Entrepreneurship Meta Model For Ai Based Medical Consultation System

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ISSN : 0973-0087

Rajib Kumar Roy:PhD. Scholar, School of Commerce & Management, Garden City, University,
Bangalore. Mail id: racehorseind@gmail.com / rajib171377@gcu.ac.in
Dr. R. Duraipandian, Professor, Saveetha school of management(SSM), Saveetha Medical and
Technical Sciences University, Chennai Duraipandianr.ssm@saveetha.com

The Need for reliable, on time and quality healthcare service is a basic need for mankind. Ever after
the population is growing and the due to multiple pandemic events, the complexity of the diseases
and related diagnostics are also increasing. It is not possible for human to handle the diversity,
complexity, variance of diseases, diagnostics and related medical / healthcare recommendations
without the adoption of next gen Artificial technologies. This Meta models showcase the usage of
Entrepreneurship model which uses Artificial technologies systems to provide a healthcare solution.
The usage of the model aims to target three aspects of basic needs
o Availability of Medical consultation system
o Reliable Quality of Medical consultations
o Faster access to medical consultation system
Background of the Problem
In 2021 world health Organization forecasted that among the people from the worlds of low and
medium category income, there will be shortfall of 10 million health workers by next 8 years. And
most of these difficulties are due to socioeconomic development, education, adoption of
technologies, employment and deployment of work force.
The need for workforce is commonly increasing. And the common objectives to merge this gap is
through optimizing the over all performance of health workforce/systems, adoption of efficient
health coverage, adopt better policies. Understanding the labor market dynamics to address the need
of education, leadership, motivations & technologies plays critical role to address the increasing need
for good public healthcare system.
The healthcare expenditure in the world ranges from USD 3000 – USD 12 per person per year from
wealthiest to poorest countries as per study. WHO estimated a min USD 44 per person per year
spend is required to cover basic healthcare facilities. The unplanned urban development and usage
of urban, hospitals, manpower and technologies can increase the complexities of providing quality
healthcare facilities to public. The expanse of health is increasing due to recent COVID pandemic
and it’s related complexity of diegeses. And over 100 mn more population will be pushed to poverty
due to increasing expanse of healthcare. In co-relation the mortality rate will also increase.
There are common diseases like STD, Obesity, heart, Neuro, kidney, liver, types of flu are
increasing. Until medical attention on proactive technology systems is developed, it will be
extremely hard for global healthcare industries to address the increasing gap of the need for
healthcare assistance.
The global burden of disease showcases the trend of global disease on population.

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ISSN : 0973-0087

Fig1 : Global Burden of disease

Adoption of Innovation and technology for mankind required to be adopted from the basic level of
healthcare services. Availability of on time healthcare system, consultation, early diseases type
detection and recommendations play the most vital role to decrease the mortality rate.
The contribution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting used in each field of social, industrial and
economical development. The ability of AI can be extremely useful forinterpretfrom unstructured
data, medical imaging analysis, forecasting diseases, predictive analysis, treatment and medicines.
The continuous learning models and algorithms can help building efficient system to predict
impending health issue, forecast upcoming conditions from patient’s medical and diseases historical

Fig 2: Healthcare tops the table on AI adoption

AI can also address the medical system’s effective and efficient performance, communication
barriers,ethical attributes like Privacy, social bias, trust, and regularity concerns like standards,
quality of consultations etc. in 2017 Accenture’s survey shows that healthcare sector tops the chart
on AI technology adoption.

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Fig 3: Healthcare Organizations agree on AI enable process deliver better benefits

Adoption on AI can help makes healthcare process leaner, workflow decision faster, complex
analysis with better precision with better prediction.
Overview &AIM of the Entrepreneurship
The meta model of the entrepreneurship will target to build a system which will having the clear
vision on the problem discussed above. The concept of the business will solve the core target areas of
social needs in healthcare
 Availability on time/efficient/effective medical consultation always seen as a critical issue in
healthcare business. Total no of doctors /healthcare personals against the country population always
pushed the healthcare service to remain in edge of the cliff. This business model will help clearing
the bottleneck on the dependency of physical doctors.
 The quality of health data analysis/diagnostics and approach towards consultation plays most
critical role towards the success of any healthcare system, health of the population. Unfortunately,
hospitals, clinics, healthcare systems are slow towards adopting technology. The technology
adoption in this business model thus helps clearing the bottleneck towards resource utilization and
betterment of services related to early disease analysis and health care.
 In the given model of entrepreneurship, the usage of people, process, technology efficiently
used to ensure our basic/advance medical consultations are technology driven and not “individual
excellence of doctors” driven, “providing faster, easier, and similar quality of services to all
customers available from anywhere”.
 This business model is pure play, Means, this system can be used over the internet, or from
any setup where the voice, speech, vision, image recognitionis implemented and not much
dependency on manual labor. This model can be used for basic to advance medical consultation,
diagnostics and medical recommendations by adopting futuristic system which will be able to
optimize the following aspects
Availability of “Multiple doctors consultation process” and “category of consultation for various
diseases” in parallel
 Parallel Consultation and processing of medical diagnostics
 Parallel consultation on medical recommendations
 Efficiency of medical data collection, storage and computation
 Handling issue of location & time and shortage of doctors
 Similar standard on quality of service to customers
understanding Entrepreneurship Meta model and related Activities
Every business has multiple environmental factors affecting its course & ways of working. The
strategy of the business always depends upon understanding all the factors and it’s positive and/or
negative impacts. Over all business model, it’s goals are ever changing with the market. The business
models are continuously monitored to confirm the sustainability of the business is managed and
controlled with changing market.
Core value of the business value are divided into three parts

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Fig 4: Entrepreneurship Biz model

Business Model: This part is having combination of discovering core business idea & values. In this
phase this will identify the core objectives like providing quality consultation service to end
customers (i.e. patients) an effective and efficient healthcare service which can be accessed from
anywhere, without a bottleneck of waiting, delay etc. This will also define the ways of working, it’s
basic business process. The current business gaps, business benefits, it's market, segments and
related demands in future.

Fig 5: Biz model sub process sections

This part will also define the innovation, design, adoption of technology (example: cloud computing,
distribution/cloud storage, AI based models, access types and the protocols) required to confirm the
benefit to customers and to business growth.
The business cases also understand and calculate the value drivers of investments (capital,
operational, legal), it’s revenue, profitability and related challenges in the business market.
Assess Environment & Risk: In this section the over all business market is scanned/analyzed and
accounted for possible hazard, it’s impact to business a whole and specific nature of business.
Entrepreneurships without having a clear vision on the possible factors (business internal and
external) can run on max. risk of loss and business face value/reputation.

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Fig 6: Biz. Risk assessment

Once the risk factors are identified, the business risk assessments and related risk management plan
formulation takes place to reduce the effect of possible negative impacts from business platforms.
This risk assessment is continuous in nature with a controlled measure.
Business Execution and Growth: This is the actual engine of the business which generate
employment, offer solution in market and generate benefit to business in a sustainability manner. The
major activities lie in creating the strategic plan for business functions and its approach of execution.
The adoption of technology, it’s alignment towards the objective of business functions. The benefit
realization if a business function play major role to contribute the entrepreneurship’s agenda.

Fig 7: Biz. Functional Execution Entities

Working with Business ecosystem Factors
Business environmental factors are the biggest contributors while creating the strategy of the
During the analysis of risk assessment on the platform of business various business external and
internal factors accommodated. These external factors majorly throw opportunity & challenges for
the business. The business internal factors seen as capability building blocks to mitigate the risks
from outside of business. These factors identified specific to the medical AI system-based services.
The major factors identified are below
By analyzing & identifying the business environmental factors, the shaping of the business model
can be achieved. The strategy of the business depends upon how well the business ecosystem has
been understood by the entrepreneurs.
External factors focuses on social, business, competition, demography, and technology adoptions,
while internal factors concentrate on capabilities of leadership and competencies of technology,
maturity on understanding customer need and motivate to serve.

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Table 1 : Accounted Major Business Factors

Understanding the multiple layers of the ai based medical consultation systems
AI based model will aim to adopt technology in the best possible scale to ensure that physical /
manual labor is minimized for diseases analysis, diagnostics and recommendations.
This system will have multiple layers of interactions
1. Patient interactions with medical system
2. Medical system generating diagnostics report
3. Diagnostic reports interacting with medical system
4. Medical system generating recommendations for treatment or further approach for treatment
5. The flow of transactions in between multiple layers (input, hidden and output layer)of AI
Patient Interaction with AI Based Medical system---Level 1
In the level 1, Patient is a user of the system, who uses the use case of taking consultation service
from the AI based medical system. Patient can access the system either online access from any
location (home, hospital, clinic). The application of medical system can be accessed over internet.
The point of interaction should have voice, image, camera, scanner/document reader facilities. Post
patient authentication, AI based medical system will be able to extract data/info either in the form of
image process, vision, data from documents and/or uploaded info.
The Medical system’s algorithm is designed, trained, and modeled for natural language processing,
reading data from various input forms, analyze- process data to identify if the sample data is part of
any specific disease and/or issues related to health or not.
The brief description of the AI medical system is described in later slides to make the understanding
better. We will describe the “ways of working” of the AI based medical system’s model.
In this model, we kept the actual software usage free from the model, because software is a mean of
completing the task. Here we identifying the macro level tasks which need to address during
Post processing the patient data, the system will compute & create diagnostic report to indicate the
prediction and if there is any alignment towards specific health issue. It will also indicate the degree
of severity, criticality of the alignment.

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Fig 8: Patient Interaction with AI Based Medical system---Level 1

Medical Diagnostic report processing flow---Level 2
In the level 2, the AI based system required to provide the recommendation towards the diagnostics
obtained from the system. This procedure actually adopted from the normal real life use case
Once the diagnostics report is executed, the Ai based medical system will use it’s algorithm model
once again to compute the recommendations for specific case. During the recommendation
understanding the patient’s report and voice of patients (wish, opinion, likings, conditional
parameters etc. ) also been undertaken to create accommodable balance of recommendation. During
the process of recommendation, the system verify it’s own data to finetune the output.
The output of the AI based medical system recommendations are related to medication, further tests
or requirement of further data/info, lifestyle adoption and can also point to further consultation.

Fig 9: Medical Diagnostic report processing flow---Level 2

Input layer and AI Medical system Relation
Every AI system require a input layer to capture the desired input and/or processing calls. To make
the life easier for patients and consultation. The inputs are taken from various ways and real-life
conditions. Voice of patients, Image of reports, vision of patients, uploaded data/info with various
supported formats. An effective AI system is able to extract the key data parameters and able to
process for specific need/objective.
Efficient AI system’s algorithm is able to process natural language, multiple formats of data
capturing mechanism to predict a high-performance diagnostic.

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Fig 10: Input layer and AI Medical system Relation

Internal Interactions of Medical AI System
Medical AI system is a complex combination of input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Together
they create an artificial neural network to handle the required information processing calls.
Keeping AI as a superset the technologies like machine learning, neural network or deep thinking
can be used to create most efficient supervised to unsupervised learning mechanism to design and
execute an effective and efficient medical AI system.
To understand the AI system in layman’s language, an intelligence system which can handle input
data/parameters from various sources and extract the required information for further
processing/intended purpose. This portion is called as input layer. In this system data or information's
captured from desired format of voice, image or vision, records. Which the system can extract as
input parameters for patients’ consultation’s further processing.
An AI model uses specific algorithm which is created for a given task. Al model can use multiple
algorithms for multiple tasks. Algorithm and task relationship can be one to one, one to many or
many to many. Each model required to be trained with set of data. The continuous learning or
training the model or algorithm is one of the crucial keys for validating the effectiveness of the AI
model. The parameters depending upon the type of tasks the model should perform. Set of data
which is used to train a algorithm pass through multiple techniques like data analysis, cleansing &
labelling. The authenticity of data, training step and finetune expectations including the benchmark
out of outcome plays crucial role for the success of AI system’s output.
In the case of model of this, we are expected to use systems which are full proven for a given
demography. For us, system is like Blackbox and we are not expected to create system apart from
model of business, but we define our expectation from the algorithm. This is a software independent
model and create only the process of how to execute it in meta level.
In the process of model’s processing, the core logic might use different logics, rule, principles,
definitions, decision making methods to create pattern, prediction and probability of determination of
any specific result.
Output Layer of the system is able to provide the diagnostics or recommendations based on the
evaluation & objective of process.
Critical points on Medical Test Data
• Electronic version of health records (reports/images (CT scan, MRI, X ray) /raw data
contains medical history, diagnostics, prescribed drugs, treatment, vaccinations)
• Data from Clinical trials ---pharma companies
• Pathological Data of diagnostics
• Registry of patient – disease
• Health Survey for demography-based disease, conditions
• Treatments, drugs, tests from multiple other resources
• Creation of prediction model from cleansed preprocessed data

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Fig 11: Interaction of Medical AI System

Addressing the AIM of the model
Parallel processing of multiple consultation / access from anywhere: This can be seen as install
once and accessed & executed from multiple location (home, office, hospital) over internet. Same
system can be accessed by multiple patients in parallel. This streamlines any such bottleneck of not
having enough consultation doctors.
Medical system customized/models for multiple disease consultation and diagnostics: Since we
already discussed that AI model is comprise of (algorithm + the training algorithm received to do set
of tasks). An effective AI medical system thus able to do multiple tasks like consulting multiple
patients of various diseases. The AI system will have models which are customized for processing
specific diagnostics anytime and any number of times. Though the performance of such system
depending upon the capability of it’s computing platform.
Parallel Diagnostics and Medical Recommendations: Previous point clearly state that AI based
medical system is capable to executing single type of to multiple types tasks. The capability clearing
depending upon the model/algorithm used under the hidden layer of the system. The diagnostics and
recommendations can run in parallel to optimize the time and efficiently service a greater number of
patients and anytime over internet.
Round the clock access, consultation in multiple location: As stated above the access and usage of
the AI models can be anytime and from anywhere. The access points should have the desired data
capturing facilities to process patient’s data.
Cloud computing and Cloud storage: In the age of distributed computing, the challenge always
remain with the computing mechanism and the storage of data. Cloud computing helps to solve this
issue with data process, transfer and hosting solution and make protocol moving in faster rate and
accessibility of service (in this case AI medical system) remains efficient.
Similar Quality of Standard: Manual labor always remains as error prone and automation thus
minimize such errors. Since the consultation is technology driven, output standard is finetunes with
specified benchmarked condition, the output of diagnostics always finetunes to an expectation level,
all end customers (i.e, patients) can expect similar standard of service.

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ISSN : 0973-0087

Fig 12: Addressing the AIM

This is a meta model or structure to implement the AI based medical/healthcare system. This model
showcased the major aspects of the entrepreneurship structures which is required but not limited to
address. The successfulness is depending upon the effectiveness of understanding the structure and
the implementation of it’s all entities. To understand the details of the structure pls contact

Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Statistics Division Rural Health
Statistics 2020-21

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