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Realize the full value of your

organization’s data with

business intelligence
17 June 2021
Our Mission is to democratize data skills for everyone
HSBC Mercedes-Benz PayPal

Trusted by over 1,600

data-driven companies
DataCamp is transforming the way businesses
prepare their employees for the future of work
Colgate-Palmolive Google Deloitte

Uber eBay T-Mobile

Carl Rosseel

■ Double Master’s Degree in Business Engineering

■ Various analyst positions at

■ Curriculum Manager at Datacamp

Carl Rosseel

Curriculum Manager
Connect with Carl on LinkedIn

1 What data-driven means, and what it doesn’t

2 The role of BI in democratizing reporting and data insights

3 Obstacles towards data democratization

4 The role learning plays in democratizing data insights

What data-driven means, and what it doesn’t
Data is everywhere

Source: Statista
Organizations are making major investments in becoming data-driven

99% 67.9%
Have made active investments in data science The percentage of major organizations that
and artificial intelligence initiatives have a Chief Data Officer (CDO) employed, up
from 12% in 2012.

Source: NewVantage Partners Source: Forbes

The data science talent crunch

650% 3.5x 3x
Growth in demand for Data Scientists Job growth for Data Scientists is More job postings than job searches
jobs from 2012 to 2018 on LinkedIn. expected to be 3.5-4x higher than
for the average job profile in the next

Source: University of California, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quanthub

Modernization of data infrastructure

25% $305B
Of all software infrastructure spend in 2019 Worldwide spending forecast in 2021 in Public
was on data infrastructure, and it’s expected Cloud to modernize data infrastructure. Up
to rise 18.4% in just one year.

Source: a16z Source: Gartner

The rise of centers of excellences

Source: HBR
Modernizing data infrastructure and
building centers of excellence only
scratches the surface when becoming a
data-driven organization
What is a data-driven organization?

An organization that has forged a data culture where everyone understands the value of data, and
everyone has the skills, mindset and ability to work and reason with data to do their best work.

Subject matter experts Functional departments are Diversity of roles and tools that
supplement their experience strong and loyal customers of the achieve data-driven outcomes
with a data-driven mindset data organization on a daily basis
What a data-driven organization looks like

Supply ✓ Stock and warehouse optimization

Chain ✓ Forecasting inbound and outbound flows

✓ Forecasting customer churn ✓ A/B testing

Marketing ✓ Forecasting customer lifetime value ✓ Campaign spend optimization

✓ Financial modelling and forecasting

Finance ✓ Budget planning and optimisation

✓ A/B testing product features

✓ Visualizing product analytics

Human ✓ Performance management

Resources ✓ People analytics to reduce attrition
✖ A part of an organization that focuses
on difficult AI and machine learning

✖ An organization that looks at data as a

What is not a “thing to do” not a “way to think”
✖ An organization that focuses on the
most cutting edge tools and not on skills
and culture
The data science hierarchy of needs

Deep Learning, (Advanced) ML and Statistics


Analysis &
Analysis, basic statistics
BI Tools play a key
role in becoming
Business Reporting Dashboards, Segmentation, Visualization

Data Quality Data Manipulation, Domain Knowledge

Data Infrastructure Data Engineering, Programming

Source: Adaptation of the AI Hierarchy of Needs by Monica Rogati

1 What data-driven means, and what it doesn’t

2 The role of BI in democratizing reporting and data insights

3 Potential obstacles towards data democratization

4 The role learning plays in democratizing data insights

What is Business Intelligence?
“Business intelligence (BI) leverages software and services to transform data into actionable
insights that inform an organization’s strategic and tactical business decisions.” — CIO Review

Supercharged Easy visualization and Drag and drop and no

spreadsheets tools aggregation of data from a coding involved
variety of sources
Snapshot of Business Intelligence Tools

Tableau Power BI
Where Business Intelligence fits in a data-driven organization
8 data personas found in every data-driven organization:

✓ Data Consumers and leaders ✓ Machine Learning Scientists

✓ Business Analysts ✓ Statisticians

✓ Data Analysts ✓ Programmers

✓ Data Scientists ✓ Data Engineers

Get the guide here

Data personas - Business Analysts
Business Analysts: Tying insights to actionable results to increase profitability & efficiency


Beginner Intermediate Advanced

■ Draw common visualizations and ■ A deep knowledge of the ■ Democratize access to data
extract simple descriptive statistics business domain (e.g. Finance) insights by creating
from data. and the ability to report and dashboards and organizing
■ Understand the business applications communicate insights using data to answer organizational
of data. data.
■ Close collaboration with
■ A strong grasp of BI tools. business leaders.


Spreadsheets Business Intelligence Tools Databases Business Analyst

Marketing Analyst
Supply Chain Analyst
Excel Sheets PowerBI Tableau SQL
Financial Analyst
Data personas - Data Analysts
Data Analysts: Responsible for generating data insights and reporting them


Beginner Intermediate Advanced

■ Draw common visualizations and ■ A deep understanding of the data ■ Democratize access to data
extract simple descriptive statistics analysis workflow, which includes insights by creating
from data. importing, manipulating, cleaning, dashboards and organizing
■ Understand the business applications calculating, and reporting on data to answer organizational
of data. organization data.
■ A strong grasp of BI tools.


Spreadsheets BI Tools Databases Programming Languages

Data Analyst
Operations Analyst
Excel Sheets PowerBI Tableau SQL R Python
Marketing Analyst
Business Analyst
Modern analysts are experts in going wide

Project Domain Business Case Storytelling and

Business Analysis
Management Knowledge Writing Communication

Basic Statistics ✓ Dig through all the data a company has

✓ They inform data consumers and

Analytical leaders

✓ They find new problems/opportunities

Databases and
programming ✓ Bridge between technical and
non-technical stakeholders
Intelligence Tools ✓ Analysts are not statistics or ML experts
BI tools enable analysts to
democratize data insights
How BI tools spread data insights
How BI tools spread data insights
1 2
Maps Treemap
How BI tools spread data insights
1 2 3
Maps Treemap Dashboard
How BI tools spread data insights
1 2 3 4
Maps Treemap Dashboard RLS
How BI tools spread data insights
1 2 3 4 5
Maps Treemap Dashboard RLS Dynamic dates
Data & business analysts empower
decision makers with data
1 What data-driven means, and what it doesn’t

2 The role of BI in democratizing reporting and data insights

3 Obstacles towards data democratization

4 The role learning plays in democratizing data insights

✓ Lack of trust in data
towards data ✓ Lack of data skills
✓ Lack of or imbalance in data literacy
Lack of trust in data


Analysis &

Business Reporting

Data Quality

Data Infrastructure

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Lack of trust in data


Analysis &

Business Reporting

Data Quality

Data Infrastructure

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Lack of trust in data


Analysis &
Insights AI

ts &
gh s
si si
Business Reporting

In ly
Data Quality sin
Data Infrastructure tin

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Lack of trust in data — The future is bright

Rise of new categories Metadata Data Governance

focused purely on quality Management Tools Platforms

ON-DEMAND: How Data Governance Enables Scalable Data Science

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Lack of data skills — the evolution of the analyst tooling stack

Late 90’s Today

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

The cost of lack of data skills

60% 5 working days

more likely to feel burnout or are unproductive Lose 5 days on average to time off and
or unhappy at work, because they are procrastination due to being overwhelmed by
overwhelmed by data. data, information, and technology

Source: Accenture and Qlik

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Lack of data skills — the answer is in your own people

Hiring in the data-driven age Learning in the data-driven age

✓ Identifying the right personas to hire for in ✓ Providing data training and creating
your organization learning opportunities

✓ Creating a rubric for data success when ✓ Promoting and rewarding a

hiring psychologically safe learning culture

✓ Embedding analysts to promote scalable ✓ Make learning part of the

data insights organization's priority

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Imbalance in organizational data literacy
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, and communicate data insights — and most importantly
be critical and reason with data

The symptoms of low data literacy are

Leaders cannot Data is not regarded Data experts are siloed and
grasp various as assets by leaders are not actively part of the
analytics concepts and stakeholders conversation

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Seeing it in action

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Seeing it in action

Asks for data to support decision X

Stakeholder Analyst

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Seeing it in action

Asks for data to support decision X

Stakeholder Analyst

Presents data that supports X or Y

Analyst Stakeholder

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Seeing it in action

Asks for data to support decision X

Stakeholder Analyst

Presents data that supports X or Y

Analyst Stakeholder

Radical Candor
Analyst Stakeholder

Lack of trust in data Lack of data skills Imbalance in data literacy

Data literacy is key to realizing
the full value of data
1 Organization-wide data fluency

2 BI analysts and their role in democratizing data insights

3 Potential obstacles towards data democratization

4 The role learning plays in democratizing data insights

Data will only become more important — and so will learning

#1 94%
Data Analysts and Scientists are ranked as the 94% of business leaders expects their
job profile with the highest increasing demand employees to pick up new skills on the job, up
from 65% in 2018.

Source: World Economic Forum: Future of Jobs 2020

The transformational impact of data upskilling

70% 88%
Of organizations that invested in Of organizations that invested in
upskilling are reporting positive ROI upskilling all employees on analytics
have exceeded business goals

Source: McKinsey Source: Deloitte

Launched a data
academy for 1,000
$700M program to train
100,000 employees
are realizing
upskilling is
the only way

$200M Upskilling initiative $1B—10 year long Upskilling

initiative for 140,000
The answer to becoming
data-driven is in your people
What questions can
I answer for you?

Additional Resources

Connect with Carl on LinkedIn Learn more about DataCamp for Business

WHITE PAPER: Your Organization's Guide to Data Maturity ON-DEMAND: Storytelling for more impactful data science

Register for one of our upcoming webinars ON-DEMAND: How Data Governance Enables Scalable Data Science
How DataCamp builds and sustains data fluency

Signal skill assessment

No matter your role or experience
levels make up your team, skill
assessments will provide you with an
understanding of your organization’s
data skill level.

Signal skill assessment

Learners receive personalized training
recommendations to take their data
skills to the next level. Admins can
track development on their skill
assessment dashboard.

Gain new skills by doing

From data concepts to coding, every
training is interactive. Learners
complete hands-on exercises in
browser, receive real-time feedback,
and are rewarded with XP every time
they make progress.

Trainings for every level

DataCamp has content to support
every skill level—from our
“introduction” and “for everyone”
tracks and courses to training on the
latest methods, and techniques—so
no one gets left behind.

Learn on the go
Grow your data skills on the go with
DataCamp Mobile. Make progress in
mobile courses and keep your skills sharp
with daily 5-minute coding challenges.

Go deeper with projects

Complete real-world analyses and case
studies in a risk-free environment.
Projects give learners the confidence to
transfer their new skills to their work.
Thank you
Adel Nehme
Data Science Evangelist

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