the medium of
words/written language. Reading is a process carried out to hone skills in oral
communication. Reading is a decryption process that the author makes for the reader.

Reading ability is usually obtained through learning in school. This language ability is
a very unique ability that plays an important role in the development of science and as a
means of communication in human life. Someone will get new information, knowledge, and
experience from reading. Whatever can be gained through reading, one can improve one's
soul, sharpen one's eyesight, and broaden one's horizons. Therefore, reading is a necessary
activity for those who want to grow and develop. Therefore, the teacher's role in teaching
reading in schools is very important.

Reading is a complicated thing that involves many things, not just reciting writing,
but also involving visual, thinking, psycholinguistic, and metacognitive activities. As a visual
process, reading is a process of translating written symbols (letters) into spoken words. As a
thinking process, reading includes word recognition activities, literal comprehension,
interpretation, critical reading, and creative understanding.

2.2.2. Reading comprehension

According to Woolley (2011), reading comprehension is the process of making

meaning from text. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of what is described in the
text rather than derive meaning from isolated words or sentences. This statement is also

supported by Horowitz (2014), that reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process in
which the reader must also be deliberate and thoughtful while reading, analyzing words and
their meanings while the reading process is in progress. So, not only read the text but get the
meaning and be able to compose sentences.

Reading comprehension is most likely to occur when students read what they want to
read or at least when they see a good reason to read. Common sense suggests that people
reading by continuously moving their eyes across the page identify groups of letters as words
and then add words to words to form phrases, groups, and sentences that can be translated for
meaning (Simanjuntak, 1997:4).

Tarigan (2015: 7), reading is a process carried out and used by readers to obtain
messages, which are to be conveyed by the author through the medium of words/written
language. Meanwhile, according to Rahim (2008: 2), reading is essentially a complex thing
that involves many things, not just reciting writing, but also involving visual, thinking,
psycholinguistic and metacognitive activities.

Reading comprehension is reading with comprehension or reading silently. The

purpose of this understanding is to get information, understand and draw something from the
text. The main purpose of reading comprehension is to improve students' ability to understand
English as it is used in written material.

Based on some of the statements above, the researcher came to the conclusion that
reading comprehension is the reader's ability to read the text, understand the meaning, and
use the information obtained with the help of text symbols, at any level of concentration.

2.2.3. The importance of reading

Reading is one of the important aspects for students, especially in English. From
reading, students can get a lot of information and knowledge. Ramelan (1990: 1), reading is a
good activity for students, reading is also important and much needed because their learning
success largely depends on the extent of their reading ability. In other words, students must
have good reading skills because if their reading skills are low, they will have difficulty
learning in class and outside the classroom.

If students' reading skills are poor, they will most likely fail in the learning process, or
at least they will have difficulty making progress. On the other hand, if students have good
and effective reading skills, then students will have a better chance of learning at school.
Ramelan also believes that after studying at school, reading will be very beneficial for
students, by reading a lot of literary works in various subjects their minds will develop more
maturity. With more reading means more knowledge to be gained. From the explanation
above the reader can know the importance of reading, students at school, and after they
graduate from school.

Widiyanto (1995:62) says that there are some points in the impotence of reading as a
way to successfully study. They are:

a. Reading is the most full learning resource.

b. Reading is the cheapest learning resource
c. Reading is the easiest learning resource.
d. Reading is the most speed learning resource.

Reading will expand our knowledge and give students more vocabulary and
information. Reading is important not only for students but also for humans and teachers. By
reading a book or something else, we can explore our ideas and learn new information.

2.2.4. The ways of reading

According to Grellet (1984:4) the ways of reading are as follow :

a. Skimming
Skimming is reading quickly by running one’s eyes over a text to get the gist of it.
There are some activities in skimming. They are comparing values, finding and comparing
events, selecting a title, drawing inferences, deciding the question, and creating the title.

b. Scanning

Scanning is reading quickly through a text to find a particular piece of information.

There are some activities in scanning. They find new words for old ones, locate grammar
features, find a specified advertisement, compare details, check dates, and shopping lists, and
make word sets, and newspaper headlines.

c. Extensive reading

Extensive reading is reading a longer text, usually for one's enjoyment. There are
several activities in extensive reading such as keeping notes and wall charts, summarizing,
and pointing out difficulties. The benefits of extensive reading or speed reading are to
understand the contents of the book in a short time even if you only know the outline and to
find the contents of the text in a short time.

d. Intensive reading

Intensive reading is reading short texts to extract specific information. In intensive

reading, several activities were found such as matching nouns and verbs, separating
sentences, combining sentences, making summaries, recording paragraphs, filling in gaps,
completing tables and graphs, taking sides in reading and choosing, selecting summaries,
comparing versions, identifying facts, focusing on shape and style. The purpose of intensive
reading is to develop reading skills in detail by emphasizing students to be the ability to
understand with understanding words, sentences, vocabulary development and also
understanding the overall content of the discourse.

2.2.5. The purpose of reading

Grabe (2009), state that the purpose of reading are to search for information, for quick
understanding, to learn, to integrate information, to evaluate, critique, and use information,
for general comprehension. Each individual has their own reasons to read about what they
need. Reading is nothing but a step to get facts, and ideas, to know science/stories, to be able
to conclude what is read, to be able to group or classify, to be able to assess/evaluate, and to
be able to compare or contrast (Tarigan, 1985).

According to Alderson (1984:35), there are some purposes for reading, those are:

a. Reading for details or fact

The students read the text to get or know what has been done by the writer or solve
the problems of the writer.

b. Reading for the sequence or organization

The students read the text to know “what is happening in each part of the passage in
every episode and solve the problems of the text”.

c. Reading for the main idea

The students read the text or book to know “why the topic is good or interesting, then
the problems on the passage, and make summaries of the passage.

d. Reading for inference

The students read the text to find out the conclusion from the actions or ideas in the

e. Reading to classify

The students read the text to classify some information or action of the writer in the
text or paragraph.

f. Reading for compare or contrast

The students read the compare the plot of the text or content whether having
similarity with the reader or even contrast.

From the statement above, the researcher concludes that the purpose of reading is to
find out the meaning of the text or the meaning of the stories we read, seek information, and
find out what other people will do.

2.2.6. The factors influencing reading

According to Sundari In Dawson and Bamman (1967:221-223), the factors that can
influence reading comprehension are:

a. Intelligence

The quality of comprehension is often related to the ability of the students. It means
that the cleverest students can understand the idea more than the stupid one.

b. Experience

Teaching comprehension skills are concerned with providing the experience for the
students through the books that they respond to. The students who are limited in
experience will get difficulties than others who have more familiar material.

c. Mechanic of reading

The students will comprehend the text more easily if they have a good vocabulary and
structure mastery. If they have learned to study the books properly, if they have read
from the left to right on line print quickly by understanding the text, comprehension is
easier for them.

d. Interest and interest span

A person gives responds to a book quickly if they have a purpose to read and finally,
they will be motivated to read. A person can understand what they have read have
they are interested in reading a book.

e. Skill Comprehension

Like all skills in reading, the ability to comprehend what we read develops gradually
from a simple to complex. The balanced program should include direct teaching of

2.3. Previous Studies.

The first research was conducted by Veronika with her title “tingkat motivasi belajar
siswa (studi deskriptif pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 18 Surakarta tahun ajaran
2016/2017 dan implikasinya terhadap usulan topik-topik bimbingan belajar). The results of
this study indicate that students' learning motivation tends to be high but needs to be
developed so that it can be more optimal. In addition, several students were identified as
having moderate learning motivation due to the following: a) students were bored reading
textbooks for a long time, b) students were afraid to express their opinions in public, c)

students tried to get good grades to get gifts from their parents, d) Students actively
participate in tutoring outside of school to better master the subject matter, and e) Students
become bored with studying if their parents always demand to get good grades. Meanwhile,
the identified students have low learning motivation because they have less concentration
when studying in a crowded place.

The second research was conducted by Kasmirah with the title "descriptive study of
students' motivation to learn english at Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar high school in the
academic year 2017/2018". The population in this study were students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, totaling 42 students consisting of three classes. Researchers
only use a questionnaire as a research instrument. The researcher concludes that students'
motivation in learning English from an instrumental perspective is in the medium category.
23 (55%) students in the very high category, and 19 (45%) in the high category. This means
that students at SMAN Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar have a high level of motivation to learn

The third research was conducted by Suherman with title “strategies in improving
students’ reading skill: a study at the scond year of faculty of teacher training and education,
University of Mataram academic year 2016/2017”. The researcher used quantitave method
and qualitative method. The population of this research is the second year’s students of
English Education Program at Faculty of Teacher Trainin and Education University of
Mataram in academic year 2016/207. The sample of this study is the IV A class (30 students).
The researcher conclude that only four strategies from six strategies that students used in
improving their reading skill. Metacognitive strategy appeared as the most frequently used
the student with 44% or 16 students from 36 students, followed by cognitive strategy with
32% or 3 students who used this strategy. Two strategies: social strategy and affective
strategy appeared with 0% used, it means none of students was used these strategies in
improving their reading skill.

Based on previous studies above, this research takes on a similar issue to the
previously mentioned researchers by analysing students’ learning motivation and their
reading performance. However, there were differences between this research and previous
research, particularly in its method, sample, and place of research. This research was applied
mixed method as a research method. The sample of this research was the eight grade students
of SMPN 18 Mataram.


This chapter describes the research method, population and sample, data collecting
procedures, and data analysis procedure that was used in this research study.

3.1. Research Design

Based on the characteristics of this research, the researcher used a mixed method for
this study as it is the most appropriate method referring to the purpose of the study. Creswell
(2012), stated that a mixed methods research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing,
and mixing both quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or a series of studies to
understand a research problem. The basic reason for carrying out mixed-method research is to
identify the cause of something that is happening. The research tries to analyze and identify
the existence of the research object focusing on students’ learning motivation and their
reading performance and other related condition corresponding to research questions.

3.2. Population and Sample

3.2.1. Population

According to Avwokeni (2006), population of study as the “set of all participants that
qualify for a study”. Therefore, the population in this study were 8 th grade students of SMPN
18 Mataram in academic year 2022/2023, totaling 30 students. They consist of 15 males and
15 females.

3.2.2. Sample

The researcher will use the purposive sampling technique. The population of the
students at 8th grade is 30 students (1 class). According to Arikunto (2006:134), if the

population of student is less than a hundred, it is better to take all the population as the
sample, but if the number of population is more than a hundred it is suggested to take 10-15%
or 20-25% and more. The researcher chooses 30 students (100% from the population).

3.3. Data Collection Procedure

Below are data collection procedures:

a. Observation

According to Widoyoko (2014: 46), observation is systematic observation and

recording of the elements that appear in a phenomenon on the object of research. This
technique was used to obtain information about the learning motivation and reading ability of
8th grade students of SMPN 18 Mataram. In this case, the researcher observed whatever was
done by the English teacher related to the students' learning motivation and their reading
performance in the classroom. Methods for conducting observations are: (1) researchers
prepare materials for conducting observations such as paper, pen, and camera. (2) The
researcher joins the class. (3) The researcher observed students' learning motivation and their
reading performance in English class.

b. Interview

In this interview section, the questions were given which are related to students’
learning motivation. The interview using the indonesian language to avoid misunderstanding
and less comfortable in the answer the question. Furthermore, the open-ended interview
provide opportunities for both interviewer and interviewee to discuss some topics in more
detail in order to describe points needed.

c. Questionnaire

In this questionnaire, there were 10 items in English and the researcher translated
them orally into Indonesian to make it easier for students to understand and answer the
questions. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 students and students were given 15 minutes
to fill out the questionnaire. There were several answers to be answered by students. These
answers were contained in four categories, they are : i strongly agree, i agree, i disagree, i
strongly disagree. The fourth category is selected to obtain accurate data related to habits

made by students. After students have completed filling out the questionnaire, then the
questionnaire is collected by the researcher.

d. Reading test

The researcher give a reading test to determine students' reading ability. To get
information about student reading activities. One type of test is used by the writer to assess
students' reading performance by conducting a reading test. The reading test sheets were
distributed to 30 students, then students were given 30 minutes and worked at their desks to
complete the reading test. The reading test, test consists of 20 items. Where a, b, c, and d are
alternative choices for each question. After the students finished filling out the reading test
sheets, then the reading test sheets were collected by the researcher.

3.4. Research Instrument

In analysing students learning motivation and reading performance, it devided in 3

activities that used as the research instruments.

a. Interview

According to Sugiyono (2015: 72), an interview is a meeting conducted by two people

to exchange information and ideas by way of question and answer, so that it can be reduced
to a conclusion or meaning on a particular topic. A very important source of data in
qualitative research is the form of humans as a source of information. Interviews are used to
find data from sources. Where the source of information comes from teachers and students.

b. Questionnaire

Questionnaires were used to obtain comprehensive information from sources. This

questionnaire is related to students' learning motivation. The questionnaire sheet was adapted
from the questionnaire from Clement, Dornyei, & Noels (1994). The subjects of research
would be asked to answer the questions to get the data. The questionnaire is a widely useful
instrument for collecting information written (Cohen, 2005).

c. Reading Test

Gronlund (1968), explained that the function of the test is to measure prerequisite
entry skills, determine entry performance on course objectives, provide feedback to students
and teachers about learning progress, determine the cause of repeated learning difficulties and
assign grades at the end of the lesson.

3.5. Data Analysis

According to Prasetyo (2008), data analysis is an advanced method of data processing

that examines how to interpret data and then analyzes the data from the output in the data
processing stage. The researcher employed qualitative and quantitative analysis to analyze the
data in this study.

3.5.1. Kinds of Data

1. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is in the form of numeric data. The data comes from students'
reading scores.

In collecting quantitative data, researchers apply activities namely:

a. The researcher prepare test instruments to be tested

b. The researcher gave tests in the form of multiple-choice questions to students
c. The researcher collect the results of student work after they finish working on it

In order to get the description of the answer given by students, the data were analyzed
by using the formula of percentage correction as follows:

NP =

Where :
NP : The result of English reading
R : The row score of students
SM : The maximum score of the test
(Purwanto, 2019: 102)

The table 3.5.1 students level in learning reading

No Quantitative Score Category

1 80-100 Very Good
2 70-79 High
3 56-69 Average
4 46-55 Low
5 0-45 Very Low
(Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan at FKIP, 2007:50-51)

2. Qualitative Data

a. Questionnaire

The qualitative data were in the form of questionnaire and interview. The qualitative
data asks about the response of the students learning motivation.

In collecting qualitative data, the writer applies the activities, those are:
a. The researcher prepares the questionnaire
b. The researcher asks students to fill in the questionnaire
c. The researcher collects the questionnaire from the students after they finished.

In order to description of the qualitative data, the writer analyzes the data by using the
formula of percentages correction as follow:

P= x 100

P : Percentage
F : Frequency of respondents
N : Number of sample

100 : Constants value
(Sudijono, 2014:43)

b. Interview

1. Transcribing data

The interview between the writer as the interviewer and students as interviewees has
been recorded to help the researcher in gathering data. After that, the researcher transcribed
the recording into written form, which was called data transcription. The data transcription
has the purpose to facilitate the writer in analyzing data.

2. Displaying data

The next step was displaying data. Within this process, the data are classified to make
descriptions and relations between them. Thus, the writer was easier to understand what was
happening in his research.

3. Drawing a conclusion

The last step was drawing and verifying conclusions. The conclusion can be found
after asnwer the research question.


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