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Sir, I would like to come to the question of food grains which is very
important. Now, Sir, these food grains imports went on and as you know 1 million
tons of food grains cost us roughly about Rs. 5000 crores in the 12th Five Year
Plan period even we envisage 6 million tons of food grains be imported and you can
easily understand how much money it would cost every year. We are losing so much
foreign exchange because the food production does not measure up to the needs of
our country. Today Sir, one should have thought that the Government should make
much more vigorous efforts to increase the food production and for this purpose it
is absolutely essential to go into the question of land reforms unless and until
land is distributed among the peasents especially among the poorer section of
agricultural labourer and peasents. Who can never turn the corner. We have seen how
in China in a matter of few years they have been able to solve the food problem and
there is no difficulty with regard to foreign exchange there. We should have been a
self-sufficient country by 2001 according to the Prime Minister. But we are in
darkness and there is no knowing as to when India is going to be self-sufficient
rather means power and other resources are so abundant that it is quite possible by
a little reorgainsation of our agricultural and land relations that we can turn the
corner. Here again Sir, we are losing there Sir the foreign Exchange position has
to be viewed from the angle of our entire economy. The crisis today has come about
in that way then again Sir our balance of payments position has been deteriorated
year after year. It is no use time to tell that it is not so it is no use trying to
buying by a particular year when our balance of payments position have slightly
improved. Everyone know what is our balance of payments position. Therefore, Sir, I
think that in all spheres the Government's policies has been condemed and enacted
by the people. Therefore, a very drastic change is necessary in the Government's
policies. Now, Sir, I would like to make a few suggestions I know the difficulty
that is there but there should not be any panic about it no quarter should be given
to the slogan.

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