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Hypothetical of the Proposed Raba Tiput Nature Resort in

Ulu Layar, Betong Division

1. Introduction
This hypothetical project is prepared in accordance to course objectives of JSM6064
Environmental Management Instruments and Systems (in particular of Environmental
Impact Assessment), and field work done in Kg Raba Tiput, Ulu Layar on 1–10 March
2022. Despite the hypothetical case, it is expected that the students should be able to
prepare a proper Environmental Impact Assessment and provide critical analysis on
potential issues related to the proposed project.

2. Project Proponent
The Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP) has
appointed Exotic Asia ( as planner and developer for
the Proposed Raba Tiput Nature Resort in Ulu Layar, Betong Division. The project
proponent shall provide sustainable capital and fully involved in administrating the project,
whereas the participants from Kg Raba Tiput shall allocate a minimum of 25 hectares
including 2 km of stretch of Sg Raba Tiput for the project site (Figure 1). To safeguard the
interest of both parties, the MTCP shall look into matters pertaining of revenue and shares
of the project. In addition, the Sarawak Tourism Board shall provide training for local
participants who involved in technical and administrative duties.

3. Statement of Need
The movement control order in controlling the COVID19 has significantly affected the
tourism industry worldwide. Therefore, the Government of Sarawak through Ministry of
Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak is proposing multi-prong approach
to ensure a more resilient tourism industry post-COVID19 in the State. This approach
should support all parties involved in the industry, including the rural communities. The
Raba Tiput Resort lies on the concept of smart partnership between a government-
appointed developer and communities from Kg Raba Tiput. In this smart partnership, the
appointed developer will contribute in the form of capital (for construction) and
administrative, whereas participants (Kg Raba Tiput’s communities) should provide at
least 25 hectares of land including 2 km of stretch of river. This new product shall boost
the tourism industry in Betong and Sri Aman Division which popular for Pesta Benak and
Batang Ai reservoir. The proposed new Bebuling Airport in Betong is also expected to
boost the tourism industry in the area.

4. Project Description
The proposed nature resort is located at the coordinates of 1.58641° N and 111.71062° E
approximately occupies an area of 25 hectares (Figure 1). The project will consist of the
1. Construction of 50 tastefully designed chalets, 2 conference rooms, and 1 cafeteria.
2. Construction of access road to the resort.
3. Construction of water supply tanks.
4. Improving the electricity and communication facilities.

The package of the ecotourism will include;

1. River rafting along 2 km stretch of Sg Raba Tiput
2. Sport fishing (include harvesting festival of Tagang )
3. 2 km jungle trail (for observing wildlife at day and night)
4. Experiencing daily life of the local people

Figure 1. The proposed site of Raba Tiput Nature Resort. The redline is the project boundary,
and the blue line is section of Sg Raba Tiput used for aquatic activities.

Take note:
Descriptions of the village based your observation during the field course.

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