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Teacher: Carolina Del Carmen Zambrano Sánchez

Grupo No. 003 Team: 3

Matrícula Integrantes

1978384 Alanís Leura Diego Armando

1961623 García Contreras Juan David

1958131 Quiñones Robledo Rosario Aide

1846778 Rodríguez Contreras Erika Lizet

1953069 Rodríguez Jiménez Luis Fernando

1967950 Rodríguez Pérez Humberto Yovanny

2083945 Villanueva López Alma Idalia

Semestre Agosto- Diciembre

San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León a Saturday, October 23 rd, 2021
Scientific article: Human exposure to aluminum

The aluminum issue has been around for a while now, because of the side effects
that it may have in the human body, a few days ago we saw an article from Le
Monde that said that some studies found out that the aluminum contained in
deodorants and antitranspirants may be related to breast cancer and some other
diseases. (1)

Most people tend to be completely ignorant of their exposure to aluminum in their

everyday lives. Research has documented human exposure to aluminum through
both whole diet studies as well as the aluminum content of individual dietary
components. (2)

The body burden of aluminum is the sum of aluminum atoms associated with the
body at any one moment in time. It includes aluminum on the surface of the skin,
hair and nails, aluminum associated with external secretions/excretions in the
mouth, nose, ear, lung, stomach, small intestine, urinary and reproductive tracts,
and aluminum in faeces in the large intestine. (3)

According to the results of the Deutsches Artzteblatt in 2017 study there’s not
enough evidence that the aluminum relates to breast cancer and Alzheimer but the
microparticles are related to aluminosis:

“Neurotoxic effects in dialysis patients treated with aluminum-containing

dialysis fluids have been demonstrated. High dust exposure in the workplace can
cause particle-related diseases (aluminosis)”. (3)

The analysis from the Royal society of chemistry article shows that to meet the
current annual global demand for aluminum 11 kg of the metal must be cast for
every person on Earth. If humans are directly exposed to, for example, only 0.1%
of this potential then our current daily exposure equates to 30 mg of aluminum. (2)

It’s important to be aware that the results from the studies above are from 2013
and 2017 and could be outdated with the new methods and technology.
The article from Le Monde from 2021 says that the studies run by the biologist
Stefano Mandritta and the oncologist André Pascal Sapping in the Foundation des
Grangettes showed that the cancer it’s located near the armpit outside the
mammary gland:
“The research showed that aluminum alters cellular DNA in an equivalent form that
recognized carcinogenic do, supporting the idea of its potential danger”-
Foundation des Grangettes

The article also recommends avoiding apply products with aluminum to wet skin,
such as sunscreen, deodorant or antitranspirant and this is because it could
maximize the absorption of it. (1)

Our opinion:
As a team we consider this topic very important because of the implications that it
has, even though we couldn’t find the whole article from the foundation des
grangettes yet, as the cosmetic industry keeps growing and we’re exposed to
these products, the lack of research and proper information to the consumer could
be putting some people (prone to develop this issues) in danger. The right thing to
do should be running more studies from different brands and contexts to get
conclusive results.

1. Le Monde.(2021). Le rôle des déodorants dans l’apparition des cancers du

sein pointé par une nouvelle étude. Retrivied from:
2. Royal society of chemistry. (2013). Human exposure to aluminium. Retrievied
3. US National Library of Medicine. (2017). The Health Effects of Aluminum
Exposure. Retrieved from:

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